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Old 09-11-2013, 01:45 AM   #3
Junior Member
Join Date: Sep 2013
Posts: 13

Starting Dares
In order to make a good start each patient can perform this starting dare when they arrived at the hospital. Each department has a starting dare listed below:

Spanking addicts: (100 points)
Roll a dice. Choose as many body parts as the dice shows. From now on you must start every day by spanking those body parts with your bare hands for 10 times. For example you roll a 3 and you choose your butt cheek, your other butt cheek and your nipple. Then you must spank those body parts every day 10 times.

Pregnant patients (200 points)
Take a large bag. You will hold this under your shirt for at least 3 hours a day. The first day you will putt 1 sock in there and everyday you aid 1 other sock.

Intensive care (100 points)
Use a marker and make a small black spot somewhere on your body. Everyday you redo the spot and you make it a little bigger.

Mentally ill (50 points)
Write down 2 confessions on a piece of paper. Then fold an airplane of it and throw it out a window. Leave it there, don’t return it.

Gender transformation (150 points)
Use a small box that you can close with a key. Putt all of your male underwear in it and close the box. Either send the key in a envelope to an unknown address and hope it will be send back for 50 bonus points or hide it away somewhere.

Anal Disease (50 points)
Give yourself 3 enema’s spread out threw the day. Make sure your asshole is clean.

Incontinence patients (75 points)
Buy yourself a large pack of adult diapers. Either online or in a real shop for 25 bonus points.
Likes: Crossdress, Semi public, Hidden Public, Easy Anal
Dislikes (Punishments): Dirty, light pain
Limits: Permanent, family/friends, blood, very dirty

Feeling a little sick? Join the Get Dare Hospital!
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