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Old 01-06-2009, 04:11 PM   #77
Join Date: Nov 2008
Posts: 48

1. Age? 17

2. Gender? female

3. Country? US

4. Are you in a relationship? nope

5. When did you last masturbate? sunday's tuesday evening now.

6. How? Did you use something, or was it just hands? just hands

7. What did you fantasize about? being fully degraded and taken advantage of by my mistress

8. How often do you masturbate? i used to about once a day. now, just whenever my mistress lets me

9. Have you ever masturbated together with a person of the opposite sex? np

10. Have you ever masturbated together with a person of the same sex? no

11. Have you ever masturbated in a public place? - If yes, where? no

12. Where is your favorite place to masturbate? my bed

13. Have you ever filmed yourself while masturbating? nope

14. Have you ever been caught masturbating? - If yes, by whom? nope

15. Do you talk about masturbation with your friends? yes! lol. i taught my best friend how to masturbate over an im convo.

16. Do you think that masturbation some times can be better than "real sex"? no

17. How old were you when you first masturbated to orgasm? i've never had one

18. Have your ever heard someone (neighbor, sister, brother etc.) masturbate? - If yes, did it turn you on? No

19. Do you some times have cybersex when masturbating? once, a few years ago, but that was it

20. Does answering this truth make you want to masturbate soon? not particularly, though it does make me horny
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