Thread: The Dare Game
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Old 07-12-2013, 05:13 PM   #2
Join Date: Jun 2012
Location: Boston
Posts: 85

The Dare Game
Part One
Chapter Two

Henry pulled out his iPod and portable speakers, and began to play some Beatles songs. It had become his tradition to always listen to the Beatles, as he was packing or unpacking his stuff. The reasoning behind this tradition was simple; when his mom left him at the orphanage steps he had been wearing a Beatles t-shirt. It helped to remind him of his roots, and that he was an orphan. They were also just a great band.

Henry took his time unpacking, but it didn’t take long. He only had two bags, and they weren’t even full. He didn’t have that much stuff. Finally he was done, so he found his bathing suit and began to change. He took off his shirt, revealing his lean upper body, and his hard abs. Next to go were his shorts and boxers, leaving him in just his socks. He took those off, and admired his naked body in the wall mirror. He was tan all over and in great shape, something that he took pride in. His pubes were shaved to a stubble, and his dick hung limp, about four inches long completely soft. He lifted up his balls, feeling them – and just then his door burst open.

Mrs. Brooks walked in to find Henry completely naked, his hand around his balls. Her mouth fell open, and instinctively her eyes went down to his dick. Just as quickly, she realized that she was staring, and she sharply lifted her head to meet Henry’s eyes. He was just as shocked as she was, she thought. The music blaring in the room must have been loud enough to cover up her footsteps as she walked up the stairs.

She now had two choices. She could either squeal and leave the room in a hurry, waiting for him to get changed. Or, she could pretend that nothing was out of the ordinary, and deliver him the message her daughters had told her to pass along, that he should hurry up and get down to the pool. She decided on the second option. She didn’t want to embarrass him anymore than he already was, so better to act like nothing was out of the ordinary. Besides, she saw her daughters naked all the time. If was to be their son, it was only natural that she should see him naked.

“Henry,” she said stiffly, trying to keep her voice level, “The girls want you to know that they want you to hurry up.” With that, she left the room and hurried back down to the kitchen.

Henry stood shocked, even after the door had shut behind her. She had caught him stark naked, his hand on his privates! He didn’t want to even think about what she might have thought that he was doing. And she had looked at his dick too! No girl had seen his dick yet, and now a forty something year old foster mother was the first. At least she was attractive though. And worst off all, his dick had hardened a bit. Not a lot, but enough to let him know that his nudity in front of her had turned him on.

Shaking off his shock, he snatched his bathing suit off the bed, put in on, and hurried downstairs, ignoring the look Mrs. Brooks gave him as he went by the kitchen. When he got outside, all the girls were in the pool. Kirsten had on a white bikini, Laurie a red one, and Ash a pink one. Each of them showed a lot of flesh, and before his dick could begin to stir again Henry gave a yell and jumped in the pool, splashing everyone.

The girls screamed playfully, and when Henry resurfaced they splashed him back. “We were in the middle of a game of Marco Polo,” yelled Laurie, “But now you messed it up!”

“Sorry,” said Henry, taken aback.

“No worries. Want to play?”

He said sure, and the game began once again, with Ash as the seeker. For those who don’t know how to play Marco Polo, the seeker (who has their eyes closed) yells Marco and they other people yell Polo back. Based on the direction of their voices, the seeker has to swim around blindly trying to tag them. When they succeed in tagging someone, the person they tagged becomes the new seeker.

They played the game for a bit, and Henry was now he. He had cornered one of the girls in a corner, he couldn’t tell whom but it sounded like Ash. He yelled “Marco” one more time, and when the faint “Polo” came in response to his left he lunged out, diving. Through sheer happenstance he managed to tag the person, who was indeed Ash, right in the breast. Furthermore, as his momentum carried him, his hand continued downward dragging along the bikini top. When Henry resurfaced seconds later, his eyes now open; the sight of Ash’s bare breasts greeted him.

The silence only lasted a few seconds before Ash let out a shrill squeal, Kirsten and Laurie began to laugh, and Henry began babbling out apologies. Ash lunged for her bikini, only causing her breasts to bounce around, before finally grabbing it and then reattaching it, while her two sisters laughed on and Henry tried to avert his eyes.

Finally she reattached, and Henry babbled out another apology, but Ash just laughed along with her sisters. “No worries,” she said calmly, still a little flushed though.

The game wound down soon after that, with everyone heading back inside. Once they were inside Mrs. Brooks stopped them. “Oh no, you can’t walk through my house all dripping wet. Here, take these towels and get out of those bathing suits. You can hang them up to dry outside.”

Henry could hardly believe his ears. Was he expected to strip naked here? He was. The girls went first, with their backs to him. They clutched their towels tightly to their fronts with one hand, and with the other they took off first their tops and then their bottoms. Suddenly, Henry found himself faced with three naked asses. Just as suddenly, they pulled their towels around them and the beautiful sight disappeared. They bent down to pick up their bathing suits, and Laurie’s towel slipped and he got another view of her superb ass. He decided that he liked hers the best. They walked around him and out the door, heading to the drying rack outside. Not wanting to get too far behind, Henry pulled down his trunks while covering his front with his towel. He’d already given Mrs. Brooks one look at as his cock; he didn’t want to do it twice in one day.

Just then the girls came back in, and got a full view of his pale ass, and probably of his balls hanging down. He blushed, and hurriedly wrapped the towel around him and picked up his suit. As the girls headed upstairs, their towels wrapped around them, he went outside to put his suit on the drying rack.

When he came back in, Mrs. Brooks was waiting for him. “Henry, I know that this household may seem a little liberal to you,” she began, “But it’s just the way the kids were raised. We’re a little loose with nudity, as I’m sure you just noticed, and I hope you’re not uncomfortable. If you are, we can try to be a bit stricter.”

Henry just shrugged, said that he could probably get used to it (to which Mrs. Brooks grinned) and then headed upstairs.
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