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MasterMike0117 12-28-2008 02:39 PM

Isabel's Phone
This is a story thats been floating in my mind for a while, and I've decided to start writing it. It is nowhere near completely planned out, so it will likely go on for quite a while, potentially forever, though my guess is that I will run out of ideas or motivation and close it up before then, but it means that I can respond to the desires of my audience, so any critiques or requests are appreciated.

I did decide to place it in the mature section, just because it will probably be on the gray line, and I figured better safe than sorry.

This first part is only an introduction, chapter 2 should be coming soon:


Chapter 1: Isabel

Isabel is a lovely creature. Petite, delicate, and lovely. She is quite short, but just enough to be cute, not enough to be extreme or unattractive, likewise she is slender and fit, with smooth skin that entices you to run your hands over it. Her curves, while somewhat small, seem perfectly in proportion, assuming you do not like women with obscenely large breasts or huge butts. No, with Isabell her curves are smooth, with perky breasts just on the small side, but large enough, certainly on her frame. Her ass is likewise a smooth bubble, curving out from her back, crowning beautiful legs that she doesn't show off nearly often enough. Her legs are amazingly toned, as most of her time is spent swimming. Her hair is long, slightly wavy, and light brown, bordering on dirty blond, which she often ties back or braids. Her face is rarely adorned with make up, yet is still lovely, the best part of which is their the pair stunning blue eyes or the small mouth with her exquisitely kissable lips, those two features separated only by her button nose.

Often she is seen wearing a swimsuit, sadly a conservative one-piece, for she works as a lifeguard and swim-instructor at the local YMCA. The rest of the time she dresses simply, not having the money to afford the expensive fancy clothes. Still, she manages to easily pull together outfits that flatter her figure and turn heads.

Today she is just coming home from working the late shift one Thursday evening, tired, but grateful that she'll be off from work early the next day, to get an early start on her weekend. Her hair is still slightly wet, in a loose pony tail, leaving a damp spot on the back of her sweater. On previous days this winter, the cold has frozen her hair when she left if she did not dry it properly, but the past few days have been warm enough.

She walks to the fridge, taking out a diet coke and quickly scanning over the other contents, noting that soon she will need to go out and buy groceries. Then, deciding against taking anything else, she sits down on her couch to relax with her TV for a little while before going to bed.

As she flips through the channels, her cell phone rings. She puts her soda down on the table by the couch and looks at the screen which reads, “Restricted Number”. Since she only gives out her cell phone to friends and family, whose numbers are all stored in the phone, unknown numbers are either someone selling something, or someone who will leave a message. She mutes the ringer and goes back to her TV.

A minute later the main telephone in her apartment rings, the one on which her landlord or employers call her, and therefore cannot be as easily screened. Putting down her soda once again, and muting the TV, she walks over to the phone and picks it up,


“You didn't answer your cell phone,” The caller answered, “from now on I expect you to always answer your cell, no matter who it is, understand?”

“What? Who is this?” Isabel asked. She did not recognize the voice, nor did she receive an answer, as the caller quickly hung up. As she hung up her own phone, nervous and a little scared, her mind raced with questions. She stood there a moment, wondering what to do, and jumped in surprise when her cell phone rang again.

“Okay, who the hell are you?” She asked as she picked up, assuming “Restricted Number” was the same caller as before.

“tut tut, hardly a polite way to answer the phone,” The same voice replied, “Why don't you have a seat, we need to have a talk.”

MasterMike0117 12-28-2008 03:25 PM

Chapter 2: Having a Talk
“Fine,” Isabel said, “I'm sitting, now who are you?”

The voice on the other end sighed, “You don't know me, but here, I'll give you a bit of comfort, go to your window and look down to the street,”

Isabel slowly walked towards the window, looking down onto the street below. People were walking along the street up and down, and from her apartment four floors up she couldn't see anyone she recognized. Eventually she spotted a person wearing a large jacket waving at her from the other side of the street. Isabel couldn't see his face, or even that it was a man, though she assumed he was by the sound of his voice.

“Good, you've spotted me,” The man said, as she watched him flag down a taxi, “Now, so you know I mean no harm, I'm going away,” And he did, riding the taxi away.

“So now you've seen me, hear me out for a moment, then, if you wish, you may hang up and I will never call you, nor bother you again, fair?”

“Fine,” Isabel said, still afraid but curious enough to listen. Curiosity was always a fault of hers.

“Wonderful,” the man said, “Now, as I've said, you do not know me. I do, however, know you. Not personally, of course. No, I know you deeper down that that. I know what you want. And I can give it to you,”

“You called to tell me I won the lottery?” Isabel interrupted.

“You agreed to hear me out, do not interrupt,” He continued on, speaking calmly and cleanly, “but you have won the lottery, but the prize is not money. The prize is better than that. I know you, you're bored. You're tired. You go to work everyday, working your shifts, sitting in the same seat, teaching the same lessons, going to all the same places with the same old friends. You have no excitement in your life.

“Moreover, you are hungry for it. You know what you want from life, but you're too busy and too poor to be able to find your excitement. And what you want, you're too scared to get.”

“Oh yeah?” Isabel interrupted again, “and what is that?”

“Interrupt again, and I shall hang up and we shall never speak again,” the man said calmly. Isabel was to curious at this point to risk that, and he knew it, “Every so often, you look at your empty bed, and you feel lonely. Occasionally you feel horny, with nothing to quench it, and your mind drifts. You imagine beautiful men, with a strong, gentle touch. You imagine their perfection, and how they would do anything for you. And you would do anything for them. And you do. Everything they ask. They tie you up and hold you down, every night in your dreams. And two years ago you heard a friend talking about her friend who was into domination, and from then on you've fantasized. Once or twice you even started to look it up online. You've wanted it, but you're too afraid to pursue it, so I've come to you,”

Isabel wanted to interrupt again. He was right, but she'd never told anyone. At first she thought he was some creep, but when he mentioned what she overheard two years ago...

“So now your choice is simple. If you hang up now, I will never bother you again, and we will both go on, imagining this never happened. Or, you can stay on the line, and agree to obey me without question. You will agree to do everything I ask, and in return you will have what you've wanted for so long, and have been so afraid to seek. I am going to put the phone down for five minutes, after which I will pick it up and explain the rules to you, if you are still on the line,”

Isabel heard the sound of his phone being placed on something hard, such as a table. She had so many questions. Her heart was beating jackhammer. Her stomach was tied in knots. She was terrified, but at the same time she wanted desperately to stay on the line. She only had five minutes to decide, probably only four by now. On one hand she knew she should just play it safe and hang up, but on the other hand she'd played it safe all her life. She knew if she hung up now, she'd wonder about it for the rest of her life. Three more agonizing minutes went by.

“Isabel? Are you there?” He spoke into his phone.

After a moment, she spoke into hers, quietly and nervously, “Yes, I'm here.”

ps118jlg1 12-28-2008 03:48 PM

this is really good, please keep going

nightmare09 12-28-2008 04:10 PM

i agrre go on its alsome

MasterMike0117 12-28-2008 06:09 PM

Chapter 3: Grannycakes
“Good,” Isabel's new owner replied, “Let me assure you that I always take good care of my property. The flip side is, of course, that I tolerate no disobedience. Put your phone on speaker-phone, and place it on the table in front of you.”

Isabel could barely keep her hand from shaking with nervous excitement. She started to hate how this man spoke so calmly and slowly, she wanted to get right into it now that she'd committed herself. She wasn't as afraid of him as she had been, she could always hang up and not answer, get a new phone number. Now she was more afraid of herself, and what she might do.

When she had turned the speaker-phone feature on and placed it on the table, he continued without any prompting from her.

“Good, now before we continue, I'm going to give you a safe-word. You need but speak this word, and your orders are nullified and you are free until you are ready to continue, by speaking the other word, perhaps we shall call it a “danger-word”. Be warned, do not overuse it if not necessary. If I find you are not up to this challenge, I will leave you to your dreary life. Your safe-word is 'Grannycakes'. Say it.”

“Grannycakes?” She said back. She didn't know what those were, but assumed he wanted something that wouldn't be mistaken or accidentally spoken, “And the danger-word?” She knew she'd be grateful for all of this talk later, but right now she just wanted to be ordered. It was accurate what he'd said, she did secretly fantasize about it, and now that she was about to be able to live it could barely wait. She only hoped that she wouldn't do something rash that she'd later regret.

“Riding Wild Horses,” He said, “Its more of a phrase, if you'll forgive me for it. Remember those two words, for those are your only means of control left. Now, as you've said the safe-word, you are free until you speak the danger-phrase. I would ask you take some time to consider everything. When you are ready to continue, you know what to do. Until then, you may ask one question, if you like.”

Which question to ask was a hard decision. Isabel had so many, and picking just one...

“How do I get in touch with you,” She asked. The other questions she had seemed like she'd find out the answer soon enough, or he wouldn't answer anyway.

“You do not. I call you, that is the only direction in which this runs. This may change in the future, but for now you have no control over this,” And then he was silent.

Isabel thought everything over, or at least tried. In honesty, her mind was racing in too many directions to accomplish any real thinking. Maybe tonight after she went to bed, until then, time to dive in.

“Riding wild horses,” She whispered to the phone.

nightmare09 12-28-2008 06:26 PM

its getting god countuie

JJST 12-28-2008 07:46 PM

Wow! This is really great! Hope to see the rest of this. Keep it up!

JoMo 12-29-2008 05:42 AM

Excellent story, will look forward to future installments.

MasterMike0117 12-29-2008 11:25 AM

Chapter 4: Here's the rub
“Undress,” the man said. Isabel noticed his voice had changed slightly. It was still calm and deliberate, but there was more drive in it now, more authority. She wasn't sure, however, that it wasn't just her imagination.

Isabel paused for a minute, looking around to make sure she was alone. She'd obviously undressed in her apartment before, but this time seemed different. She removed her socks and shoes without any problem. She normally wore sandals, and only wore shoes now because it was winter. Then came the harder parts. She slowly unbuttoned her jeans, then pulled the zipper down, pausing momentarily before she lowered them to the floor and stepped out of them. Then, in contrast, she quickly pulled her t-shirt over her head and dropped it on the floor by her jeans. She then looked back at the phone expectantly.

“Undress completely, Isabel,” the phone said. There was silence, until Isabel hooked her thumb into the waistband of her panties and began to lower them, when the phone continued, “In the future, if you need clarification, ask. It is better to ask then be wrong and risk being punished.”

Mention of punishment worried Isabel. She hadn't considered that. Although she had her safe word, so how bad could punishments be?

The panties placed by her jeans, Isabel began to slide the bra straps off her shoulders, then reached behind to unhook it. After a brief hesitation it was off, and sliding off her arms to the pile of other clothes.

“Good,” He said, before she could tell him she was finished. It only now occurred to her that he seemed to know what was going on. That brought back her fear, but something about his voice inclined her to trust him.

“I do not want to hear any words out of you until I give you permission. Sit back on the couch, and listen and obey,” He waited until she was back on the couch, then continued, “I am going to give you a list of rules to obey at all times. While I am doing that, your left hand should massage your right breast, and your right hand should rub your clit. Pay very close attention,”

Isabel was already horny enough that she jumped right into his orders. She'd always enjoyed the thought of being commanded but she'd never imagined what a thrill it would be to be ordered to be naked and masturbating, in the middle of her apartment, while on the phone with some stranger.

“Firstly, you must always take good care of yourself, hygienically and health wise, which I know you do, but just to lay it down that there are to be no exceptions. I want my property in prime condition,

“Secondly, always dress well. Again, you should have no problems with that, but remember this applies when you're alone as well. I want you always looking your best, you never know what may surprise you,”

Isabel would have been worried by that last statement, if she weren't very distracted. She was still listening, but not really focusing on what was being said. Her eyes were partially closed, her head tilted back slightly, and her hair was undone, falling onto her shoulders and breasts, tickling her left arm as she fondled herself.

“Third, you must always be polite and obedient to everyone. You need not obey everyone as you will me, but you should do your best to see to their wants. I want you to stop playing with yourself now. If you have any questions, ask them now. If not, I will continue.”

Isabel whimpered. She didn't want to stop, she wanted to keep going, she certainly didn't want to stop and have a conversation.

“No,” She answered haltingly, “No questions, seems pretty straightforward.”

“Good,” He said, “We'll get more into the less basic ones now, but while we speak, I want you to spread your arms out to the far ends of the couches, and spread your legs wide, keep your hands and feet as far from your body as you can.”

Isabel obeyed, reluctantly. She pulled her legs up on the couch and spread them wide. She was athletic enough, and certainly flexible enough, that she could spread them quite wide. Gymnastics as a kid and swimming constantly paid off. She wanted to touch herself, but having herself spread out, even in the privacy of her apartment, made her feel like she was on display, compounding her desire to touch herself. It was doubly frustrating.

“Good, a few more rules:

“four, always call me, Master, or Sir, or some other appropriate honorific. I'll give you some leeway to be creative if you want.

“Five, no orgasming without my permission

“Six, your cellphone must be charged at all time, and answered whenever called. I will be mindful of work schedule and such, so do not worry about that

“Seven, while you may go about your life in a normal fashion, so long as my rules are followed, you may not date or engage in any sexual activity without my permission or orders.

“Are there any questions?” When Isabel said there weren't, he continued, “Good, do not dress until the morning, goodnight.” And with that, he hung up.

nightmare09 12-29-2008 11:39 AM

go on its getting good

molten man 12-29-2008 05:48 PM

Excellent story!! Keep it going..

MasterMike0117 12-30-2008 10:29 AM

its going to be a few days before this gets updated, given the holidays and everything, I'm glad you've all enjoyed it so far. I've got some plans, but as I mentioned this will be quite the ongoing thing, and there is no real limit, so I'd be happy to listen to requests or critiques

dared to perfection 12-30-2008 11:41 AM

i dont think any of the posters have been critics yet just pure fans !!
your style of writing is good and well paced !! i just wish there was more of it but that would be unfair of me to expect 10 pages of you haha !!

CleverGirl 12-30-2008 03:06 PM!!! I finally have something decent to read! I am so excited. I've found three stories today that I like (This is by far my favorite!) and I usually never find anything well written and creative enough to spend time on. Thank you for writting! Keep it up!

Officelover 12-31-2008 10:02 AM

I think that this has real potential. Go on!

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