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Slugger 02-27-2011 12:07 PM

I'm in trouble..I'm an addict.
Oh, hey! I'm Logan, and I will be first person. Here's a little bit about me.
Blonde Hair, Medium Built, Nice 6-pac, 13 years old, &Bi-curious.

I could feel the chill down my spine, on this cold morning. My breathing was very heavy as I had just woken up, and I was freezing under my covers. I knew that it was supposed to snow last night, but wasn't sure how much it actually had. It made me curious to go look outside, and see the outcome. I finally got the currage to emerge from the now warm covers, I had just slept in. The air was freezing, I grabbed my jacket and flew down the stairs, and out the French doors. There was snow in every which direction, as soon as the amount had finally set in, I herd my name "Logan!" "Logan!" I heard my mother's voice coming from across the hall, as I met up with her half way she began to speak to me. "I see that you have already seen the affect of last night's snow storm, but school has been called today" I was jumping up in down, in excitement. I hadn't has a snow day all year, and it was about time. My mother's voice brought me back to reality "Me and your father, still have to go to work though, will you be alright home alone? I don't mind if you have one of your little friends over" I quickly replied "Yeah!, I will be alright. I will more than likely have Blayne over, if he can get a ride overhear, alright?" she replied "yeah hunny, that's fine" she then quickly left, and finished getting ready as she still had to be at work in the next thirty minutes. I got in the shower then, to get ready for my day.

Once I had got out of the shower, my parents had already left and I was home alone standing naked in full pride, in this freezing air outside of the shower. I stood in front of my mirror looking at myself, as I had realized that I was prickly in my lower sections. (I usually kept them shaved) so, I took my razor and cleaned up, once completed I was very smooth once again. I decided to finish getting ready, I put on some Under-armor sweat pants, a long sleeve ski t-shirt, and my polo hat. I then went and turned on the electric fireplace to try and warm things up a little. once I had, I picked up my cell phone and looked for Blayne's contact in my phone. (Let me tell you just a little bit about Blayne, he had been my best friend since I was 4 years old, we went to pre school together and had been going to school together ever since, he was a little bit shorter than me, about four inches, he had silly black hair. he was really scrawny not much of the built Pearson, but he was older than me, as he was 14.) I dialed him, and waiting for the ring... ring.. ring.. ring..

"Blayne: Sup
Me: Hey fool, what you doing?
Blayne: not much, just chilling enjoying this snow day!
Me: me to man!, hey you want to come over?
Blayne: yeah, sure! be there in thirty?
Me: alright."

I then went and got me some breakfast, as it would be another thirty minutes before he was here. Then I brushed my teeth, and heard a ring at the door, it had to be Blayne! I went down the stairs quickly, almost tripping and falling. I opened the door and there stood Blayne in nothing but Athletic shorts, a short sleeve fox t-shirt and his polo hat, "What are you doing, wearing that?!" I said. he replied with, "I don't know, I didn't think it would be that cold outside, know are you going to let me come in? or make me stand in the cold, in just this?" "Well it would be pretty funny to see you turn purple from the cold you know" I said. he punched me in the arm and walked in and shut the door behind him. "Do you need something warmer to change into?" I said, walking into the kitchen to get me some Gatorade. Blayne replied "Yeah, if you don't mind" "You know where my room is" I said. he then walked up the stairs into my room and shut the door behind him.

This is my first pathetic excuse at a story, I hope you guys enjoy it though.
The next chapter will be in Blayne's point of view.

gogreen 02-27-2011 12:49 PM

gah XD u should continuee :D and r u reallly 13?

gotdared 02-27-2011 07:54 PM

Your writing is really awesome. Incredibly detailed without being long and boring. I can't wait for more, I like that we don't know what the real purpose of this story is going to be.

Ps: is your title after the Nevershoutnever lyric?

Connor xX 02-28-2011 08:25 AM

Slugger's writing?!?!?!?!?!

Damn dude, nice job!

misty 02-28-2011 09:29 AM

I thought you story was outstanding and enjoyed it very much!

OMG, you are 13 years old and have 231 posts!

By the time you are my age, you will probably have sold a hundred thousand books and have a million posts to your credit!

You rizzle shizzle mighty dizzle!

Dylan xX 02-28-2011 03:06 PM


Thass mah lil slugger, ladies and gents :3

Slugger 03-01-2011 04:18 PM


Originally Posted by gotdared (Post 409951)
Your writing is really awesome. Incredibly detailed without being long and boring. I can't wait for more, I like that we don't know what the real purpose of this story is going to be.

Ps: is your title after the Nevershoutnever lyric?

I am so glad you wrote this, this is the point of my story. I really am a good writer, but I am very detailed so I though I may bore some people on this site.
&yes, it is after that lyric. but it play's a role in the story later, that's why it is the tittle.


Originally Posted by misty (Post 410286)
I thought you story was outstanding and enjoyed it very much!

OMG, you are 13 years old and have 231 posts!

By the time you are my age, you will probably have sold a hundred thousand books and have a million posts to your credit!

You rizzle shizzle mighty dizzle!

I am fourteen know, i was just 13 when it happened.


Originally Posted by Dylan xX (Post 410432)

Thass mah lil slugger, ladies and gents :3

thanks:) I finnaly posted it, been saying I was for two weeks!
&yes, of course. ;)

I've been really busy this week going to try and update next friday night/afternoon. sorry for the long wait.
thanks to the readers. :)

GetMeon44 03-01-2011 07:42 PM

Your story is amazing.

I like it so much already.

You need to post SOON!

One of my favorites in this site.

Nice Job Bro!



Slugger 03-12-2011 12:29 PM

Sorry I haven't posted latley, new post will be up tonight or tomorrow morning.

Rachie 03-12-2011 12:32 PM

Very nice start - you have a lot of potential.

Keep up the good work and looking forward to the next part, in the coming days.

Love Rachie
x x x

Slugger 03-14-2011 11:40 AM

Part Two.
Sorry for the long wait, I have been extremely busy lately. I am out for March break this week though and I should be able to write more, thank you for your Patience.

Also do remember that this chapter will be written in Blayne's pov.

I found myself in a place I had seen way to many time's, the stairway up to the second floor in Logan's house where something I had gone up many many time's. We had countless raced up these stairs, when we we're just little. I had known Logan for so long, it really was weird. I had so much trust in him, I knew practically everything about him. but recently, he has been giving me a feeling I have never had before, a feeling that I may be bi, or maybe gay. Logan sure did have my straight meeter moving. I flicked back to reality and out of my thought's as I sure came the door to his room. I had dressed like this purposely I wanted to be able to change into Logan's clothes, it had always been a fantasy of mine. I stripped of my clothes staring at myself in Logan's full length mirror, wondering if Logan could ever find me attractive? I then started getting dressed I opened up his underwear door, inside where his usual boxers, a pair of compression shorts, a pair of briefs?, and a woman's thong. Weird, i though. I reached in a graped my fav boxers of his that we're lime green with a grey waistband. he looked so sexy in them. I then grapped long sleeve shirt he has gotten on his last ski tripm and pair of jeans and quickly went bck downstairs s I had already spent to much time up there anyways.

I went downstairs and the first thing I heard was logan's voice

Logan- "Someone's looking sexy"
Blayne- "Shuttup, fag"
Logan- "Just saying, I didn't know you had that good of fashion sence, eh?"
Blayne- "whatever, what do you want to do?"
Logan- "hmm, I'm not sure"
Blayne-" I don't really care?"
Logan- "COD?"
Blayne- "Sure!"

Me and Logan always had played calll of duty toghther from the very first one to Black Ops, it had been a tradition and we both have gotten really good at it. It was the one thing I could beat him in though, he always was more atletic, but I deff could beet him in some Call of Duty. We grapped the controller's and started playing.. we had been playing for the first thirty minutes then Logan said something unsespected
"How about we make this intersting?"
"How would we do that?" I repelied
"First pearson to get the other five kills wins, and the looser is the winner's slave for thirty minutes." Logan said.
"I could be down for that" I said, trying to be cool.

Why would Logan make a bet like this? he knew I would beat him? does he want to loose? does he want me controol him? If I do win, what point would be to fare? or does he want me to take it farther than we usually do? all these thought's swirming through my head and Logan's voice brought me back to the game.
"Calm your boner there" he notted downwards
"it's just hormones, shuttup. let's play" I quickly tried to recover.
"Let's Do"

We started playing, I got the first two kills on him. then he got one on me, we countinued to play untill I had Four kills and he has two, this was the last game and I could win it all, I could finnaly have a domanting postion over my crush. this could be amazing. I snapped back when I heard the tv say ACR lauched, I knew he would be coming after me, and I had to hide quick or he would win. I quickly found a hiding spot and started to lurk behing him, I had the perfect kill shot! he wasn't screen cheating either! I took the short quicly, and watched blood spuse everywhere. I had one, I was his master.
"So, What know?, master" Logan replied with a sexy smirk on his face.

to be continued.
the next part will be back to normal in Logan's point of view.

Hunanic 03-14-2011 11:52 AM

100th Post!
And I am happy to use it on your awesome story Slugger!
Keep up the good work!

hornyj 03-14-2011 01:11 PM

Woop Woop! Great story Slugger, loving every word... ok not every word, i didn't like 'hormones'. :p

Keep it up mate!

gotdared 03-14-2011 01:23 PM

Loving it! Still a really nice amount of detail and I can tell it's going to be very interesting. :)

Slugger 03-15-2011 11:32 AM

Part Three
Do remember this post will be back in the perspective of Logan.
Also, sorry the last few chapters have been so boring; it will soon get much better.

I could feel electric shots going through my spine, i was so nervous, millions of questions we're roaming through my head as I sat there in shock. What would he make me do? Why did I even make this bet? Does he think I am gay for doing it? How far will he take it? Am I ready for this? Ok Logan calm down... Just play cool "You ready so start?" I heard Blayne say with a shaky voice.

Logan- "Yeah, let's go"
Blayne- "Thirty-minutes start know"
Logan- "yeah"
Blayne- "So, let's get to know each other better"
Logan- "What do you mean? I've known you my whole life...”
Blayne- "Not what I meant, strip to your panties"
Logan- "Try boxers, but w/e"
Should I try and take my clothes of slowly and sexily? Or maybe fastly? O maybe normally? Hmm, why is this so hard?
Blayne- "Sometime today, slaves!"
Logan- "Yes, master"
Blayne- "good now, let me see"
He circled around me staring at me, I wasn't sure why though, he had seen me in my boxers countless times before, why was this time any different?
Blayne- "Loose the underwear"
Holy shit, did he just say that?
"Come on, we're just having fun"
Logan- "Yeah, alright"
So, I took of my underwear and stood there naked in front of my best friend for years with a boner that I wasn't even trying to hide anymore.
Blayne- "here put this on"
As he handed me a blindfold
"and l lay down on the couch"
So, I played down on the couch with the blindfold on completely naked, I could feel Blayne's slow breathing over me. I heard him walk away? Waiting for him, was turning me on so much I had the biggest boner ever. I then felt something cold on my stomach then he gripped my dick with one hand, I think was writing on it with the other? I wasn't sure this was all so confusing; I wish I knew what was going on. All of thoughts and the levels of anxiety that had been built up were killing me, then I heard Blaine say "flip" so, I turned onto my back, my bum was exposed, and my raging boner was hurting, trying to poke through the leather couch. He slapped my ass pretty hard, and then made a joke about me having a bubble butt; I then felt something inside of me? I think he had stuck the sharpie he was using to write on me, in my ass. This was crazy, i wanted more, but I wanted it to stop I just wanted to be able to know what was going on? Then that was it, I heard him say thirty minutes are up, so, I stood up and took of the blindfold, "I'm going to go to the bathroom and get dressed" i said.
Blayne- "Alright" he said know staring at his art, holding back laughs
Logan- "What's so funny?"
Blayne- "Just go to the bathroom"
So, i went into the bathroom and looked into the mirror and finally saw what he had done to my body... I was shocked, yet pleased...
To be continued...

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