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Elouise 05-06-2017 04:49 PM

Can't Say No
Last week went for a few drinks with work mates. During the evening, it was suggested that the next person who said the word "no" would not be allowed to say it for the rest of the evening. We all did well at first at avoiding the word, and finding alternative ways of saying things. To cut a long story short, I was the first to slip up, so I was banned from saying "no" until we headed home. Nothing was said about what would happen if I did, but I took great care to avoid saying it - even though they all kept trying to make me say it!
I did quite well, until - near the end of the night - someone asked me if I wanted another drink, and I answered "No, thanks". As it was getting late, and people were thinking of heading home, it was then decided that my punishment would be that I would be banned from saying "no" for the whole day when we returned to work on Monday.
Of course, I'd forgotten about that by Monday morning! So, when I arrived at work and was asked if I'd had a busy weekend, my reply of "No, not really", was met with laughter and another 24 hours added to my ban. Oh, and they also decided that the ban would also include any alternative ways of saying "no", so I would have to answer "yes" to any question/request or face another extension to my ban.
They weren't too mean to me during those two days, I just ended up having to do all the jobs that no-one really likes doing, but on the second day a customer asked if we had any more stock of a product we had sold out of, and I was overheard telling them that we didn't, so a third day was added.
As I always wear trousers to work, one of my female co-works asked me to wear a skirt for a change on the third day - of course I had to agree. However, I don't currently own any skirts, so I didn't. It was then decided that anything I have agreed to do while banned from saying "no" I must do - otherwise it classes as a "no" and my ban will be extended. And so a fourth day was added.
I was asked if I "would like to" wear a low cut top on day 4, so I did. I nearly made it through the day without saying no to anyone, even when asked if I would go commando the next day, but then a customer asked if their order had arrived - and it hadn't.
On the fifth day, the last day of the working week, I went commando and I made it through the working day without any questions or requests I couldn't agree to, and was glad that my work-mates hadn't been too hard on me. As usual we went to the pub after work and had a laugh about my week of not being able to say no. Then one of them asked me if I was wearing any knickers. I had no choice but to say "no", as even if I lied and said I was it would be classed as "no" as I had agreed not to wear any!
So now I have an extra week of not being allowed to say no. Although this now only applies to questions or requests asked by members of my group of friends from work. To begin with they have made me agree to a few tasks I must do over the weekend, including writing on here about the last week (and I have to say that they want to see what other people suggest they ask me to do, and they might use some of those ideas). I also have to shop for a skirt, a see-thru bra, and a "less-rigid" bra (that will allow my boobs to bounce when I move) - I have to order these online, and let them know when they arrive so they can tell me when, where, and how I wear them for the first time (even if this is after my "no" ban).

pri 05-06-2017 09:14 PM

Can you wear a sheer enough white top that your nipples can barely be seen without a bra underneath?

thefunman 05-06-2017 09:28 PM

Here is a couple wear no bra as well. The second just wear a long shirt to work with nothing on under it.

krypton 05-06-2017 11:37 PM

Wish I worked in your office!

Elouise 05-07-2017 05:24 AM

My work mates have seen your ideas and say that they like them, and would like to see more. Tomorrow I have to fill a bag with as many of my clothes as I can fit in to it and give it to them when I arrive at work.

Elouise 05-07-2017 06:45 AM

My work mates asked me if I thought people on here would like to know a bit more about me. As there is not enough space in the "about me" section to write all that they would like me to include, I will have to write it here.
I have brown eyes and long brown hair that reaches half way down my back. I have a 46 inch bust, 36 inch waist, and 41 inch hips.
I am currently single, have not had sex for over a year, and have never owned any sex toys.

JustAGuy192105 05-07-2017 09:56 AM

Do you think your time in which you can't say 'no' should be doubled any time you refuse to do something?

Are you willing to allow coworkers to see you nude?

I'm having trouble picturing you from the description you gave. Can you send a picture instead?

Do you want me to add more later?

I hope you didn't say no to any of these :P

Elouise 05-07-2017 11:06 AM

The time in which I can't say 'no' has already more than doubled - it started as a few hours and is now into the second week.

Am I willing to let my coworkers to see me nude? I don't know that they'd even want to! Lol!

My coworkers only asked me to post a description. I think it should really be up to them if I post a photo of me, as they might want to choose what photo.

I'm sure they would like you to post more ideas later, they have said that they would like to see lots of ideas from other people so that they have plenty to choose from along with anything they think of themselves. They have even said that if they find they have too many ideas to choose from they might start selecting them at random, so I really could get asked to do anything that is posted here (although they are going to selectively filter them, as they have agreed that anything I do say no to they won't ask me again - so anything they really want to get me to do, but think I will say no to now, they might save until they think I'm more likely to say yes)

I don't think I've said no to any of your requests, although it's only really them I'm not allowed to say no to.

PacifierGirl 05-07-2017 12:36 PM

How did your work-mates know about this site? Is there a secret kinkster among them?

Elouise 05-07-2017 12:48 PM

I don't know how they knew about it - I guess there must be! They just told me that they'd set up this account for me, gave me the website and my log in details, and asked me if I would write about my ban so that they can see what other ideas people have for me.

Elouise 05-08-2017 04:01 PM

Today I did as I was asked, and took a bag full of my clothes to work with me. As I didn't know what their plan was with these clothes (would they say I couldn't wear any of them? Would they choose an outfit for me from them?) I didn't know what clothes to put in. In the end I decided to start with any clothes I have bought but never worn, and then moved on to the clothes I wear least often. That would at least mean the clothes I wear most frequently were still in my wardrobe.
When I nervously handed over my bag of clothes, they told me that they wanted to see what I had, and asked if I would be willing to let them choose what I wear for a while. Of course, I said "yes". I also had to show them confirmation that I had ordered the items of clothing they had asked me to, and asked to take them in and hand them over as soon as I received them. Someone said that the top I was wearing today was rather boring, and asked me to go to the toilets and take it off while they chose what I should wear instead. So off I went, locking myself in one of the cubicles, and took off my top.
A few minutes later I heard the door open, and one of the women in our group asked if I was there. I replied that I was, and she told me that if I threw my top out of the cubicle she would then let me have the top they had chosen for me. I threw my top out – and she pointed out that now meant that if I didn’t wear the top they had picked out, I’d now have to spend the day in just my bra, then threw me the selected top.
It was a black fitted top, with a zip right up the front, which I used to wear quite a bit a few years ago, but was now a bit too small for me. At first I didn’t think I’d be able to do the zip up, but holding my stomach in I managed to – until I got to my boobs! With the zip fastened to just below my boobs, the top was stretched tight around me, and yet there was still a good four or five inches between the two sides of the zip. I thought there was absolutely no way I was going to get the zip any higher, but I knew my only choices were this top or no top, so I was going to keep trying for a bit longer.
Using the heels of my hands to flatten my boobs as much as I could, I managed to pull the sides of the zip together, then holding them together with one hand I finally managed to pull the zip up. I did wonder if it would pop open again as soon as I let go, but thankfully it held.
To begin with I kept worrying that the zip would break, but the longer it held the more I began to relax. After a while someone asked me if I thought I should lower the zip enough to show a bit of cleavage, so I did. Later on someone asked if I would lower the zip a bit more, so I now lowered it to just below the height of my nipples – I did worry that with the top still being very tight over my boobs the zip would pull apart and drop even lower, but it still held.
Around mid-afternoon I was asked if I would lower the zip further still, this time as low as I could without my bra showing. As I knew I was wearing quite a low-cut bra today I really wasn’t sure, but I was reminded that if I didn’t I’d have extra time added, so I said I’d try. I went to the toilets and stood in front of the mirror, then started to pull the zip down until I could just see my bra in my reflection, then nudged the zip back up a little at a time until my bra was only just hidden. I stood there for a moment, looking at my reflection. Why had I chosen to wear this bra today? Any other of my bras and the zip wouldn’t be quite so low!
First I asked myself if I dared to walk around like this – the other people we work with would surely notice (if they hadn’t already). Then I asked myself if I would rather spend the last couple of hours at work today like this, or have more time added. Having done what I was asked to over the weekend, if I could get through today without saying “no” I would only have four days left. So I took a deep breath and walked back out of the toilets.
At the end of the day I was asked to keep my zip as low as it is until I get home, and to wear the same top tomorrow with my tight black leggings. I was also asked to take in any other clothes I have that I haven’t worn regularly at work, along with all my underwear so that they can decide which underwear I should wear with each outfit they put together for me.

Elouise 05-09-2017 05:34 PM

This morning, as I got ready for work I realised that - as I had already bagged up all my underwear - I wasn’t left with any to wear today. Then it dawned on me that as what they had actually asked (and I did) was to put all my underwear in a bag when I got home and to take in with me today, that’s probably what they had intended. So I pulled on my black leggings and once again squeezed myself into the black top. They hadn’t said anything about how low the zip should be – and without a bra I certainly didn’t feel brave enough to have it as low as it was at the end of the day yesterday – so I zipped it up to where I felt perfectly comfortable with it (above the height of my nipples, but not all the way up). With the top coming to just a couple of inches below the waistband of my leggings, I certainly couldn’t hide the shape of my body in this outfit. (I also ought to add that to and from work I also wear a loose-fitting, hip length black jacket – the top button of which is about the same height as where I had the zip done up to, the bottom button about waist height).
I travel to and from work by bus, so I was quite glad that the top was so tight – it stopped my boobs from bouncing around all over the place. When I handed over the bag of my underwear I cringed as it was tipped out and I watched the others look through what I had, it really was all my underwear – including everything from the old, greying stuff (that they decided should go straight into the bin), to the g-strings that I received as a secret Santa gift a couple of years ago.
Tuesday’s are generally quieter at work, and none of the part-timers are in (just us), so it was decided it was my turn to work out the front – dealing with the customers. They also asked me if I would lower my zip again throughout the day, as and when I felt able to (thankfully they did say that – to keep a professional image – they would let me work out the back once my zip was low enough). Someone then asked if I would make sure that by lunchtime my zip was as low as it was at the end of the day yesterday, and then someone else asked if I would prove that I wasn’t wearing a bra underneath by getting the zip even lower by the end of the day today.
After a while I noticed that my neck was aching from the weight of my boobs pulling at the front of my top, and as there were no customers around thought I would lower the zip a bit in the hope that it would make me a bit more comfortable. It helped a bit, so the next few times there were no customers I nudged it down a little more, the more I lowered it the more comfortable it got, so I focused on that rather than thinking about how low it was getting. Being big busted, I’ve had to get used to many of the male customers talking to my chest more than my face, and while serving one of these customers I reached to get something and felt the zip move on its own. I decided the only thing to do was to ignore it for now, finished serving him and hoped no-one else came in before he left. Eventually (after a few more long glances at my chest) he did, and I glanced down. The zip was now a good couple of inches below nipple height, and my boobs were starting to bulge at the opening. I glanced at the CCTV camera, hoping that someone would come and take over from me soon so I could work out the back, but no-one did before the next customer came in, and I realised I was going to have to lower it further still before I could hide out the back. A few more customers, a couple more opportunities to nudge the zip down. My neck was still aching, but I had to keep my back straight for fear of my boobs spilling out further. At long last someone came and told me “Well done, you can go out the back now, but you will remember to keep lowering that zip, won’t you?”
They had decided I should work in the warehouse until lunchtime. I quickly realised I was going to have to be very careful while lifting and moving stock around – anything that pushed my boobs up or towards the opening could push them right out of my top, and leaning forward to pick anything up was definitely out of the question. Additionally, although I thought my zip was now probably as low as it was when I finished work yesterday, I knew I’d have to lower it a bit more to be certain. I lowered it a couple more times before lunch, and looking down I could now see there was clear separation between my boobs.
Fortunately, at lunchtime it was agreed that I had passed the morning’s task. I was then asked again if I was still going to get the zip low enough to prove that I definitely wasn’t wearing a bra underneath it (which, everyone agreed, would have to be a good inch or two below the lowest part of my boobs), and if I didn’t manage that, would I prove that I wasn’t wearing any knickers? I agreed, nervously, which was met with a laugh and the comment “I think it might be time to start talking about how much longer you’ll get when you say no!”, they then started discussing it among themselves, before turning to me and saying “You will include this in your post tonight, won’t you?”

The ideas they came up with were:
As this is my second week, they make it another two weeks.
A week for each time I say no.
One day for each person who comments on this thread by the end of this week.
One hour for each time this thread has been viewed by the end of the week.
They get me to answer a list of yes/no truth type questions and I get a day for each that I answer no to.

They aren’t going to tell me which they decide until the end of the week.

After lunch, I was back in the office. It was good to be away from the eyes of the customers, and all the movement involved in the warehouse, especially knowing how much lower my zip needed to go to get closer to completing this week. Each time I thought about it, I dropped the zip a little more. At one point I barely touched the zip and it jumped down about an inch, and I felt the weight lift from my neck, so I knew my boobs were no longer straining against the fabric – but I would have to be very careful now how I moved.
By the end of the day my zip was as low as had been asked – and it was noticed that I still had a mark from the band of the bra I was wearing yesterday, so it must be too small for me and they would have to get rid of any of my bras that are that size or smaller. I was then given a bag containing my outfit for tomorrow, asked (once again) if I would keep my zip as low as it is until I get home, and asked to write about my bus journey home as “proof”.
I put my jacket on to go home, and then someone asked me to leave the top and bottom buttons of my jacket undone. This left just two buttons fastened – one about the same height as my nipples, the other about where the zip was now down to. The bus was almost full, but I found an empty seat towards the back. I was so glad I didn’t have to stand at the front, with everyone facing me, because as soon as the bus set off my boobs started bouncing around and quickly freed themselves completely from my top.
Not wanting to look around and know if anyone had noticed how much they were moving, I spent the journey looking out of the window. I did think about making this a “no” and do my top up, but then I realised that would require undoing my jacket and keeping my boobs under control while I fought to do the zip up again. There was also someone sat next to me now, so if I un-did my jacket they would get a close-up view of my bouncing boobs. So I just kept looking out the window until I got to my stop, and walked the short distance home, glad that I’d completed another day.

TheTaskMaster 05-10-2017 09:47 AM

Im sorry
Don't want to be mean but this just keeps getting better and better!

Dom6BDSM 05-10-2017 01:12 PM


Originally Posted by Elouise (Post 2782474)
A week for each time I say no.
One day for each person who comments on this thread by the end of this week.
One hour for each time this thread has been viewed by the end of the week.
They get me to answer a list of yes/no truth type questions and I get a day for each that I answer no to.

1300 views is like 60 days. 7 comments is 7 extra days. Well 8 with this comment...

Elouise 05-10-2017 03:35 PM

When I posted yesterday, I saw that this post had already had enough views to give me an extra month if they go for that option, and it’s worrying to see how much it’s gone up by already. I hate to think about how high it might be by the end of the week. It will certainly give me something to think about anytime I consider saying no before this week is up.

Here is today’s report:

When I opened the bag to see what today's outfit was, all it contained was a top, and a note. The top was a semi-fitted, peach coloured top with a soft cotton front and a lace back. I’d bought this top a while ago, but had never worn it as any bra would show through the lace back and I hadn’t been brave enough to go without one. Now I would have to. But was that really it? Nothing to wear with it? This top wasn’t long enough to wear as a dress, it wasn’t long enough to cover, well, anything really. I couldn’t leave the house like that! Nervously I picked up the note and read it.
The note said that I wasn’t getting any underwear for today, as they still needed to sort through it, but I could choose what bottoms I wore from what I had left at home. (Phew!) I chose a pair of slightly stretchy “figure hugging” black trousers.
When I arrived at work, they also asked me to wear my hair up today, so that they (or anyone else who looked) could easily see that I didn’t have a bra on underneath. They then told me that – having sorted through my underwear – they had found that all my bras were the wrong size for me, so I would have to go without until I had some that fitted me properly. I agreed that if what I ordered at the weekend was the wrong size, I would reorder them in the right size. (Fortunately - having thought for a while that I needed a size 38F rather than 36F, but not having done anything about it before - the bras I ordered should be the right size.)
Next, they asked if I would agree to them selling any of my bras or clothes that no longer fit me on eBay, and then use the money they get for them to buy me clothes of their choice. (Well, that was easy for me to agree to – I’d been meaning to have a clear out for a while). However, the same terms would apply to anything they bought under this agreement as with the items I ordered at the weekend, they would get to decide when and where I should wear them for the first time, even I was no longer banned from saying “no” (and if I refuse I will receive another ban).
As I got into my work, I began to relax and forget about the fact that everyone could tell that I wasn’t wearing a bra. I did keep wondering what they had planned for me next though, but nothing else was asked of me before the end of the day, when they gave me my bag of clothes for tomorrow. The woman who gave me tomorrows outfit recognised the trousers I was wearing as the ones I have two pairs of, in different sizes. The other pair is a bit too large for me, and always feel like they’re at risk of falling down, but I forgot to return them. She asked me to wear the other pair tomorrow, so that they can decide which fits me best, and which will be sold on eBay.
She also asked me to make a change to what I had previously agreed to regarding how quickly I return each outfit to them. It had been that I would put the previous day’s clothes in the washing machine before leaving for work, then dry them overnight ready to return the following day. From now on though I would have to wash the clothes overnight, and take them back the next morning whether they were dry or not. Also, tomorrow I should take in any other clothes I still have at home, so that they can decided which of them are going on eBay.
When I got home from work, I found that a package had arrived in the post. It’s the skirt I ordered at the weekend. I’ll have to take that with me tomorrow as well.

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