getDare Truth or Dare

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princessjessie 07-18-2011 10:19 PM

My Suggestions Regarding Underage S/M
REMINDER! this isnt to victimise anyone in particular so please dont take personal offence

recently on getdare after the new 18+ rule change i have found the persentage of people looking for slave and master relationships has gone up and i am personally getting quite anoyed over how disrespectful people have become with the rules. i feel that people dont care about asking under 18 users for s/m and i think it needs to stop. almost everday i get one or more s/m requests from people all ages asking me to be there slave or mistress and i dont think its fair and i am tired of reporting it. i have a suggestion that might stop people asking underage users for s/m.

i suggest when people log in there is a box that comes on and says "welcome (username) we dare you to enjoy yourself" i was wondering if you could add abit at the bottom that is a small reminder about rules for s/m. something like "please remember that it is against the rules of getDare to ask an under 18 user for s/M" i feel that this will just remind people of the rules and will stop people breaking the rules.

another suggestion i have is for chat. as the moderators have a green picture next to there name on the right hand side list of the chat page, i was wondering if member under 18 could have a different colour just as a pre-warning to people that this user is not 18 and they should not ask this user for s/m.

i do understand that its not all over 18s asking under 18s for s/m, personally i have receved requests from users who are not 18 themselves, i think it is inapropiate.

i also know for a fact some people on getdare have never read the rules and i think they should be forced to read them again (or for the first time) im not sure how this is possible but im sure you will think of a way

Ninjota 07-18-2011 10:28 PM

I think this is a good idea, underage s/m and overly sexual content was the reason for all the huzzah about this site becoming 18+.

I think asking/harassing for under age S/M should be more strictly controlled. While i know most people who get a temporary ban will obviously either come back or leave, i have an idea that might help.

For people who get a temporary ban, in order for them to come back onto getDare after their time expires, they should be made to read an entire list of rules, then, quizzed on them. If they fail, well, then their ban is extended, and they can try again another time, if they fail 3 times, it should be a perma-ban, because obviously they aren't reading the rules.

Just my 2 cents!

princessjessie 07-18-2011 10:34 PM


Originally Posted by Ninjota (Post 498140)
I think this is a good idea, underage s/m and overly sexual content was the reason for all the huzzah about this site becoming 18+.

I think asking/harassing for under age S/M should be more strictly controlled. While i know most people who get a temporary ban will obviously either come back or leave, i have an idea that might help.

For people who get a temporary ban, in order for them to come back onto getDare after their time expires, they should be made to read an entire list of rules, then, quizzed on them. If they fail, well, then their ban is extended, and they can try again another time, if they fail 3 times, it should be a perma-ban, because obviously they aren't reading the rules.

Just my 2 cents!

its a good idea but im sure someone will post all the answers to the quiz somewhere and ruin the idea and also repeat offenders will know the answers. sure theres another way of making the questions change for each user so like i said its a good idea but im not sure how it will work :)

luvNgrl 07-19-2011 05:37 AM

I think something does need to be done as well. I think a big problem as I am fairly new to this site is I don't know how old everyone is. A lot of people don't have it posted in their signature and then there's a privacy option that allows for you to not have it on your profile at all. With some people not posting their age anywhere, it's hard to know how old people are. I just don't send messages to people if they don't have their age posted.

So anyways, I think the age of a person must be on everyone's profile somewhere easily visible instead of having a person have to search for it. This may also help with the underage problem.

MasterPain 07-19-2011 07:11 AM

I've been to a site that unless you read and post a certain line from the rules and introduce yourselves, the forum is locked and you cant post on anything...

but its not so much that the 18+'s need to be modded, but that the 18+'s need to use common sense.

but i do have to agree that harsher punishments should be given to repeat offenders

CollaredBlondie 07-19-2011 01:04 PM


Originally Posted by luvNgrl (Post 498275)
So anyways, I think the age of a person must be on everyone's profile somewhere easily visible instead of having a person have to search for it. This may also help with the underage problem.

This. Visible age on a profile should be compulsory on a site like this. And the coloured dot thing - that's a good idea.

I once got asked by a THIRTEEN year old to be their slave/mistress. Do you know how disgusting that is when you're 21? I wanted to go and bathe myself in bleach afterwards.

I shouldn't have to stop talking to the under 18ers here for fear of being propositioned. I quite like some of the under 18ers - some of them have more interesting things to say than the folk of my own age.

I am glad that under 18s are no longer allowed to join, but, one look at the ban list shows that these rules are not stopping people. It just makes them lie.


slave1987 07-19-2011 01:49 PM

Rather than having something that just identifies under-age members why not have a coloured dot or something next to their avatar that shows they aren't interested in being contacted for s/m or sexual purposes.

princessjessie 07-19-2011 02:11 PM


Originally Posted by slave1987 (Post 498514)
Rather than having something that just identifies under-age members why not have a coloured dot or something next to their avatar that shows they aren't interested in being contacted for s/m or sexual purposes.

if you mean this for over 18 users then its a good idea but under 18s shouldnt have a choice if they are interested or not because they shouldnt be doing it in the 1st place

lilysmaster 07-19-2011 02:50 PM

In regards to s/M I know it was said at one time the depp wanted to move all of that over the Kinktalk, put some of the work on those mods, just kidding of course. Either way there will be liars and fakes, and those who simply don't have any regard to rules. I mean one problem I have heard in offsite discussions is why are mods some mods U18 and converse about s/M have access to all the areas of the site that are 18+ doesn't that seem a little incorrect. I mean I see that side and the obvious, those mods earned that positions, they are not breaking those rules, but at the same time, "U18s should not be exposed to those such things." I had a partial point to this but no point in pointing fingers and such.

The colored icon makes perfect sense, but it isn't going to stop the person. Personally I think make it a 2 week ban, you mess up again, bye bye. Of course there would be a few exceptions to this and investigating, on who propositioned and if the U18 continued with it at all. Honestly, lets say I start talking to an U18(purely example) and s/he starts to go with it, that person is still at fault as well, the ban needs to go both ways, because I have heard of a few U18s "trapping" 18+, or even on that if the U18 propositions me and I don't have common sense to say no, I should be banned along with them. Many of the offenses I have seen from modding on many sites are that both parties are at fault for something. Although this has been kinda off topic, it is just a thought.

There is no winning here really, two options make getDare pg13 with NO adult content and remove all underage users from the site and require some form of age verification, but gasp that costs money.

Another thought I had while having a discussion with a freind is that U18s should not be allowed to participate but be able to gain knowledge on it, ask questions and learn so when the are 18 they don't fly blindly into something bad. Like the parents that don't talk about sex and now have a prego 16 year old with aids.(I hope that hasn't happened...)

Just my random, semi-organized wall of thoughts.

princessjessie 07-19-2011 03:13 PM

just to make it clear to lillysmaster its not just the mods who can see the s/m stuff we ALL can we just cant post which we shouldnt and dont want to do in the 1st place. just thought id make that clear...

also how does "Like the parents that don't talk about sex and now have a prego 16 year old with aids" have anything to do with underage s/m on getdare?

Blackjack 07-19-2011 03:14 PM


Originally Posted by princessjessie (Post 498536)
if you mean this for over 18 users then its a good idea but under 18s shouldnt have a choice if they are interested or not because they shouldnt be doing it in the 1st place

In that case you could just give under 18s the colour of dot for not interested by default and don't give them the option to change it till they are 18.

So you would have a green dot for those that want to be contacted and a red dot for those that don't.

Over 18s would get the choice of the green or red whereas under 18s would just have the red one till they are 18 and can make a choice then.

princessjessie 07-19-2011 03:20 PM


Originally Posted by Blackjack (Post 498598)
In that case you could just give under 18s the colour of dot for not interested by default and don't give them the option to change it till they are 18.

So you would have a green dot for those that want to be contacted and a red dot for those that don't.

Over 18s would get the choice of the green or red whereas under 18s would just have the red one till they are 18 and can make a choice then.

thts a good idea actually cos you could have like an interested or not interested in s/m dot and until ur 18 is perminently on "not interested"

lilysmaster 07-19-2011 03:46 PM

I was directing that in the aspect of educating those U18s that are interested in s/M, you may not be but quite a bit of the U18 crowd is, and have either just given up on trying to get information or have resorted to lying. If they are not educated as soon as they turn 18 they are way more likely to run out and hookup with some creep who will rape, or worse kill them. All because they wanted in and took their first chance.

My comment was directed about mods and s/M, was directed somewhere in particular but there is no need to point fingers or name call, it solves nothing, it would offend someone and I would just get banned.

U18s are just not suppose to participate... gotcha, but they can still see all that goes on and "corrupts" them.

lilysmaster 07-19-2011 03:47 PM


Originally Posted by princessjessie (Post 498611)
thts a good idea actually cos you could have like an interested or not interested in s/m dot and until ur 18 is perminently on "not interested"

This will not stop those that are problems now, that will just be another thing to ignore.

princessjessie 07-19-2011 03:49 PM


Originally Posted by lilysmaster (Post 498634)
I was directing that in the aspect of educating those U18s that are interested in s/M, you may not be but quite a bit of the U18 crowd is, and have either just given up on trying to get information or have resorted to lying. If they are not educated as soon as they turn 18 they are way more likely to run out and hookup with some creep who will rape, or worse kill them. All because they wanted in and took their first chance.

My comment was directed about mods and s/M, was directed somewhere in particular but there is no need to point fingers or name call, it solves nothing, it would offend someone and I would just get banned.

U18s are just not suppose to participate... gotcha, but they can still see all that goes on and "corrupts" them.

how would it corrupt anyone, if you dont wanna read it then nobody is making you and nobody is stupid enough to take it all seriously anyway. im not starting an arguement with you btw

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