Thread: Fiction: Skylar's Battle
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Old 07-08-2013, 06:21 PM   #7
Join Date: Nov 2012
Location: The Southwest
Posts: 40

Here's part 3. Same rules apply. If you want to ask any questions about the story so far or give me some suggestions, or if you just want to say you like the story or you hate the story, pm me.

Part 3
Skylar’s eyes opened, her vision blurry. She raised a hand to rub her eyes and tried to remember where she was. And all it once it came back to her. Her mother, naked, tied to a chair. A man dragging her into the back of a van, handcuffing her and cutting all the clothes from her body. That same revolting bastard touching her, his hand creeping between her legs. Then the deafening shot ringing through the van, and the driver yelling at the man. After that, Skylar couldn’t remember anything more. She must have passed out from the cold and exhaustion.

Skylar sat up in the bed, drawing the blanket up to cover her. Looking around the room she saw nothing that could be used as a weapon. The bed she was lying on was the only furniture in the room, and a small, clean bathroom the only other chamber. A door on the opposite wall, directly across from the bed appeared to be the only exit. A small security camera above the door overlooked the room. There was no sign it was on or recording, but Skylar had to assume it was always on.

Tucking the blanket around her body as best she could, Skylar slid off the bed and made her way to the bathroom, thankful for a door she could put between herself and the camera, even though she couldn’t lock it. She scanned the walls and corners for anymore cameras, checking behind the shower curtain, surprised there was even a shower, and checking the mirror to make sure it wasn’t a two-way mirror. Satisfied no cameras were present in the bathroom, she opened the cabinet to look for anything of use, but was disappointed to find it empty.

She sat down on the toilet seat and put her face in her hands, feeling the urge to cry. Why did they have to target her mother? What had she done that they had to do that to her? And why had they had to take Skylar? A sob racked through her chest, shaking her entire body. Skylar felt another one building up, but she refused to cry. She raised her head and closed her eyes, focusing on controlling herself. Crying wouldn’t do anything to get her out of this situation. After a minute, she stood up and fixed the blanket around her body, wrapping it tightly so she didn’t have to hold it. She moved around a little bit to make sure it wouldn’t fall before opening the door and walking out of the bathroom. She scanned the room again, but nothing was there that she hadn’t seen before.

Looking at the heavy wooden door, she decided it couldn’t hurt to try opening it, although she didn’t get her hopes up. The door knob turned in her hand, but when she tried pulling it, the door wouldn’t open. Skylar turned and let her head fall on the door, almost giving up. Instead, she thought of that time two years. She hadn’t given up then, and this situation was no worse. If anything, it was much more favorable.

With nothing to do for now, and not wanting to be seen on the camera, Skylar sat in the corner on the same wall as the door, but opposite the way it opened. So when whoever came into the room, the door would be between her and him, until it was closed at least. But hopefully that would give her just enough time to stand up and be ready to strike.

Skylar wrapped her arms around her legs and laid her chin on her knees, eyes glued to the door, prepared to wait forever.
Christian was back on his computer. If he was going to break the girl he had to find out more about her and her family. He had access to everything, school records, police records, bill payments, even receipts from her shopping trips and text messages and phone calls between her friends. By the end of the week he would know everything about her, her sister, and her friends. Breaking a person psychologically was as important, if not more important, than breaking them physically. The methods were cruel, but effective. Some girls had been able to recover after being broken, and many broken by the members of The People were broken in varying degrees. Buyers would sometimes like a girl that is completely docile, while others prefer girls that have only a small amount of training. But every so often, a girl came in that wouldn’t be broken in such a way. Those girls refused to bend at all during the breaking and training, fighting the breakers each step of the way and never giving up. Christian admired those girls, but they were part of the reason he had stopped breaking. It killed him to watch those girls snap, and go from being fighters that would never give up, to essentially becoming zombies, doing whatever their told without question.

Footsteps echoed down the hallway outside and stopped in front of Christian’s door. Before the owner of the footsteps could knock Christian called out, “Enter, Caedmon.” A short pause followed before the door creaked open and Caedmon entered.

“I still don’t know how you do that,” Caedmon said as he sat down on the only other chair in the room. “Or why you have your room so far from everybody else. I must have to walk a mile each time if I need to see you.”

“I pay attention,” Caedmon said without turning around. “And most of the people here are too lazy to walk so far to see me unless they have a damn good reason. Unlike you.”

Christian turned around as Caedmon assumed a hurt look. “How do you know I don’t have a good reason?”

“You wouldn’t be so light-hearted right now.” Despite his serious tone, Christian genuinely liked Caedmon. Caedmon was a straight shooter, and unlike the majority of The People he was in the organization for the money, not for the torture and sex and girls that every member was entitled to. He worked solely as an assassin and warrior, and was probably the only one that could best Christian in a fair fight, other than Kione.

Caedmon finally asked the question he always asked. “How’d your contract go?” Something in his voice tipped Christian off.

“You already know.” Christian’s voice became low.

Caedmon nodded, his face completely serious for once. “Kione called me in an hour ago and told me.”

“Who else?”

“Only Lilith.” Great. Lilith was probably the person that hated Christian the most. Caedmon glanced at the compartment which held Christian’s tools. “He also told us what you had to do.” Caedmon had been the only person Christian had told why he had chosen to stop breaking girls. He hadn’t even told Kione. “I know you don’t enjoy breaking girls. Hell, I never did either. But I did it because I had to. Just like you did. One more girl won’t kill you.”

Christian was silent for a minute, thinking over what not to say. “You’re right. And anyway, I’m the one that can break her with the least amount of damage. And if I don’t, what she goes through during the breaking will seem like nothing during the weeks after.”

Caedmon leaned forward. “I know I’ve never seen what happens when someone fails a breaking, but I’ve seen what happens during a breaking. Surely the punishment for failing can’t be worse than the actual breaking?”

Christian looked Caedmon in the eye. “Like you said, you’ve never seen the punishment. Pray you never have to.” At that, Caedmon turned slightly paler, and Christian didn’t have to wonder why. Caedmon knew Christian didn’t over-exaggerate, and hearing that come from Christian’s lips drove home just how bad it really was.

Jumping to his feet, Caedmon got ready to leave. “Don’t fail, and I won’t have to.”

Before Caedmon walked out the door Christian said, “Caedmon. Kione told you and Lilith to keep an eye on me, didn’t he?” Caedmon hesitated, then nodded. “He also gave you the codes to my security cameras.” A statement, not a question, but Caedmon nodded again.

“Don’t fail, Christian.” Caedmon turned and walked out, his footsteps echoing down the hall again.

“I never fail,” Christian said to his footsteps. He glanced at his computer, debating whether or not he should do more research, but he had everything he needed for the preliminary session. Shutting down his computer he also left his FN Five-Seven and his knives sitting on the desk. He was confident the girl couldn’t get the drop on him, but it was better to be safe.

On the way to her cell – there was no better word for it – Christian stopped in the clothing room and picked out a white dress for her to wear. For today, all he was going to do was talk to her, and he needed her to be as comfortable as possible. If she was naked and trying to cover herself in front of him, he’d get nowhere. He also stopped and grabbed two folding chairs that they could sit on, as well as a bottle of water for her.

Christian walked the rest of the way on silent footsteps, and quietly leaned the chairs against the wall outside her door. She was probably awake by now, and when he considered her reputation and that of her families, he figured she was probably lying in wait to attack the first person to walk through the door.

Silently, he unlocked the door and pushed it open until he could see the bed and into the bathroom, but she wasn’t in sight. It was plausible she was hiding in the shower, but he doubted it. More likely she was hiding on the left side of the door, waiting for him to step forward. So rather than do that, he moved to the side and shut the door.

Skylar flew forward, graceful and coordinated, even with the long blanket wrapped tightly around her. She was quick, but not enough. She threw a straight punch for his face, which he deftly knocked aside. She followed up with a left hook, a powerful move, almost the same she had used against Nyoka in her house. But Christian grabbed her wrist and used her momentum against her, spinning her around and grasping her in a bear hug, trapping her arms by her side. She struggled a little bit more, but only succeeded in tiring herself out. When she stood in his arms, gasping, he asked, “Are you done?” She didn’t reply. She just stood there, head down, chest heaving. Christian released her, even though he knew she was faking her exhaustion.

With one hand he held up the white dress. “Take this, go to the bathroom and put it on,” he said, nodding in the direction of the bathroom. Skylar looked up at the dress briefly.

“And if I don’t?” she asked, her tone slightly hostile. Christian shrugged and threw the dress on the bed.

“I’m going to be in here for a while, but if you prefer to use that blanket instead, it’s your choice.” Skylar looked once more at the dress, then glanced at his face. Quickly, she snatched up the dress and marched to the bathroom, forcefully closing the door behind her, but not slamming it.

While she was in the bathroom Christian quickly brought the chairs in the room and set them far enough apart she would hopefully feel comfortable. The door to the bathroom opened and for a second, Christian couldn’t help but stare. The dress fit her far better than he thought it would, accentuating every curve perfectly and ending well above her knees, revealing her smooth legs. Her black hair fell over her shoulders and lay on her breasts, and her green eyes bored into him.

Christian composed himself quick enough she didn’t notice. Hopefully. “Sit. I just want to talk.” She continued to look at him for a second before complying. Her face wasn’t angry or hostile, but instead was carefully controlled. He recognized that look. It was one he wore often.

While Skylar sat Christian turned and checked the camera above the door. It wasn’t on, thank God, so that at least meant that Caedmon or Kione hadn’t seen it. Or worse, Lilith. Christian reached up and disabled the camera and turned it away from them, just in case someone decided to turn it on.

“You can do that?” Skylar blurted out. Christian turned towards her and sat down in his chair. He lounged as comfortably as one could in a metal folding chair, while she sat on the edge of the seat, her hands in her lap and her back straight, ready to flee at a moment’s notice.

“Yes, I can. Because I’m in here,” Christian replied. Skylar nodded. For thirty seconds they both just stared at each other. Skylar was waiting for him to speak, but Christian had to wait until she spoke first.

“Why are you here?” she asked, her voice strong.

“I’m just here to talk. And answer any questions you have.” Christian carefully scrutinized her face, but she kept it carefully controlled. She didn’t show any fear or confusion.

Skylar nodded. “What am I doing here?”

Christian had been expecting that question. “My partner decided to take you. I don’t know why, and frankly I don’t care. He disobeyed a direct order and violated several rules by bringing you here, and that’s what brings me here now.”

“Where am I?” Her composure remained flawless. Christian was impressed, and he wasn’t easily impressed.

“We call it ‘the underground’. It’s a maze of tunnels and corridors that run for miles in every direction with several layers. If you ever manage to make it out of your room, don’t go too far. You’ll get lost and if you’re lucky, you’ll die of dehydration and exhaustion. If you’re not, somebody else will find you. And that is not a pretty scenario,” Christian warned, even though he knew it was a waste of breath. If she got out, she’d be taking off down the halls.

Skylar pretended to actually remember that information for a second. “Who are you?”

“We’re called The People. We’re an organization that provides dozens of services. Our mercenaries and assassins have worked for every major government in the world, and several minor governments. We have a hand in the drug and weapons trade. We run several smuggling operations throughout the Western Hemisphere. We own almost half of the black market. We’re in the business of stealing secrets from every government and selling them to their enemies. We have teams that specialize in bombings, making them seem like an ordinary terrorist attack. We also cause catastrophes that no one can link back to a fixed cause. Buses crash, trains hop rails, a commercial jet loses an engine. But no one can trace it back to us.

“Basically, if someone wants a job done, any job done, they call us, and we make it happen.”

Skylar sat for a minute digesting what Christian just told her. He knew what the next question off her lips would be. “Why were you torturing my mom?”

“It was our contract. Someone placed the contract, paid the initial fee and told us what they wanted. As for why the client specifically chose your family, I don’t know. A handwritten note which I did not see was left for your father, so assume it had to do with someone he put in prison.” Skylar still managed to keep her composure, but Christian could begin to see her cracking. It was almost time to wrap things up. Christian knew just the right amount to push. The first day was always the hardest for the subjects, and while most breakers made the mistake of pushing hard on the first day, it only made it harder in the long run.

Christian stood up and folded his chair, motioning to Skylar to stand up so he could get her chair. “You telling me this means you’re not going to let me go, doesn’t it?” Christian glanced at her face. She seemed to have regained her composure and control.

“No. I can’t.” Skylar instinctively backed away from him as he approached her and grabbed her chair. She stayed near the bed as he opened the door and set the chairs outside, not even looking like she was going to try to escape. Christian figured after fighting with him twice, albeit shortly, Skylar found out it was a waste of her energy. Still, Christian didn’t let his guard drop. He reached up and fixed the camera back in place so he could keep an eye on her. Before he could turn it on she spoke.

“Wait.” Christian glanced over his shoulder at her. “What’s going to happen to me?”

He turned the camera on and began closing the door. Before it was completely shut he answered. “You’re going to be broken.”

“What does that mean?”

“Don’t ask questions you don’t want to know the answer to,” was Christian’s only reply.
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