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Old 08-09-2013, 09:30 PM   #1
Junior Member
Join Date: May 2012
Posts: 26
Female Mistress on Greenleaf road (LESBIAN)

Hey guys. This is my first story, and I know you've all read this intro before but any feedback would still be really appreciated thanks! xxx

I walked cautiously down Greenleaf road with my heavy leather handbag swinging over my shoulder, causing me to tilt slightly to the side. My new mistress had ordered me to find number 13 at Greenleaf road, and I was counting through the numbers in my head. 2, 3, 4, heart started beating faster as I hurried ahead, past the drawn curtains and ominous shadows of Greenleaf.
Mistress had ordered me to wear my loose white midriff with no bra, and my tight black short leather skirt, with no underwear and 7 marbles with 1 dice stuffed up my ass that mistress claimed she would 'save for later'. This made it rather hard to walk without being noticed.
This was my first real-life meeting with mistress, and I desperately wanted to please her, so I did as she asked, putting on my highest heels and adding a bit of perfume.
9, 10, 11, 12...I was getting closer, and my heart was thumping in my ears at I turned the corner to find number 13. The house was noticably bigger than any house int he street, but it was also much more inviting, with an open porch and candles in the windows. This made me feel more at ease. I straightened my skirt, popped a breath mint from my handbag into my mouth, and then, standing tall, marched confidently up the porch and knocked on the door of number 13.
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