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Old 06-16-2013, 11:18 AM   #39
Slenderman - Doctor
Truth or Dare Zealot
Join Date: Jul 2009
Posts: 6,760

Originally Posted by Dare... View Post
Do you go commando often?

Not nearly enough. But maybe I should?

Biggest turn-on/turn-off?

Turn On: Knickers
Turn Off: Various things. Not you.

Favourite underwear on a girl? (You can't say "none" ;p)

Anything lacy. Partial to a thong too.

Are you easily embarrassed? What embarrasses you?

Not as much as I used to be. I'm an "all out" sort of guy - I'm usually the one doing the embarrassing. Though, silly as it sounds, I hate when people are shopping with me and open the musical birthday cards. For some reason I hate it - I feel like everyone's looking and judging and hating me xD

What traits do you find attractive?

Clever with bouts of ditziness, sarcasm, a good sense of humour, great snapchat faces.

Are you scared of going to the doctor/dentist?

Nope and nope. I actually like going to the dentist. I miss getting stickers though

What's the best holiday you've been on?

Disneyworld, Florida ^_^

What sort of music do you like listening to?

Oh, anything! One day I'll be listening to Queen, and five minutes later I'll be on bloody Mika.

What was your best/worst subject at school?

Best: English (though I got an A in RE, even though I hate religion)
Worst: Science (with maths a close second)
Most hate: Geography

What song's stuck in your head at the moment?

Mika: Relax. Coz I have it on now.

Which tv shows did you watch when you were little?

SO MANY! Bodger and Badger, Rosie and Jim, The Magic School Bus, Fireman Sam, Brum, Courage the Cowardly Dog, Knightmare, Jungle Run, Art Attack, Tom and Jerry, Looney Tunes... the list is endless

What did you think of the Who series finale?

Name of the Doctor? I really hate it.

S Club 7 or Steps?

BOTH ^_^

Have you ever (nearly) gotten caught whilst doing a dare?

Not that I remember. Probably though xD

Giraffes or pandas?

Answers in bold ^_^

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