Thread: Fiction: Caroline becomes a Sex Slave
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Old 07-13-2013, 02:40 PM   #83
getDare Sweetheart
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As she left I pulled out my phone and placed it in the middle of everyone and used the speaker phone.

First I called Ashley, our horny waitress.

Hello, this is Ashley she said after the phone rang twice.

Hey Ashley this is Shawn.

Oh.. Hi how is it going?

Well we are all sitting around the pool and wanted to thank you for the great message on the phone this morning.

Am I on speaker? she asked.

Hey this is Kate and yes you are on speaker.

Thanks again for the great message this morning. It was like our wake up call. Do you know what you are doing tonight we need a escort.

Well no ones ever asked me to be one of those I hope I didn’t give the wrong impression to you guys actually I have never done anything like what I did last night.

Ok maybe not an escort like Las Vegas style but how about you come out with us. We need some help with our entertainment and food.

Um well I don’t know, I don’t even no you guys.

Now is a good time to get to know us I guess, I said, don’t worry I wont ask you anything you wont want to do or feel uncomfortable with.

Well I tell you what I can leave this afternoon and evening open, but honestly I would need some ground rules.

Okay so stop by around 3:00 to the hotel and give me a call.

With that I was reminded we needed to call someone else.

I grabbed the note from Nicole and dialed the phone.

It rang and she said Hello.

Hi Nicole this is Shawn from room 2010.

A very hesitant voice came on the phone. Oh hello,...I can’t talk for only a minute. I am still working.

Well I will keep it short, I have an idea you may like. How about you send me your e-mail and if you want I can give you a few short task for you to send reports to. But when we see each other at the hotel we must stay professional like nothing even happened. How does that sounds?

Um okay but I am not willing to do anything extream or very public. she answered.

Well, I can make that happen. When will you be able to start?

I don’t have anything going on after work and I am done at 4:00 today.

Okay send me your e-mail and I will have a task waiting for you when you get home.
When you are done with work. Go home strip naked take a shower and check your e-mail in the nude. I would hope for a full detailed report some time in the am tomorrow.

With that we both said our goodbyes and with in a minute I received a text message with her e-mail.

I pulled out my ipad from my pack and started giving instructions.

Just as Belle walked in with our snack my phone beeped again.

Belle set up a big platter of watermelon and fruit. Just like you ordered soaked in vodka all night she said.

Perfect girls eat up as I continued my typing.

I than glanced at the phone it was form Lindsay. I photo of a red ass hole that looked to be wet.

Okay we need to order our lunch Nicole.

Nicole joking around said what would you like master? than winked at Caroline.

You are to order some tacos from Yolos and 3 mojitos, but we also need to request that Lindsay brings us the food.

Okay,..I guess I could make that happen, as Nicole left the cabbanna.

Last edited by ShawnC; 07-15-2013 at 06:21 AM.
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