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andrew_b 09-21-2009 05:07 AM

Lose Bet And Be My Slave
Click here to read the completed story without user comments!

This is my first go at trying to do a story but i write songs and stuff so i thought i'd have a go at this.

First to describe the two main characters of this story, first andrew who is 20, 5' 3'', brown hair, blue eyes and then their is emma, 18, 6' 0'', blonde hair, blues eyes. Emma and Andrew are very close friends and have been since they have been children. Emma is still a virgin since she has only just turned 18 but while Andrew is not a virgin, he doesn't exactly 'get around'. They are both relatively shy even though Andrew does have a kinky side to him that Emma doesn't know about.

So, Andrew and Emma were hanging about in Andrew's house (which is rented). It was a dull Sunday afternoon and Andrew suggested they do something so they don't go mad from the boredom. Emma agreed massively. Andrew suggested they try and guess who wins in a football (soccer) match which is starting soon on another channel and then Emma says 'How about we make it a bet' and Andrew replies 'Hmmm thats not a bad idea but no point just betting for no reason, their has to be something extra'
Emma: Well i haven't got any money to bet with
Andrew: Okay
Andrew: Well you don't need money for a bet
Emma: Oh?
Andrew: Their are always other ways to 'pay off' a debt
Emma: Like How?
Andrew: The loser could do dares or be the winner's slave for a certain amount of time
Emma: How about this the winner has the loser as a slave for a day
Emma: What you think?
Andrew: I like
Andrew: I like a lot
Emma: Thanks :D
Andrew: So is that the bet then?
Emma: Wait what, are we really going to do this?
Andrew: Yes
Emma: Hmmm okay
Andrew: Shake on it?
*shakes hands*

The match they were betting on was the Manchester derby between Manchester United and Manchester City, Emma is a huge Man City supporter so she went for them to win and Andrew was netrual when is came to English football but he was left with Man Utd. Man Utd are the bigger more well known team but Man City had recently bought a lot of high profile players and were moving up in the world but they were still second best to united.

Andrew and Emma then get comfortable and watch the match on sky sports, they didn't have to wait long for a goal, after 2 minutes wayne rooney scored for united, Emma says 'still early days yet', within 14 mins city had equaled the score with Gareth Barry scoring, the rest of the first half was pretty un-eventful and Emma asked Andrew 'What if no one wins?' and Andrew replied 'Well then no one wins the bet'
Emma: Okay
Andrew: But thats not gonna happen
Emma: Oh?
Emma: Why do you think that?
Andrew: Cause United are the far better team
Emma: That doesn't mean their gonna win though
Emma: They have been out played by City so far, apart from lucky goal
Andrew: Yeah but United always pull it out
Emma: Yeah sure but not today
The second half starts and again they don't have to wait long for a goal and yet again united are the ones to go into the lead, Darren Fletcher slipping past keeper with a header and then 4 mins later City reply with Craig Bellamy scoring a sitter of a goal, it takes a bit of time for united to recover but slowly but surely they get their rtythm again and Fletcher scores a second to put united 3-2 up and then Andrew askes Emma 'Are you sure you wanna go through with the bet? lol', Andrew was full sure united would win but then in the 90th minute Ferdinand makes a mistake which puts Bellamy through on goal again and he puts it away and now it's 3-3. The official put up the board for extra time '4 minutes' and then 6 minutes into 4 minutes of extra time Michael Owen steals a winner. The referee blows the whistle for full time. 4-3 to Man Utd.
Emma: Em about the bet
Andrew: Yes
Emma: We were only joking
Emma: Right?
Andrew: Ha Ha no a bet is a bet
Andrew: We shook on it
Andrew: Remember?
Emma: Yes i remember :(
Andrew: Good :)
Emma: So how does this work?
Andrew: Okay we need to find time when one of us will have our house to ourselves
Emma: Well my parents are going away next week
Andrew: Thats perfect
Andrew: Tuesday fine for you?
Emma: Yeah i suppose, get it done and over with
Andrew: Good, i'll come over at half 5 in the afternoon and we will start at 6.

*Emma then heads home and wonders and worries what Andrew will make her do, she knows he wouldn't do anything to harm her though, so she trusts him but still doesn't ease her nerves anymore*

To Be Continued...........

Let me know what you think so far and any advice would be much appreciated

Krissy 09-21-2009 06:02 AM

Haha, wow, I saw that game yesterday. This story should be interesting!

andrew_b 09-21-2009 06:08 AM


Originally Posted by Krissy (Post 186300)
Haha, wow, I saw that game yesterday. This story should be interesting!

yeah i was listening to it on the radio and turned it off when it was 3-3 and then i heard someone saying that it was 4-3 and of course i was very happy (big united fan he he)

andrew_b 09-21-2009 06:34 AM

Part 2

Andrew arrives at Emma's house, Emma is still nervous not knowing what to expect, Andrew first explains the rules
Andrew: Okay these are the rules
1: You must call me master at all times
2: You must obey and trust me at all times
3: You may only speak when spoken to
and if you break any of these rules you will be punished
Emma: Okay i guess
Andrew: I guess
Emma: Well i have no choice, i lost the bet so this your 'pay off'
Andrew: Good, we will start soon so get yourself comfortable
*Emma and Andrew sit down on couch*, Emma waits anxiously as the clock ticks closer to the time and then bam 6:30
Andrew grows a bit smile on his face
Andrew: It's time
Emma: Okay so what now
Andrew: Ah now what did i say?
Emma: What?
Andrew: Since you are my slave you must now only speak when spoken to
Emma: Thats not fair
Andrew: You will be punished later for rudeness
Andrew: Ok now take off your shoes
Emma: What?
Andrew: I said take off your shoes
Emma: Why?
Andrew: Are you questioning me?
Emma: No i'm just curious
Andrew: So take them off
Emma: Yes okay
Andrew: Shouldn't you be calling me something?
Emma: Em maybe?
Andrew: It's yes master, i will let you off for now but in future you must call me master
Emma: Okay master
Andrew: Good
Andrew: Now take the shoes off
Emma: Yes master
*Emma takes off her shoes and puts them on the ground*
Andrew: Good
Andrew: And now the socks
Emma: What? master
Andrew: Take off the socks
*Emma slips off socks and throws them to the floor*
Andrew: Very Good
Andrew: Now put your feet up
Emma: Okay master
*Andrew begins to rub Emma's feet*
Emma: Thank you master
Andrew: It's my pleasure
*Emma begins to think that this isn't so bad*
Andrew: Are you enjoying yourself slave?
Emma: Yes master
Andrew: Thats good
*Andrew stops rubbing Emma's feet*
Andrew: Okay now strip to your underwear
Emma: What? your joking, right?
Andrew: No i am not, do it now
Emma: :( Okay
Andrew: And you will be punished for hesitating
Emma: Okay master
*Emma pulls up her and pulls it off, then puts them on floor*
Andrew: Hmmm nice
Andrew: Now your bottoms
*Emma slides bottoms down her leg and drops them to the floor*
Andrew: Very Nice

To Be Continued

andrew_b 09-21-2009 06:35 AM

I am taking my time with this story cause i want it to be good

mausi7280bi 09-21-2009 07:20 AM

please continue fast, I like that story

andrew_b 09-21-2009 07:41 AM


Originally Posted by mausi7280bi (Post 186308)
please continue fast, I like that story

Thanks i will try to get it continued soon

andrew_b 09-21-2009 08:00 AM

Part 3

Andrew: Now people think you stuff your bra
Andrew: Answer me honestly
Andrew: Do you?
Emma: No master
Andrew: Good, this should be interesting
Emma: What should master?
Andrew: Take off the bra and show me
Emma: Okay master
*Emma unclips bra and slips it off*
Andrew: What are you doing slave?
Emma: I'm covering my modesty
Andrew: I told you to show me
Andrew: Now show me
Emma: But master you can see that i don't stuff
Andrew: True true but i want full prove
Andrew: Hands by sides, now
Emma: Okay master
*Emma puts hands by sides*
Emma: Happy now?
Andrew: Yes very but no need to be cheeky
Andrew: I will teach you not to be so cheeky
Emma: Yes master
Andrew: Are you shaved?
Emma: Excuse me master?
Andrew: Is your pussy shaved?
Emma: No master
Andrew: Show me, panties off and then hands by side
*Emma slides panties off and drops them and then puts hands by side*
Andrew: Hmm
Andrew: No no no
Andrew: This won't do
Andrew: Have you ever shaved?
Emma: No master
Andrew: Well you need to
Andrew: Do you have a waxing kit?
Emma: Yes master
Andrew: Go get it, now
Emma: Yes master
*Emma goes upstairs to fetch waxing kit*
Andrew: Good slave
Andrew: Now you know what i want
Emma: What master?
Andrew: Wax your pussy
Emma: But master that would be very painful
Andrew: *sigh* but your punishment for not doing what your supposed to will be much worse
Emma: Okay master :(
Andrew: Good
*Emma places waxing strips over her pussy to shave*
Andrew: Okay good, now go on
*Emma very carefully starts to pull off the strips*
Andrew: No no no
Andrew: Do it like this
*Andrew quickly pulls off all the strips at once*
*Emma screams*
Emma: Why master?
Andrew: We don't have all day
Andrew: Oh wait we do but still no point dilly dallying
Emma: Okay master

To Be Continued

andrew_b 09-21-2009 12:12 PM

if people are still liking the story i will continue but want see what people think first

Star Shadows 09-21-2009 12:17 PM

more please this looks really good

OHHYEAH16 09-21-2009 12:29 PM

This is great! Keep it up!

seth18 09-21-2009 12:43 PM

nice story, I really like this!

andrew_b 09-21-2009 02:04 PM

Part 4

Andrew: How does your pussy feel now?
Emma: It hurts and also i need pee
Andrew: Hmm okay well you may go to the toilet
Emma: Thank you master
*Emma heads to toilet*
Andrew: Wait where are you going?
Emma: The toilet, you said i could master
Andrew: Oh yes i did but i didn't say where
Emma: Oh?
Andrew: Go out to your back garden and pee like a dog
Emma: Yes Master
*Emma walks over and opens back door and then gingerly makes her way outside, She then gets down on all fours and pees onto the ground*
Andrew: How was that slave?
Emma: Scary master
Andrew: Why?
Emma: Cause people might see me master
Andrew: And?
Emma: I'm naked and taking a piss outside master
Andrew: Oh right, well i understand you being embarrassing about the peeing but you should be embarrassed about being naked
Emma: Why master?
Andrew: You have an amazing body and i think people should see it
*Emma blushes*
Emma: Thank you master
Andrew: Your welcome :)
Andrew: This sort of leads me to the next thing i want you to do anyways
Emma: What do you want me to do master?

To Be Continued

andrew_b 09-21-2009 03:37 PM

Part 5

Andrew: I want you to ring three friends and tell them to come over
Emma: Okay master but if they come over they will see me
Andrew: And?
Emma: Yes master, I will call them
*Emma calls her first friend (Heather)*
Emma and Heather are super close friends
Emma: Hi
Heather: Hi
Heather: Whats up?
Emma: Me and Andrew are bored, wanna come over?
Heather: Sure but just gimme an hour or so got some stuff to do
Emma: Okay cool, see you then
Heather: Bye
Emma: Bye
Andrew: She coming over?
Emma: Yes master but not for another hour
Andrew: Okay good slave
Andrew: Next person
Emma: Okay
*Emma rings Jennifer*
Emma: Hi
Jennifer: Hi
Jennifer: How are you?
Emma: I'm good, hey wanna come over to mine
Emma: Andrew is over and Heather is coming over in an hour too
Jennifer: Yeah sure i'll be over in like 15 minutes
Emma: Okay cool
Jennifer: See ya
Emma: Bye
Jennifer: Bye
Andrew: She coming over?
Emma: Yes master, in 15 minutes
Andrew: Okay the last friend must be a guy
Emma: Okay master
*Emma rings Paul*
Emma: Hi Paul
Paul: Hi
Paul: How are you?
Emma: I'm great
Emma: Yourself?
Paul: Same
Emma: Wanna come over?
Paul: Em maybe
Emma: Okay well Andrew is over at the moment
Paul: Hmmm might come over later
Emma: Okay
Paul: Bye
Emma: Bye
Andrew: What he say?
Emma: He said he might come over
Andrew: Oh, well thats not good
Emma: Why master?
Andrew: Well if anyone doesn't come you will get a severe punishment
Emma: Okay master :(
*Andrew and Emma wait for people to arrive*

To Be Continued

andrew_b 09-21-2009 04:35 PM

Part 6

Andrew: Apart from me now has anyone every seen you naked?
Emma: No master
Andrew: When then this should be interesting then
*doorbell rings*
Andrew: Well?
Emma: Well what master?
Andrew: Aren't you gonna get that?
Emma: Yes master
*Emma walks to open front door*
Emma: Hi Jen
*Jen looks in shock and then starts laughing*
Jennifer: What, Why, How
Emma: I lost a bet
Jennifer: Oh?
Emma: Yeah me and Andrew had a bet on the Manchester derby and who ever lost had to be a slave for other person for a day
Jennifer: Wow
Emma: I know *laughs*
Emma: So you gonna come in or are you gonna let passers by have a look
Jennifer: Sure I'll come in
Emma: Thanks
*Jennifer and Emma walk into the sitting room*
Jennifer: Hi Andy
Andrew: Hi
Andrew: Did Emma explain why she is naked?
Jennifer: Oh yes he he
Andrew: Good
*Emma stands in corner covering up*
Andrew: What are you doing Emma?
Emma: Covering myself master
Andrew: No no no, hands by side
*Emma puts hands by sides*
Jennifer: Ha ha ha ha
Jennifer: Why is your pussy red?
Emma: He made me wax it
Jennifer: Ouch
Jennifer: What else he make you do
Emma: He made me pee outside, while naked i might add
Jennifer: Ha
Andrew: Made her pee like a dog when she did it too
Jennifer: Oh my god i think my side is gonna split, this is hilarious
Emma: Stop please, your gonna make blush
Jennifer: Sorry can't help it, I'm sure you would laugh if it was me
Emma: Yeah I probably would actually
Andrew: So what now?
Jennifer: I actually could do with a cup of tea
Andrew: Okay cool, how about i make my slave do it
Jennifer: Yes please
Andrew: Well slave, you heard her, make her a cup of tea
Emma: Yes master
Andrew: Oh and get some biscuits too
Emma: Yes master
*Emma goes off into the kitchen to make the tea and get biscuits*
Jennifer: Wow i still can't believe this
Andrew: I know me either, she's getting us biscuits too
Jennifer: Not that, god your such an idiot sometimes ha ha
Andrew: Yeah but the rest of the time i'm all genius
Jennifer: Yeah sure believe whatever you want to
Andrew: I will :D
*Emma returns with tea and biscuits*
Andrew: Do you want sugar in your tea?
Jennifer: Yes Emma will you get me some he he
Andrew: Yeah what she said *laughs*
*Emma gets the sugar*
Andrew: Good

To Be Continued

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