Thread: The Dare Game
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Old 07-26-2013, 04:55 PM   #15
Join Date: Jun 2012
Location: Boston
Posts: 85

The Dare Game
Part One
Chapter Four

The room again fell silent. “Of course you can play,” said Kirsten eventually, “it will probably be more fun with a boy in the game. And you’re pretty cute too, so that’s good. The dare backs might be a little weird, but we can work it out.”

“And as for my prize,” said Laurie triumphantly, “I get these two as slaves for the rest of the night!”

Now Henry’s eyes widened. “What do you mean?”

“I mean, they have to do whatever I say.”

“Won’t your mom notice?” he asked.

“Sometimes,” Laurie admitted, “But her and dad always go out to dinner on Saturdays so we mostly do it once they’re gone. Besides,” she added with a grin, “We have pretty lax household, and the adults, the supposedly responsible ones, are kind of… still very sexually active, so they can’t really yell at us.”

Henry’s eyes continued to widen. Now he was thinking about how Mrs. Brooks had walked in on him naked.

“I’ll tell you what,” said Kirsten, “If you want to join our game, then you have join us as we are Laurie’s slaves. It’s only fair.”

Snapping out of his astonishment, Henry considered this for a bit, before agreeing. It was only fair.

“Alright,” said Laurie, who was now clearly in charge, “We’ve still got a bit of time before our parent go out dinner. Henry, have you ever played X-Box before?”

Henry, of course, being a teenage boy, had played X-Box before, and Laurie soon led them down to the living room on the first floor. There were a various arrangement of games down there, but Laurie rummaged through them to select three games, Mario Kart, Super Smash Bros Melee, and Call of Duty. All three great four-player games. Turning on the X-Box, Laurie proceeded to explain the rules. They would start with Mario Kart. The winner would choose what game they would play next, but it couldn’t be the one they had just played. And, to make things even more interesting, the loser would be forced to strip off one article of clothing. “Not now, as your new parents might see and catch on and put an end to it,” Laurie clarified, “But as soon as they leave. And Henry, you have fewer articles of clothing, but you’re a boy, so you should be better at video games, so it should be fair. And of course,” she added with a smile, “even if I lose I don’t have to strip.”

The first game Laurie chose was Mario Kart, the one that Henry was the worst at. He was a whiz at the other two, but hadn’t played Mario Kart in a while. It showed, as he lost the race by about ten seconds. Not a great start. Kirsten won, so she chose to play Super Smash Bro’s next. This was Henry’s forte, and he chose Kirby, his best fighter. He ended up destroying everyone, with Ash coming in last. After he won, he chose Call of Duty to play. After a ten-minute game, Henry once again emerged victorious, by the narrowest of margins over Kirsten though. Laurie came in last.

Henry then chose Super Smash Bros, but his dream of a triple repeat was smashed when Laurie overcame him in the final seconds. Ash, once again, came in last. Laurie chose Mario Kart, and Henry this time managed to snatch up third place, barely beating out Laurie. Kirsten once again won the race. Kirsten chose Call of Duty, and won that one over Henry by a good amount. But Laurie came in dead last again. After six games, Laurie had lost three of them, Henry one, and Ash two. It was rapidly becoming apparent that Ash was awful at Super Smash Bros, Laurie was awful at Call of Duty, and Henry was awful at Mario Kart. Kirsten, for her part, didn’t seem to have any weaknesses.

Kirsten chose Mario Kart next, which Henry lost again, while Ash won. Ash then elected to play Call of Duty, and this time Henry destroyed everyone, with Laurie coming in last. Henry chose Super Smash Bros, and this time had a new strategy, which was focusing on Kirsten and trying to get her out. It worked, and Kirsten lost, but he had been so single mindedly trying to get Kirsten out that Laurie was able to do some real damage to him, and she ended up winning. Laurie chose Mario Kart again, and Henry managed to finish just ahead of Kirsten, who again got last. She was looking a little frazzled; as well she should, since she had just lost twice in a row. Ash, who won, chose Call of Duty, and Henry dominated this game, while Laurie lost. Henry chose Super Smash Bros, and this time just focused on winning. He did so, and Ash came in last. Henry chose Call of Duty, but he failed to win this time, as Ash came in first. And more surprisingly, Laurie did not lose; Kirsten did.

Just then Mr. and Mrs. Brooks came downstairs, ready to go out to dinner. Mr. Brooks was dressed in fancy khaki shorts and a button down shirt. Mrs. Brooks had on a nice black dress with a low top that showed off her cleavage. The girls said goodbye, and Mrs. Brooks told them to make themselves dinner or order out, to behave, and to go to bed early. Then she asked Henry how he was doing.
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