Thread: The Dare Game
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Old 07-13-2013, 03:44 AM   #5
Join Date: Jun 2012
Location: Boston
Posts: 85

The Dare Game
Part One
Chapter Three

When he got there, Kirsten offered him the first shower, but he refused, saying that this was their house so they should go first. The way it worked was that all the towels were hanging in the bathroom, on heated racks. So one person would go in with their clothes on, strip in there, take a shower, get out, dry off, and then using the towel to cover themselves would walk back to their rooms to change. After they had changed, then they work put the towel back on the rack in the bathroom.

Kirsten went first, while everyone else went back to his or her rooms. All the girls had their own rooms, which was lavish. Henry had a room farthest from the bathroom, on the same side as Kirsten and directly across from Laurie. He sat down on his bed, pulled out his computer, and began to surf the web while he waited for his turn in the shower. After about five minutes Kirsten came out of the bathroom, her towel wrapped around her. From where he was sitting on his bed Henry had a perfect view of the bathroom door, so he could see this all going down.

Laurie was up next, and she went into the bathroom. Halfway through her shower, Kirsten emerged from the room, fully dressed, with her towel, and went into the bathroom to hang it up. As she opened the door, Henry caught a glimpse of Laurie’s bare shoulder as she was showering. When Laurie had finished, she emerged and walked back to her room, directly across from Henry’s room. Her towel was covering her, but as she stepped through her doorframe and was about to shut the door behind her she let the towel fall away, giving Henry another look at her ass.

Ash was last of the girls, going into the bathroom. Once again, Laurie did not wait for her sister to finish showering before going in to hang up her towel, but rather just went right in the middle of her shower. This time, however, Henry was unable to glimpse anything.

Finally Henry was up. When Ash emerged, he put his laptop aside and made his way to the bathroom. The water was warm and felt good, and as the steam rose he allowed himself to relax. Suddenly however the door was thrown open, and Ash came in to hang up her towel. The shower had sliding doors, of course, and Henry had closed them. But they were near opaque and he remembered how clearly he had seen Laurie’s shoulder and he could only imagine how good a view Ash had gotten of him. When he was finished he dried off, made his way back to his room, and changed, before finally going back to the bathroom to hang up his towel. He was slightly disappointed that he was unable to walk in on one of his ‘sisters’ showering.

He was walking back to his room when he heard someone in Kirsten’s room shout, “What? That is worth more than one gold coin!” Curious, he opened the door and stuck his head in.

All three girls were gathered on the floor, each with a pile of gold coins in front of them. When he walked in they all looked up startled. “Oh hey Henry,” said Laurie, and he realized it had been her yelling.

“Hey guys,” he said, “What’s worth more than one gold coin?”

The girls squirmed. Finally Laurie answered. “Letting my towel drop so you could see my butt.”

Henry’s smile froze. “You meant to do that?” When she nodded, “Why?”

She shrugged and answered simply, “It’s a game.”

“What game?”

“The Dare Game,” interjected Kirsten.

Over the next few minutes Henry was brought up to speed on this game. The Dare Game was a game the three sisters played, and it essentially involved doing dares. At the beginning of each week the gold coins were distributed equally among them, with forty gold coins each. Throughout the week, they could dare each other to do things, for a certain number of gold coins, at least one and at most five. The goal was to get the most gold coins possible, and each Saturday afternoon the gold coins were counted and whoever had the most won. Throughout the week, all the girls’ gold coin total were kept in complete secret, so they didn’t know if they were winning or losing.

Of course, it wasn’t as simple as that. If you were dared to do something and you didn’t want to do it, you could dare back. When you dared back it meant that whoever gave you the dare had to do the dare themselves. If they didn’t want to do it either, then they had to pay you however many gold coins they had initially offered you. A dare back was essentially calling someone’s bluff. If, however, the person who gave the dare ended up completing their own dare, then the person who refused the dare had to pay them however many gold coins they were offered plus one. Even more confusing, if the person who did a dare deemed their reward to be too low, they could challenge the price. The player not involved would then be the judge. If they judged that the price was too low, then the player who did the dare would be awarded what the judge thought to be a fair price. If it was however deemed to be not too low, or just right, then the person who challenged the price had to forfeit the gold coins the initially received.

Right now that was what had happened. Kirsten had dared Laurie to drop her towel as she entered her room to show Henry her ass, and offered her one gold coin. Laurie had successfully completed the dare, and was now challenging that it was worth more than one gold coin. Ash, the judge, was now carefully thinking.

Henry also garnered that this ruling could be decisive. It seemed Laurie and Kirsten were leading this week, and that after this ruling the gold coins would be tallied up. So this ruling could make all the difference.

Finally after this was all explained to Henry, Ash had made her decision. “In the eyes of the judge,” she solemnly said, “Showing Henry your ass was worth one gold coin. The judge rules that you return the gold coin you received in compensation to Kirsten, effective immediately.

Laurie let out a groan, and Kirsten let out a yell of joy. Her joy, however, was short lived. The girls tallied up the coins and they found that even after losing that gold coin Laurie still came out on top with fifty-one. Kirsten had lost by one, with fifty. And Ash had gotten killed, with only nineteen coins remaining. “It was a bad week,” she said, pretending to cry.

“Two questions,” said Henry. “One: what’s Laurie’s prize? Two: can I play next week?”
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