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Old 07-25-2013, 06:27 PM   #102
Junior Member
Join Date: Jul 2013
Location: USA
Posts: 6

Age: 20
Sex: M
Sexuality: Straight
Location: MI

Answer the next THIRTY DIRTY questions with honesty and detail.

1) Do you prefer to shower or bath?
2) Tell everyone reading what you are currently wearing?
Tshirt and shorts
3) If you had your own slave for the day, what would you have them do?
There would be a lot of blow jobs involved. Tie them up, tease them, have sex with them. Give them some involuntary orgasms.

4) If you were a slave for the day what would you like to do?
Have to eat a girl out a lot. Basically everything from #3.

5) Have you seen anybody naked? If so, who?
Yes. Some guys in the locker room, plus girlfriends.

6) Are you naturally submissive or dominant?
Both? Honestly it depends on the day and situation. If I had to choose I'd probably say submissive though.

7) What part of your body is your favorite and why?
Don't really have one.

8) What part of your body do you like the least and why?
Stomach. Since I've been in college I haven't been as involved as sports, so it's lost a lot of its tone.

9) Have you ever lost a stripping game? If so what happened?
Yes, had to jack off on cam.

10) What age did you have your first orgasm?

11) How often do you masturbate?
3-4 days a week

12) Have you ever masturbated whilst someone else has been in the same room or in front of someone? If so who?
Yes. GF.

13) Have you ever tasted your own cum? If so how did it taste?
Yes. First few times it tasted a lot like snot, which wasn't very good. However, the last couple times it hasn't really been that bad, kind of a wheaty taste.

14) Tell everyone reading what you wear to bed?
Gym shorts and a tshirt.

15) If I gave you 24 hours to live, what sexual activities would you carry out?
Threesome, a bunch of bondage positions. Basically anything I could think of.

16) Do you enjoy giving oral?
Yes, it turns me on to turn other people on.

17) Have you ever tried anything anal? If yes, what?
A little bit on myself but not in a few years. Just some pencils and a couple larger things.

18) Would you rather sleep with a guy or a girl?

19) When was the last time you orgasmed and what did you think about?
If the trucker driving past could see (I was getting road head).

20) Describe your pubic hair style?

21) How much would you charge for...
(i) Sex with someone of a different sex? $50
(ii) Sex with someone of the same sex? $5000
(iii) Giving oral to a guy? $200
(iv) Giving oral to a girl? $20

22) List your three most desired places you would like to have sex?
Car, beach, forest.

23) Have you any sexual experiences in public places? If so please describe.
Road head, forest, library

24) What's the longest you've gone inbetween orgasms?
About a month

25) Does the thought of being humiliated turn you on?

26) Have you ever had anyone tie you up? If so did you like it?
Yes, it was awesome!

27) If I made you invisible for the day, how would you use your new power for your sexual gratification?
Feel up a lot of people. Maybe take up shop in a girls locker room. Not really sure how I could do anything more than that.

28) Have you ever been caught Masturbating, or has anyone caught you whilst you were naked? If so who and when?
Don't think so

29) What is the most embarrassing dare you have ever been given to do?
Don't really do too many dares

30) Have you ever paid for sex? No

My question: Describe the first time you gave head/ate out a girl.
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