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Jaro 05-26-2017 08:23 PM

Ask worm Jaro anything (and spank him!)
UPDATE: I am no longer allowed to edge, but I still want to answer any* question you might have for me so I am changing the incentive of this thread.

Please ask me any* question and I will answer in absolute honesty and also spank myself!

Posting rules
  • Each post with questions will add 10 spanks.
  • Each question in that post will add an additional 1 spank.
  • Only proper* questions will count for spanks.
  • No double posts, mine don’t count.
  • I will perform the accumulated spanks in one session every Sunday and report on them in a blog. So the more question you ask, in a shorter amount of time, the more spanks I will have to do at once. Put me in pain please!
  • Each question from a girl will count as two spanks.
  • Each question from a VIP will count as three spanks.
  • The list of VIP’s will be announced by Butterfly or myself and will be updated based on the amount of contribution we see.
  • VIPs may specify what body part you want me to spank (balls are off limits) and with what implement.
  • All other spanks or unspecified spanks will go to my ass with a rubber flip flop.
First Time Poster!
  • If it is your first time posting, your entire first post will count as triple the spanks! (That means 30 spanks just for posting, plus 3 spanks per question!!)
  • This bonus is only good for your first post in the thread!
* Proper questions
For a question to count for spanks it must be ‘proper’ meaning:
  • Nothing that could possibly identify me and or regarding family and specific locations.
  • Must be about me and what I think or do. So not questions like ‘What is 1+1?’ and ‘What is the capital of Nigeria?’
  • Nothing forcing me to say something bad about a getDare user.
  • Not be something you have asked me before.

The following people are VIP based on their previous commitment to my threads!

EDIT: Any questions asked by IceMaiden or Butterfly will count as 5 spankings each, and they may choose where and what implement to use.

kurious kat 05-26-2017 08:28 PM

What do you do when you have free time and want to feel happy?
If you couldn't be worm Jaro, what animal would you be?
What is your favorite form of exercise?
If you could live anywhere except where you do now, where would you move to, and why?

Jaro 05-26-2017 08:43 PM

What do you do when you have free time and want to feel happy?
When I have free time I don't do much of anything. Sit here and on other sites and just lounge about. I do love traveling the world, but I need more free time for that.

If you couldn't be worm Jaro, what animal would you be?
Cat. I love cats! Although I don't think they would make very good slaves. Lol

What is your favorite form of exercise?
Hiking. But only in raw nature which we have very little of here. It's something I like to do when traveling.

If you could live anywhere except where you do now, where would you move to, and why?
Easy! On a tropical island somewhere in the south pacific. Jungle in the back, ocean up front!

Thank you for the questions. You made me add 8 edges to the bank!

qmu 05-26-2017 09:24 PM

I hope neither of these sound rude, but I am honestly curious... (and sorry if any of these were asked in your old AMA thread)

Did you always have a foot fetish? If yes, when did you find out/accepted it? If not did it grow on you gradually or one day it just clicked? Were you surprised it is not common?
What do you like about feet so much?
Why did you identify so much with a worm? Is it purely the submissive side and impression a worm would give or something else?
Is there any kinky you didn't understand before registering here/your experience with Butterfly that now you like, or at least "get"?

And for some flavor some non-kinky stuff =p

What was the best travelling experience you've ever had?
Favorite non-kinky hobby?
Most embarrassing moment in this year so far?
Does the set of all sets that do not contain themselves contain itself?
Favorite music? (or several if it is impossible to choose one =D)

Ravenwood 05-27-2017 12:06 AM

What is your favorite ice cream flavor?

Jaro 05-27-2017 01:17 AM


Originally Posted by qmu (Post 2805658)
I hope neither of these sound rude, but I am honestly curious... (and sorry if any of these were asked in your old AMA thread)

None of these sound rude and even if they did, you can ask me anything. ;)

Did you always have a foot fetish? If yes, when did you find out/accepted it? If not did it grow on you gradually or one day it just clicked? Were you surprised it is not common?
I see this is one question if that's ok. No, I didn't always have a foot fetish. I couldn't care less as a kid and in early adulthood. It's something that developed gradually over the last 10-15 years or so and really grew much more the last couple of years. There's no one thing that triggered it, at least I can't remember. I think it is more common than you might realize and it's the most common fetish out there. I am surprised how anybody can not like feet or even hate them, honestly.

What do you like about feet so much?
Girl feet only. I love how many take such great care of them. How they can be made prettier with pedicures and polish. How women accentuate them with their shoes. I love the softness and, yes, the smell too. Clean feet don't stink but they have a typical and rather strong smell that I find highly arousing. Of all the parts of the foot I love the toes the most.

Why did you identify so much with a worm? Is it purely the submissive side and impression a worm would give or something else?
It is something Butterfly and I came up with as a humiliating yet quirky name and it stuck. I don't really identify with the animal but I do identify with worms being rather helpless just lying there, wiggling on the ground without limbs and being almost blind. I like how they are slimy and dirty because I like to be slimy and dirty too.

Is there any kinky you didn't understand before registering here/your experience with Butterfly that now you like, or at least "get"?
Many things really but most important of all just being submissive and giving yourself to someone. Relinquishing control. I didn't really get how one could willingly do that. But now I want to do this more than anything. But only to somebody who I can trust completely.

And for some flavor some non-kinky stuff =p

What was the best travelling experience you've ever had?
Living in the jungle of the Amazon rain forest for about 2 weeks. With only a hole in the ground to poop in and the river to wash in. Being sweaty, stinky and dirty for the entire time. Watching snakes slither past you were taking a dump. It was terrible! I would do it again tomorrow if I could!

Favorite non-kinky hobby?

Most embarrassing moment in this year so far?
In some way I got stuck in my safety belt of my car. It took be about 10 minutes to get loose.

Does the set of all sets that do not contain themselves contain itself?
Oh this hurts my brain. I think not. How can a set contain itself?

Favorite music? (or several if it is impossible to choose one =D)
This is actually the most difficult question. Not because there is so many to choose from but because there is so little. I am not really that much into music and I rarely listen to it. When I do I mostly listen to songs that I have been listening to forever because I cannot be bothered to find new stuff and I dislike pretty much everything that I hear on the radio.

Thank you for all the questions. Good grief, you gave me 9 edges to add to my tally!

Jaro 05-27-2017 01:21 AM


Originally Posted by Ravenwood (Post 2805760)
What is your favorite ice cream flavor?

Another answer that will surprise you and others reading this: I don't really like ice cream. But if I must choose I'd say strawberry.

Why? Because it is way too sweet. I don't really like sweet stuff and least not stuff that's sweet due to refined sugar.

Thank you for the additional 2 edges.

Janus100 05-28-2017 07:31 AM

Okay, here are a few to try and get your edge count up ;)

What is your favourite colour?

Celebrity with the nicest feet?

Celebrity who you would most enjoy holding the keys to your chastity cage (if you had on)?

Dogs or cats?

Do you paint your toenails?

Would you ever consider sucking another males penis?

Favourite place you have visited?

Longest period of time you have been in denial for?

Jaro 05-28-2017 07:48 AM


Originally Posted by Janus100 (Post 2807407)
Okay, here are a few to try and get your edge count up ;)

Oh no! Just when I thought I would be cumming soon. :(

What is your favourite colour?
Dark red probably. Although not to wear, then it would be blue.

Celebrity with the nicest feet?
I don't know since I don't know the feet of all celebrities. But Kristen Stewart first springs to mind.

Celebrity who you would most enjoy holding the keys to your chastity cage (if you had on)?
I'm not big on celebrities so that's another tough one. Somebody who is ultimately trustworthy I guess, but with a kinky mind of course. I really don't know. How about Mila Jovovich? She's hot and she might be into that sort of thing?

Dogs or cats?
Cats! For sure!!

Do you paint your toenails?
I have for a dare but usually? No. I'm not a sissy and I don't think it looks good on me.

Would you ever consider sucking another males penis?
Well I am very straight so my immediate reaction would be to say no way! But... there is something very humiliating about it and if my Miss would demand this of me to humiliate me and I wouldn't need to do anything else nor see the guy as I was sucking then.... maybe.... I might.....

Favourite place you have visited?
Machu Piccu! It was incredible!

Longest period of time you have been in denial for?
43 days! Since I am without a mistress now I don't think I will be having such a long denial again any time soon. At least I hope not.

I guess I need to thank you for the additional 8 edges!

hornyyoungslut 05-28-2017 02:40 PM

Where do you see yourself in 5 years? 10 years?
Coke or Pepsi?
When did you have your first sexual awakening? Your first BDSM awakening?
How's life?

Sam~ 05-28-2017 03:08 PM

1. Last time you were angry at someone ? What was the reason?
2. Last meal you had?
3. Outside of Netherlands where have you been to?
4. Last thing you bought and for how much?
5. Your favourite car or ride (could be a horse)
6. Best gift you have ever received?
7. Best gift you have ever given?

8. what's 1+1?
9, 2+2?
10, 3+3?
11, 4+4?
12, 5+5?


(you don't really have to count the last 5 lol)

Janus100 05-28-2017 03:27 PM

Can I ask more questions?

Who is your favourite character in the MCU?

Have you ever tasted your own cum?

Have you ever written a book?

Would you rather sit in a bath of shit for an hour OR sit in a bath of piss for a day?

Have you seen Pulp Fiction? (I just watched it for the first time and thought it was great)

Are you enjoying this thread? XD

Jaro 05-29-2017 08:51 AM


Originally Posted by hornyyoungslut (Post 2808202)

Oops! In hindsight I wonder if it was a good idea to have questions from girls count double. :o

Where do you see yourself in 5 years? 10 years?
May I count this as one question? I really suck at predicting the future. I hope I will be in a real-life D/s relationship by then, but I'm not counting on it. I think the most likely scenario is that in 5 years I'm still doing what I am doing now. In 10 years? I am thinking I should have my own business then. Doesn't have to be a big business. I don't want it to be a big business. I like to have a relaxing life but make enough to make due and preferably being my own boss. Is me wanting to be my own boss weird if I also want to be a submissive?

Coke or Pepsi?
I rarely if ever drink soda's anymore. It is unhealthy and tbh, I don't really enjoy sweet drinks. But if I must choose I'll always choose Coke. It does taste much better

When did you have your first sexual awakening?
Does my first orgasm count? I probably had wet dreams earlier than this but I do remember my first real orgasm - which was self inflicted - vividly. I actually did it by tying up my cock and balls. I don't remember how. It wasn't in the classic sense of tying them up. It was really strangely and I didn't do it to make myself cum (because I really didn't expect me to at all). I just did it for fun but then the rubbing made me cum and I remember finding the sperm that came out to be really weird. Boy was I ignorant back then. I think I was about 12.

Your first BDSM awakening?
I don't remember how I got into BDSM. Probably the first time I tied myself up in a frogtie. With my hands chained behind my back and the key hanging from a frozen block of ice. It was inescapable. It was scary. But it was fun!

How's life?
Good, thank you! I just moved into a new apartment which I am very happy with.

Thank you for the additional 10 edges.... I guess.... :(

Jaro 05-29-2017 09:05 AM


Originally Posted by Samishere (Post 2808233)

Be careful what you wish for they say. I really didn't expect so many questions.... Good heavens!

1. Last time you were angry at someone ? What was the reason?

2. Last meal you had?
A salmon sandwich for lunch. It was great!

3. Outside of Netherlands where have you been to?
Besides the Netherlands I have been to a lot of countries in all the continents except Antarctica. I'd rather not list the countries as some are unusual and it just might identify me. I know it's very unlikely but still.

4. Last thing you bought and for how much?
A bottle of water. 90 euro cents.

5. Your favourite car or ride (could be a horse)

6. Best gift you have ever received?

7. Best gift you have ever given?
That's even tougher. I honestly don't know. I once gave somebody a laptop. They were pretty happy with that.

8. what's 1+1?

9, 2+2?

10, 3+3?

11, 4+4?

12, 5+5?


(you don't really have to count the last 5 lol)
Thank you, I won't. With 14 edges I think you have given me quite a lot already. :o

Jaro 05-29-2017 09:14 AM


Originally Posted by Janus100 (Post 2808242)
Can I ask more questions?

Yes you can but... sooo many edges.... :eek:

Who is your favourite character in the MCU?
MCU? I actually had to look that up. I really don't care much for all that.

Have you ever tasted your own cum?
Yes, quite a few times.

Have you ever written a book?

Would you rather sit in a bath of shit for an hour OR sit in a bath of piss for a day?
Sit in piss for a day. It's long but shit is just too shit!

Have you seen Pulp Fiction? (I just watched it for the first time and thought it was great)
I have. The first time I really didn't like it. The second time I did. You mentioning this actually makes me want to watch it again soon.

Are you enjoying this thread? XD
I enjoy all the questions but..... so many edges..... if this goes on like this I really should speed up my edges if I want to cum anytime soon. :(

Thank you for the additional 7 edges.

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