getDare Truth or Dare

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thepac 03-07-2011 08:46 AM

My Crazy Unreal 16yr Life
again in case u missed it this is not real as told in the first person but not based even close to anything I went though as a 16 yr old so fiction this is a massive heap of fiction

My name is Danny and in a small town in the north of England there is very little to do, Being 5 ft 6 and in decent shape yet still painfully skinny, untanned from yet another boring hoilday in Cornwall and with a longish style of long brown hair you would think that bullies would use me like a punching bag but due to some form of cosmic luck i happen to be a pretty good footballer. So having wasted the summer of my 16th year doing nothing but playing football it is back to the real world with a painful bump. The only thing really keeping me tied down to my final year at school is Laura.

My next door neighbour, the perfect girl next door, my Mary Jane Watson though i lack the spider bite, superpowers and the love of spandex Peter Parker is able to use to nail the girl. Me I have nothing, we do talk living next door to each other kinda makes it tough to ignore but i wouldn't call us close. Even calling us friends is a bit of a stretch but three weeks after term started she is waiting for me at the front of my house as i arrive back from school.

"Danny you mind if i ask you something?" She says sweetly and I have a near fainting fit and dizzy spell, I blamie it on her long blonde hair flashing in the sunlight or her amazing perfume that seems to smell better than anything my meer nose has smelled before.

It's probably more to do with the fact her bust has grown since she last wore her school shirt and the white fabric is stretched out tight. She has removed a few buttons and i confess to not be strong enough in the mind not to stare down her top. Laura is amazing, fully tanned and with legs any 6th former would kill to have wrapped around him. Her long blonde hair slicked back in a ponytail and huge smile on her face, bright painfully bright white teeth and once again her breasts are probably subject to most school boy fantasies at our school. Always looks stunning, always in shorts skirts the fact she doesn't have a boyfriend is shocking to just about everyone who meets her. You would think most guys would sell a few fingers just to get a date but no Laura was raised right taught not to rush love, clever parents, annoyed and horny boys.

"I was wondering what you know about video games," She grins a little and i'm lucky not to drool, Her accent even suits her most girls I know sound very well rough is such a mean word but fits but somehow Laura rose herself above our grunts, moans and lack of any o sound.

"I know a little," I say underselling myself having owned and played video games since I was 7 and rank my current Playstation as one of my prize possesions, "Why do you wanna know?"

"Oh it's just John you know John right," She asks and my heart sinks as John the 18yr old tall, handsome and general eye candy for all the girls at school is well known with a lot of the guys at school.

"Aye yeah I know John," I reply hoping she doesn't ask what some of his nicknames are kindly given to him behind his back by far more facially challenged members of school.

"Well I've been trying to get to know him you know hoping he will ask me out on a date and I found out he likes video games," Laura smiles and I have a bad feeling I know where this is going.

"And seeing as I know you and you know a lot about games I was wondering If you could teach me a little," She asks in her most sweetest voice sounding worrying like the little girl she was a few years ago selling soda in the street while the rest of us kicked a small football around the road.

Now I really should say no, I should hate and swear a painful death on John for coming near my girl but truth is she was never my girl not even close but the chance to be at least friends with her is too good for a nice guy like me to turn down.

"Yeah sure I'll help c'mon up we can start now if you want," I say rewared for my kind act with a big beaming smile from her.

"Danny your the best," She grins and wanders up with me to my front door as i curse whatever God, Hell or passing Buddist might be listening to my quiet rants of rage for putting me neck deep in this mess.

Now Laura is smart, far smarter than me one of the twenty in the year no doubt so I gain a certain satisfaction from me knowing more than her for a change. to my surprise she is a fast learner and soon I have talked the blonde tanned beauty in picking up a controller and trying a couple of the games with me [I say talked into i just passed her the controller and said here why don't you try yourself hardly chatting and charming a girl]

We start with a few simple sports games, moving onto a few shooters and i'm rather sad to say Resident Evil in the pure hope of scaring her and having her hug me. That didn't happen she took every zombie in with a gasp and even gave a small cheer when i blew one of the zombie's head clean off his shoulders and I swear I almost fell more in love with her for that than anything else.

A few weeks later and she is round three times a week practicing her gaming and I have to admit she is getting pretty good. I finally found her best style of games to be racing games and after a few odd little chats with John to find out about his games I'm starting to really get Laura into gaming and purely by accident we are becoming decent mates in the process.

"See your getting way better," I say approvingly, "Your score was almsot as high as mine this time."

"Thanks Danny your an awesome teacher, helps that your dead cute too," She blushes as I laugh having spend a lot of our game time talking about her amazing looks.

"Cheers Laura you look as amazing as always," I shoot back getting a better shade of red in her blushing cheeks.

"So you think John will be impressed by how much I know," She says deflating my hopes as fast as she built them up, a quality only the most beautiful of woman seem to have.

"Yeah I'm sure he will love it," I say making a good attempt not to sound too let down.

She leaves and tells me tomorrow is the dy she will try and chat John up and I wish her good luck while hoping John ends up in a rare boating accident and ends up moving to Brazil. At football practice the next day I am a mess and being in the centre of midfield it's far more noticable if someone isn't pulling their weight. Our coach Mr King is a cool guy but today his screaming, anger, shout a second button seems to be on high so I get the brunt of his anger. My only guess is his daughter must be acting up or she got another rejection letter from a football playing collage and the more he yells I think it's the first but after he starts lobbing footballs at my head i'm sure she got rejected. For once his piss poor treatment of me doesn't get any fightback as my mind is too busy playing tug of war over what to do about Laura. By the end of practice Mr King says sorry for trying to behead me with a football, I say sorry for being under par in training and we both feels sorry for Crystal his daughter for once again getting no where on the long winding ladder called woman's football.

Walking home i'm in a great mood until I see Laura sat on her front step crying her eyes out.

"Hey Laura hey stop crying what's wrong," I ask moving closer not sure if I should hug her, call her mother or the police.

"John it's John he's an asshole Danny a utter no good rotten piece of...." I never find out what John is as she bursts into another fresh set of tears and this time I sit down and wrap my arm around her.

"It's ok trust me Laura everything will be ok," I say stupidly still not knowing what John did or why he is such a big piece of something.

"I was so stupid thinking video games would be my way in but it's not he doesn't care about anything but those damm games," Laura sobs and I struggle not to agree with her.

The main reason the guys hate good looking John is the fact there is no bigger loner in the whole town hell maybe the whole country. With looks like his he could probably nail half the girls in school before anyone started hating him but he chooses not to date any of them. It's like being in charge of a country and the only thing you do is sit in and play on a laptop all day with the weapon code's and it pisses all the guys off cause none of them get a look in while the geeky Adonis sits in his room trying in vain to beat his new highest score. Personally I though teaching Laura video games would to him would be like sex on a massive plate with a free USB plug in port but it seems I underestmated this man's ablity to stay a virgin right up till college.

Holding a sobbing Laura in my arms wasn't really my idea of getting close to her and right now lust and love aside I should do the right thing, "C'mon Laura let's get you inside no good crying out here."

I try and help her stand up and open her front door but she shakes her head, "No I wanna go to your house," She says and house being two large footsteps away from her's makes her seem a little stupid so I try again.

"No it would be better in your house c'mon your mum must be waiting," I try and pull her to her door again but again she backs away.

"No I wanna go to your's Danny, I wanna play some more video games please I don't wanna go home, curl up in my bed and cry myself to sleep over him," She says wiping tears and snot from her face and I try my hardest not to ruin the moment by kissing her.

"Ok that's sounds like a good idea, video games yeah let's do that." I say leading her into the house right upstairs into my room and while she dries her face off I make sure to put on her fav racing game in the machine and pass her the controller when she walks in.

"Two player?" She asks and I quickly pick up the other control.

"Versus race?" She asks again and like a robot I click on it meaning It will just be my car and her car on a tract in a three lap shoot out."

"Wanna place a wager on the outcome of each race," She says and I stare at her puffy red face and ruined makeup and find that I really can't say no to this girl.

"What like bet on it?" I ask as i'm a touch slow and she nods her head, "What are we going to bet with?"

In my head I was thinking money and i know she is quite well off comparied to me mostly cause I spend most of my money the second I get it but she wasn't thinking money, "How about the loser of each race has to do a dare."

hope you like it so far the proper dare bit of the story comes in part two

p710a 03-07-2011 11:53 AM

just read it so far it is awesome


pm me please 03-09-2011 05:42 AM

Very good story and im looking forward to reading more.

thepac 03-11-2011 05:16 AM

"Get's dared?" I repeat like a parrot shocked that this sweet girl even suggested a dare game.

"Yes Danny loser takes a dare from the winner why are you too scared to go though with it," She teases and her crying has stopped fully now and her eyes are lit up and happy.

"No way i'm not scared let's do it," I say finally seeing this game is just a distraction to get her mind off John and i'm willing to do anything to not see her cry again.

The first race is terrible for me as my mind is still al over the place first from comforting Laura crying to now playing a dare game with her. I spin off the track several times giving her a easy win and I turn my attention from the TV to see her smiling face.

"You lose," She says in a high sing song style voice.

"Yeah I know so go on then dare me do your worst," I challenge.

Laura thinks for a second then says, "Danny I dare you to kiss me."

My jaw quickly drops and my eyes are wide open as I think she said what I thought she said but no she would never say that, "Kiss you?"

Laura rolls her eyes, the red marks from her tears stil visable, "Yes Danny kiss me you know unless your a chicken."

I look at her in amazement and pinch my own arm to check this isn't some crazy dream. With it still being real life I lean forward and lets my lips brush against hers and she moans a little as i fully press my lips on her kissing the perfect girl next door. I can't believe I am doing this kissing the hottest girl in school in my bedroom after she dared me to kiss her. We break apart and my head is spinning, my lips now tasts of her scented lip gloss.

"Wow," Laura says just as shocked as I am, "I really didn't think you would do that."

I'm a little hurt by that but it doesn't matter really i did it as i pick up the controller again, "Another game?" I ask.

We battle hard in the second game, I'm much closer to her car this time round but again she is just a bit better than me crossing the line first.

"Man that was a hard race," Laura says as I stare at her wondering what on earth her next dare could be.

"I dare you to take off your shirt and leave it off for the rest of the game," The teasing little blonde says with an adorable grin on her face.

Still stunned from the kiss I see no reason not to strip off so I pull my shirt over my head and throw it into the corner of my room. I watch Laura looking up and down my bare chest and i'm thankful that football has left me in semi decent shape. No real muscles but for a skinny guy I look alright and from Laura's eyes i see she quite likes my body too.

I cough loudly to get her eyes away from my flat abs and ask her, "Is there any limit to these dares?"

Laura thinks for a second, "No public or toilet stuff maybe and it has to be done quick no long dares like wear no underwear for a week."

I don't know what I'm more shocked by the fact Laura likes to play dare games or the fact she has given this dare game a lot of though. Third race and topless with the taste of Laura's lips still on mine I can't say I mind losing but the more I play the more I would really like a chance to dare Laura. Our cars are very close together this game and i just sneak in front on the last lap and in her desperation to over take me her car slides right into the pit wall. She shouts out as her car bounces away and I easily take the flag and the win.

"Sorry Laura you were dead unlucky there," I console her but she shakes her head turning round to fully face me.

"Dare me," She says her eyes fully focused on me.

"Ok I er dare you to let me give you a wedgie," I say

"A wedgie what's a wedgie?" Laura asks and i try hard not to smile.

"It's a bit painful but the idea is I grab the back of your underwear and pull it up so it wedgies up your ass cheeks," I say.

"Ewwww that's gros," She says and I have to laugh.

"Fine then if you are a chicken we won't do it," I say teasing her with the same line she used on me.

"Alright, alright I'll do it but remember I've never been wedgied before so take it easy," She warns.

"I promise will only be a little humiliation and pain now stand up," I say and she does allowing me to stand behind her.

I take a second to stare at her perfect ass nicely packaged in a pair of blue jeans before slowly moving my hand down past her waistband grabbing hold of her panties.

"Oh Danny that feels really weird remember not to pull so AHHHHHHHHHHHHH," Laura screams as I yank her black panties up right out the back of her jeans and halway up her back.

"SHIT FUCK OWWWWWWWW," Laura screams as I pull a little harder watching her stand on her tip toes to stop the pressure before I let go.

She turns round and looks at me with pure anger in her eyes as I just laugh, her black panties stretched out and hanging out of her jeans.

"You little bastard that hurt," Laura moans tucking and pulling the fabric of her panties out of her ass.

"I know i'm sorry still pretty funny mind," I say and she glares at me again.

"I'm getting you back for that," She says with a wicked grin.

We start another race and Laura is still uncomfortable with her underwear shifting around on the seat so I am easily winning until she starts playing dirty.

"I can't believe you took my wedgie virginity," She says and to hear her say that in such a sexy accent turns my mind blank.

I forget about all the buttons and spin off the track letting her take the win. She cheers and celebrates waving her arms in the air.

"That is so cheating," I say throwing the controller down.

"Yeah so you gave me a wedgie," She counters back.

"Not a very hard one besides you loved it," I tease and too my shock she nods her head.

"It was pretty hard I can almost still feel it up my butt have to remember that for a few of my girlfriends," She grins.

"Happy to help what's your dare," I question.

"Take off your pants leave them off for the rest of the game," She says smiling.

"This turned into a strip game?" I cheekly ask.

"Just trying to pay you back for giving me my first wedgie," Laura says staring at me as I stand up.

I smile pulling down my black tracksuit pants happy I came from football cause I am still wearing my black shorts underneath.

I hear a groan of dissapointment from Laura, "Awww why are you wearing those."

"Was just at practice and was too lazy to get changed," i smile sitting back on my bed in just my black shorts and socks.

"Fine your shorts are coming off next," She grins turning back to the game.

Another close race but this time I overtake better on the corners and just sneak away with a win.

"Shit," Laura swears slamming her controller down, "Not another wedgie."

"No I was going to dare you to strip down to your underwear actually," i smile as her face drops.

"But I wanted to see you In your underwear," She moans.

"Tough you lost strip Laura," I smile as the pretty blonde shakes her head standing up.

"I will so get you back for this," She says pulling her top up showing her boobs clasped together in a black bra.

She unbuttons her jeans and lowers them down showing the black panties i yanked on earlier in full.

"And the socks too," I say pointing at her cute white socks.

"Your evil you know that," Laura sticks her tounge out as she pulls her socks off her bare feet then sits back down on my bed in just her underwear.

"Your really hot you know that," I smile unable to stop staring at her body, "We can stop if you want."

"No way I wanna get even," Laura says picking up the control concentrating hard on the TV.

I don't stand a chance in this race, my dream girl is sat in front of me in just her bra and panties and looks so good. i crash more times than I can count and on the last lap I give up leave the car crashed in the gravel trap and turn and stare at her making her laugh.

"Quit that you will put me off," Laura says giggling and blushing slightly.

"What like the way you are distracting me," I counter back.

"You dared me to be in my underwear it's your fault if you can't cope." Laura laughs taking the last corner and the win.

"Yeah it's so my fault that your amazingly sexy and hot," I say staring at her fine tanned body as she turns to look at me.

"Strip naked," She says and I look up at her in shock.

"Your heard me Danny I dare you to strip naked and show me everything," Laura says with a massive grin on her face.

I'm unsure what to do in one hour she went from crying cause a boy didn't like her to a underwear clad tease wanting me to be naked. Not normally shy either but now screw it i think pelling off my socks as she chants Strip Strip Strip. Grabbing my shorts I pull them down leaving me in just my black boxers with an erection already pushing into the fabric she stops chanting and just stares at my crotch as I grab my boxers and slide them down. My hard cock springs up and soon I am standing naked in front of my dream girl with her eyes staring at my dick in shock and wonder.

part three coming soon what will she say what dares can I make her do if I win where will it end ?

dare364 03-11-2011 09:07 AM

Very good story
please continue :)

Lyn 03-11-2011 09:45 PM

Great soreyy and unique idea :)

zac 03-12-2011 01:34 PM

WOW...this is a great story :O with thought put into the story :) LOVE IT XD xx

thepac 03-15-2011 08:54 AM

Chapter 3

I don't know if you ever sat naked in front of girl before but it's odd really odd crazy and weird and with Laura's eyes staring all over my skinny toned body I can't help getting an all over body blush at being stared at like a piece of meat.

"You enjoying the show," I tease sitting back down my hard cock sticking up from my seated position.

"Sorry it's just your the first guy i've ever seen naked," Laura breaths softly staring at my cock.

"I'm touched Laura now quit staring your making me feel," I start to say but Laura cuts me off.

"Come on you feel embarrassed sitting naked and me staring what like I was uncomfortable having you stare at me in my underwear," Laura spits with anger and she is right that was what I was going to say but i decide to change it a little.

"Actually I was going to say stop staring cause it's making horny," I fire back and Laura's jaw drops down.

"Really?" She asks.

"Well yeah i dare any man to sit naked in front of an amazingly hot chick and not be rock hard," I say touching myself a little to try and relieve the pressure.

"Hot chick is that how you see me," Laura says sounding hurt.

"It doesn't matter how I see you now are we having another race or not," I say trying to distract her away from her deep question.

"No I wanna know what you think of me," Laura demands and she moves a little closer giving me a slight look down her black bra showing off some cleavage that somehow makes me even harder than I was before.

I shake my head at her, "Nope sorry not telling."

A flash of anger shoots across Laura's face and she picks the controller up again, "Fine If you won't tell me I'll beat you again and dare you to tell me and if you don't do any dare I make for you I get to take a picture of you naked."

Now it's my turn to be shocked and before I can say anything Laura is already starting the next race so I have to be ready. It's a close race this time both of us not fully watching the game, me trying to weigh up what's worse telling Laura my true feelings or having a naked picture of me shared around everyone in school while Laura keeps turning round and staring at my nude body. Racing up a straight I nudge the back of Laura's car in a PIT like move the cops use and Laura's car is sent spinning backwards and flys off the track.

"YOU JERK," Laura screams throwing the controller across the bed as I cross the line for the win.

"Sorry Laura," I say grinning as the cute blonde folds her arms and pouts like a child at the end of by bed.

"Do you wanna stop playing?" I ask.

"No I'm not quitting I'll win the next race now I know what kind of evil twisted must win by cheating boy you are," Laura says trying to insult me but is just too cute and hot sitting in her underwear for me to take for real.

"Lie down Laura my dare is to take a tickling for 5 minutes," I say and her eyews grow wide again.

"Your sick I can't do that I'm mega ticklish Danny do something else," She says looking a little scared.

"Cool with me so where should I take your naked picture, you wanna stay on the bed or maybe stand up against the window," I point and this makes her stand up.

"What naked picture?" She demands.

"Well I thought you said if i quit and chicken out of any dare you get to take a naked picture of me so I though that went both ways," I say and Laura is visably struggling with her fear of being tickled and having a naked pciture of her taken and I know from dealing with this question myself there is no easy answer. So imagne my shock when she lies flat out across the bed, her eyes closed.

"Come on then smart arse tickle me just go easy I'm so so ticklish," Laura begs as i get up staring at her amazing underwear clad body trying to stop myself from stroking my uncovered hard cock right there.

I stand over and look at my alarm clock ready to count the 5 minutes and once it starts i run my fingers aross her tight mid section and Laura's body jerks and twists as a loud laugh escapes from her lips.

"Oh my god careful not there please stop Danny," Laura giggles as i tickle her pretty stomach and I love the cute sound, cries and squeaks that come from the pretty blonde.

I move my hands around and tickle Laura's sides and that really gets her going as she laughs louder and harder kicking her legs out screaming with laughter. My fingers race up and down her soft sides and across her stomach and her smooth skin is so sensitive as she howls and screams louder. I have to stand to the side of her so I am not kicked by her thrashing legs and her hands move down grabbing mine trying to get me to stop. i move my hands off her flat stomach but move up and under her arms and attack her armpits and that makes her scream even louder.


Two minutes of the tickle torture have gone and Laura is trying to roll and shake from side to side to move my tickling fingers away from her senistive pits. Moving my hands again I tickle her side a few more times bringing tears of laughter to her green eyes before I move down grabbing her thighs. I tickle her thighs and it makes her giggle a little but she is calming down so I move and touch the inside of her thighs and she nearly explodes with laughter. her leg swings out and kicks my leg so I roll her over onto her front and sit on her legs to stop her moving and kicking me. One minute to go and i am tickling the back of her well toned thighs making her shake and giggle. Laura even goes as far as biting down on one of my pillows to stop her constant laughter as i tease and run my fingers across her soft skin. I grow brave tickling my fingers across her panty clad ass right up her back across her sides again moving closer to her armpits again.

"HAAAAAA HAAAAAAA SHIT HAAAAAAAAA HAAAAAAAAA HAAAAAAAA AHHHHHHHHH AHHHHHHH," Laura yells as I turn and see 5 amazing mins are up so I stop and roll sideways off her body lying next to her.

"All done man never knew how senistive you were to tickling," I say rubbing her sweating back.

Laura doesn't say anything she is just breathing ahrd trying to stop giggling and turns her head to look at me. Grinning at her I wipe some of her long blonde hair out of her face and I'm once again wiping tears from her face.

"Sorry I'll pick a nicer dare next time," I joke not wanting her to be upset again.

"No it's cool you have soft hands but man your a evil tickler," Laura moans moving closer to me smiling.

"Yeah you have some much soft sensitive skin I couldn't resist," I admit my hand now rubbing across her back.

"You couldn't resist me?" Laura asks.

"Nope couldn't then never really been able to resist you Laura," I say not hiding anymore lying closer getting my head inches from hers.

"You never could?" Laura says a little shocked.

"Nope I've liked you since I was a little kid, the perfect girl next door Laura Thornton the pretty tanned blonde who's had my heart for so long," I breath almost whispering into her ear.

"Danny," Laura breaths back, her face a mask of emotion, tears and sweat.

"Screw it I think well I know I love you," I say swallowing back my own tears.

To say Laura is shocked by my statement would be a lie, she is stunned blown away and looked far less shocked about seeing me naked than she does now. She shifts to move closer to me when her soft thigh pokes into my rock hard cock. I stop and freeze wondering what will happen now as she pulls her thigh back slowly and looks down to see what she poked. Time stops for a second until she pushes her leg back into my erection softly rubbing it. Her thigh is so smooth and soft I cna't help but moan from the contact making Laura stare at me. I look back and in a second we kiss again, this time harder and with more spur of the moment lust as we are lost in each other's lips. I roll over getting to the middle of the bed with Laura on top of me her body pressed into mine. She kisses me harder her tounge slipping into my mouth and it's the best moment of my whole life as the girl I have dreamt of for so long is madly kissing me. My hands hold onto her sides as she grinds deeper againt me, my cock is pressedup against my belly just inches away from her panties as we break the kiss only to get our breath back. We kiss again both of us moaning and groaning and my hands move around her back to her bra and with one flick the bra opens up. I was always taught in films that bra's were tough to undo guess they were lying as I peel off Laura's bra tossing it away. Her bare chest now comes into contact with mine as we kiss again, our lips barely leaving the others it's so amazing to feel her soft warm lips on me. My hnads move down and now touch her bare chest and i'm rewarded with a deep groan from Laura as i tease and work my fingers across her nipples and this makes her grind her crotch harder and firmer against mine. I can feel how wet she is though her panties as she breaks the kiss and leans down and starts kissing the side of my neck. Her hands rub across my chest and it is perfect, her soft hands moving across my bare skin.

We are almost humping against each other both hot, sweaty and almost naked as I grab the waistband of her panties. She freezes for a secon then kisses my neck harder as I pull them down. Laura kicks her legs to take her panties fully off and be as naked as me and the first time her bare wet pussy comes into contact with my dick I swear I almost die. The jolt of passion filled energy that runs though us makes us both cry out and moan as we kiss again now both naked on top of my bed groins rubbing and humping each other.

"Please keep doing this don't stop, don't change this please keep going," Laura begs and I nod humping my cock against her wet pussy lips not looking for penetration and the loss of my virginity but loving and lusting in the pure heat of the moment.

We both kiss hard again and our moans are getting louder and louder, our breath shorter and Laura is rocking around on top of me. Sweat drips off her as she puts her hands on my shoulders lifting off me slightly allowing her to grind her pussy harder into my throbbing cock. She screams loudly her whole body shaking with joy as I pant and moan knowing i'm so close to the edge.

"Oh God Danny i'm coming please oh God I'm cumming," Laura screams and i watch my first close up female orgasm as Laura shuts her eyes grinding her hips into me before her whole body shakes and she leans back pressed against me.

I can feel her juices leaking down onto my cock and i'm so hard and horny that one feather light touch will tip me over the edge and Laura somehow knows this. Slowly and tired Laura rolls off me and her hands brushes and strokes my hard cock a few more times making me cry out and cum. My cock is still aimed at my belly so I soak and spray myself with cum and Laura watches every jerk of my cock and the spunk now landing across my belly. We both have cummed and are worn out and for a couple of seconds there is silence amazing peaceful silence and I have never felt so good.

The front door opens and slams shut with my mother's voice ringing out across the whole house, "Danny we're home."

Tiredness leaves us as both me and Laura jump up, me cleaning the cum off my belly and chest while Laura is getting dressed at top speed. She is fully dressed before I even have my boxers back on and she turns and gives me a odd look between a smile and frown before bolting out of my room like a 100m runner. I hear her bounce down the stairs and slwoly open the door and shut it carefully so my parents won't know she was here. I slowly get dressed partly cursing my parents coming home yet thankful they waitied at least a few minutes but what now. Do I phone, go over and see her, do I wait what now i'm not the most experienced with girls and now Laura knew how I felt and I think she feels the same. We were both so close to having sex one push up from me and I would have been inside her and now we nearly did now we both got each other off what now. Everything has changed I grin getting dressed and turning off the playstation rubbing the sweat from my body and reflecting on what was a perfect moment in my life, everything has changed.

Memories for Life 03-22-2011 08:02 AM

True, the story has it's faults in some places, mostly punctuation and sentence structure but I've seen a lot worse. Even with the slight problems, the story is well thought out and very engaging!

I hope read many more chapters of "video game dares"!

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