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Demon Thief 12-14-2009 12:51 AM

Mark's Babysitting Adventure
So, I have been reading a lot of stories on here and figured I should try my hand at writing one myself. This story is completely fiction and exists only in my mind.

Part One

It began as a typical Monday afternoon for Mark. He had just started his first job working at a supermarket as a bagger/ stockboy. He was 16 years old and had just recieved his driver's license.
The cashier that Mark was working with was a woman named Linda. She had not mentioned her age, but Mark figured she was in her mid-thirties. She was fairly short and thin, with medium length brown hair. Mark was on the short side himself with short black hair.
At around 7:00 pm, when there were no customers, Linda looked at Mark and asked, "So, Mark, have any plans for this weekend?"
"Not really," Mark answered.
"Well, if you're free, can you help me with a problem?" she aked.
"I may be able to. What is it?"
"I have to out of town Friday night, and I won't be back until Sunday evening. The girl I hired to babysit my kids just went off to college. Do you think you can do it since you're free? Everyone else I asked is busy," she explained.
"I guess I could do it. What time should I come over?" Mark asked.
"Around 5 o'clock. You'll have to spend Friday and Saturday night there, so I'll make up the guest room for you. Would that be alright with your parents?"
"They wouldn't mind," Mark replied.
"Good. Thank you so much for doing this. I'll pay you $50 when I get back on Sunday night. Is that a deal?" Linda asked.
"It is," Mark replied.

Little did he know what he was getting himself into...

EnigmaNZ 12-14-2009 03:30 AM

Good start. Nicely written and easy to follow. I'm wondering what he is in for as well!

truth 12-15-2009 12:19 AM

good start keep it going

Demon Thief 12-15-2009 09:55 AM

Thank you for your kind comments.

Part Two

At around 4:40, Mark pulled in Linda's driveway, following directions she had given him the day before. He had asked his parents about babysitting Linda's kids and they said it was fine as long as he called if there were any problems.
Linda answered the door. She asked, "Any problems finding the house?"
"No," Mark replied.
"That's good. I'll call my kids and introduce you," Linda said. She walked to the foot of the stairs and called up, "Alex? Steven? Come meet the new babysitter!" The sound of pounding footsteps echoed down the stairs and suddenly two boys appeared in front of Mark. Except for a small difference in height, the two boys looked alike with both of them having light brown hair.
"Mark, I'd like you to meet my sons. The taller one is Alex, and he's 11. The other one is Steven, who's 8. Kids, this is Mark, your new babysitter."
"Hello," Mark said.
"Hi," answered Alex and Steven.
"Well kids, I must be off. Mark, the number of the hotel I'm staying at is on the fridge. The kids have already been fed and everything. They have to be in bed by 10. See you on Sunday!" She left, shutting the door behind her.
The three of them remained where they were standing until Linda's car pulled out of the driveway and down the street. Then Alex asked, "Can we go back to what we were doing, please?"
"What were you guys doing?" Mark asked.
"I was playing Halo on my XBox, and Steven was playing in his room," Alex answered.
"Mind if I do something with you guys?" Mark asked.
"You can play Halo with me," Alex offered.
"I could do that," Mark replied, as they all headed upstairs.

What do you guys think?

myswagga 12-15-2009 11:22 AM

good potential
this story has a lot of potential, please continue

chubbsman7 12-15-2009 02:27 PM

Sorry, but this slightly reminds me of "This Babysitting Job isn't Working Out." Ha ha, but keep going. Ever writer starts somewhere.

nuditydudity 12-15-2009 03:24 PM

Keep up the story. It's nice that there is at least a little bit of character development instead of just "he dared me to get naked" in part 1.

Keep writing, it will be interesting to see where this goes.

Demon Thief 12-15-2009 11:43 PM

@ Chubbs: I haven't read that story, so I wouln't know. I'm pretty sure mine will be different, though. :D


Part 3

Mark followed Alex to his bedroom, while Steven headed for his room. As Mark entered Alex's room, his eyes automatically went to the 20 inch plasma screen TV and XBox 360 hooked up to it. He asked, "Did your mom buy you this?"
"Yeah," Alex answered. "She bought it when she was still working at her old job. Now let's play!"
They decided to play a simple round of Slayer with the score set at 25. Mark had played this game before and expected win with no problem, but Alex managed to keep up with him. They were both evenly matched.
After palying for an hour, they were tied at 24. Alex puased the game and said to Mark: "Wanna make a little bet?"
Mark was surprised. Never before had he bet on anything. He wasn't too fond of gambling, but still he asked, "What kind of bet?"
"We're both one point away from winning, so how about this? The loser has to do anything the winner says for the rest of the night. Deal?" He stuck out his hand and looked at Mark.
Mark was now more shocked that Alex had come out with this so quickly. He thought to himself: This shouldn't be too bad. If I win, I won't make him do anything. Even if I lose, there's no chance this can end badly.
Mark reached out and shook Alex's hand. "Deal!" he stated. Then Alex unpaused the game and they continued playing.
About a minute later, Alex managed to corner Mark and killed him, thus scoring the final point. Alex stood up and said, "Yay, I won! Now you have to do anything I want!"
"What do you want me to do?" Mark asked.
Alex sat on the end of his bed and started thinking. Then a grin lit up his face as he said, "I'll make you another deal."
"What is it?" Mark asked, warily this time.
"You have to take off all of your clothes except four your underwear, go to my mom's room and put on a dress. Then come back here. If you do all that, you won't have to do anything else for me tonight."
"Okay, fine," Mark said, as he started to strip to his boxers. When he was done, he quickly went out in the hall and down to Linda's room. He quickly pulled out a long black dress out of her closet and put it on. Then he went back to Alex's room. As he walked through the door, he was momentarily blinded by a bright flash. When his vision cleared, he saw Alex sitting on his bed holding a camera-phone.
Oh, crap, what now? Alex thought.

DragonofDares 12-16-2009 02:59 PM

Please continue!! really good

Mr. Green 12-16-2009 04:53 PM

This is spool great please continue

Demon Thief 12-16-2009 11:48 PM

Working on it...

Part 4

Mark stared at Alex holding his camera phone for a fraction of a second. Then he ran across the room toward Alex, meaning to take the phone away from him and delete the photo.
"Not so fast," Alex said with a small laugh. Mark came to a stop about halfway across the room. "If you come any closer, I'll send this to my mom.
"What do you want from me?" Mark asked.
"You to do my bidding for the rest of the time my mom's away," Alex answered.
"I thought that if I did that one thing for you, you'd let me off the hook!" Mark protested.
"Yeah, but there was nothing that would hold you to your word."
Mark thought, He's right! I shouldv'e just done what he wanted for the rest of the night. Now he has me for as long as he wants. If I can get that phone somehow...
Alex interrupted Mark's train of thought: "Now go back to my mom's room and take that off. Come back in your underwear and I'll see if I can find a few things for you to do."
Mark obeyed without question. He hoped he could find a way out of this situation. He hurried back to Alex's room to await his next orders.
"Now Mark, I want you to-" when he was interrupted by a loud ringing sound.
The doorbell! Mark thought.

xava 12-17-2009 03:32 AM

i like it so far :) u have me checking every few hours hoping u have posted more lol so keep it up x

DareMad 12-17-2009 11:11 AM

please continue it's great!

dareing G 12-17-2009 11:48 AM

this is a really good story keep it up :D

lost one 12-17-2009 03:22 PM

Great start! Keep going.

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