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Jaro 07-06-2019 01:16 AM

Seeking kinky web development help
Many of you know and have answered my Ultimate Likes and Limits questionnaire. It's still popular and gets answered a lot. Problem is I need to process the results and while I automated this process a lot, it's still a bit cumbersome. Also sending people an Excel report is a bit old-fashioned.

Therefor I really want to re-create this questionnaire on my own website, pretty much like the bdsm test is laid out. Presenting the questions in the same way as that, using the likert-scale, but then presenting the individual results.

The results are the most tricky part. I want them laid out in a table, with limits in the left-most column and loves in the right-most. I then want all the items color coded based on your experience with them, e.g. blue what you have already done.

Making a custom webpage for this also gives me a lot more flexibility than Google forms does. I have a fair bit of experience in programming, but not so much with web programming. Therefor I am looking for someone to help me out. Someone to team up with to create this, or just someone to point me into the right direction: e.g. what framework I could use. I don't want to re-invent the wheel, so if there's anything already there I could build off of, that would be great.

Thank you in advance for any help you can give!

Everill 07-06-2019 09:27 AM

Dreamweaver may be a good option for you as it let's you build a website using the drag and drop method while still allowing you to access the code and work on it more behind the scenes but it depends if you're willing to fork over some money for the site.

I think the results table will alot simpler than you think as you can just have a table already there and just use some javascript to write the results into the table and also colour the different items as it's writing them in.

Are you wanting to do the results processing server side or client side?

Also machine learning even though it would probaly be more work than needed.

LinoySlave 07-06-2019 09:39 AM

Well a lot of things changed since I proggrammed last time .. a lot of new technologies came out ..
But yah DreamWeaver is a very good option
Plus it sounds like you don't need any back side only client side languages ..

Jaro 07-06-2019 10:08 AM

Thanks for the suggestions guys. No, I don't think I need server side and maybe not even a database. I can just process the questions and results in memory and only perhaps store the final generated result page so that people who took it can link back to it?

Yes, the programming challenge is not that hard I think to build from scratch. I was just wondering if there isn't like a Javascript framework with which I can quickly create something like that.

Everill 07-06-2019 10:17 AM

I think as long you do the IDs correctly all you're really going to have to do is use something like:

var str = new String(insert kink);
document.getElementById("recordID").innerHTML = str.fontcolor("blue");

and just repeating for each kink.
I'll see about making a version for you which will work for all the records but this is just an example.

I don't think there's really a framwork for it as it's pretty simple but I'm sure a google search will uncover one.

KittenLicks 07-06-2019 12:43 PM

Hi Jaro!

There's lots of talented web developers on getDare, but if you don't find anyone else, I'd be willing to team up to make this.


The results are the most tricky part. I want them laid out in a table, with limits in the left-most column and loves in the right-most. I then want all the items color coded based on your experience with them, e.g. blue what you have already done.
Like Everill said, making a table is a pretty simple task! I think your biggest difficulty is going to be where to host this website, seeing as I'm assuming you don't want to pay for web hosting. If I was doing this, I'd make a static page (no database or serverside stuff) and use Github Pages to host it. It's free and what I use for most of my silly kink websites.


Originally Posted by Jaro (Post 3717346)
Thanks for the suggestions guys. No, I don't think I need server side and maybe not even a database. I can just process the questions and results in memory and only perhaps store the final generated result page so that people who took it can link back to it?

You don't need a database, unless you want to store the answers for statistics reasons. Storing the results page couldn't be done with github pages, but for something this simple I'd use the trick of encoding the result as a string and passing it through in the URL, kind of like I did on the card website for Bloxo: Link! A person's answers could be encoded as a string of letters, and the page would be able to generate a neat little table from them. Presumably it'd be just added to the link instead of pasting it in, but it's a similar concept.

Everill's right again that there really isn't a framework for something like this, but you also don't really need one. If you decide to do it yourself, you'll want to look into CSS to colorize the table, and javascript (or maybe jQuery) to populate it with items.


Originally Posted by Everill (Post 3717357)
I think as long you do the IDs correctly all you're really going to have to do is use something like:

var str = new String(insert kink);
document.getElementById("recordID").innerHTML = str.fontcolor("blue");

The fontcolor function is kinda deprecated these days! You can just do it with css instead.


  document.getElementById('spanking').className = 'like'

Jaro 07-06-2019 07:49 PM


Yay, thank you for all the extra tips and offering to help. I may take you up on that because I have never directly used Javascript. I do know HTML and a fair bit of CSS.

I actually do have a webhost already which I do pay for. I bought it to host this and other kinky stuff that I plan to do.
All of this could be done just by HTML and JavaScript? So I don't need PHP at all?
How would I code the questions over different pages and store everything?

KittenLicks 07-06-2019 09:07 PM

Oh, well, that makes it easier!

If you want to store the information in a database, you would need PHP (or some other serverside language) as well as MySQL.

As for moving pages, through the magic of Javascript you can have 'next' and 'previous' buttons without moving pages at all. Something like this. So you could progress through the entire questionnaire part without moving pages. If you are storing things in a database, you will have to submit everything at the end of the questionnaire, which you'll need PHP for.

Hope that makes sense. ^^

yadirmanns 03-21-2023 08:14 AM

If you're looking for someone to help you out with the programming side of things, you could try posting on a site like Upwork or Freelancer to find a developer who has experience with web programming.

nelsons04 03-21-2023 08:24 AM

Your Ultimate Likes and Limits questionnaire sounds really interesting, and I can understand why you'd want to move it onto your own website. If you're looking to create a custom webpage for this, there are definitely a lot of frameworks out there that could help make the process easier.
One that comes to mind is Magento PWA development. It's a framework that's specifically designed for building e-commerce websites, but it can also be used for other types of sites as well. It offers a lot of flexibility and customization options, so it might be worth checking out if you're interested in exploring different frameworks.

20171020 04-03-2023 04:33 AM

You can do this client-side using JavaScript, this has the advantage of only needing to host a "static" page. You can even create a "share your results" link without needing a database to actually save the results anywhere by embedding the answers in the URL parameters (this is how BDSM test and many other such "questionnaires" do this).

I would recommend using jQuery rather than plain JavaScript. jQuery makes it easier to select specific elements and apply a CSS class to them (e.g. to mark a field as like/limit).

Then use CSS to handle alignment, colors, etc. CSS is hard but every real web developer has to deal with it at some point.

That's how I would do this. Definitely possible just using jQuery and some HTML and CSS, no "framework" required.

...if you want to go the "framework" route there's something called "Bootstrap". I've never used it myself but I've seen other projects that use it. It gives you pre-built and pre-styled elements like buttons to work with, and it's easy to extend with your own CSS classes to e.g. tint the color of buttons. It's lightweight and integrates well with jQuery. I would recommend over using something like Angular.

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