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Old 08-17-2013, 09:27 AM   #3
Starchy Sadist
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"I'm sorry, I--I just can't, Lisa..." I found Ms. Thompson, hunched over in a corner, phone pressed to her ear. She continued her conversation in a panicked whisper. " I just can't. I thought this immersion thing would be good for me, but..."
She turned, putting me at risk of being caught. I skittered into the classroom, keeping slyly out of view.

"I'm bound to get found out at this point. Uh huh. Mhm..."

Lisa continued on the other end. I listened to the one-sided conversation for another ten minutes before the flip-phone quickly clapped shut and Ms. Thompson spun around.

"Shit..." I muttered. My teacher's eyes widened like a deer in headlights. She stumbled back. Evidently I heard a conversation I wasn't meant to hear.

"H-how rude!" She crossed her arms over her chest and pressed her back as firmly as she could into the corner, distancing herself from me as much as possible.

"So? What are you trying to hide?" She was vulnerable. I could sense it. My feet moved toward her, carrying the rest of me along before I even realized it. I found myself hovering over the petite brunette, staring down her nose and at her lips that tightened whenever she was afraid.

"I-in the first place, why are you so interested in my personal life?!" She pressed her hands into me to shove me away. It got her nowhere, as she retracted them almost instantly after having received two heaping handfuls of my breasts.

A smirk curled at the corners of my mouth as I could feel something snap in me. With a fistful of my teacher's hair, I tugged her head back, leering over her little body, dragging my fingers along the milky surface of her soft, smooth jawline.

"Because I'm bored." I spaced the words out, each one softer than the last. My voice had lowered, sweetly, softly, yet somehow laced with menace, firm like my grip, hot like her skin, I whispered, "Do you think I'd be screwing around here, with you, if I had better things to do? A prissy little virgin like yourself."

I shook my head sympathetically. "But I'll be leaving this joint soon. Senior year, y'know? It's a whirlwind."

Ms. Thompson gulped, I watched the muscles slowly work down her neck into her rising and falling chest.

"So, teacher... Why don't you give me something good to remember this shithole by?"
No, I do not want to be your Mistress.
No, I do not want to be your slave.
So don't PM me about it!

Likes, Limits, and Fantasies (click)

A Domme with a Monkey.

The Monkey, the Potato, and the Book of Truth (AMA)

My PM Dares are Offline.
I don't participate in unsolicited PM dares, so don't ask.

"iSpuds used to be an onion before she realized that she wanted a simpler, layer free life. Gordon Ramsey himself agreed to perform the surgery, but when Nigella Lawson walked in during the middle of the procedure with a bottle of scotch, things went awry. Waking up as an iOS kernel trapped in a potato's body, iSpuds successfully sued the Food Channel for 13 quintillion Zimbabwe Shillings, and now lives in an exclusive, nano-sliver coated vegetable crisper." -Runesmith

"On a scale of 1-10, what's your favorite color of the Alphabet?"

Last edited by iSpuds; 08-17-2013 at 09:32 AM.
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