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elsa_birch 04-12-2011 03:55 PM

A Glutton For Punishment (with next installment added).
The school was an incredibly strict and serious place. We all wore identical uniforms that consisted of white starched shirts with a white corset over the top, a red checked ribbon tied in a small bow around our firm collar, a grey pleated skirt that reached to just above the knees, white stockings with a red bow at the top, black Mary Jane shoes and of course the regulation underwear. This underwear was the bane of our lives. First there was an adjustable strap around the waist onto which was fastened a much thinner strap that ran between the buttocks and the crotch. This strap could also be tightened and it was required that we must have it on a previously approved setting, determined by the uniform officer, Miss Phipp. She would choose a setting according to our size, that would put us in the same amount of discomfort as each other. The idea is that it would constantly make us aware of our place and the threat of punishment for our actions. When punished for a sin, not only would we receive a spanking, we would be made to tighten our belts a certain number of notches dependant on the crime to increase the discomfort. On top of this belt contraption, we were then made to wear rubber panties - apparently for the interest of hygiene. These were horrid to wear, especially in the summer when we would become especially hot and uncomfortable down there. As well as this, we were also required to wear a plug in our anus during school hours and in meal times to aid posture and discipline. The size of these would also increase as punishment. At night our plugs would sit on our bedside table in our dorm rooms in glasses of sterilising solution like false teeth. It was a peculiar sight.

The routine of the school day was also very strict. We be woken at six by Matron ringing the massive bell that stood on a stand in the long corridor. She and the two women working under her would then patrol the dormitories and ensure everyone was out of bed. Anyone caught lying in would be hauled out and whipped with the strap that each of the women carried on their belt. Each dorm had a shower room that was shared and we would all proceed there with our towel and dressing gown and shower together after waking. The shower rooms had several showers hanging above us on the ceiling and a was completely tiled, with a plug hole in the middle. We would hang our dressing gown and towel up on the pegs and place our slippers and razors on the wooden benches below and walk into the middle where we would all stand and wash. There were no curtains and therefore absolutely no privacy. The sight of a well punished bottom was a common sight. We all used the same regulation shampoo and had the same amount of time in the shower, which would automatically turn off after ten minutes. After this, we then had another ten minutes to shave our legs, underarms and vulva as we were required to do everyday for hygiene. We would rinse the stinging soap off in our allotted basins before drying and proceeding back to the dorm room. We would then each shed our dressing gown and stand by the side of our bed for the six thirty inspection. Matron and her cronies would come around and examine our pale, naked bodies, searching for a stray hair on our exposed vulva or a bit of dirt behind a forgotten ear. Offending girls were given six strokes of the strap and then sent back to rectify it. If the area in question was one's private parts, more often than not, Matron would have the defendant lie on her bed facing up with her legs fully parted and would administer the strokes to the trembling genitals. You could always tell when this was the case, even from another dorm room because the screams were always twice as loud.

After the morning examination, we would lubricate our anuses with the menthol lubrication provided - a very unpleasant procedure - and insert our anal plugs. We would then dress in our uniform and go down to the breakfast hall. At the end of breakfast, announcements would be made for the day, including the names of anyone due to be punished for a significant event as well as their sentence. Often, a pupil might not be aware of her punishment until then so breakfast was a particularly tense affair.

At seven thirty, we were expected to take a brisk walk around the play area under supervision before going to lessons at eight. Lessons lasted an hour, with a half hour break at eleven and lunch at half past one followed by afternoon assembly until three. This was followed by lessons until five and then punishment hour.

Punishment hour was held before dinner so that anyone being punished would have to sit on the punishment table and eat bread and water whilst wearing the punishment uniform. This uniform consisted of a white gown that reached just to the top of the thighs, often exposing the crotch area which would be clothed only in the belt that ran between the buttocks. The back of the gown was open like a hospital gown so as to access the posterior with more ease. Often pupils were punished by senior members of staff in private. However, for particularly evil deeds, the individual might require harsher treatment and further humiliating and would instead be punished in front of the whole school during punishment hour. For such severe discipline, a whipping horse and restraints were often used and the implements were the most severe, with a wide variety usually used. Following their punishment, the unfortunate pupil was given a punishment enema (usually with ginger), the largest plug inserted into their anus and their clitoris clipped. This involved placing a wooden clip on their clitoris that they would have to keep on through out their painful dinner. They would also don the traditional dunce cap and would be seated for all to see, humiliated and sore.

After dinner, we finally were allowed some time to ourselves in our dorms. We were expected to use this time to do homework and write letters home to our families and visit any teachers with whom we had appointments. We had to be in bed by nine thirty with lights out at ten. Anyone caught out of bed would be punished by Matron.

Weekends were nearly just as tightly packed as weekdays. We rose at the same time on Saturdays and had lessons until lunchtime, after which we would take a trip somewhere educational. Occasionally we would go somewhere further afield and would leave earlier, missing the lessons but more often the not, the trips were local, dull and frequently repeated. Sundays were slightly less intense and we had no lessons but we attended church in the mornings, followed by bible study. It was Sunday afternoon that we were able to receive visitors but this was rare and more often than not, we spent the time walking in the nearby woods, closely supervised by available teachers who allowed this venture out, deeming it suitably healthy and educational. Sunday evenings, however, were somewhat less relaxed. This was when we would have our weekly full examinations. After dinner, over the course of the evening, we would be called from our dorms to visit Matron. During these visits, we would be required to strip naked and lie on the examination couch and present ourselves to Matron, who would lubricate her gloved finger and delve into our most private parts in search of infection, imperfection and concealed goods. Resistance was futile and resulted in further probing and instant punishment. Even squirming could earn you a sharp pinch to the clitoris. You would then be turned over to have your temperature taken and your anal cavity searched followed by an enema. The solution was dependant on your bathroom habits, which Matron would viciously interrogate you on. Often a pupil would leave with a series of appointments with Matron over the course of the week for the administration of soap stick suppositories - an unpleasant and stingy procedure that we all dreaded. After the enema, one might be lucky and be cleaned up and sent on your way but frequently another enema was insisted upon, followed by a thick soap stick thrust into the anus to leave with. We spent Sunday evening wriggling on our beds and itching under our rubber panties.

It was one of these Sunday night visits to Matron that earned me my first slot in punishment hour. In fact, it was my first visit to Matron as I had only been at the school for a week. I had been sent to the school by my father who raised my alone. Tired of spending his precious time punishing me, he decided to send me away to the strictest school in the country. He was a wealthy lawyer so the fees were easy to take care of but the time required for my discipline was eating up his time working and he finally gave in and sent me away. I had been used to the sting of the cane from my father's strong hand but I had never experienced the humiliation of enemas and anal plugging so when Matron plunged her brutal fingers into my private parts, I reacted fiercely, kicking and screaming and in the process of doing this I managed to kick her in the face. Immediately she grabbed me by my hair and dragged me, still naked from the examination couch to the headmaster's office and told him what I had done. I stood there, naked in front of the headmaster wondering what my fate would be. I tried to appear calm and complacent but I was terrified of that sentence I might receive. The headmaster cruelly decided not to tell me then and there and instead left me worrying until the next morning's breakfast where it was announced that I would receive a public beating of the utmost severity during punishment hour for kicking Matron. My stomach churned and I felt sick but I did receive some respect from the 'bad girls' of my year. To be there only a week and end up on that stage was quite an achievement I was told. This respect was probably what caused to continue my bad behaviour for although the punishments were harsh, the admiration I received for my confidence and courage made me feel special.

When punishment hour finally arrived after a gruelling day of lessons, I found myself waiting at the bottom of the stage in my punishment uniform, the belt between my legs done up so tightly that my clitoris stung terribly. I was summoned up by the Master of Punishments and with wobbling legs, I walked onto the platform. The punishment began with a paddling and I was positioned over a flogging block with my bottom in the air, facing the mesmerised audience. Each crack as the wooden paddle landed on my flesh through me forward and I let out a gasp but no more. I could bear the pain. Next, my belt was untied and they lay me out on my back and thrashed my clitoris with a strap as an assistant held back the lips of my vagina. This I was far less accustomed to and I cried as quietly as I could as my clitoris turned to fire. I was whipped with a crop over the whipping horse, many of the harsh strokes landing on my exposed genitals and on my anus. I jerked involuntarily with each stroke to these sensitive areas and sobbed. I didn't scream though. I knew I had to be strong. I was caned, paddled again, my clitoris whipped and then given a ginger enema on the platform and forced to expel it into a bucket on the stage. I burnt with humiliation but I felt strong. They plugged my anus with a ginger root and caned me again, each clench making the ginger sting my quivering anus. I was then turned over and after rubbing my vagina with ginger, they placed a wooden peg on my clitoris. It stung so much and I wriggled as they held me down. I desperately wished for it to come off but I just had to cope. Then they lubricated my anus with a strong menthol solution and I felt something cold and hard pressing against my anus. The standard plug had been enough for me but now this massive thing was trying to get in! I resisted but it was still being pushed. Finally I gave in and it slid painfully into my rectum, my anus spreading more and more. I had no idea how much more there would be to go in but it seemed there was a lot more than I was expecting. Finally it went all the way in and my anus closed around the indent. I was breathing very heavily. It was after this that I was allowed to waddle off the stage to be sent to dinner with the enormous plug in my anus and the painful clip on my clitoris.


The group of rebellious girls, who's respect I had earned, referred to themselves as The Pain Sluts. They strived to to rebel against authority and viewed their punishments as displays of courage and success. It was Arabella, that first approached me three days after my punishment hour flogging, though I had seen others looking over and whispering in the dinner hall prior to her visit. She crept into my dorm within minutes of lights out. I was incredibly impressed that she hadn't been spotted by matron and marvelled at her bravery.


'Yes' I whispered eagerly to the figure in the darkness, slowly making out the features of the girl I knew from my classes as the trouble maker. Unlike myself, she was very tall - almost amazonian, slim but with a broad, powerful skeleton beneath her flawless skin.

'Follow me' came the answer from the shadows.

'Where? Why?'

'No questions now. Follow me quickly - unless you want to feel Matron's strap over your pussy!' I was fearful but very intrigued. I adored mystery - it could never fail to allure me. Arabella moved towards the door and I rose quickly and followed her. She looked both ways and paused. There was the sound of a distant thrashing and she smiled. 'Well done Mary-Elle' she whispered to the empty corridor before hauling my forward and round the corner to the staircase where we ran down, stepping as lightly as possible.

At the bottom of the five flights, she she led me down a particularly dark corridor, with just one light glowing at our end. We tiptoed along until right by the end, where I realised that we were on the kitchen side of the dining hall. Not only were we out of bed, we were in a prohibited area of the school. I felt sick with fear and yet rather exhilarated.

'In here!' Arabella had led me into the kitchen! I could see the pots and pans glistening in the moonlight that shone through the large window. Arabella climbed onto the kitchen table with considerable agility and then positioned herself cross legged, her blonde hair highlighted by the silver glow. She motioned for me to join her and I clambered up, somewhat less elegantly, and I sat down facing her.

'Greetings!' she said quite majestically.

'Hello Arabella. You're in my classes. You are the one they always thrash.'

She smiled for a moment - a wide, mischievous grin with glinting eyes. 'Yes. They are always having to discipline me!' She turned her face to the window and laughed. I gazed at her, fascinated. She was quiet for a while after this and I waited for her to speak.

'So!' she said with great emphasis, 'I suppose you are wondering why you are here then?'

'Most definitely, I must say!'

'We watched you on the stage on Sunday Elsa Birch.'

'Punishment Hour.'

'Quite. We we were rather impressed by your dignity and composure. You tolerate pain admirably. And up on the platform within a week of attending St Mary's. Impressive. We all agreed.'


'The Pain Sluts.'

'Oh!' I was caught of guard. 'I see.'

'That's who we are. We are sluts to pain. To be punished demonstrates a rebellion against authority. It's our reward. Each searing stroke to our flesh is proof of our courage. It's like earning a medal. We seek pain and receive pleasure. The joy of knowing we are strong, we can fight against authority. We have learned to relish it.'

'Wow! I said, genuinely shocked. 'You are a strong person.'

'I am' she said, not boasting but simply stating. 'It feels wonderful!' She stood up on the table and looked up to the ceiling before turning to face away from me. She hitched up her nightdress and bent over. 'Look!' Planted firmly and tightly inside her rectum was plug nearly as large as the one I had worn to dinner. 'Matron ordered me to wear this every night this week as I sleep as punishment for catching me out of bed after lights out. It stretches me terribly and makes sleep so uncomfortable. But I earned it for my confidence to defy Matron and so I enjoy it.' She pulled her nightdress back down and resumed her seated position.

'Why do you want to talk to me though?'

'Because you are strong too. Because you understand rebellion.'

'Are you in charge Arabella?'

'We are all in charge in our own way. We all choose how we rebel. The girls just followed me because I was the strongest.'

'The girl being thrashed when we left my dorm, did you make her cause a distraction?'

'I said I would be walking the corridors at that time. I never ordered her to do anything.' Suddenly I felt bowled over by the beauty of these girl's faith in one another. It was a sisterhood.

I was silent for a moment, taking in the evenings events when the distinctive tap of footsteps along the corridor became quite clear. I took a sharp intake of breath.

'Don't worry, we can get out the window and back up to our rooms before anybody notices' said Arabella calmly. 'But then again' her eyes twinkled, 'we could make this into a little test!'

I looked at the window and then I looked at Arabella. The footsteps were louder, closer. Smiling and feeling strangely calm, I stood up up on the kitchen table and held my arms up in the air. With a laugh, Arabella joined me and we grinned at each other as the door flew open.

The woman in the doorway was Miss Winton, the housekeeper of the lower floor, though she was a stranger to me at this point. She was a tall, stocky woman of about forty, her black hair pulled tightly back into a bun and a dark red robe wrapped tightly around her.

'Come with me!' She whispered it fiercely, each syllable separate and angry. Arabella jumped off the table and a pan clattered to the floor. I followed suit but was dismayed not to create a noise. She grabbed our collars and led us to an office a few doors down, where she pushed us through the door and locked it behind her, placing the big loop of keys firmly in the pocket of her gown.

'What on earth do you think you are playing at? In the kitchen and after lights out too! The kitchen is completely off-limits to pupils! Arabella! Look at me! I will not have you wandering around in the night and taking other girls under your dark wing! I know Matron has you wearing that plug at night! You had better be wearing it young lady!' Arabella bent over ceremoniously, exposed the painful plug and giggled.

'It's a shame not to disappoint!' she said, wriggling her pale buttocks at Miss Winton. who wrinkled her nose before turned to the cupboard behind her, from which she retrieved a thick paddle with holes drilled in. She dragged Arabella over the desk by her collar, pulled her nightdress up and began paddling her with extremely fast, powerful stokes. As five minutes neared, Arabella had not cried but her breathing was deep and her fists were clenched. The plug in her anus must has been thrust in deeper with each powerful swat. Eventually it was my turn to be hauled over. The paddling was so quick that it felt out of control. I didn't have a chance to cope with one swat before another came down on my already bruised bottom. I did not cry but I felt my breathing grow far more panicked. When it finally ceased, I realised that my bottom felt like it was burning. It was inextinguishable and unbearable, and yet I felt an unbelievable strength. I laughed, elated. I was suddenly presented with the urge to do something naughty, something to earn further punishment. I glanced around the room and saw a glass on the desk.

'You'll never hurt me!' I shouted and threw it to the floor. It smashed and Mrs Winton's face turned from anger to fury. Pushing my chest, she forced onto my back on the desk and as I kicked out, she fiercely paddled my genitals. I didn't cry, I inhaled and exhaled quickly, intensely. The pain was unimaginable. I felt fantastic.

The Pain Sluts met in secret every Thursday night at eleven in the stable block. This meant creeping out of the building without being spotted, each girl with a separate slot of time so as to avoid being caught. Arabella described this to me during the morning exercise period and told me she would accompany me on my first night but no other.

'If you get caught on the way to the meeting,' Arabella explained, 'your forfeit is to get yourself into enough trouble to earn a slot in punishment hour - without giving up your secrets of course! Most teachers won't think to find out anymore information if you give them something really bad to punish you for!' I was also informed that I must wear my butt plug to the meeting, a symbol of our ability to receive pain with dignity. By the time our exercise was over, I was itching for the evening to arrive.

The lessons moved slowly, the facts and figures becoming more and more tedious as the hours passed. Sitting was painful but I felt a sense of power and pride that I was unaccustomed to as I bore my pain. Dreamily I planned ideas to get me into trouble so as to impress the Pain Sluts on my first night. I was already so passionate about it. The lust for punishment was intense. I picked my history class in which to provoke discipline. Mrs Earling was small and frail and although she has a vicious temper, she lacked the strength to administer a proper flogging and instead favoured more creative methods of punishment. My bottom already had severe bruising and my genitals were red and swollen so further beating would be quite impossible to receive with dignity. However, I had watched Mrs Earling administering her unique penalties for disobedience and was quite inspired.

My act involved staring blankly at the corner of the ceiling every time she addressed me to ask a question and when this had happened for the third time she began to threaten me. Instead of stopping here, I stood up, turned around - much to the delight of the class - and asked 'Can anyone hear an annoying noise or is that just me?'

I was ordered to the front of the class where I was placed on 'The Pole.' This was a bit of wood a bit bigger than a broom handle that was mounted on a sturdy base. The idea was that the culprit sat with the top in her vagina and that it was too tall for her to stand comfortably. 'You'll stay there until the class is over Missy!' Mrs Earling screeched at me, her face red and blotchy. With a grin, I twisted around on the wooden pole and faced the rest of of the class. 'Miss Birch! The pole is not for spinning!' I laughed and began to move around in circles. I caught site of Arabella at the back of the class. She was sat with her arms folded and a beaming smile.


elsa_birch 04-12-2011 03:56 PM

The first few meetings of the Pain Sluts passed relatively uneventfully with no one being caught out of bed and our topics of conversation mainly featuring suggestions of rebellious acts as well as my introductions to the other members. Mary-Elle was the girl who had taken the thrashing to allow Arabella and I to leave the dormitory unseen. She was tall and lanky with long hair that cascaded down her slim shoulders. She was very eager to please Arabella I noticed and had a very competitive personality. In contrast to Mary-Elle's skeletal physic was Caitlin, an athletic and muscular girl with great physical strength. She was incredible on the pitch and just as incredible with her pain tolerance. Whenever I saw her thrashed, there was always an expression of great relish and strength on her face. She was very confident in a very unpretentious way. I admired her intelligence and determination that confounded the teachers greatly. Caitlin could always turn in a top notch essay and play outstandingly in every sport and possessed a genuine desire to learn. She would pay attention in class, taking in every fact and then, when she felt all knowledge was gathered, she would begin her routine of misbehaviour, always laced with great wit and intelligence. She was truly fantastic. There was Della - a blonde, curvaceous American who's parents had sent her to an English boarding school to straighten her out. Della had grown up in Georgia and her lewd and inappropriate behaviour had shocked the residents of her quiet village. As the daughter of a prominent family in the area, Della's behaviour could be tolerated. Her parents tried to beat it out of her but to no avail and thus she was shipped across the Atlantic to be disciplined far from the eyes of the close knit deep southern community. Clemmie, the final member, was the brat. Clementine Eleanor Du Manchen. She was the daughter of a very rich doctor who had no time for her in his busy schedule. Instead of fathering her, he hired a nanny and lavished gifts a plenty on her. Her mother had died during childbirth and the nanny was a meek lady who was unable to control the rebellious child and this had been the norm until Dr Du Manchen remarried. The step mother was a strong disciplinarian who immediately made reservations for Clemmie to start at the school the very next term and quickly introduced Clemmie to the burn of the cane. She was very small and very slim and wore her hair in a bob. When I met her, she has been at the school a year at the youthful age of thirteen was the youngest of the Pain Sluts. Her behaviour has not improved and her aversion to authority had only grown along with her tolerance to corporal punishment. She was incredibly childish and had a tendency to whine but Arabella was very good at controlling her and frequently reprimanded her. Arabella was the only person who could control her. This was demonstrated on the fourth meeting that I attended and the events certainly had a very strong impact on me.

Until this meeting I was unaware that the Pain Sluts would punish each other, should the deem it necessary. Clemmie arrived late at the meeting and it transpired that she has been intercepted by another student from her dormitory who had demanded to know where she was going. I watched Arabella's face as the story was recounted. The student has threatened to alert matron unless she told her where she was going. Arabella's cheeks reddened. 'What did you say?' she whispered viciously.

'I told her I was meeting some friends who I discuss rebellion with. I didn't say who, where or why!'

'You said you met people! You stupid brat! You could have taken a thrashing from Matron! You could even have lied like a coward and said you were doing something else but you chose to tell!'

'I didn't tell!'

'You alluded to rebellion! If that girl starts putting things together, she'll realise what we do. You could expose us Clemmie!'

'I didn't know what to do! I thought I was helping!'

'Like hell you were, you selfish little bitch!' You just didn't want Matron hurting your precious little clit!'

'Arabella, I'm sorry!' she cried, tears spilling onto her rounded cheeks.

'You will be sorry when we've punished you! Caitlin, hold her please.'

Caitlin immediately moved forward and held the small girls arms behind her. She had no chance of escape so instead she looked at the floor in shame.

'Well since you are willing enough to expose us, you can expose yourself and take your punishment. Will you comply?'

'Yes Arabella' nodded the pathetic girl.

'Good. Caitlin you may release her.' Caitlin let go. 'Now Clementine - I want you to strip. Everything, even your plug.'

The small girl began removing her night dress slowly pulled her plug from her anus. Eventually she stood before us, pale and bare, her small breasts pert, and her shaven vulva clenched fearfully between her skinny legs. Arabella went to the corner of the stable, stood on a rusting upturned bucket and reached up into the beams, withdrawing a drawstring bag and several thrashing implements. From the bag, she took several pots that appeared to be herb containers and a bottle of lubricating lotion that we used daily on our anuses.

'Get on your hands and knees.' Clemmie obeyed. 'I would very much like to give you a proper figging but we do not have access to the ginger used by the teachers as of yet. Instead I am going to make my own concoction that I will mix with the already painful lubricant.' I watched Arabella pour ground ginger, chilli powder and cayenne pepper into the bottle and give it a swirl. She then added a generous amount of menthol oil before shaking it thoroughly. From the bag, she withdrew a pair of latex gloves and she squeezed a large dollop onto her finger. 'Hold her open Elsa!' Me! I'd been given an instruction. Eagerly, I went over to the bowed girl and parted her buttocks, exposing her tight, pink anus. In plunged Arabella's finger, twisting and moving inside the rectum, coating it with the punishing concoction. At first Clemmie simply gasped at the shock of the intrusion but as the finger was withdrawn, the burning set in, and her cheeks clenched and her anus desperately contracted repeatedly. The tears were now gushing. 'I thought it might have that effect' said Arabella, smiling sourly before squeezing another dollop onto her hand and wiping it deep inside of her pussy and over her clitoris. Clemmie sobbed in desperation, unable to stop the brutal burning. 'Don't even think about moving' warned Arabella. After another delve into the drawstring bag, a large plug emerged and I was again summoned to part the cheeks. After a few pushes on the surface, slowly the anus began to accept the intrusive plug and it opened around it, growing and growing until finally it was able to close over the large retention dip. The circular black base lodged between the cheeks of Clemmie's little bottom was visible for all to see.

Soon Clemmie was panting heavilly, the cruel lotion was clearly burning her young genitals and rectum. 'On your knees!' ordered Arabella and the girl obeyed without question, dropping quickly and bowing her head with a grimmace. Arabella selected a paddle from the collection of instruments and patted it gentle against Clemmie's raised behind before giving it an almighty swing causing instant sobbing. 'Yes, that should do it' she said casually and passed the paddle to Caitlin who took up the position of the punisher.

There was now a great red mark on the shaking buttocks and Clemmie continued to sob quietly. 'If you make too much noise, I'll hit you twice as hard' said Caitlin mercilessly. The disgraced girl nodded, tears still falling but her lips tightly closed. With that, the athletic Caitlin began fiercely paddling the pale behind until it was a vibrant red colour. Although Clemmie didn't cry, she gasped and panted throughout the beating, desperately trying to cope with the terrible pain that was being inflicted on her young skin. Eventually the thrashing ceased and the young girl fell to the ground, faint from the terrific pain she has endured. Della hauled her to her up and threw her over onto her back, parting her knees so her genitals were exposed. She looked up into the rafters and continued to breath heavily.

'We shall now punish your clitoris as it deserves!' announced Arabella, producing a small flogger that she slid across Clemmie's quivering slit, up and down, up and down, the girl's pelvis raising to meet it and then before she began to enjoy it too much, she swung it down with a crack over the condemned clitoris. She repeated this thirty times, growing faster and harder until Clemmie could only shake beneath her, convulsing and gasping for breath.

'Clamp her!' ordered Arabella and Della obeyed, placing a firm metal clamp over the swollen clitoris. The pressure on the sensitive organ caused an involuntary jerk from the humiliated girl. Following this, Arabella held up her legs, displaying the thick black plug and summoned Caitlin to remove it. After a few tugs, the anus released it's grip and it slid out, leaving a gaping hole behind. 'I think a final reminder will be a dose of the extra large plug in your anus, don't you Clementine?' Clemmie, simply nodded, broken in and consigned to her fate.

'Hold her legs Elsa!' I took Clemmies legs and Arabella delved into the bag to locate the plug. It was massive. I couldn't believe that such a thing might fit inside of me, let alone the young Clemmie. Nevertheless, Arabella was coating it with her lubricating concoction and seemed intent on getting it inside of the tiny girl. I watched as the black tip pressed against the unwilling anus, burrowing into her rectum slowly and painfully. Clemmie didn't struggle, she just lay there panting with her eyes up towards the rafters, obviously trying to imagine she was somewhere else. The plug was still ploughing forward, nearing the widest circumference, the anus stretching terribly. After what seemed like forever, the plug was finally accepted and her sphincter closed around the retention indent. 'There!' said Arabella, giving the plugged behind a firm swat, causing Clemmie to gasp. 'You have repaid us.' She held out her hand. 'Well taken Clemmie.' The girl was hauled to her feet, trembling and bow legged from the plug.


After seeing Clemmie's ordeal, I was very wary not to do anything to displease the Pain Sluts. As the newest member, I feared that any mistakes on my part would not be received graciously and I knew that I wanted to avoid Clemmie's fate at all costs. For a while I did everything to please the girls, desperate to ensure my complete acceptance into the group. I spent my lessons playing up, thus earning myself beatings and kudos. However, as I built up my repertoire of misdemeanours in the school, I was unaware that my crimes would be reported back to my father and so it took me by complete surprise when I received a letter from him informing me that a visit would be imminent.

Dearest Elsa,

I am thoroughly disappointed to hear of your lack of progress at St Mary's Reformatory Academy for Young Ladies. I have been informed by your headmaster of your foul behaviour and how the severe punishments you have received appear to be having no impact. It has been recommended to him by your Matron that a paternal influence may aid the situation, rendering the discipline more effective. I have already spoken with the headmaster and will arrive at St Mary's this weekend. I inform you of this with great regret for I had hoped that this school would really help to improve your behaviour and for you to return home as a mature young lady but I fear I had set my hopes to high. Nevertheless, you are not a lost cause and I intend to make every effort I can to allow you to grow up to be the obedient woman I know you are capable of becoming. You are my only daughter and I only want the best for you. I hope that this weekend's impending visit will allow you to consider your future with a degree of sense.

All my love,


I attempted to voice my concern to the Pain Sluts but as soon as Arabella had read the letter, she was applauding me. 'You've had a parent summoned! I'm so proud!' She clapped her hands and laughed happily.

'They tell them everything you know!' chirped Mary-Elle. 'I went home for Christmas and my parents knew that I'd had a slot in punishment hour just days before. I couldn't believe it. They even made me strip show them the marks to punish me further.'

'I know! It's so embarrassing!' muttered Clemmie. 'When I first came here, my step mother found out everything they did here and when I came home, she had ordered all this punishment gear. She even had me plugged all day at home too. It was awful.'

'My parents are always upset when they hear from the school' said Caitlin more solemnly. 'I always feel really guilty because I know they spend a lot on my education and it's a real stretch for them. They are really proud of how well I do on the pitch and in my marks but they just don't understand why I always get punished. When I go back, my father gives me a flogging over the chopping block in the woodshed. He gives me five strokes for every letter they send to inform them of a punishment. Last time he hit me so many times with that belt I passed out. My backside was a wreck. I couldn't sit for a week. When I came round he hugged me and told me how much he loves me. He would have kept beating me for every stroke I earned though, no matter how many. Even if I was a sea of blood, he'd have beat me for every letter. He cares too much.'

Everyone was quiet. Caitlin looked at the wall and brushed her hair out of her face.

'So' said Arabella with an air of great intent, 'did you hear that goodie-goodie, Kate Ashworth got caned by the headmaster yesterday?' And so the subject was changed. I tried to focus on the gossip and forget about my father's letter.


elsa_birch 04-12-2011 03:57 PM

The weekend approached far too quickly for me liking and suddenly it was friday afternoon. I was sat in my french class, idly gazing out of the window when there was a knock on the classroom door. Miss Dee, an assistant of discipline walked into the room and spoke to Madame Fouetter who then turned to me. 'Elsa Birch, please follow Miss Dee and report to the headmaster.' Arabella looked across at me and winked. I nodded slowly and rose, my legs trembling. 'Quickly!' I hurried through the maze of desks and out of the door after Miss Dee.

In the corridor, the young assistant turned to me and spoke. 'I have been asked to prep you for a meeting with the headmaster. You are to follow me without hesitation or question. Do you understand.' I nodded. 'Do you understand Miss Birch?'

'Yes Miss.'

'Good. Now follow me.'

We walked through the empty hallways until we came to a room on the first floor, next to the infirmary. It was similar to Matron's office and with the same examination couch and steel equipment. 'You will undress now.' stated Miss Dee. I didn't feel like I had a choice. I unlaced my corset and unbuttoned my shirt, letting them fall to the floor. I then slid out of my skirt and kicked off my shoes. I was now accustomed to exposing my naked body but the extreme sense of fear that I was battling with made me very aware of my impending nudity and I paused in my underwear, psyching myself up. Miss Dee simply stood with her arms folded, watching me. Very carefully, I rolled down my stockings and pulled them over my feet and then reached behind me for my brassier. Next I wriggled out of my rubber panties and then looked over to Miss Dee, unsure of whether or not to remove my harness. She nodded and I unbuckled it. 'Bend over the couch.' I leant forward over the examination couch, the cheeks of my buttocks parting as I leant, exposing the plug. I heard Miss Dee snapping gloves onto her hands and then I felt her hand graze me thigh slightly as she reached for the plug. 'I'd like you to push now please.' I pushed as if I was having a bowel movement and the plug dislodged, my anal sphincter shrinking in relief. I was glad I had the couch to lean on for my legs felt gelatinous and my head, light.

'Onto the couch now. I climbed up, half flopping on my side. Within a few seconds, I felt a cold, probing finger on my anus. It was lubricated and after a light push, it was inserted into my rectum. Miss Dee felt around, coating the walls with Vaseline before removing it and fetching the enema bag. When the nozzle was firmly in place, the soapy water gushed into my bowel causing immediate cramping. I was too dazed to even wriggle or protest though and I lay there, in pain, feeling my belly swell and swell. When the bag was emptied, Miss Dee put in a small plug to help me retain it and ordered me to stand. I clambered to me feet clumsily and with difficulty. Miss Dee sighed impatiently but didn't say anything as I finally achieved stability and stood before her.

'Stand in the basin please Miss Birch.' In the corner was a large ceramic basin with a shower hose mounted on the wall. Miss Dee handed me a bar of soap as I climbed in before reaching for the hose and aiming it at my feet as she turned the tap, the water beginning to run. 'Wash your body thoroughly.' She aimed the hose at my chest and I washed under my arms and turned around and washed my back and bottom. Turning back to face her, I cleaned my vulva and legs and then finally my feel before stopping and looking at her for further instruction. 'Lather the soap up and insert it into your vagina.' I pushed it up with a groan. With my full bowel, it was a squeeze. 'Very good. Now you may remove the plug and release the enema.' I tugged at the plug and immediately the liquid flowed from me onto the floor of the basin. I felt tremendous relief. Simultaneously, the soap fell out of me and I scrambled to pick it up. 'You needn't put it back in. Please bend over and spread your buttocks, exposing your anus and genitals.' I bent and she aimed the hose directly onto my anus. It stung and I was relieved when she moved onto my genitals. 'Spread the lips.' I pulled them apart and the hose rinsed out the soapy residue. 'That will do.' She turned off the hose and hung it on the wall. I stood in the basin dripping and shivering.

After at least a minute of Miss Dee doing very little, she fetched me a towel and allowed me to dry and step out of the basin. When I was done, I stood in the middle of the room, naked. I didn't even have a plug in my anus. 'You will not need a plug' said Miss Dee, as if reading my mind. I was very surprised but had no intention of arguing. 'You are to wear these garments.' I was presented with a folded white bundle. As I unfolded the white fabric, I found a harness similar to the one I wore daily within. It was almost the same aside from two metal attachments. One was about the size and shape of my little finger and the other was a bit larger in width and length. I had no doubts as to where they would go. Climbing into it, I positioned the attachments so that one penetrated my anus and the other my vagina and I pulled the buckle. At this point, Miss Dee stepped in to assist, pulling it tightly so that it was wedged even further inside me. The white fabric was a gown, similar to my punishment gown but it was shorter and made of a thinner fabric. It also had a split at the back and exposed my bottom and my genitals completely. I buttoned the cuffs with fumbling fingers and stood in front of Miss Dee once again. She handed me a white cap, similar to one a maid might wear and following her instruction, I tucked all of my red hair into into it. With a satisfied smile, Miss Dee surveyed me and I cast my eyes to the floor. With a nod, she turned and picked up a telephone from the desk. She spun the dial and I heard a ringing on the other end.

'Miss Dee Sir.'

A faint voice.

'I've prepped her, Sir.'

The voice continued.

'Very well Sir. I'll bring her over. Goodbye.'

She turned back to me. 'The headmaster is ready for you. Follow me.'

I followed her into the corridor and within a few seconds, the bell for the end of class echoed through the halls. Immediately, the corridor was filled with the clatter of feet, rushing to the next class as I walked down the corridor in shame, my genitals exposed and on display for all to see. I followed Miss Dee with my head bowed, trying to ignore the giggles of passing girls. Suddenly I felt a sharp pinch on my left buttock and turning round, I saw Arabella giggle and rush off. I turned back to the floor and continued my walk of shame.

When we reached the Headmaster's door. Miss Dee knocked it and it was opened by the Headmaster's pinch faced secretary, Miss Brae.

'Thank you Miss Dee, you may go.' With that Miss Dee gave a curtsey and left me with the secretary. 'Come in Miss Birch.' I walked through the heavy oak door and into the reception of the office where Miss Miss Brae's desk sat and several chairs on which terrified students would be placed to wait. 'He is ready for you.' With that she walked to the second heavy door and knocked.

'Enter' boomed a voiced from within and, opening the door, Miss Brae ushered me inside.

'Presenting Miss Elsa Birch.' She curtsied and left, closing the door firmly behind her and leaving me to survey the sorry sight before my eyes.

Seated in the room were the Headmaster - Professor Klaps, the Master of Punishment - Mr Danes and worst of all, my father.

I stood by the door, looking around me, looking at everything apart from my father's disappointed gaze. I knew he could see the harness between my begs and the humiliating maid's cap on my head. I felt sick with embarrassment. In front of the three men was a wooden stool. The Headmaster gestured towards it. 'Be seated Elsa. We have much to discuss.' I walked forward and lowered myself onto the stool, still avoiding my father's eyes.

'Mr Danes, your father and I have been discussing the need to rectify your behaviour. We feel that you are not progressing at with the discipline we are currently administering and that you even appear to delight in the attention it brings you. The purpose of our punishments at this school are to humble you and to cause enough pain to act as a deterrent. We feel that our punishments do not humiliate you effectively. Would that be correct?'

I shrugged.

'I hear your father administered the cane at home. Am I right?'

'Yes Sir.'

'Was that on your bare buttocks?'

'Yes sir.'

'Mr Birch tells me that you would have to lower your undergarments and lean over his desk. He informs me that you always protested when it came to the exposing of your genitals and yet here, you are confident to allow all your fellow classmates to see them as you are flogged. It seems we have found a method of humiliation, have we not? Your father was unable to dedicate the time to discipline you to the severity required, but he was able to make you feel humiliated. Would you agree with that Elsa?'

Yes sir.'

'Good. We have discussed an idea between us this afternoon. Your father has given up his valuable time to help you and I too am willing to dedicate this weekend to administer a very severe punishment to you in order to truly deter you from behaving as you have been. With the help of Mr Danes and I, we will aid your father in severely punishing you, advising him of techniques and demonstrating ways of administrating discipline so that you will be completely humiliated. It is your father's choice and we cannot force him but we strongly advise this course of action if he will permit it.'

Finally I looked at him. 'Father! Please don't do this! Father! I implore you! Please! I'll be good! I'll stop being silly in class and getting flogged. I really will. I promise!'

He looked me in the eye. 'Elsa, I love you. You are my only daughter and I want for you to be happy. But you can't behave this way. I know the punishments are harsh here and it truly saddens me to see you like this with plugs in your anus and your genitals flogged but darling, I care and if I have to do that to you to make you behave, then I will. Headmaster Klaps, I'm ready to do this.'

'No! Father! Take it back! Please!' I through myself at his feet, my eyes streaming. 'Please! You can't see me like that! You don't know what it's like! They punish my bottom! You don't want to see that! They punish inside my bottom Father! It's awful!'

'I'm sorry Elsa.' He withdrew his feet from my grasp and turned away. I slumped on the floor, sobbing.

'I think we had better give her a moment to calm down' said the Headmaster eventually. 'We can't very well deal with her like this anyway. Mr Birch, do you smoke cigars?'

'Yes Headmaster' he said quietly, 'I am rather partial.'

'Very well' he said, withdrawing three cigars from a case on the desk. 'Mr Birch? Mr Danes?' He held them out to the two men who both took one.


I was left on the floor in the Headmaster's study while the three men went onto the large balcony that looked over the school's courtyard and puffed their cigars. I could hear them talking about trivial things such as the weather, giving my father a short break from the imminent actions he would soon take. I sniffled on the floor for a while, listening to them talk before hauling myself to my feet and drying my eyes. When they returned, cigar smoke clinging to their clothes, I was sat on the stool, feet together and back straight, trying with all the strength I could muster to be as calm as possible.

'Ah good' Said the Headmaster in an unpleasantly jovial tone. 'You have composed yourself.'

'Yes Sir.'

'Well there is no time like the present. Let's begin. Elsa, please removed your harness and get on your hands and knees with your posterior in the air.' I unbuckled the harness and pulled the phallic rods from out of me. I caught sight of my father turning away. Then I knelt on the floor, pointing my bottom towards the headmaster.

'Now Mr Birch, this is a somewhat intimate question but are you familiar with your daughter's anus?' I blushed in shame.

'To be honest, I am not. I have seen it on occasion whilst flogging her but I have never examined it. I feel that it would be too invasive.'

'Exactly Mr Birch. It is too invasive and for that reason, it is a very humiliating experience for her. If you will, I would like you to examine it before Mr Danes inserts a plug. Elsa, please part your buttocks.'

With great embarrassment, I reached behind me and held open my cheeks, exposing my freshly cleaned anus for my father to view.

'Put a little lubricant on your finger,' he held out a pot. 'That's it. It will sting her a bit, it has menthol in. Now, touch it.' I felt the finger apply pressure to my most private hole. 'That's right. Don't worry, she is clean. Put it inside. Just give it a push.' Slowly the finger worked it's way into my rectum. The shame almost obscured the burning menthol but I did wriggle. 'That's right, have a feel around. Good. Now withdraw.' I felt it come out and my anus closed after it. 'Well done Mr Birch. You see, she is shamed. Her own father's finger in her anus.' A tear slid down my cheek but I stared ahead fiercely, desperate to just get through it. 'Now we'll demonstrate the effectiveness of a hefty plug in the anus. It can do the power of good you know!'

Lez 04-16-2011 08:01 AM


This is amazing, thanks for keeping the story going!

katebabe21 04-16-2011 09:47 AM

this is amazing! Keep it going please :) I am enjoying this story a lot!

AtticsToEden 05-05-2011 01:03 PM

Absolutely amazing! Love it so much!
This is the best story I've read on here, please keep it up! I'll be checking back daily for the next installment (:

Xrider 05-06-2011 02:43 AM

I loved this story. Really intense, you should definetly write more.
Take care

The_Real 05-06-2011 12:47 PM

Loved It
Amazing story, cant wait for the next installment

katebabe21 05-07-2011 01:01 PM

its almost been a month... please continue :) i am enjoying this

7890kjb 06-05-2011 04:01 AM

Please can you continue this
this is by far the best story on the site:)

Keiichi18 06-05-2011 07:21 PM

This is an amazing story. But the installments are very slow and few and far between. Anyone else think there should be a punishment for our Elsa Birch.

daremaster 1 06-05-2011 08:16 PM

This is a really good story and very well written.

cassaddee604 07-07-2011 09:14 PM

This is so good! continue, please!

Daring nemder 07-07-2011 09:40 PM

wow great detail well wrote... when do you publish lol

7890kjb 09-25-2011 07:19 AM

more more more!
can you add the next instalment please?

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