getDare Truth or Dare

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batman 03-10-2009 10:26 AM

best english lesson ever!
It had been a boring day at school and all Liam had to keep him going was the thought of sitting next to Helen in English. Liam had a massive crush on Helen, all he ever masturbated about these days was her.
He sat through one of the longest maths lessons of his life with his eyes glued to the clock counting down each minute of the hour.
“right class you can go” announced the teacher but Liam was already gone bolting off down the corridor. As usual he was at the classroom first. he sat down in his place he didn’t bother getting his stuff out because that would look uncool.
One by one the rest of the class came in until Helen arrived. As soon as she entered the room his heart rate increased along with the size of his penis, if you know what I mean.
The goddess sat down next to him.
“Hi Liam” she said and Liam swore he heard the birds outside start to sing.
“hiya” his voice broke slightly.
“had a good day?”
“had better. You?”
“had better” she smiled and Liam’s heart skipped a beat.
Then the our walking donut of a teacher walked in, no one actually knew his name he just went by sir.
“sorry im late class” he said “right let’s get on with it then. Today im going to send a pair of you up to the library to do some research on William Shakespeare.”
the entire class suddenly got interested. No one really cared about the Shakespeare but this was a chance to get out of lesson.
“right, any volunteers?” everyone put their hand up except Liam and Helen. Because they knew sir.
“right, Liam Helen up you go.”
This was great he was going to be alone with the love of his life! They went up stairs and started on the work they logged on and copied and pasted some stuff and looked at the clock they still had 50 minutes left.
“what shall we do now?” Helen asked.
There was something Liam very much wanted to ask. He was debating in his head whether to ask it. Against his better judgement he asked...
“wana play truth or dare.”
He stopped breathing and waited for an answer.
“ok” she said.

any constructive critisism?

BettyBoop 03-10-2009 10:46 AM

I like it, it looks like it has potential. You should continue, so far it seems quite original.

batman 03-10-2009 12:04 PM

As soon as she said that Liam got a boner. One of the biggest ones he had ever had. And Helen noticed.
“looks like your happy” she chuckled. Liam folded his hands over his cock so she couldn’t see it she chuckled some more.
“ok ill go first.” she said. “umm truth.”
Liam couldn’t belive what was happening this was one of his biggest sexual fantasies coming to life!
“umm what colour underwear are you wearing?” dam. He could have done better than that.
“black.” She replied. “your go”
Liam thought he better start off slow.
“truth” he said.
After a moment’s thought she asked.
“how big is your cock?”
Liam was particularly proud of his cock. At 6.7 inches at the age of 15 it was his pride and joy.
“6.7 inches” he replied. “your go”
Helen looked quite impressed that was much bigger than expected she thought he looked about a 6 but 6.7! she suddenly got quite aroused.
These were the word Liam wanted to hear.
“I dare you to show me your tits”
With a slight smile she nodded and quickly looked around the library before lifting up her top and bra exposing her perfect tits. They looked about a c they were plump and firm and her nipples were slightly stiff. But almost to quickly she concealed them behind a wall of cloth.
“your go” she said.
“dare” he said thinking with his penis now.
“show me your cock!” she demanded.
Slowly Liam took his hands off his cock and undid his buckle and zipper. Then he whipped it out in front of her. Helens eyes went wide it was huge!
“keep it out” she said.
Liam did only because he was so horny right now he couldn’t think.
“truth or dare?”
Liam thought he’d take a plunge
“I dare you to get naked play with yourself right now.”
Helen looked around the library there was no one in here and no one was likely to come in so she thought what the hell.
She stood up and took off her jumper and shirt at the same time revealing a black bra. Then she pulled down her trousers exposing a pair of black frenchies. She then turned around undid her bra and pulled down her pants letting them both fall to the floor. Liam got a brief look at her perky ass before she turned around.

h.edwards_1990 03-10-2009 12:11 PM

I do like this story so far, it has real potential. Can i ask, are you going to keep things at this level or are they going to escalate.

HSsportsstar 1 03-10-2009 12:17 PM

original, i like it, please continue your story :)

batman 03-10-2009 12:18 PM

it will have twists i think but it all ends at the end of the lesson.

Smile 03-10-2009 12:27 PM

I quite like this... A bit fast in terms of the game itself, but other than that great :)

Also, a bit unrealistic just going "yeh, sure I will get naked in school, possible around all my friends" but you never know, anythings possible.

Komodo Jones 03-10-2009 12:30 PM

I have to say just like BettyBoop it has potential and it is important to keep things original. You do some things unrealistic such as nobody being in the library and doing something such as Shakespeare, yuck! in like ten minutes, but that's part of the good thing about erotica fiction is that it can be as unrealistic as you want it. Some people, such as myself, include plotlines but you don't necessarily need to do that as some people like to just get to the juicy stuff. As constructive criticism goes, though I would say take things a little slower. Take time to proofread your work because I noticed some spelling errors and a few things didn't seem to flow well. Also make sure to pay attention to the details too, otherwise, but this is just my opinion, it seems kind of bland. But like I said before it has potential keep up the good work.

wicked 03-10-2009 12:44 PM

This is one of the best stories I've read so far. It is interesting, it's at a perfect pace, and it actually gave me a boner. Oh crap- did I just say that?

Naked right in the middle of a school where anyone could walk right into. I'm hoping something good happens.

batman 03-10-2009 12:56 PM

lol this is my first story so i take all comments and help with gratitude. thank you.
people said i was taking it fast so i might expand the story a bit so that i can take it slower and some people didnt seem to like the naked in school part so i might not go that extreme again for a while. but i am enjoying writing this so ill keep going.

HSsportsstar 1 03-10-2009 01:09 PM

its no that your taking it too fast, its just that if you descibed more, it would be even better.

but the getting naked in school i thought was a nice twist, but do what you please

wicked 03-10-2009 01:13 PM

the grammar and detail isn't really bad. It's better than a lot of stories on here.

batman 03-10-2009 01:54 PM

It was as if time had stopped Helen stood there absolutely naked for him. Him! Liam examined her beautiful body. He started at the top, her long blonde hair flowed over her shoulders and down to her tits. Her face was in an adrenalin fuelled smile. But as much as he loved her face his eyes were pulled towards her tits. Her perfect c cup breasts were sitting there taunting him, begging to be played with. But Liam’s gaze moved lower still lower past her flat stomach to her pussy. It was recently shaved and absolutely soaked, she was obviously as turned on by this as he was. His eyes lingered on her pussy, his cock was throbbing just begging to be put in her.
As she moved her hand towards her pussy and his moved to his dick they heard a horrible sound. It was the sound of a dozen teenagers coming up the stairs at other end of the library.
Helen shrieked and jumped back in to her trousers and threw on her shirt and top with remarkable speed. Luckily for Liam all he had to do was slip his cock back in to his pants and do up the zip. Then a frantic Helen grabbed her underwear off the floor and put them her pocket but put the bra up Liam’s top as it wouldn’t fit on her pocket.
They sat there breathless for another two seconds as the group of teens went past checking out Helens heaving chest. Liam laughed inside his head “Ive seen the other side of that shirt boys” he thought.
Following the group of teens was sir.
“right, finished?” he asked.
“yes sir, it’s just printing” Liam answered for Helen who was still too out of breath to speak.
“right, well good. You can come down now.”
With that he left. Liam and Helen both exhaled loudly and had a bit of a laugh. They then got up and got the printed work. As they were going down the stairs Helen whispered in Liam’s ear...
“wait for me after school. We’re going to finish this.” Then she took one big lick of Liam’s ear. He stopped there to stunned to move but Helen kept walking. He snapped out of his sexual daze and followed her in to the classroom, everyone else was already packed up.
.................................................. .................................................. ........................
The bell went for the end of the day and Liam and Helen left school together and waited on top of the hill outside.
“what are we waiting for?” Liam asked.
“some friends of mine” she replied casually.
Liam considered this for a moment. This could either go really well for him or really bad. But he was still thinking with his penis and simply replied
They waited for about another 5 minutes before two girls started to walk towards them. “At least they are girls” Liam thought. As they got closer he recognised them as Hannah and katy. They two were very attractive but not as attractive as Helen and they new it.
“this him?” Hannah asked.
Helen nodded.
“not bad” Hannah and katy said at the same time.
“right lets go back to yours then” said Hannah.
“to do what?”asked liam.
“to finish our game, silly.” Helen replied with his smile.

if you are wondering how i have writen three parts in one day it's because i cant be arsed with school and have alot of free time.:)

i was also wondering if people think i should through a slavery thing in here because alot of slave stories are being thrown around recently.

Smile 03-10-2009 02:37 PM

Nice one, Looking forward for the next part ;)

HSsportsstar 1 03-10-2009 02:57 PM

yes i am really looking forward to the next part, i just really hope that it doesnt turn into a master/slave type story.

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