Thread: Fiction: Skylar's Battle
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Old 07-07-2013, 06:39 PM   #5
Join Date: Nov 2012
Location: The Southwest
Posts: 40

Here is part two. Same rules apply as in the first part. And also, if you guys read this, I ask that you please pm me saying whether or not I should continue it. I noticed my story has over 330 views so far, but only two replies, so if you think I should continue it on here, pm me to let me know.

Part 2
Christian parked the van in the underground garage, his knuckles white from gripping the steering wheel instead of Nyoka’s throat. He was constantly aware of his FN Five-Seven, holstered at the moment, but in less than a second he could have it aimed at Nyoka’s head and a hole between his eyes. This wasn’t the first time Nyoka had disobeyed him in the field, but Christian vowed it would be the last.

Nyoka shifted uncomfortably in his seat. “Look, man-”

Christian cut him off. “Shut up. Just go inside and clean the equipment. I will deal with you later.” Nyoka turned to him and opened his mouth to speak, but stopped when the steering wheel began bending under the force of Christian’s grip. Nyoka grabbed the bags containing their equipment and swiftly exited the garage, disappearing through a door hidden in the cinder block walls of the garage. Christian released his grip on the steering wheel and glanced again in the rear view mirror. He saw a young girl, scared, head lowered in shame, pale skin shivering the cool air. He couldn’t help but admire her young body, toned and trained for fighting.

Christian exited the van and opened a cabinet, retrieving a large blanket. He returned to the back of the van and opened doors. He tried not to look at her body while he undid the straps around her legs and unlocked the cuffs around her wrists. Her body slumped against his as he released her wrists from the sharp bite of the handcuffs, and he realized she was in shock. Lifting her head he used a thumb to gently lift her eye lids. The girl’s eyes were dilated, and her breathing was quick and shallow. Christian draped the blanket around her shoulders and leaned back against the wall of the van, holding the girl while he gently massaged her arms to get the blood flowing again.

He wondered why he was even doing this for the girl. He had killed, kidnapped, and tortured countless people in his time with The People, men, women, and children. He had kidnapped dozens of girls her age, knowing they would be sold as sex slaves, some were even kept in this building and used by members of The People. He had felt very little for them, as he had for the people he had killed. He recognized them as human, but they were just another contract. If he didn’t do it, somebody else would be given the contract, and whatever other worker was given the contract wouldn’t likely be as meticulous or gentle as Christian. He had seen other sons and daughters come home when he was busy with their parents and had restrained them and even tortured them if the contract required it. And yet he couldn’t figure out why he felt like he needed to protect this girl. She hadn’t been mentioned in the contract, and so technically she was fair game for whatever purposes they needed. But Christian had seen something in her eyes when she had seen her mom in danger and had immediately attacked Nyoka.

The girl had stopped shivering. Christian shook her slightly, but she was out. A seven hour ride in the freezing van tied up as she was, after being taken had put too much stress on her mind, so her body was doing the only thing it knew, and was shutting down for a time. Carefully, Christian lifted her and cradled her limp body in his arms. He made sure the blanket was wrapped securely around her before carrying her through the maze of empty halls to a secure room. Carefully shutting the door behind them, he gently laid her down on the single bed. He quickly checked her breathing and heartbeat, both now slow and steady. She had stopped shivering and her skin had warmed up. He arranged the blanket over her naked body and stood to go. He glanced around the room to be sure there was nothing she could use as a weapon when she woke up, knowing that would probably be the first thing she thought of when she awoke. Seeing nothing obvious, he left the room, glancing up and down the hallway before locking the door behind him. He knew many of the members of The People well, and knew most of them were more like Nyoka than himself. If anyone had seen him carrying the naked girl through the hallways or seen him leaving the room, the girl would be lucky if she lasted another half hour before being raped and tortured without mercy.

Christian quickly retreated to his room, taking the back hallways few people knew about in order to encounter no one. Furnished with only a bed, a small bookcase, and a desk and computer, his concrete room could only be described as Spartan. But Christian preferred it that way, unlike many other members of The People who decorated their rooms in expensive tapestry and flat screen televisions. Sitting in front of his computer he decided to find out who the girl was. He searched the database for Marianna Richards, the girl’s mother. She was married to Jackson Richards and had two daughters, Skylar and Amaris, ages seventeen and nineteen respectively. Christian clicked on the pictures of the two. The girls looked very similar, almost twins, but Skylar appeared to be the one Nyoka had taken from the house. Christian scrutinized the pictures of Skylar: Green eyes framed by long black hair, set over a straight nose and full lips. Christian read of her and her sister competing in several martial arts competitions all over the country. Remembering her muscular young body, Christian believed it when he read she was one of the best fighters in the country. Her movements as she was attacking Nyoka proved she had had advanced training, and he was sure her mother had also taught her several techniques.

A small red light on the corner of his desk blinked on, snatching his attention from the computer. He checked his watch: 9:30. It was time he gave his report on the contract to Kione. Shutting down his computer before he left and locking his door behind him, Christian took a more direct way to Kione’s office, passing several closed rooms in which he heard muffled screams and thumps. These were the rooms in which the girls were often tortured and broken. Then came the open rooms, and girls calling out to him. “Hey, cutie, why don’t you come in here for a little fun?”

“I can show a big, strong man like you a good time…”

And so on. After so long down here many girls had been severely Stockholmed, accepting their situation and even embracing it, but only after being broken. And they never went a day without being used. The men and women of The People often used the girls to release a little bit of stress, or just because they were sadistic. But Christian never used the girls. His contract just required him to bring them in. He had no reason to even touch them after that.

Knocking on Kione’s door, he waited until the gravelly voice said, “Come,” before stepping in and to the side and standing with his back to the wall. Kione’s dark eyes looked up at Christian. “Did you fulfill your contract?”

Christian nodded. “We subdued the subject and completed the process. The note was left on the dresser. The husband would have found her,” Christian glanced at his watch, “three hours ago. All of our equipment was collected and has been cleaned. There is no trace of us ever being there.”

“Except for one thing.” Kione stared into Christian’s eyes. Probably watching for any sign of weakness.

Christian stared him down. “Nyoka grabbed one of the subject’s daughters and brought her here.”

“Yes,” Kione replied. “Your vehicle has already been wiped clean and sterilized. The girl’s clothes have already been burned. You two are lucky she wasn’t wearing a tracker, especially considering the family she comes from.” Kione paused and examined Christian, who simply stared back. Christian had nothing to say about the situation. Nyoka had screwed up, but Christian hadn’t helped the situation by keeping Skylar. “But there’s nothing to be done about that now,” Kione continued. “The question now is, what do we do with her?”

Christian had to tread carefully. Kione respected Christian, and vice versa, but Kione was the leader of their entire organization. Christian had worked with him for several years, and by doing so had gained more freedoms than most members of The People. But that freedom only went so far. “As soon as she entered the building, her fate became your decision.”

“I’m asking what you would have me do with her.”

Crap. Christian really had to be careful now. Kione was testing his loyalty to The People. So Christian told him what he wanted to hear. “The girl wasn’t mentioned in the contract, making her fair game. Now that she’s here, letting her go could be too much of a risk. She’s fit, and beautiful. Once she’s broken, she can be sold for a high price. But breaking her will be the problem.”

Kione was nodding slowly. After thirty seconds of slightly uncomfortable silence he spoke. “I agree. And I know the reputation of the Richards family. If she’s anything like her parents, she’ll be a tough one to break.” Christian was beginning to relax just a bit. “Which is why I want you to break her.” Christian’s eyes locked on Kione’s.

“You know I don’t take part in that process anymore, Kione.” Christian’s voice was low, dangerous.

“I know.” Kione’s voice was the same as before, as if this were all business, which was no different than any other time. But what he was asking from Christian was. “But you were always my best breaker. You could finish it more quickly and more effectively than anyone else, even me. And this girl is going to be hard. She comes from a strong family, one I have kept my eye on. Both daughters are strong, stronger than their parents. But the one you brought back is, in my opinion, the strongest. She was kidnapped once before, two years ago, and single handedly escaped from her kidnappers and took part in finding them and capturing them. She wasn’t traumatized from the experience, not in the slightest, but was made stronger by it. A girl like that, is a hard one to break.” Kione leaned forward and looked intently into Christian’s eyes. Christian looked defiantly back, even though he knew the danger of doing so. “I’m not entirely sure even you could break her, Christian.”

Christian placed his hands on Kione’s desk and glared into his face. “I can break anyone, Kione.” Christian spun around and threw open the door.

Kione’s voice halted Christian just beyond the doorway. “You have two weeks to break her, Christian. If she’s not broken by then-”

“I know the consequences of failure, Kione,” Christian said without looking back.

For just a second, Kione dropped the ‘hardened leader of The People’ act. “Then don’t fail, my friend.” Christian closed the door and marched down the hallway, straight back to his room. He leaned his back against the door and wondered. What was he going to do? Christian knew he was the best breaker, but he had never enjoyed doing that to any girl, breaking their body until their will broke with it, until they were docile and eager to please, when just a few day earlier they were fighters, their eyes wild with the determination to defeat me and escape from this place of imprisonment and torture. But it would always end the same. He would watch as the fight slowly but quickly drained from their eyes, day after day, until they no longer fought. They just take whatever they were given, screaming from the pain and moaning from whatever pleasure they received. But they never fought once Christian was finished with them.

Christian looked toward the compartment within the wall which hid the tools he had used to break the subjects. He had hoped he’d never have to use them again, but there was something other than his usual dislike of the process. Something about Skylar fought within him, and for some reason he couldn’t even envision himself breaking her. Instead, he found himself envisioning her in his arms and looking up into his eyes. He imagined running his hands over her smooth, pale skin, laying her down and pressing his chest against hers as her lips rose to meet his…

Christian stopped. He was never going to be able to touch her in that way, and he knew it. Besides the fact that such consorting with subjects of a contract was forbidden among The People, Skylar would never allow him to touch her like that. He had tortured her mother and had helped kidnap her. And now he was going to have to break her, in order to save her. Christian hated that he had to do it, but in two weeks, Skylar would have to be broken. If those two weeks ended and Skylar was still defiant, both he and Skylar would be marked enemies of The People. They would be tortured for weeks beyond what anyone could imagine, and once every last scream had been ripped from their throats and their minds could no longer understand pain, they would be killed.
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