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Butterfly 07-29-2017 11:05 AM

When a Worm Visits a Butterfly
**Jaroface and I wrote this story together. The parts in pink are from my perspective, and the parts in blue, are from his**

Sunday August 11, 2019

5:00 am

My phone buzzes and wakes me up. Normally I would ignore it and turn over to go back to sleep, but this time I am instantly awake. Just as I suspected, I look over at my phone and there is a message from my worm “Miss Butterfly, I am boarded on the plane and will be taking off very soon. See you in 10 hours”.

Eeeps! This is really happening!

We have been planning this trip for almost a year now and it is finally happening. In 10 hours I will be meeting my pet in person for the first time.

I roll over and try to get a few more hours sleep.

As my plane reaches cruising altitude I start thinking about this trip we have been planning for so long. Going to Canada, meeting my Miss for the first time. I am terribly excited but also very nervous.

What is going to happen? What predicaments does she have in store for me? I check my crotch again to make sure there aren’t any spots coming through. I am pretty horny already thinking about this all and the sheer, red thong panties I am wearing aren’t doing much to absorb any pre-cum. I am already worried some of it is leaking through.

Miss had told me I was allowed only to bring thong panties with me and only one set of clothing. I was also to bring all of my anal toys and all of them in my carry on luggage! I was so nervous when I went to have my carry on scanned. Surely they must have seen that giant dildo on the x-ray!? Thank God I didn’t have to take anything out!

I got hard again thinking it has been a month now since I last came and without any ruins either. Surely Miss would let me cum in Canada? I had no way of knowing. She had been teasing me about locking my worm cock up immediately upon arrival and not releasing me until I left, and perhaps not even then. This thought both scared me and turned me on so much! I have never been locked up before. I can only imagine the frustration….But surely Miss wouldn't actually lock my cock in chastity. She's only teasing me. She's way too nice for that, I'm sure she would never do that!

Miss would have to go to work for only 3 days this week and she hinted that I might need to accompany her one of those days. I wonder what she would have me do on the other days? I am sure it would be something, Miss doesn’t like it when her worm is bored. Miss told me how she had been looking forward to an entire week of total relaxation and not having to do anything. I had told her how I would do anything for her to make this week as enjoyable as possible. I sure hoped I would not disappoint.

9:00 am

I must have been able to fall back asleep because I wake up a few hours later to a cat laying on my chest, nudging my face with her nose. “Spaghetti! Leave me alone”. I reach over to see if my husband is still in the bed and it is empty. I guess I should get up. Lots still to do before I head to the airport in, I check my watch, 6 hours.

First things first, I walk into the guest room. I want to make sure it is all made up. There are fresh sheets and towels and I had cleared space in the dresser for his clothes and toys. Although, my worm was going to have to earn the privilege of using this room. He is a worm after all. I also make sure that the new toys I bought are all ready. Some of them we had discussed, and others were going to be a complete surprise.

Next I go into the living room and check that the cage I had set up was positioned the way I wanted it. I wanted him to see it as soon as he entered our apartment. I couldn’t wait to see the look on his face.

I glanced around the room to make sure everything was where it was supposed to be. There was nothing left to do other than to give my worm his instructions. I turned on my computer and started to type …


Hello my Worm,

I hope your flight went smoothly.

Before heading to our meeting place, I would like you to go to a bathroom stall and insert your plug. You can edge yourself for me and then tuck your little worm cock back into those lacey panties. You will not use the bathroom while you are there. I hope you went on the plane, because it may be awhile before you have earned the privilege to use the toilet.

You can let me know you have landed by sending me a picture of your hard cock in the bathroom.

See you soon my worm!
3:00 pm

After 10 hours of boredom and horniness - I never can sleep on a plane - we finally touch down at Calgary International Airport. I am in Canada for the first time in my life. I do love to travel and visit new places. I hope Miss would allow some time for us to explore the country a bit.

As we wait for the doors to open I check for a signal on my phone. Yay! I got it, and 4G even. My phone dings to notify me of a new mail, it is from Miss Butterfly. “Shit!”, I utter. My last pee was a few hours ago. I don’t have to go now but still, that is a bit worrying.

I exited the plane and cleared customs. I had no baggage save for my carry on and nothing to declare. It all went fast and smoothly and thus, I am in Canada! Yay!

I look for the nearest bathroom. I am always prudent to follow up on Miss’ instructions as soon as possible. There! I entered the stall, pulled down my pants and removed my dripping cock from the minimal fabric that was holding it. I started to stroke and get it hard. It didn’t take too long before I reached an edge. I stopped just in time. I am always so nervous to edge because I ruin so much. For that reason, this past month Miss had allowed me to edge only very rarely. Normally it was just stroking, making it hard or even no touch at all. I almost forgot what a proper edge felt like. God! I am horny!

I snapped a picture of my hard cock and was hesitant to actually send it to Miss. This was the first time I would be doing so and I felt pretty weird about it. I was always hesitant to send any picture and now this? Eh… I shivered…. and then I tapped send!

Next I searched through my bag until I found the small bottle of lube I had packed and my medium size plug. I was so used to this plug that my ass needed little preparation. I lubed up the plug and pushed it slowly but surely against my ass hole. As I pushed, I relaxed my body and soon enough it was firmly inside me. It sent a shiver through my body as my ass clenched a few times around it. So horny!

After I left the bathroom, tt didn’t take long to find Miss in the arrivals hall. I saw her, wearing a pretty blue dress with butterflies on it and an even prettier smile. She was holding up a sign that said “Mister Worm”. Good heavens, why call me that, here! Well, I guess there are people that actually have “Worm” as a last name. As I approached I couldn’t help but to take a quick glance at her feet. She was wearing white sandals and her toenails were painted pink. They looked so gorgeous. Miss’ smile grew when she realized it was me.

“Hello Butterfly,” I said, “you look great!”. She blushed as she said “Hello my worm. That’s Miss Butterfly to you, and don’t you forget it.”

“How was your flight?” she asked. We talked more about the flight, the airport, the weather and how Miss was doing as we walked towards the exit. Before leaving I saw a bathroom so I asked: “Can I just quickly go there before we leave?”


It took every ounce of my willpower not to turn around and look at his face when I said that. I wanted my worm to squirm. I continued to walk confidently to my car, even though I was pretty much dying inside: A mixture of anxiety, fear and excitement. I couldn’t help but smile, imagining the thoughts running through his head. I knew this man so well, yet, this was the first time we would spend time together in person.

When we reached the car, I opened the trunk and instructed him to put his bag in. Before he had a chance to get in the front passenger seat, I gave him a big hug.

“Welcome to Canada my pet”

“Thank you Miss”, he said with a big smile.

“Now, this is something I have been wanting to give you for awhile. I know we have never formally collared you, but since you will be truly mine for the next 7 days, I thought it was fitting. Turn around my pet”

As he turned around, I grabbed the black collar out of my bag. It was inscribed with the word “worm”. I reached up and firmly locked it around his neck. I could feel the heat coming off his face as he blushed. Once it was on, he reached for the handle and I looked at him mischievously as I told him he might want to sit in the backseat. He looked a little surprised but mumbled “Yes Miss” and opened the back door. On the seat, was a black cloth bag.

As I put on my seatbelt, I watched him from my rearview mirror. Once he was all buckled in, we made eye contact.

“All ready my worm?”

“Yes Miss”

“Good. You have until we leave this parkade to put on everything in that bag”

The panic in his eyes made my clit throb.

Nervously I opened the bag and rummaged through the contents. “Hurry up”, Miss said sternly, you only have a few minutes. Just put it on!”

“Yes Miss”, I said as I quickly put in the pink ball gag. The next thing I saw was the nose hook. I had never used one before, but I managed to put it in my nose and secure it to the back of the collar, pulling my nostrils in an uncomfortable way. I felt pretty ridiculous like this already, when I pulled out a pair of bunny ears. Of course Miss would do that!. Finally I put on the blindfold, just in time as the car left the parkade.

I felt my ass clench around my plug as I heard Miss giggling. I felt drool dripping from my chin and the pull on my nostrils was even bordering on painful. As I tried to get comfortable, I felt the car speeding up. We must be on the motorway now, I figured. I sure hope it’s not too busy on the road. I am sure people can actually see me sitting here! Drooling like a freak show! Are kids in back seats laughing now? Taking pictures of me and posting them on Facebook?

Good lord what is happening!? Are we there yet? Damn this hook is painful and my mouth is getting so dry!

I tried to mumble “how long it is still”. It was pretty unintelligible but I assume Miss kind of knew what I was thinking and she said “soon, my little worm, soon.”

I don’t know how much time passed, 10 minutes? 20? I try to put my mind to other thoughts. Non-kinky thoughts. Just thoughts about life, the universe and everything. What it means to be a worm… damn…. I’m doing it again. Like, when somebody tells you not to think of a pink elephant… what do you do? Right!

I got shaken out of my confused thoughts as I felt the car slowing down. I felt us making a few slow turns. We stopped a few times and then pulled up again. I think we are almost there. We must be by now. I surely hope so. A big bump and then the car comes to a stop.

I parked the car in the garage and looked at him in the mirror. “Time to strip my worm”. I told him he was to take off his clothes, leaving only his thong, and put them inside the black bag. The black bag could then be tossed into the trunk behind him. With the blindfold on, I am not sure if he realized that we were in the garage. I could almost feel the internal struggle he was experiencing. This was the moment. The moment where he would decide to trust me, or to completely chicken out.

We had the discussion before he left, he could use his safewords at anytime. Yellow meant he needed to slow down. Red meant he needed to stop. And the most important was Exit. If he said the word Exit, everything would stop. The trip would completely change from a kinky visit to a regular vanilla visit. He was only ever allowed to use the word one time, and it could not be undone. I was unsure if he would say it right now.

“I said NOW my pet” I said sternly, forcing him to make a decision.

To my surprise, he began to strip. I turned around in my seat and watched as he very slowly removed his pants, revealing the thong. It barely covered his growing cock. I could see precum had left a small stain already. Next, he pulled off his shirt, his very wet shirt. I watched him struggle as it got tangled in his bunny ear. I giggled and reached into the backseat to help him.

As he put his shirt and pants in the bag, I reminded him to take off his socks too. I could see him getting goosebumps and could feel him holding back his protest. My little worm gets cold easily, and the air conditioned was still on in the car.

When he was done, I got out of the car and opened his door.

“Out my pet!”

Obediently I stepped out of the car, feeling very exposed as I felt the warm August air against my naked skin, I was almost naked here! And plugged, for crying out loud! I whimpered. “Don’t worry my worm” she answered as she guided me to what I assumed was her front door as I heard a key turn in a lock.

Before she let me inside, she took off the blindfold and I was relieved to see that I was inside the attached garage. I wasn’t as exposed after all! I knew Miss would take care of me.

We stepped inside and I automatically shivered as I saw the padded metal cage sitting in the middle of the living room. It was not large. Not large at all. It looked like it could just barely fit me if I lay down with my legs raised up. What is she thinking? Is she going to put me in here? I trembled. I felt my cock rub against my panties again as I got incredibly turned on by the thought of it.

“Welcome to our cozy little home my worm” Miss Butterfly said. Just then, Asslvr stepped in from the kitchen. “Hello” he said. “Had a good flight?”. I mumbled something unintelligible as I looked at Miss. “Yes, you may remove the gag and the nose hook too” she said. I told Asslvr that my flight was okay but I hate flying as I get bored and cannot sleep. Then Miss Butterfly handed me a laminated sheet of paper.

“Read this for us, my worm” she said, as I glanced over the list that read: “Worm’s Rules”.
I started reading nervously, the fact that Asslvr was also listening made it even worse.


1. I will always refer to you as Miss Butterfly and Asslvr, shall be addressed as Sir.
2. My little worm cock belongs to Miss Butterfly. I am not allowed to touch or cum without her explicit permission.
3. I am not allowed to go to the bathroom without Miss Butterfly’s explicit permission.
4. I will remain plugged at all times, unless Miss Butterfly allows me otherwise.
5. I am nothing but a lowly worm, and will not do anything without Miss Butterfly’s instruction.
6. I will do everything I can to make Miss Butterfly happy.
When I was done reading out loud, I thanked Miss Butterfly. The rules were not a big surprise to me but it made it all feel so real!. Following them in person however…. Having to actually say “may I please pee Miss?” It made me shiver in nervous anticipation but also made me feel incredibly excited!

And yes, of course I am just a lowly worm! Of course I will do anything Miss asks of me and I will do anything to make her happy! I just hope I will not disappoint her.

I felt my bladder again. It was so full now! “May I please pee now Miss,” I said quietly. “Absolutely,” she said immediately and much to my pleasant surprise…. until I saw her handing me a large bottle.

“Nooo! Not in here, Miss?” he stammered.

“Yes, you may pee right there my worm”. I don’t think I have seen anybody turn as red as he did in that moment. He tried to turn around, but I stopped him immediately. “No, no mister worm. You will do it right where you are, or you will hold your bladder for the rest of the night.”

I watched as he slid his panties to the side, his face a darker shade of red than the panties. He struggled a bit to get his cock angled into the bottle and then he just stood there.

“You have 10 seconds to start peeing or else you will lose the chance my pet”

A little whimper escaped and I thought he was going to cry. Instead, he started to pee.

When the bottle was filled to the top, he looked at me as if wondering what he was to do. I just looked at and him and nodded. He gulped and brought the bottle to his lips. As he drank his piss, I rewarded him with a “Good worm”.

“Now that you have rehydrated, let me take your bag.” I carried his bag to the spare bedroom and put it inside. I closed the door and locked it behind me. “There! Now that those are out of the way, let me show you your living space”. I walked him over to the cage in the middle of the room.

My heart sank in my chest as I looked in fear at the cage. “You aren’t going to put me in there Miss? Surely I don’t have to sleep in there?”

“Yes you do, my worm” Miss answered sternly. “You really didn’t expect a nice bed on your very first night right? You have to earn it!”

“Yes Miss,” I stammered.

“But not for another two hours, Before I get you some dinner, put these on my pet.”

I got red again as I exchanged my panties for a tiny pink g-string that had SLUT written on the crotch area. After I put on the bowtie, Miss asked me to put my hands on my head and turn around for inspection. She further humiliated me when she asked me to bend over. I had never felt more humiliated as I stood there showing her my plugged ass with the string.

I pushed the plug in further, slapped his ass and said “That’s a good worm” before walking into the kitchen to prepare dinner.

We spent the next two hours relaxing, eating and enjoying each other’s company. Other than the fact that he was almost naked, it seemed like a normal visit. When the two hours were up, I told my tired worm that it was bedtime. I grabbed the blanket and pillow that I had set aside, and led him to his cage.

“Don’t forget your bottle my pet, you may need it”

He followed dutifully, he was such a loyal pet. It sure was going to be a fun week.

I handed him the blanket and pillow and said “Into your cage my worm. I hope you have a great night’s rest.”

He crawled into his cage and said, “Good night Miss Butterfly”

“Good night my worm”

and with that I locked the cage with a padlock.

(To be continued …)

KittenLicks 07-29-2017 11:39 AM

This is really great! :) Writing a story together sounds like such fun, and the story itself really walks a line between sweet and kinky that is absolutely delightful. ^_^

It's pretty rare that you get to see both the sub and dom's side in something like this, and both of you write so well.

One thing that did confuse me though, because I'm not up to date on all the latest bdsm toys. What's a nose hook? Googling shoes me a contraption, but I don't understand why it makes you drool? :)

Thanks for sharing this, you two, keep on being awesome! <3

Jaro 07-29-2017 11:54 AM


Originally Posted by KittenLicks (Post 2897989)
This is really great! :) Writing a story together sounds like such fun, and the story itself really walks a line between sweet and kinky that is absolutely delightful. ^_^

It's pretty rare that you get to see both the sub and dom's side in something like this, and both of you write so well.

One thing that did confuse me though, because I'm not up to date on all the latest bdsm toys. What's a nose hook? Googling shoes me a contraption, but I don't understand why it makes you drool? :)

Thanks for sharing this, you two, keep on being awesome! <3

Thank you for your nice comment!
Indeed what you found is a nose hook: it pulls the nose upwards by the nostrils.
But it's not the nose hook that makes me drool. It is the gag that I put in right before that. ;)

Kisune Karnon 07-30-2017 01:24 AM

Good opening. Can't wait for more. Interesting having the dual perspectives.

pt26 07-30-2017 07:30 AM

This is awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !! I can not wait for more from you two!!!

Sam~ 07-30-2017 09:15 AM

I loved this! It has actually given me some idea's for the next time I'm with Matt for a few days ;)

Really looking forward to reading more :)

Jaro 07-30-2017 09:44 PM


Originally Posted by Samishere (Post 2899220)
I loved this! It has actually given me some idea's for the next time I'm with Matt for a few days ;)

Really looking forward to reading more :)

You're not going to put him in a cage are you? Really, that is so uncomfortable!

Stay tuned, we will definitely be posting more! :)

Butterfly 08-03-2017 11:13 AM

Part 2
Monday August 12, 2019

7:00 am

I woke up feeling pretty sore all over. It was warm in the room so I had opted to sleep on top of the blanket Miss had so kindly given me. But it had still been uncomfortable and since the cage was so small I had to sleep with my knees pulled up, further adding to the humiliation with my plugged ass.

I was rock hard when I woke up. I usually am in the morning but with all that has happened so far and my mind running rampant, it was insane. My cock was dripping and soiling the blanket. I felt uncomfortable and tired but extremely submissive.

I looked around the living room and listened intently. I didn’t hear a sound. Miss and Asslvr must still be asleep. I had heard them talking last night. I had heard Miss giggle. What had they been talking about? Surely it wasn’t about me. I had received a pretty intense welcome yesterday. More so than I expected. I surely didn’t expect to be collared! I definitely didn’t expect to be put into a cage! A freakin’ cage… with a padlock for crying out loud!

Do I actually want this, I wondered? Should I use my safe word? Should I just chicken out and make this trip a comfortable one instead of a kinky one? Go see Niagara Falls? If this is but a prelude to what is yet to come, I’m in for a pretty intense week. I wonder if I can handle it.

If it were even possible my cock got harder and my ass clenched around my plug as I contemplated this. I could arrive at only one conclusion: yes! No matter what Miss will do to me. No matter how uncomfortable or nervous she makes me. No matter how far she pushes me…. This really truly IS what I want, more than anything in the world!

I got stirred from my thoughts when I heard sounds upstairs. Immediately I felt the nervous anticipation in my stomach again. They are awake! Is Miss Butterfly coming downstairs? Will I get coffee? Please, give me coffee! And please let me pee, my bladder begged, as I looked at the full bottle beside me.

I woke up to the sounds of my alarm. I am not a morning person, and normally I lay in bed being grumpy until I force myself to get up. As I laid there making grumpy noises, I remembered … I have a worm trapped in a cage downstairs! That thought certainly cheered me up, and I jumped out of bed and went into the bathroom.

As I showered, I remembered the talk that Asslvr and I had the night before. I had told him about the shocked look on my worms face when he saw the nose hook, gag and the bunny ears in the car. Asslvr, my dear, soft hearted husband, had practically begged me to let him go down and rescue the “poor little guy”. He wanted to let him sleep on the couch. But I was very adamant that he was going to sleep his first night in the cage, and I usually get what I want.

When I was done my shower, dressed and ready for work, I headed down to the living room. I had nervous butterflies in my stomach again. I wonder what today would hold.

“Good morning Miss Butterfly”

“Good morning my worm”. He was sitting up as best as he could in the cage. He looked tired and uncomfortable. The sadistic inside me woke up and thought Good! The perfect way to start our day.

I walked over to the cage and opened the door. As he wormed his way out of the cage, I said, “You have two options: You can either have 30 minutes to use the bathroom, shower, etc., or you can have one large cup of coffee.”

“What!? Oh no please Miss Butterfly, I really need to pee! If I choose coffee, you won’t let me pee? After coffee I definitely need to…. and more….” I looked at Miss Butterfly with desperate eyes. Was she really forcing me to make such an evil choice? I love my morning coffee!

“You will just need to take that chance, my pet. You have 5 seconds to make a choice, or I will do it for you.”

I quickly weighed my options. I forced myself to calm down and remember that things with Miss aren’t usually as bad as they seem. She always takes care of me in the end. So I took my chances and said: “May I please have a nice strong cup of coffee Miss Butterfly?”

I giggled to myself. That was what I was hoping he would choose. “Yes you may my pet. You can go to the kitchen and make a pot of coffee, but only one cup for you, you can save the rest for Asslvr to bring to work”.

As he went to the kitchen, I grabbed the maids outfit I had bought for just this occasion. Attached to it was a list of my instructions and a cloth bag containing everything else he would need for today’s task. I had been saving some house work for my little worm, and was planning on making things interesting. I laid everything out on top of the cage. But before we got to that, we had his bladder to attend to.

“You better hurry up and drink that coffee little worm, if you want any chance to pee. Meet me in the living room in 5 minutes.”

I went into the spare room and grabbed the brand new whip. He was going to have to earn his morning pee.

With the first sip of my fresh hot coffee I felt relieved. I was also thankful to finally be rid of the awful taste of piss in my mouth. I had to drink my pee twice during the night and each time it tasted worse.

But the coffee tasted good and it made me feel a little alive again, despite my lack of sleep. Then I heard Miss call that I had 5 minutes left. Only 5 minutes!? Oh dear! I finished my coffee thinking I really needed to pee so bad now and it wouldn’t be long until I had to go #2 as well. I guess I’d better start begging now, I figured, as I walked back into the living room feeling suddenly very aware that I was almost naked and plugged.

I was standing in the middle of the living room as he entered. I could see by the way he was walking that he really needed to pee. This was going to be sooo much fun! “Drop and give me 20 pushups” I demanded. He looked at me, kind of confused. I don’t think he actually believed me. I cracked the whip across his ass, which caused him to jump. Now he got it. He fell to the ground and started to do pushups.

I whipped his ass as I reminded him to keep in proper form. The sound of his whimper made my clit tingle.

After 15, he really started to struggle. “Come on you weak little worm.” WHIP, WHIP, WHIP! The last 5 were barely push ups, but I let it slide for now.

“On your feet! Panties off! Jumping jacks! And GO!”

As he started to do jumping jacks, I walked around him, watching his semi hard little cock flap and jump as he continued to exercise. I used the whip to hit his ass, back, thighs and calves as I circled around him. The welts that were starting to show on his skin were lovely. I loved torturing this man! He was beginning to lose his breath, but I wasn’t done with him yet ...

I panted and whined with each stroke of the whip. This was really painful. I had never experienced a whip before. I wanted to slow down a few times but the whipping ensured that I didn’t dare. My bladder was really hurting and I was feeling even hornier because of it. How many jumps did I do now? Will she stop? Oh please, let her stop now, I need to pee!

“May I please pee Miss?” I cried.

“No”, was her answer.

I felt her watching me. I saw her watching me as she appeared in front of me. I saw her smirk. I could almost hear her laughing inside. She is really enjoying this! She’s revelling in my ordeal. Playing with her toy. I felt embarrassed jumping here totally naked. I felt humiliated as my cock slapped against my abdomen with each subsequent jump. I couldn’t do this much longer. I was almost longing for the cage again!

“Do you need a rest my pet?”

Through the huffing and puffing, I barely heard him say “Yes Miss”.

“Lay on your back.” He looked relieved as he dropped to the ground and laid down, slightly wincing as the welts from the whip came in contact with the ground. I could see his chest rising quickly as he struggled to regulate his breathing. “Do you still need to pee my pet?”

“Yes Miss. Please I really need to ..” he stopped cold as I rested my bare foot on his cock. I moved my foot gently, stroking him as he grew harder. I slid my foot down and massaged his balls, and then slid even further down and used my big toe to gently push on the plug in his ass. Now that I was sure he was ready to burst in more ways than one, I moved my foot up to his abdomen and started to put pressure on his bladder.

“No Miss. Please don’t, I am going to pee”. I silenced him by moving my foot up to his mouth and sticking my toes in.

“I am late for work. You will complete 100 sit ups and then you may go to the bathroom. Take as much time as you need. Further instructions are on top of your cage, along with your outfit for the day.”

“Yes Miss” I answered begrudgingly. I was worried about the huge amount of sit ups I had to do. I am such a wimpy worm, I thought, as I began the sit ups looking at Miss’ feet walking away. Feet that had just touched my cock and been in my mouth! I felt hornier than ever and my poor bladder was ready to burst!

I struggled with the sit ups. I almost couldn’t keep my legs still. Pee, I thought with each motion upward. Sweet release. These thoughts surely weren’t helping in my torment. A torment that was as much mental as it was physical. I felt the plug inside my sorely whipped as. I panted and struggled as I reached 50. “Please Miss”, I whimpered, only to realize that she was already gone.

When I finally completed the 100 sit ups I rushed to the bathroom and only just prevented from wetting myself as I sat down and let it all out, including the butt plug, which really needed to go now as well. After doing my business, I thoroughly cleaned myself, got plugged again as per my rule and hurried to the cage where I saw the note, together with a ridiculous looking maid uniform. The note read:


Instructions for Monday August 12

Good morning my worm,

I have laid out a lovely outfit for you to wear while completing your tasks today. That is right, you are going to be my slutty maid for the day. All of the other equipment you may need is in the bag attached to it.

Once you are dressed, you will complete the following:

* Wash all of the dishes (Bonus points for doing them with your hands handcuffed)
* Wash the kitchen floor on your hands and knees (Bonus points for wearing the spider gag)
* Scrub the toilet (Bonus points for doing so using the gag with toilet brush attachment)
* Vacuum the entire main floor (Bonus points for doing so with the vacuum attached to your balls)
* Make dinner. Should be in the oven by 5:00.

For every chore you complete you will earn 5 points.
For every bonus you achieve, you receive 10 points.
For every edge you complete, you will earn an additional 1 point.

Your points can be spent as follows:

30 points = cup of coffee
30 points = 1 hour break

Don’t forget, you may not use the bathroom without my permission (and a reminder that your plug should be back inside you). I will be available to message as I normally do at work.

If you complete all of your work today, you will be allowed to give me a pedicure and foot massage tonight. Hopefully that is enough incentive.

Have a good day my worm!

Ps. Help yourself to food and water in the fridge.

Oh my God, what a lot of chores to do! And I must do them wearing this? Really? Miss knows I’m not a sissy right? Ugh! I swallowed my pride as I put on the thong and bra and stuffed it with the socks that Miss had included specifically for that purpose. I completed the outfit with the dress, stockings and heels. It all actually fit! I should have known when she asked for my sizes last week.

Did I read that right? I can earn the reward of giving Miss a pedicure!? If this wasn’t a huge incentive to do everything I didn’t know what was! I already had gotten a taste of her toes quite literally and I did long for more! She has such sweet toes!

My smile faded as I looked at the clock and the big list of chores to do. I’d better get busy!

As I walked to the bathroom, I seriously wondered where Miss had bought a gag with a toilet brush attachment! I’ve seen some pretty crazy toys but this one really takes the cake! I looked at myself in the bathroom mirror. Drooling and all red in the face, I got on my knees in front of the toilet and started brushing, with my mouth!

Next up was the kitchen floor, with that devilish spider gag. This thing was so painful to the jaw and scrubbing the floor seemed to take forever as I couldn’t help but to leave my drool all over the place. How am I going to get this clean if I keep messing it all up again with my drool?
My mouth was drier than the Kalahari desert when I finally finished and could shut my big worm mouth again. But it was worth it. I earned my much needed points.

I was enjoying a cup of coffee with my feet up when I got a ping from Miss. “How is it going my worm?” she asked. “It’s going okay, Miss” I answered. “I am just drinking a cup of coffee that I earned.”

“Well you better finish it quickly and move on mr. worm”, she answered, “unless you also earned a break!”

I was quick to answer: “Yes Miss, it will only take a few minutes and then I will tie the vacuum cleaner to my balls”

“Good boy” she answered with a smiley. “But make sure you pull the vacuum cleaner using just your balls!”

The morning went by far too slowly for my taste. I was anxious to get home and see how my little worm was doing. I was really hoping he had completed all his chores because I had been looking forward to a pedicure, and I knew that it was something he would really enjoy as well.

It took everything I had not to constantly message him. But I wanted to give him time to himself to take in the events so far, and I also wanted to make sure he had the time to complete everything he needed to. He really is such a good pet.

To be continued ....

Butterfly 08-03-2017 11:19 AM


Originally Posted by Jaroface (Post 2900065)
You're not going to put him in a cage are you? Really, that is so uncomfortable!

Stay tuned, we will definitely be posting more! :)

You don't even know how truly uncomfortable it really is! Come and see me and you can find out :P

Samishere, I am really glad it has given you some inspiration!

Jaro 08-03-2017 11:30 PM

I am quite proud of this next part we wrote together.
But the next part is going to be even better!
And... don't get me started on Tuesday....

Kisune Karnon 08-04-2017 01:53 AM

Another good installment. Can't wait for more.

Matt: 08-04-2017 02:10 AM


Originally Posted by Jaroface (Post 2900065)
You're not going to put him in a cage are you? Really, that is so uncomfortable!

Stay tuned, we will definitely be posting more! :)

I really hope it's not the cage! :eek:

But really am enjoying this story! There seem to be lots of stories with female subs and male doms, but not many with a female domme and male sub.

Butterfly 08-05-2017 04:45 PM

Part 3
(continued from Monday August 12)
4:30 pm

The afternoon crawled by, just as slowly. Finally it was time to head home. When I got into my car, I gave my pet a quick call to let him know I would be home in about 45 minutes. Before I said goodbye, I dropped one last task on him: “Make sure that you remain hard until I arrive. Just to make sure, send me a photo every 5 minutes with a time stamp”.

“Yes Miss Butterfly”

All the dirty thoughts running through my mind, along with the scene from this morning had really turned me on. I could barely concentrate as I drove home. All I wanted was a nice, loud orgasm. I called Asslvr and left him a voicemail:

“When I am done with the worm tonight, I need you to fuck me hard and fast! I can’t wait to have you inside me. See you soon.”

When I arrived home, I sat in the driveway and checked that I had received the photos I had asked for. Then I got out of the car and quietly entered the front door. I didn’t see any signs of my worm, but after a minute, I heard the water running in the kitchen.

What a sight!

There he was, hands cuffed in front of him, a hint of pink sticking out under the short maids uniform. His cock certainly was still hard as it bumped against the kitchen cupboards while he washed the dishes.

I could smell dinner cooking in the oven.

With a smack to his ass I said “Hello my pet”

As he turned around, I grabbed his hard cock and inspected it. He moaned as my hands wrapped around it tightly. I pulled it firmly towards me, forcing him to take a step. I continued to pull until I was leading him towards the living room.

“How was your day my pet?”

“Fine miss, I finished all of the chores you asked me to complete and I edged 10 times.”

“Good boy!” I said with a smile. I was genuinely happy that he had completed the tasks, but I had no doubt he would. “Asslvr won’t be home for another 20 minutes, and it looks like dinner is still going to be a half hour, so we are going to play your favorite game. Get on your knees my pet.”

“Start!” He startled, with a confused expression on his face, and then it clicked, and he sprang into action and started to stroke his still hard cock. “Stop!”

He whimpered.

“Start! Remember my pet, you will not stop until I tell you to, so be careful if you are getting close to edge. If you cum without my permission, there will be dire consequences.”

“Yes Miss”

I left the room and went to the spare room where I grabbed a few supplies.

When I returned, I saw him squirming, with a pained expression on his face, I knew he was dangerously close. “Stop and strip my pet”

Once he was naked and back on his knees, I said “Start”. Before he had a chance to stroke even once, a blindfold was covering his eyes. Now was the perfect opportunity to use the new flogger I had bought. I started by lightly running it from his ass crack up to his neck before cracking it hard against his ass. “Stop!”

I could see the precum glistening on the end of his hard cock. I bent down and gently wiped it off with my finger. He moaned at the suddenness of my touch. “Stand up my pet”

Once he was standing, I reached up and put my wet finger in his mouth. “Taste yourself my pet. Taste your desperation.”

I took his cock in my hand and began to stroke it gently. I could feel it pulsing against my hand. While I continued to stroke with my left hand, I used my right hand to hit his balls with the flogger.

It wasn’t hard, but it was enough to make him jump. “How does that feel my pet?”

A short but sharp pain went through me when miss hit me. “It’s painful Miss” I whimpered. “Please don’t hit me too hard there”.

Instantly she hit me again. It was about the same impact and it made me squirm. “Thank you for not hitting me harder than this Miss.” I looked at her with begging eyes. This was painful, I really did wish for her to stop, but at the same time I felt even more aroused.

She continued to stroke me, keeping me hard and aroused but stopping often to make sure I wouldn’t get too worked up. I guess she knows only too well the risk of ruining.

She hit my balls again. Harder this time and I let out a scream. I looked at Miss with desperate eyes. “Please stop Miss!”

I hear Asslvr walk in the door. Since he had been so good, I decided that my worm deserved a break. I gave him a few moments to collect his composure and catch his breath and then told him he could join us for dinner at the dining room table.

I removed dinner from the oven. It smelled heavenly. The worm had done a good job following the recipe I had left for him, and we all enjoyed our dinner some vanilla conversation.

After dinner, I thought that it would be nice to let Jaro rest and have a beer. He had certainly earned it. I even let him put on panties and a t shirt. I left him and Asslvr to lounge on the couch for an hour while I enjoyed a nice hot bubble bath.

As I relaxed in the bath, I went over the last two days in my head. I was very much enjoying our visit, and I loved being able to be sadistic. Although I was still nervous, it was becoming easier and almost natural. I was also so incredibly proud of my pet. He had exceeded my expectations so far and I didn’t make things easy on him.

When I was done, I joined my men in the living room with my pedicure kit. I took a seat on the couch, next to Asslvr, and told Jaro to kneel in front of me.

“You have been such a good boy today, I am very proud of you. Your reward is going to be the pleasure of worshipping, massaging and pedicuring my feet for the next hour.” I saw the joy in his eyes as the words I had just said, sunk in.

An hour of worshipping Miss’ feet! It really is happening. What an awesome reward! I felt almost in heaven as I felt her soft soles under my hands. I rubbed them for a while and then kissed the top of each foot as I looked at her “I did some training on this Miss, I will do the best I can!” I took out the tools and began.

After I had cleaned her toenails of the pink nail polish and filed them, I couldn’t resist kissing her feet again. This time focussing on the soles while at the same time smelling their fresh but distinctive scent. I felt a little guilty loving this, but I really did! After a couple minutes of ‘worshipping’ them I figured it was time to give them a proper massage. If anything, this is the part that should be really enjoyable to Miss as well!

From the box I took a small bottle of massage oil and poured some into my hand. I took Miss’ left foot and slowly began massaging it; The sole, the ankles, the toes, making sure to pay the same amount of attention to each one. I increased the pace and the intensity; I really wanted to give a proper massage. I kept an eye on Miss while I was doing it, making sure she was comfortable. After about 20 minutes I moved on the other foot and repeated the process.

After the massage I kissed them again, all over and I couldn’t resist sucking on her toes as well. I didn’t want to get carried away too much as I still needed time to do the polish. I decided to go with one of Miss’ favorite colors: purple!

I took the utmost care on this part. I love painted toenails on women and especially this woman’s toes. They are a canvas worthy of only the best so I gave them my fullest concentration.

After I was done meticulously painting them, I looked and I saw that it was good! Well, at least [I]I[I] thought it looked good. I looked at Miss while I blew on them to try and speed up the drying process. She seemed to approve but I couldn’t really tell.

As the polish was drying, I studied my feet. The little worm had done a pretty good job, way better than I expected. As much as I knew he enjoyed it, I could tell that he was exhausted. It was time to get him ready for bed.

I leaned over and whispered to Asslvr that I would be ready for him in the bedroom in about 30 minutes and then I headed up the stairs.

“Follow me, my worm”

When we reached the top of the stairs I instructed my pet to strip and then use the bathroom, and meet me back in the hall on his knees with his ass in the air. As he used the bathroom, I went to my bedroom to gather some supplies.

When I returned, I couldn’t resist slapping him hard, once on each ass cheek.

Suddenly my plug popped out of my ass and I felt another one being pressed slowly, but surely, against my hole. “Relax little worm” Miss said in a comforting tone. “I know you can take this, just relax”.

I tried to relax as the new plugged got pushed further and further inside me. How large is this thing!?

I felt my hole stretch to the max and it just bordered on painful when it finally popped inside. My lord this thing is huge!

“That’s a good boy” Miss said with a laugh.

Then Miss instructed me to lay down on the hallway floor and spread my arms and legs. She put my wrists in shackles and secured them to the stair rail. Then she shackled my ankles into a metal spreader bar and blindfolded me. She laughed. “Are you comfy my worm? Are you thankful for not having to spend another night in the cage?”

Oh dear, do I have to sleep like this!? I just nodded upon which Miss stepped on my balls. “I didn’t hear you my worm!”

I let out a grunt. “Thank you Miss Butterfly!”

“Thank me for what?” she answered while still squeezing my balls under her freshly pedicured foot.

“Thank you for allowing me to sleep here on the floor Miss.”

“That’s right my worm,” she answered. “But I have one more thing for you before you can sleep”.

Just then, I heard Asslvr come up the stairs. I could almost hear him shake his head as he stepped over me and headed to the bedroom. I heard Miss giggle again. What is she going to do to me now! I felt very nervous as all kinds of freaky scenarios ran through my head. Please let her just give me a blanket for the night.

Miss Butterfly must have followed Asslvr into their room because I could faintly hear them talking about their day. I felt so horny with this huge thing inside me, but I wasn’t fully hard. Suddenly I got shaken out of my thoughts as I felt a ring being put around the base of my cock. It just barely fit. I then felt a plastic tube slide over the head of my cock. What is happening!? Is she...... Is that…..!? No, it can’t be! I felt myself getting harder but SLAP! I immediately felt a sharp pain against the shaft of my cock. “Don’t you get hard on me mister worm!” Miss said sternly. “For you to get inside this, you must be completely soft”. It took a while and a few more cock slaps until I got soft again but eventually my cock was all the way inside the plastic tube. It was then when I heard it:


To be continued ...

Jaro 08-12-2017 08:41 PM

Tuesday August 13, 2019
Tuesday August 13, 2019

I awoke with my cock painfully pushing against the confinement I was in. It wanted to grow but it couldn’t. I was horny but I had no outlet. And even if I wanted to touch, my ankles and wrists were securely tied in the spread eagle position I had been in for the past night. I assumed at least that the night was over now. I was blindfolded and had no idea of the time.

Even though I was sore and stiff all over from this precarious position, I did sleep better than last night. I had had freakish dreams though. At one point I was tied up naked in a very tight hogtie. I had a hook in my ass, a hook in my nose and a huge gag in my mouth and I was forced to watch as Miss Butterfly and Asslvr cuddled on the couch. Good thing dreams are nonsense.

As I tried to distract myself from my confined cock I recounted the events of the day before. What a day it had been! It had been so intense and my plugged ass was still sore from the spanks with the whip. These thoughts surely weren’t relieving any of my horniness. They were only making my predicament worse.

I thought about the sounds I had heard last night, after Miss had locked up my cock. Were they fucking? Yes they were, there could be no doubt about it. I had heard them whisper first. I had heard Miss moaning. I had heard the bed creak faster and faster. Damn, Miss was loud! I wonder what the neighbors thought as I heard her moans get louder and louder. I lost count but I think she must have orgasmed at least 5 times.

I think I felt precum dripping against my cock. This cage was so uncomfortable! Please Miss, wake up! Please let me out! And please, let me peeeee!

I awoke before my alarm, which is very unnatural. I slept like a rock, and feel very refreshed. I don’t know if it was because of the multiple orgasms I had before bed, or if it was from torturing a worm all day, but I feel more rested than I have in months.

I slide out of bed and very quietly sneak out to the hallway and peek in on my tied up little worm. It is hard to tell with the blindfold on and his arms and legs still tied if he is sleeping or not. I can see his little worm cock twitching inside the cage. I walk over silently and stand right between his legs. He is awake. I can see the change in his breathing. He can sense me here.

I kneel down in between his spread legs and touch his locked up cock. He jumps at my touch. I use my nails to gently scratch from his inner thighs down to his knees. I can see the goosebumps raise on his skin.

I stand up and place one foot on either side of his head. If it weren’t for the blindfold, he would have a direct view up my nightgown. I never did put my panties back on before bed. I lift my nightgown up so that my pussy is uncovered and kneel down so that is just above his head.

“Good morning my pet.” Before he can respond, I lower my pussy directly over his mouth. “Let me feel that tongue of yours”.

He starts by running his tongue around my clit. I couldn’t help but moan. I could feel his wet lips as he sucked on it. I started to move my hips, guiding him where I wanted him. Before I could get too close to the edge, I slid forward “Get your tongue inside me, my hungry little worm. Taste Asslvr’s cum from last night. Make sure to get it all out”.

When I felt like he had done a good enough job, I stood up, on shaky legs and untied his arms and feet. “Do you have to pee my pet?” I asked, knowing the answer.

“Yes Miss”

“Good, follow me.”

I led him to the bathroom and could see the relief in his eyes when he thought I was going to let him pee. Instead I had him kneel on the bathroom floor and secured his hands to the towel rack, above his head. I took off my nightgown and stepped into the shower.

After Miss rinsed her hair, I looked at her wash her big beautiful breasts. I tried to control my horniness and extreme urge to pee - which only made my horniness worse. I thought about what happened this morning. Before I even had a chance to say good morning I had a pussy in my mouth. I couldn’t believe what was happening when she forced my tongue inside her and I found myself eating her out. I absolutely loved tasting her but then…. oh my God! I was totally grossed out when I tasted what seemed to be cum. Man cum! I don’t think I’ve ever felt more humiliated in my life!

Miss was washing her pussy now. Apparently I didn’t do a good enough job but hey, can she really blame me? I am entirely straight and even though I felt honored to be allowed to do something so intimate, I really don’t enjoy tasting another man’s cum! I cringed while I thought about that again but at the same time I wondered: why hadn’t I used my safe word?

I looked at my shriveled cock in helpless desperation as I saw a line of precum dripping from it. God I was horny! What if she ISN’T going to unlock me? I can’t even ruin like this! Or can I?
I had seen videos of men who were locked up but still forced to ejaculate. Their domme was teasing their balls and giving vibrations through the cage with a magic wand. Apparently that was enough to also make them “cum”. I do know I can edge without needing to be hard when I’m horny enough.

Miss was sitting on the side of the bathtub, carefully drying between her toes. Her cute toes that I had had the pleasure of painting yesterday. I smiled as I looked at them, forgetting my painful bladder and huge plug inside me for just a moment. It reminded me that serving this amazing woman was so totally worth it!

As I step out of the shower, I completely ignore the desperate looking man attached to my towel bar. Instead, I grab my towel and start to brush my teeth, I can’t help but smile. I can get used to this. Torturing him makes me feel so energetic and alive. I love it!

As I leave the bathroom, I swear I could hear him whimper, which only makes me happier. I quickly put on my bra and panties and slip a short pink dress on over top.

When I walk back into the bathroom, I feign a look of surprise as I say “Oh, I knew I forgot something! You had to pee didn’t you?”

A very weak “Yes Miss” squeaked out of my worm.

“Hmm … how badly?”

“A 9 Miss”

“I have an idea, does this help?” I asked as I walked over and used my foot to press on his bladder.

“No Miss”

“Hmmm … I don’t think you are desperate enough yet” I said as I turned around and started to apply my makeup and style my hair. I continued to steal glances at the sad, desperate little worm in my mirror. I was almost starting to feel bad for the little guy. I guess he HAD slept on the floor, no blanket or pillow, probably being terrorized by the pasta cats all night. I guess he should be allowed to at least go pee.

“Ok my pet. I have made you suffer enough” I said as I untied him. “You have 30 minutes to do your bathroom business and meet me downstairs, ready to go with me to work. You can remove that plug for now as well”

Miss hadn’t even completed saying the word ‘bathroom’ when I hurried over there. I almost didn’t make it and let a few drops out before I got there. Then I wanted to pee normally, but it didn’t come out straight through the tiny opening and I almost made a mess; I really had to sit down to pee.

I was very relieved to get rid of the huge plug. I felt my hole after it was out; It was gaping. This thing had stretched me so far for so long! I hope I can stay unplugged now for a while.
Before I pulled up my pants I looked at my confined cock, shriveled up inside its little cage. Sadly I shook my head and hurried downstairs to meet back with Miss.

“Hello worm”, Miss said as she scanned me head to toe with a big grin on her face. “You’re naked?” she said.

I looked at her confused “I am Miss… you didn’t specify…. but…”

She let out a sigh! “Yes, I guess you’re right I didn’t. Don’t worry, obviously you can’t go with me to work naked, as much as I would enjoy that. Let me go and fetch your clothes”. As she walked passed me she stopped and did a few steps back and nudged me “turn around my naked worm”.

As he bent over in front me, I could almost see his blush in his ass cheeks. I slipped on a pair of latex gloves and lubed up my fingers. They slid easily inside his stretched ass. I played with him a bit, fucking his hole with my fingers, before quickly slipping a new plug inside him. This plug was a quite a bit smaller, but he would enjoy a nice surprise from it later.

I took off the gloves, slapped his ass, and proceeded to grab his clothes.

I breathed a sigh of relief as she handed me my clothes. I was about to get dressed but I didn’t see any panties. “I think you forgot panties Miss” I said a bit confused. She was quick to respond that she didn’t forget anything and I was to get dressed quickly as we were running late.

I got dressed and felt very exposed; wearing the cage and plugged but without underwear. The feeling was a constant reminder of my submission and I felt like everyone could see the toys as clearly as I could feel them.

“You will be my chauffeur today mister Worm”, Miss said, as we walked to the door.

“Yes Miss”, I answered, “do you want me to keep wearing this when we go out?”

Thankfully, Miss shook her head and and took the collar from my neck.

Then we stepped outside. I held open the passenger door of the car as Miss stepped in. Just when I was about to close her door she said “wait!”

“Come here worm” she said sternly. I moved forward. “Closer!” I moved even closer to miss and then she pulled down my zipper. Worriedly I looked as she took out a piece of string from her pocket and tied it snugly around my balls that were exposed from the cage.

“Okay”, she said, “leave your cock out, take this and get behind the wheel my worm”. I took the end of the string from her and got behind the wheel. “Right! Now give me that string back please and let’s go! I will give you directions.”

As we drove, each time I had to make a turn Miss pulled the string, tugging on my balls. 1 tug was left and 2 tugs was right. When we were on the highway I got nervous. These truck drivers might see my locked cock. Please let there not be any!

I looked to my right and saw a happy Miss Butterfly. She was clearly enjoying herself and when we arrived my balls were sore and Miss was laughing.

“Get the umbrella from the trunk my worm” Miss said. “It’s raining pretty hard and I don’t want my hair to get wet. Yes, you may remove the string and put your cock back inside.”

Holding up the umbrella I walked Miss to the door of her office. It was raining pretty hard but it was still warm and Miss was wearing flip flops. Accidentally she stepped into a puddle. She gasped. “Oh no!” “Now my feet are all wet!”

She looked at me a bit like it was my fault but then she smiled.

“Good thing I have someone who knows how to take care of my feet” she said.

As I unlocked the door to the building and walked in, I saw that my colleague was here. I had assured Jaro that there would be almost nobody around, and I could tell he was getting nervous at seeing somebody so soon. As I headed to my office, I was really glad that I had taken the time to reorganize the layout.

The way the office was situated now, meant that nobody could see anything going on behind, or underneath my large, L shaped desk. And I was going to take advantage of that today.

My colleague came into the office and introduced himself to Jaro before making his exit. All of my colleagues would be on vacation starting this morning, so we would have the office mostly to ourselves. The only thing we would have to worry about is the people who come to the door.

After my colleague left, I told Jaro he could go and make himself a coffee. But that he would not be allowed to drink it until he took care of my dirty feet.

“You should be able to find a bucket, soap and towel in the kitchen, my worm. Please get them, fill the bucket with water and come back here and clean my dirty feet!”

I hurried to the kitchen. If she hadn’t asked, I would have suggested it myself. After all the hard work I had done yesterday, I really didn’t want her feet to be dirty. And I also really wanted coffee, so I had it brewing while I filled up a bucket with water.

When I got back to Miss with the pot of coffee and water she pointed under her desk and instructed me to crawl under there. “There’s plenty of room my worm. Do what you have to do as I get things in order for the day. You can put the pot on my desk while you do that. You better hurry lest it get cold.”

I crawled under Miss’ desk after which she moved her chair a little closer and kicked off her flip flops. I guided her feet into the water and started cleaning them.

I checked my phone messages as I felt my feet touch the warm water. I couldn’t help but giggle as he started to scrub the mud off with his hands, it tickled!

By the time I turned on my computer to read my email, my feet were clean and dry and the worm had started to clean my flip flops.

I playfully slid my foot towards him and felt his locked up little worm through his pants. As I stroked, I grabbed a remote control that I had tucked discreetly into my cleavage. I heard a little gasp escape as I pressed a button to turn it on and the plug inside his ass sprang to life.

As I passed him a cup of coffee, I peeked under the desk to see the look on his face as I turned the vibrations to max. Only 30 minutes into the day, and I was already getting wet.

I thanked Miss for the coffee as I took it from her, only to almost drop it when I suddenly felt the plug inside me spring to life. Good grief these were strong vibrations! I could actually feel them massage my prostrate and I gasped. I felt my cock throbbing; wanting to get hard painfully restricted from growing to the fullest. I felt hellishly horny and freakishly frustrated.

As I tried to drink my coffee without shaking the cup too much, I noticed Miss’ panties between her spread legs. They were getting moist and I could almost see her clit grow beneath the sheer fabric. It reminded me that I was not wearing panties and I looked down, only to notice that a wet spot had appeared in my pants.

(to be continued...)

Jaro 08-17-2017 08:23 AM

Tuesday part 2
5:00 pm

The rest of the afternoon was fun. I kept my pet busy under my desk most of the day, teasing him relentlessly with my feet, and peeks at my wet panties. I even once slid my fingers into my panties and played with my clit, very slowly. When I took my fingers away, I had my worm clean them with his mouth.

When we returned home, it was still raining. By the time we reached the front door, my worm was drenched. Thankfully, he had kept me dry with the umbrella. I didn’t want to track water throughout the house, so I had him strip at the door. He was already getting little goosebumps. Instead of leading him inside to get dry, I had him stay at the front door, hands behind his back, legs spread wide, as I went to find what I needed.

When I returned, I secured his collar back around his neck and attached a leash.

“Get on your hands and knees my worm, you are my pet after all”

I dragged him through the house to the backdoor and led him outside in the grass. There was a spot where the grass was dead, and when it rained, it filled with water and made a mud pit. This was the perfect place for a worm to live.

“Do you need to pee my pet?”. I thought he might, as I had not allowed him to pee once at the office. As he nodded his head yes, I led him over to the side of the yard where there was a big tree. “Lift your leg little pet, and you may pee on this tree”.

“Yes Miss Butterfly”

I giggled as I watched the humiliation on his face as he lifted his leg to pee on the tree. When he was done, I led him to the muddiest part of the yard and ordered him to stand up.

“You are going to spend time being the little worm you are. First things first, let’s tie your legs together so that you can’t move.” I securely tied his ankles, knees and thighs together. “Now, we also have to make sure those hands can’t get in the way” I continued by tying his hands to the rope I had secured around his thighs, and finished by tying rope around his chest and arms. He was now effectively one long worm. “On the ground, my worm”. I helped him lay down on the ground and watched him try to find a comfortable position in the cold mud.

“Oh! One more thing … just in case the other worms want someplace to go to get out of the rain …” I teased as I took out a large ring gag. He started to shake his head, but before he could protest, I slipped it into his mouth and locked it firmly behind his head.

“Perfect! I hope you enjoy your evening my pet. Asslvr and I are going to enjoy our dinner by the back porch tonight, we can see you through the glass patio doors, we wouldn’t want to miss this entertainment”


As I walked away, I turned the vibrations up to max.

I wiggled and squirmed in the mud while I tried to find a comfortable position but the mud was itching and I couldn't help but get some in my spread open mouth.

The plug in my ass was vibrating heavily and it, despite the uncomfortable predicament I was in, made me feel incredibly turned on. My cock was pulsating against the rigid cage and it bordered on painful.

I tried to think of other things as I looked at Miss and Asslvr lighting candles inside and sitting down for dinner. They raised a glass of wine to each other as they looked at me and laughed.

I felt totally disgusted and humiliated as I saw that. What did I do to have to endure this!? Miss knows I like messy stuff and bondage but…. It was raining, the mud stunk and… were there worms crawling there!?!? Quickly I tried to roll on my back because my spread open mouth so close to the worms didn’t feel right at all. But when I had rolled over the rain started pouring into my mouth and I had to roll back on my stomach again. Ugh! What a predicament!

I kept my head raised as much as I could as I looked at Miss and Asslvr having a good time and, taking pictures of me!!! Good grief Miss, please finish your dinner soon! Don’t leave me like this all night!

After we had eaten a lovely dinner, watching Jaro struggle in the mud, we laid on the couch and cuddled for a bit. I was so incredibly horny, from teasing myself at work, and from watching the little worm suffer all day. I leaned back on the couch and asked Asslvr to make me cum. As I was just about to orgasm, I opened my eyes and saw my little worm with his eyes on me. I was overcome with waves of pleasure.

When I had recovered, I thought it was probably time to rescue my worm. He had earned a reward tonight.

Before I went outside, I put a big fluffy towel in the dryer to heat up. I stepped out the patio door and saw that it was really raining now. There was no way that I wanted to go out in the rain, so I stood just inside the door and started to call for my worm.

“Here wormy worm! Come on boy! Time to come inside!”

He stopped wriggling and just laid there, staring at me. Not knowing what to do.

“Come on now Mr. Worm! Do you want some dinner? Come on, you can do it, wriggle on over here”

He slowly started to make his way across the yard, wriggling back and forth, mouth open and full of dirt.

When he got to the door, I removed the ropes, and gag and helped him stand up. I grabbed the fluffy, warm towel from the dryer and handed it to him to clean himself off.

Once he was mostly clean, I led him to his cage and opened the door.

“But … Miss … please!”

“No, my worm. Get in the cage.”

Asslvr had put a bowl of fresh water, and a plate of dinner in the cage. Eat and drink my worm, and we will see what I can do about your accommodations for the night.

As I got on my hands and knees to prepare eating, I glanced at Miss with begging eyes. “Please Miss, don’t leave me in here again tonight”

But all she said in response was: “Eat little worm, eat. Oh and remember, worms don’t have hands”.

“Yes Miss” I sighed and pushed my face into the plate of spaghetti.

During my meal which was uncomfortably disturbed by shorts bursts of maximum vibrations in my ass, I felt Miss and Asslvr’s eyes upon me constantly. “Don’t I have a cute little pet?” Miss said, as she couldn’t seem to stop giggling. My face was all messy when I finally managed the lick the last slither of pasta from the plate.

“I’m done dinner Miss” I said, but she had already noticed and came forward.

“Good boy! You ate everything” she said with a gentle smile.

“Yes I did Miss, I was hungry”

“Indeed you were but… my you are a dirty worm now. Here, come with me” she said much to my relief as she opened the door of the cage, “but stay on your hands and knees my pet”.

I crawled behind Miss up to the bathroom where she had prepared a nice hot bath for me. I couldn’t be happier to see this and I was about to jump right in when Miss reminded me to get rid of the plug first.

“Thank you Miss” I said as I stepped into the very nice and very hot bath… unplugged!

I left the bathroom, allowing my worm some time to soak and warm up. After an hour, I knocked on the door and told him he needed to be in bed in 10 minutes, and that I would meet him in the hallway.

10 minutes later, he emerged from the bathroom, looking a lot more relaxed and happy, and much cleaner!

“You have earned a reward tonight, my worm. Follow me.” I led him to the spare room and unlocked it. “You can sleep in a real bed tonight.”

“Oh Miss .. thank you!”

“You’re welcome my pet. Get into bed”

After he crawled into bed, I pulled the blankets up around him, taking a second to pause and check that his cock was still secure in it’s cage. The exhausted little worm was already starting to drift to sleep, he could barely keep his eyes open.

“Sweet dreams my little pet. You have made me so proud. You know my pet, I really do love seeing your worm cock locked up like this. It makes me so happy, to know that I truly own and control your pleasure. I am really starting to think that we should keep you locked up forever”

All of a sudden I was wide awake again.

To be continued...

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