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Old 08-16-2013, 11:38 AM   #9
Senior Member
Join Date: Oct 2011
Posts: 158
Smile poor baby :c

the wittle baby needs to do the following!
first things first its nap time, the lil baby will take a 2 hr nap.
after his lil nappy wappy the lil baby will proceed to having a bowl of oatmeal with a bottle(if u have one, if not use a glass) of warm milky wilky :3
after the baby's brunch the baby will then proceed to stripping naked and then putting on and nothing but, a diaper which he will wear and use for the rest of the day.
after all diapered up its time guessed it cartoons!
but before the lil baby goes and watches cartoons the lil baby has to drink 8 cups of water and insert a suppository up his lil butt, or take a laxative, or drink 16 oz of prune juice :3
after the laxatives and drinks, the lil baby will watch cartoons and stay in any mess he makes.
then the lil baby will process to sucking his thumb, maybe while watching the cartoons.
after cartoons its time for playtime!
you will proceed to playing either outside in backyard in nothing but diaper or play with toys.
finally your bed time will be 8pm tonight and if u go to be after that, then u will have to ask 5 people on getdare plus me for a punishment.

understand lil baby? good! now be the baby u are! :3

Last edited by mikexd2010; 08-16-2013 at 11:45 AM.
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