Thread: Singing
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Old 08-03-2013, 09:39 AM   #27
getDare Addict
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1. Do you sing often? In private or in front of people? - more then i should ... if there is music im generally humming and if not listen to my hands there generally tapping a song. although actual singing would have to be in private xD

2. How would you rate your voice on a scale of 1-10? errr 3 or 4?

3. Has anyone else ever commented on your singing voice in a positive way and what did they say? errm my mum? so im not sure that counts xD also a bar full of people when i was on holiday at the age of 10 when i was doing karaoke >.<

4. In a negative way? (I hope these answers are funny) just the standard shut up at times :P

5. What is your favorite kind of music to sing? Favorite song or artist? either rock something with a good beat older Disney songs and generally anything i really couldn't pull off :P

6. If not the same as above, what kind of music do you think you sound best singing? i should have my lips sown shut haha

7. What kind of music do you sound terrible singing? rap

8. Have you ever won any kind of award for singing? nope hmmm maybe i should enter a contest for bad singers? :O i could win that im sure.

9. On a different hand, can you rap? no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no

10. And finally, is your singing voice higher, lower, or similar to your speaking voice? hmmm it can go either way depending on how i decide to sing .-.

ps. shouldnt this be in the truth section?

pps. if you want people to sing you should add a final question of please upload your singing voice :P


likes - mild humiliation, chance dares and sleep
limits - social suicide, bodily substances, chastity, pics, anal :P
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