getDare Truth or Dare

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mister monkey 03-21-2021 12:40 AM

Sandra at boarding school
Sally and her two friends Jenny and Tammy sat in class looking at the clock slowly ticking down to five o’clock when their last class for the winter ended and they could have a few weeks to themselves without all of the rules and studying.

The big old boarding house estate they boarded at was set on around fifty acres of land with big old stone and steel fences around the perimeter that was patrolled by the boarding schools private security guards.

Sea view school boarding house was originally owned by a family that made their fortune in the fishing industry back in the eighteen hundreds and ended up donating the estate to the church to run as a boarding school for girls. It was large with many different buildings scattered around the estate from dorm rooms to stables.

Sally looked at the clock to see that it was two minutes to five then looked out the classroom window to see it was starting to snow for the first time this winter. Two minutes later the school bell rang and the students filed out of their classroom and back to their dorms to start packing to go home for the holidays.

Nearly all the students were from privileged families apart from four of us who basically lived on the estate full time because of being orphaned and sent there by the church. This was the third year at the boarding house for Sally, Jenny and Tammy so they were used to being left in the boarding house over the holidays but it wasn’t all that bad for them as during the holiday period the boarding house would basically shut down with only a few teachers and staff members left to run the place.

There would be one gardener to maintain the gardens, one teacher to check on them each day at dinner time when they met in the dining room of the main building for a meal prepared by her. Then there were some security guards that did their daily and nightly patrols around the property boundaries and through the school premises but during the holidays knowing there was girls still staying in the buildings they tended to stay out of the main part of the school and gave them their phone number to them in case they need them in an emergency.

Sally, Jenny and Tammy were all in the same dorm house and watched as the last of the parents picked up their kids and drove off leaving them alone in the dorm house waiting for one more of the girls to join them. Sandra had only been at the boarding school for the past three months and was living in another dorm house but because she was the only girl left there the school decided that she would move in with the other girls until after the holidays and the school reopened again.

Knock, knock. Sally opened the front door of the dorm house and invited Sandra in while taking one of her bags and showing her to her room. Sandra wasn’t like most of the girls at the boarding school and was a shy girl when it came to socializing. She stood around one hundred and sixty centimeters tall with light brown strait hair that stopped at her shoulders and a very slim body. She dressed in modest unassuming clothes that covered her petite body enough so as to hide any part of her body from the neck down.

“Welcome to our dorm house Sandra and make yourself at home for the next few weeks, once we have dinner we usually sit around the fire in the lounge room and watch TV or play games so don’t be shy and join us so we can get to know you” Said Sally as she left Sandra to unpack and settle in.

After dinner they all walked the five hundred meters back to the dorm house and started to get ready for the cold winter night that was approaching. There was still two hours until dark so while Sally cleaned out the ashes from the open fireplace and lit the fire Tammy went outside and followed the snow covered path for fifty meters until she reached the wood pile and filled her arms with wood then walked back to the house then placed it next to the fireplace in a wooden box.

“Now it’s warm in here let’s get Changed into whatever we are sleeping in and meet back here so we can get things ready for later” Tammy said as they all went upstairs to their rooms to change then back to the fire to keep warm for the night.

“What’s taking Sandra so long?” Asked Tammy as Sally replied to her comment “I think she’s a little shy but she will come down soon and anyway when I was over at the storage room earlier I took some bottles of wine from the teachers storage area so if we can talk her into having a drink or too it might loosen her up a bit so she’s not so timid.”

Sitting around the open fire on pillows in their nighties and chatting over some glasses of wine they heard Sandra coming down the stairs and over to a spare pillow on the floor where she sat down. She was dressed in a thick white dressing gown that was wrapped tightly around her and tied in front with her dressing gown cord with around six centimeters of her blue pajama pants showing from under her dressing gown.

“I’m glad you came down to get to know us better now have a glass of wine” Tammy said to her as she handed her a glass of wine then Sandra explained to the other girls “I’ve never had alcohol before except once I got talked into having a drink at someone’s birthday party and I only had a couple of glasses and threw up and I must have fell asleep at the party because I woke up the next morning in someone’s backyard where the party was with a headache and I don’t really want to talk about the rest of the story, I hope I’m going to be ok” Replied Sandra as Tammy and the others assured her that she would be ok and they would put her to bed if she passed out as they watched her sip the wine at first then drinking it a little faster as Tammy topped up her glass.

“I never did anything like this at my old dorm house and I’m enjoying being here with you girls.”
Seeing how the wine was affecting her Tammy said to Sandra “how do you feel about playing a game of truth or dare? We usually love playing a game of it most nights but if you think it’s not for you then we can play something else.”

Not wanting to say no Sandra just wanted to fit in so she agreed to play even though in her sheltered life she never played truth or dare before with anyone and she was a little excited and nervous at the same time.“ OK but what are the rules.”

“Well the rules are we all sit in a circle and take it in turns to have a truth or dare.”

Each person when it is there turn will be asked truth or dare by someone and they must choose one or the other.”

During the game each person can only pick truth twice and when she answers both truths for the rest of the night she has to choose dare.”

“To make sure the game is played fairly and there’s no backing out of the dares the others in the game can get together and punish the player for not doing a dare any way they wish.”

“Once the game starts no one can stop playing until all players decide to stop.”

mister monkey 03-24-2021 02:18 AM

As the drinking and the game went on for a while with most of them choosing dare and given easy dares to start off with to get Sandra use to playing while she sipped her wine getting more and more intoxicated Sally looked over at her and decided she was almost ready then looked at Jenny and Tammy and winked which was the signal to move the game to the next level for their entertainment.

“Your turn Sandra, truth or dare?” Tammy asked. “Truth” she replied as she crossed her legs while sitting on the pillow and waited for her truth question.
“Tammy thought about a good personal question to ask her and then remembered the story that Sandra had told her about the first time she drank alcohol at a party but didn’t want to finish the story.

“Ok here is your truth, at the party when you first tried drinking and you fell asleep. What happened next that you didn’t want to tell anyone about?”
Sandra went a light shade of red and didn’t really want to tell them but wanting to fit in with her new friends and having a few drinks and a bit of concordance made her tell the rest of the story.

“As I already told you earlier it was my first time having alcohol and my two female friends invited me to come to the party and offered me some drinks. It was a small get together of local netball team girls in one of their backyards. As I said earlier I must have passed out and woke up the next morning then walked home.

Once home then I went to have a shower and when I undressed down to my panties and looked in the mirror I couldn’t believe it, I must have had my clothes taken off sometime at the party because I was covered in writing with things like Baby tits, slut, whore and written on the crutch of my blue panties was the words free pussy just pull down for a look. It was so humiliating when I read all the things that were written on me and when I asked my friends they said they went home early and didn’t know anything about it but I still think they were lying and set me up.”

“Wow” the others said not thinking the story would be that entertaining then settled in for more truth or dare. “Ok Sally, truth or dare? Sandra asked as she composed herself and waited for Sally’s response.

“Dare” said Sally. “I dare you to go out and get some fire wood in your nightie and bring it back here to the fire and you can’t wear your dressing gown.” Sandra was hoping that she would get a more challenging dare from Sandra but complied with her dare to keep the game going.

The next few rounds went into the night with dares like flashing tits and getting spanked at the open window and even making bets with each other but after a while Sandra couldn’t handle her drinks and got sick down the front of her dressing gown then she fell asleep on the floor.

The next morning Sandra awoke in her bed not remembering much from the night before and looked around the bedroom then to her dressing gown on the floor next to her bed and thought that the others must have put her to bed when she passed out.

Sandra sat up and stretched her arms and yawned then went to reach for her phone she had on her bed side table but on top of the phone she saw a note and picked it up to read. The note read, Good morning Sandra, you had quite a night last night and before you passed out you done a few good dares and lost some bets if you can remember doing them.

We were making some extreme bets at the time and we all completed them apart from you who bet that if you lost you would be our slave for the next few weeks you are here and do any housework or as a matter of fact anything we need you to do. And you also said we could help you to do as you’re asked if you found it hard so before putting you to bed we put on you something to help.

Puzzled by what the note said Sandra got out of bed but as soon as she moved she felt something different between her legs and pulled down her pajama pants to see some sort of chastity belt with a small box and wiring joined to it where her panties should have been with a small padlock locking it on her.

Pulling up her pajama pants in a panic she then thought being the new girl that she was a victim of a practical joke the others had played on her so headed down stairs to let them have a laugh and then take it off her.

mister monkey 03-25-2021 05:36 AM

Once downstairs Sandra could hear the others in the kitchen talking and once entering the kitchen door she could see them preparing toast and coffee for their breakfast. “Nice joke girls, I can take a joke and it is kind of funny but you can take it off me now please” Said Sandra with a smug look on her face as she pulled the top of her pajama pants down a little to show them her chastity belt and expecting the others to have a laugh and then take it off her.

Sally, Jenny and Tammy all started laughing at Sandra’s predicament as she pulled her pajama pants back up and waited for the others to finish their lathing and compose themselves again.

“Not yet sweetie, you promised us last night that you would be our slave and do what we want while you are staying here so the chastity belt is just here to help you with your promise and I will explain shortly about the belt and some rules to go with it. Early this morning we got together and wrote down some house rules for you to comply with.” Sally said to Sandra as she stood at the kitchen bench trying not to giggle too much. This made Sandra cringe with embarrassment as she wondered if they were serious or was this still part of their little joke.

“It’s no joke girl, while Tammy makes you some coffee and toast I want you to just stand there and listen to the rules we made up for you but first let me tell you about your latest edition to your clothing” Sally continued to say as she picked up some paper off the kitchen bench and started to talk more to Sandra.

“About the chastity belt, it is a special leather belt that has three padlocks on it. The top of the chastity belt consists of a leather belt that padlocks on the back so as when pulled tight and padlocked it is impossible to get off by yourself and you probably noticed the small box connected to the back of it as well, this is a shock training belt. This belt has an extra attachment to it which you have on at the moment; it is another leather belt that padlocks the front and back of the belt and goes between your legs to stop entry or you playing with yourself and if you need to pee or poo then you will need to ask one of us to take the attachment off.”

“These are what we need you to do as our slave house girl.”

“Rule one, each of us has a key for your belt attachment so if you need to go to the toilet then you must ask one of us to take it off for you then come back to that person after you finished so they can put it back on. You must have your attachment on unless someone wants you to take it off but the main shock belt stays on at all times.”

Rule two, the shock belt is fully sealed and waterproof so you can shower at anytime with it on.”

"Rule three, the remote has a few features on it like a four button setting training shock level, button one gives you a mild shock that is just enough to get your attention but won’t hurt you, this will be a warning for you to do something for us. Button two will be a mild shock that is just enough to make you have a jolt and slight twitch; this warning will only happen twice and if you haven’t done as you are asked then you will get the next level."

'The third button will give you a jolt with pain you will feel and be in discomfort , you only get one chance to comply with this warning then button four will shock you enough to put you in Sever pain and make you hurt for a couple of seconds which usually makes someone comply quickly or they get another shock.”

Rule four; it will be your job to do any housework we ask you to do.”

Rule five, while you are our house slave girl you will always refer to us as Miss when you talk to us.”

Sandra looked at them still not sure if this was a joke or not and thinking it was she said to them “yes Miss.”

“Now for your first order we think you should get those pajama pants off so we can watch you have breakfast in your new belt” Said Sally as she pressed the number one button on the remote control which made Sandra feel a little jolt in her back enough to make her know she had been shocked but not enough to hurt her.

“Oh?” said Sandra looking at Sally with the remote control and just standing there dumb founded then Sally hit button two and said to Sandra “you had a warning to do something for us now this is your second warning.” Sandra felt a more severe shock this time and realized this wasn’t a joke to them and knew she was going to get another one if she didn’t do as she was told and dropped her pajama pants to her ankles then reluctantly stepping out of them she stood there only in her pajama top with the bottom half of her new chastity belt visible to everyone in the kitchen.

“Did you see what happens when you don’t do as you’re told strait away but you will soon learn that if you do as you’re told you won’t have to be shocked. Now have your breakfast and then we will see what our new slave girl can learn.” Said Sally as Sandra did as she was told and sat down and had breakfast thinking what she had got herself into.

A week had passed and Sandra soon fell into line and when she was reluctant she soon felt the higher shocks that soon got her to comply with whatever she was told to do and now they felt that she was compliant enough they started to make more severe activities to see how far she would go in order not to receive the full number four shock that she had already received a couple of times and did not care for it at all.

They soon had Sandra dressing in just her chastity belt and nothing else while she was in the dorm house and if they took her out somewhere she would be dressed in clothes picked out by the others that made her feel a little uncomfortable.

Saturday morning the girls were all in the kitchen having breakfast served to them by the almost naked Sandra who was walking around in her chastity belt and nothing else. Not wanting the shocks from her belt Sandra just did as she was told and served them their breakfast as Tammy scrolled through her phone and found an activity for the girls to do and showed Sally and Jenny who both agreed it would be fun to do then Sally ordered Sandra to follow her to her room where she undid the two padlocks on Sandra’s attachment that went through her legs to stop any touching of her pussy and removed it leaving the belt with the shock device still connected around her waist.

It was so much of a relief to have the attachment removed and the fresh air surrounding her felt cool as it met her now uncovered pussy. “Now here are some clothes to put on then come down stairs and we can go for a drive in one of the schools cars, I know where they leave the spare keys.”

Ten minutes later Sandra came downstairs and they all walked through the school grounds and all got into a car and drove off to towards the next city which was an hour away from the school grounds.

One hour later they reached the city and pulled the car over next to a row of different shops and they all got out of the car then they walked down the street a little way and then turned down a lane way where they stopped outside an adult fetish store.

Sandra looked at the shop then back to the girls with a look of confusion on her face but the girls were too busy looking at the shops front display window at the toys and looking at the blacked out curtains behind the display wondering what was behind there.

“Let’s go in and have a look” said Jenny then they all agreed except for Sandra of course who hesitantly said “I don’t know about this Miss.”

“Oh come on Sandra it will be fun and if you don’t want to go in then I might just have to persuade you to loosen up and have some fun” Sally said to her as she pulled out the remote control and pressed the number one button to give her a warning. “I will skip button number two and go straight to the number three button if you keep disobeying or questioning one of our orders then once you are back out of the shop and into the lane you will have a full button number four hit and you defiantly don’t want or like.

As they entered the store and looked around at the different displays they nosiest that they were the only customers in the store apart from a female staff member stacking a display stand.

Sally, Jenny and Tammy started walking further down the aisle looking at all the toys with Sandra just behind them hoping they would finish looking and then go to another shop that wasn’t so embarrassing to be in.

It was around then that the store employee approached them and asked if they needed any assistance and if she could help them find anything specific. “We are mainly looking at some fun things for our slave girl; she needs something to keep her amused and to dress in so we are looking around. Sally told the store assistant as Sandra looked at her patting her handbag with the remote control in it so as to let Sandra know if she sad anything wrong she would get shocked so she just nodded at them and looked away at different things so as to not get too embarrassed.

As the store assistant went back to stacking the displays the girls left the isle that she was in and walked down to the next isle that contained clothing and looked through the racks then Sally pulled out a black latex dress with a low cut neckline “This should look good on you Sandra now strip down to tour belt for me please.”

“What Miss!!” Sandra cried out in a soft but worried voice.”You want me to seriously get naked in the middle of the store? There’s a changing room just at the end of the isle.”

“Yes but we want you to do it right here while the store worker is in the next isle stacking shelves and the sooner you do it the better before a customer comes in while you are putting on a show for us.” Sally replied pulling out the remote control and putting her finger in the button but before she could push it Sandra started to unbutton the front of her dress and then looking around to see if anyone was in the isle dropped it to the ground. Leaving her only in a black shock belt and shoes and socks and feeling exposed and helpless but she had learned that the humiliation would be less painful as the shock she would have received if she didn’t.

“Now try this on “Sally told her as she slipped it over her head and down over her body as she felt a sigh of relief being covered up. “That looks good on you, I think we will buy it for you now take it back off and give it to me.”

Once Sandra took off the dress back off and handed it to Sally she told her that she was going to get the sales lady to go to the counter and she was going to pay for it while Tammy and Jenny will stay here with and you will stand here in the middle of this isle almost nude and count to 100 then you can put your dress back on.”

As Sally paid for the dress she kept the sales girl talking so as Sandra could finish counting and then get dressed and come to the counter. After a few minutes they all came to the counter then left the shop to Sandra’s relief.

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