getDare Truth or Dare

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jack1989 02-26-2008 06:56 AM

The step-daugther [fiction]
Disclaimer- This story is complete fiction and not based on any real life event. Any resembelance to any person, people or situation in purely coincidental and unintentional. This story contains themes of blackmail, rape, abuse of power and enforced servitude. If you find this offencive or it's just not for you don't read any further.

Dan lay back smiling, life was good, scratch that, life was bloody fantastic.
When he met his wife, Sheila, last year he didn’t see any future for them. She was a one night stand, he was drunk and hadn’t had any for a while. He woke up early the morning after and ran, ran so fast he neglected to pick up his wallet. He knew she was no supermodel in the pub the previous night, but he was appalled to see the overweight, middle aged old hag snoring and farting next to him. It was when he called round the next day, to pick up the aforementioned wallet, that he saw her- Louise. Louise, Lou as she was known was Sheila’s teenage daughter. Aged 17 she was just his type, she had a short 5’4 figure, the long hair hanging half way down her back had the colour and shine of a hazel nut glistening in the sun, her pale, slightly freckled flesh positively glowed, she had long shapely legs topped of with the tightest, most perfect backside imaginable. She had flesh in all the right places, while far from fat she wasn’t like the stick insects parading them selves on page 3 of trashy newspapers. Add to this the ample small C-cup breasts perpetuating from her chest, amplified by a low cut cotton top combined with a pink lace bra that was slightly to small for her and she was like a mini-goddess. His cock stirred as he got that first glance of her, quite how an ugly old shrew like Sheila had given birth to her was beyond him.
He looked down, seeing that beautiful head of hazel hair, and her soft lips, sparkling with gloss wrapped around his hard cock, at that moment he exploded, his cum filling her mouth, she swallowed as fast as he delivered.

More to come, I've already written a considerable amount of this story but I'd like to get some feedback between installments and see if this is going down well.
Also the title of this is rather unoriginal, if anyone has any better idea's please let me know.

jack1989 02-27-2008 08:57 AM

A second installment, same disclaimer above applies.

It hadn’t been so bad when Dan first moved in, Lou thought to her self as she caressed the shaft of his erect dick with her tongue. Of course she’d caught him eyeing her up a few times, he’d even cop the odd feel of her arse or ‘accidentally’ brush his hand over her tits from time to time, she was even quite enjoyed it if she was honest. Dan was a good looking guy, probably in his late 20’s and quite well off due to investments of the stock market, she was thrilled when her mother started seeing him, he was cool, drove and expensive BMW convertible and her mum was always happy with her new toy boy around. But now, now she was his slave, daddy’s little slut, dirty whore. Three months ago she’d brought her boyfriend home. Her mother was at work, being a ward nurse at the city hospital she often worked 60-70 hour weeks and Dan basically let her do what she wanted. If he did ever enforce any rules all it would take was a flutter of the eye lashes and maybe a bit of cock teasing on her part and he’d back down. She’d taken the boy up to her room, they had a good night, smoked some weed and had sex (more then once). At around 9.30 Dan shouted that her mum would be home in half an hour and it was time for Sean to go. That was Monday night. On the Thursday her mother was working from 6pm until 2am, Lou planned to go out with some friends, a new club was opening in town and her cousin was a doorman, so getting in wouldn’t be a problem. She came flying downstairs in an extremely short skirt and a top that would make a porn star blush.
“And where the fuck do you think your going?” Dan barked. She was quite shocked, he’d never sounded so severe before, mum was the strict one. “Just to see a few friends” she replied sweetly, running her hand up her leg, lifting the skirt just enough so he could see the hem of her silk panties.
“I don’t think so lady, you go and sit that cute little arse of yours in the living room, we have something to discuss”. She was so shocked by his tone that she didn’t argue. 5 minutes later, as her concern grew, he joined her. Putting a DVD in the machine he sat next to her, put his arm around her and whispered in her ear “Me and you are going to watch an interesting video young Louise, and then your going to do anything within your power to stop your mother seeing it” as those last words came out he slipped his hand up her skirt, running his finger around the panties she’s flashed him so shamelessly not long ago. She pulled away but he pulled her back towards him “Don’t act the innocent little girl now” He raised his voice ever so slightly as he pressed play “I know what a dirty slut you are, and after tonight you’ll not only be a slut, you’ll be my slut” She watched horrified, the video depicted her self and Sean smoking cannabis and having sex.
“You bastard! You absolute pervert!” she shouted “You set up a camera in my room”.
“Of course” he smirked “You have quite a fan base online also, I’ve made good money from videos and images of you, getting undressed, masturbating, nothing like this before though”
“Please” She sobbed “Please no”
“This is how it’s going to go, from now on you do exactly as I say. We’re going to have a long and happy future, happy for me anyway. If you ever refuse to do anything I say, or you report me, a friend of mine has hundreds of copies of that video. Your mother will receive a copy, as will every boy in your school, what’s more it will be distributed online with your name, address and telephone number. Do you understand?” She nodded. That night he’d made her bend over, he lifted her skirt, pulled down her panties and spanked her. Since then he’d touch her up on a regular basis, have her suck him off and perform strip teases for him.
Now 3 months later, with him coming in her mouth, she had no life left. He’d forced her to dump Sean, and he’d only let her leave the house very occasionally aside from school, just enough to stop her mother asking questions. “Right you little bitch, bend over, time we started putting that arse you like showing off so much to good use.”

Any feedback or criticism welcome.

Pikachu 02-27-2008 01:53 PM

:DVery nice story these darker stories are great keep it up:D

jack1989 02-28-2008 10:54 AM

Thanks Mercy, it get nastier later on!

Having had Lou under his control for 3 months now Dan knew it was time to raise the game. She was now used to doing as he told her, and she was less likely to object to the more depraved side of his fantasies. So far oral sex had been the furthest he’d gone. As she bent over in front of him he planned to fuck her arse for the first time, tomorrow he’d penetrate her vagina.
Despite having just been relieved by one of Lou’s now expert blow jobs his cock hardened again watching her perky bum cheeks in the hot pants he had her wearing, with her bent over the coffee table he pulled them down, revealing her beautiful arse, the flesh parting revealing her pink, tender hole. He grabbed both hands full of arse cheek, kneading them like bread dough, with his cock now ready for action again he guided it slowly but forcefully up her tight anus. She started to moan, pleading with him to stop. “Shut it, cum bucket!” he responded, slapping her outer thigh. He fucked her faster and faster, pulling her towards him by her tits. The harder and faster he got the more she’d moan and scream. Her crys as he violated her only served to make him hornier and fuck her harder. Eventually he finished, she fell to the floor, her tits bruised and tears in her eyes. “What do we say now princess slut?” He asked her.
“Thank you daddy” she muttered, as he forced her to after each of there sessions. “Good girl, now you better go take a bath and put some clothes on before your mum gets back. We’d hate her to find out any of our secrets wouldn’t we?”
Later that night, with Lou in bed and Sheila preparing a meal for the two of them Dan sipped from a large glass of whiskey, planning the next few weeks with Lou. The next week would be getting her used to anal and vaginal sex, after that it would get interesting.

Lou started to fill a bath, sitting on the side she disintegrated again into tears. If only she had someone to turn to, but she knew if she told anyone her life wouldn’t be worth living. Mum would never believe her, she was so immersed with how great Dan was there was no doubt she’d choose him over her, even if she did Dan would see her humiliated, she’d have to move to somewhere she wasn’t known, then there was still the chance of someone seeing her online. It didn’t help that Dan was always in the house and mum was always working, he was an accountant and earned a lot of money from home, helping big businesses avoid tax, the stock market, and then of course whatever he got up to on the internet. She somehow doubted she was the only girl he’d ever abused. Even going to the police was no go, not long after he moved in he was investigated for a few of his financial dealings, but had been far too clever and had to many friends in high places for them to make anything stick. The only place she could be safe was school, which had become her sanctuary in recent months. If only she knew what was to come.

jack1989 03-01-2008 02:33 PM

Next installment coming tomorrow. Was planning on posting today but rereading what I'd writen I wanted to make some minor alterations.
If anyone else is following this please do let me know your thoughts :)

imaslave4u 03-01-2008 09:08 PM

realy good so far

Big_Joe 03-05-2008 01:12 PM

It's well written as far as i can tell, it certainly grabs your attention because of its dark storyline. It's one of the few stories i've chosen to follow anyway.

jack1989 03-05-2008 01:54 PM

Thanks, you two.
Appologies this wasn't as soon as I anticipated, my memoriy stick went walkies :(
Same disclaimer applies, plus from now on story involves abuse from a teacher.

Two days passed and Dan was growing impatient. Sheila had taken a few days out from work and wanted to spend time together, this put the kybosh on his ‘quality’ time with her hot young daughter. As she rattled on about her friend Margaret’s divorce and speculated on what would happen on that evenings ‘Emmerdale’ he slipped into various fantasies, his cock hardening at the thought of Lou’s pert breasts and firm behind. ‘Soon’ he thought, for Lou knew nothing yet of his friendship group.

Lou sat at her table in maths class, day dreaming, letting the sound of Mr. Brice go over her head. Brice was a loud-mouthed short guy with a chip on his shoulder. Being her personal tutor and maths teacher hardly a day went by when she didn’t have to tolerate his rude remarks, nasty sense of humour and hideous face. “Louise Anderson! Wake up girl and pay attention!” he blasted. As he rabbited on further about angles and geometry she dozed off again. The end of the lesson came and everyone filed out, as she reached the door a hand landed on her shoulder “We have an appointment in my office Miss. Anderson. Your step father is here to discuss your academic progress”. Her mind filled with dread. Something about Brice’s smirk told her this couldn’t be good, and the last thing she needed was Dan having more dirt on her.

Alan Brice was thrilled, he’d had his eye on the Anderson girl for some time, though unfortunately for him teachers had to be somewhat more careful about old fashioned methods of ‘special treatment’ in the twenty first century. Thankfully his old university pal, Dan Reid had called him the previous evening with news of a new conquest, a girl at his school. He was thrilled at the mention of Anderson’s name. It’d been funny, him and Dan meeting, two good, middle class boys, with such sexual deviancies. It’d been one night, when Dan discovered a rather private collection of Alan’s photos, that the men had discovered they shared an interest in young teenage girls. Lots of there time in uni would be spent in one of there cars, outside the local comprehensive schools, taking candid photo’s up the skirts and down blouses of teen girls. As they gathered confidence they started hanging around in seedy bars, the kind that allowed such girls in. As young, relatively handsome men they found that that getting the little sluts drunk, as well as impressing them with there flashy cars and reasonable bank balances lead to there pert tits and tight arses being putty in there hands. Now, with both of them on the wrong side of 30, not to mention the more considerable risk of being discovered they found they needed somewhat firmer coercion, if not to get the girls doing as they asked then to ensure there silence. Over the years they had acquired a network of like minded friends, all of whom where supposedly respectable citizens, and the fact no less then half a dozen of this group worked within the police force and judiciary didn’t hurt at all. Brice smiled, thinking of the girls who’d been charmed, conned and occasionally forced into his bed, and looked forward to this latest one.

Not much action in this one, but the next part will make up for that. After I've posted that it would be great to here any idea's from other people as to what happens to Louise. I promise not to dissapear and drop the story like many seem to, but even my warped mind is struggleing to think of enough to do. I'm also thinking of lightening the tone slightly for a few future sections- anyone think that would be a good idea, or would it be better staying totally angst-y?

RAWRxxStephanie 03-09-2008 12:49 PM

Keep it the way it is;] But more

lydiab6 03-09-2008 09:42 PM

Leave it the way it is, but maybe slow it down a bit, add more details, more description. It would slow the story down so it would be longer, and make the story more enjoyable over all. The concepts are nice, but there is little meat to them, more details would fill it out a bit in my opinion. Very nice though!

jack1989 03-10-2008 09:55 AM

Thankyou for the input Lydia. I'll deffinately bear in in mind for what I have planned :)

doggey girl 03-10-2008 02:46 PM

keep going it is getting good

slave456 03-11-2008 12:57 PM

get on with the story then!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

jack1989 03-24-2008 07:24 AM

My appologies for the prolonged wait, someone *blushes* stood on their memory stick and smashed it into many pieces, I have the story saved to another computer that dosn't have internet access and will be another few days before I can transfere all the stuff.

slave456 03-30-2008 06:33 AM

hahaha wt a load of crap the story which takes years 2 finish!!!!!

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