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StrangeJohn 08-03-2013 09:51 AM

Pokémon (slave) tournament
I was bored and I had this idea. I wanted something simple, but I started writting and at the end I get something a bit more complicated than I expected and I don't know if it will work or not.
If you like the idea, or you have any suggestion to improve it just say it.

Do you want to be the very best? Get a pokemon and start your journey!

This is a tournament for Masters and slaves. Masters will be pokemon trainers, and slaves will be pokemon.

Are you a trainer?
If you want to be a trainer you must inscribe yourself here on this thread. You can't say what you are looking for.
Example of correct inscription: “I will join as a trainer”
Examples of incorrect inscription: “I will join as a trainer, just females please”
Trainer rules:
1. Each trainer can have as much 3 pokemon. That means a trainer with 3 pokemons can't capture any pokemon more.

2. Trainers can release, give or change their pokemons:
Release: the pokemon is wild again.

Give: Post on this thread that you want to give your pokemon. Other trainers will contact with you, just give your pokemon to who you want. Once you give a pokemon it will never be yours again. If you give more than 3 pokemon, that you have trained at least to level 5, to different persons you obtain the range “Professor”.

Change: Post on this thread that you want to change your pokemon. Other trainers will contact you to change their pokemon with your pokemon. Once you change a pokemon it will never be yours again, but you get a new pokemon that is yours and only yours.
3. Trainers can't contact with wild pokemon, they must wait until a pokemon appears.

Are you a pokemon?
If you have a Master/Mistress ask permission before. If you owner wants to participate as a trainer you will be his/her pokemon, if not you will be a wild pokemon more.

If you want to be a pokemon don't post anything untill someone catches you. What you have to do is:
1. Go to this web:, then select the options:
Number of pokemon: 1
Pokédex Region: National Dex
Pokemon Type: Any
Exclude Legendary Pokemon from results?: Yes
Exclude NFE Pokemon?: No
Then click “Generate!” button, you will get a pokemon. You are the first evolution of that pokemon. You can't be an evolved pokemon.
If you get a pokemon that is not of your gender you can get other pokemon. (Just for pokemons that have only one gender such as Nidoran♂ or Nidoran♀).

2. Look into this thread to find a trainer, then send him/her a PM with the title “A wild _____ appeared”, where the blank space is the pokemon you are.
In the text of the message specify your age, real gender and your likes dislikes and limits.

You can send a PM to just one trainer (that's to avoid that 2 trainers catch the same pokemon). If the trainer doesn't answer within 24 hours you can send a message to other one.

3. The trainer will reply to your message with “FIGHT”, “BALL” or “RUN”:
“FIGHT” means that you will have a battle with the pokemon of the trainer. (See battles section below). You can accept the battle or run. After that, as you are still a wild pokemon you can send a message to other trainer.

“BALL” means the trainer wants to capture you. The trainer will provide you a list of his likes and dislikes. Then you have to accept being his/her pokemon or refuse the offer. If you refuse you are still a wild pokemon and you can send a message to other trainer.

“RUN” means the trainer doesn't want to play with you. As you are still a wild pokemon you can send a message to other trainer.
4. Once caught you can discuss the terms of your relationship with your trainer.

5. All pokemon start at level 1.

6. Finally to keep track of your experience you must register to this thread (your trainer can do it for you):

Pokemon rules:
1. Pokemons must be loyal to their trainers.

2. Pokemons can leave their trainers only if:
They trainers disappear for more than 1 week.

If they trainers treat them bad or don't show enough interest in them (In this case you should discuss and try to find a solution before doing anything).
3. Pokemon can be anonymous. If you don't want the rest of people know you are participating you can ask your trainer to not use your username, just your pokemon name to refer to you.

Once you have a pokemon you can battle with other trainers. To battle just post “Pokemon Battle” or something similar on this post with a simple task to do (task must be in spolier format).

If you see someone else task you must battle with him/her, unless the task involve any limit of your pokemon.

The battle is that a pokemon of each trainer will do the task and the winner will earn experience (see experience section below).
Also, pokemon can compete for real things, such as the winner is allowed to cum, or the loser is not allowed to use underwear for a week. (All conditions, prizes, etc must be specified in the task)

The trainer can punish his/her pokemons if they lose.

With wild pokemons is the trainer who gives the task. Also, wild pokemons don't earn experience.

Battle example tasks:
- Edge as much as posible in a row. The winner is who edges more.

- Spank your ass for 1 min. The winner is who spanks his/her ass more times.

- Write “Potatoes are not a fruit” 100 times on a paper and count how much time it takes you. The winner is the one who writes it faster.

Rules for Battles:
- 2 trainers can battle just once every 24 hours in the same battle (can battle more if they start other battle with a different task).

- The result of a battle can't be re-used, each time the pokemon battles it must do the task again.

Trainers can also organize contests. To do it just post “Contest” and write an elaborated task to do and the prize for the winner (See posible prizes below).

3 judges will be needed. Anyone can be a judge, but if you are a judge you or your pokemon can't participate on the contest.

Trainers must inscribe their pokemon. Pokemons can't participate by their own.

At least 5 pokemon must participate in a contest. Each pokemon will do the task and then write a report., the trainer will post the report on this thread.

Finally the judges will read the reports and vote for one pokemon, the winner will be the one who has more votes.

Posible prizes:
- An evolutionary stone (fire, water, etc)
- From 1 to 3 rare candy.
- Others objects
- Real things, such as the winner is allowed to cum, or the losers are not allowed to masturbate for a week. (All conditions, prizes, etc must be specified in the task)
Arena Battle
As a contest but with 1 judge and at least 3 pokemon.
You win experience and can also win evolving stones, nothing else.

Trainers can train their pokemons, that's just they can give tasks to them. Also trainers can do that two of their pokemons battle between them, but they don't earn experience this way.
Trainers can also set rules for their pokemon, and punish them if they disobey.

Experience eraned in battles:
- 0 Points if you lose.
- 1 Points if draw. (If you draw with a wild pokemon don't earn experience)
- 2 Points if win a wild pokemon.
- 3 points if win a tamed pokemon.

- 4 to 10 if win a arena battle (depending on the tasks, more difficult more experience).
- 0 if win a contest (Constest have other kind of prizes).

The experience needed to reach each level is detailed here:

To keep track of your experience go to this other thread:

When the evolution level is reached, the trainer decides if they evolve or not.

If the pokemon needs an object to evolve, you must win it in a contest before.

If the pokemon evolves by change, you much change it.

If the pokemon evolves by hapiness, you must wait a week, then if the pokemon is happy (trainer must ask to his/her pokemon before) it can evolve.

Type advantages
When you start a battle you must specify which kind of advantage will have the advantaged pokemon.
For example:
Task: spank yourself as much as posible.
Advantage: Rock pokemon add 50 spanks to what they actually have done.

Try to be fair with the advantages.

Normal: no advantages (Maybe unfair, but actually normal types don't have advantages)
Fire: advantage in tasks involving wax dares.
Water types: advantage in tasks involving fluid (cum, piss, etc).
Electric: advantage with electric toys tasks (vibes and similar).
Grass: adavantage of outside tasks (doesn't have to be public).
Ice: advantage ice related tasks
Fighting: advantage in physical tasks (workouts).
Rock: advantage in pain tasks (spanking, slaps, etc)
Poison: advantage in dares involving alcohol, icy hot, toothpaste, etc
Ground: advantage in dirty/messy tasks.
Flying: adavantage wedgie tasks.
Pshycic: advantage in hypno file and writting tasks.
Bug: advantage insect related tasks.
Ghost: disables advantages.
Dragon: advantage in leather and bondage. (Just because bondage haven't appeared)
Dark: advantage in insertion.
Steal: advantage in edgeing.
Fairy: advantage crossdressing.


Finally say that I join as a pokemon trainer.

Mikkel989 08-03-2013 11:31 AM

I will join as trainer

KittenLicks 08-03-2013 12:41 PM

This seems interesting and well thought out, I hope trainers and pokemon join soon. ^^

I'm in as a trainer. :3

Simi 08-03-2013 12:44 PM

well i messaged as a pokemon to strangejohn before you joined, although if i knew you were likely to be coming on i would probably have waited

MissKitty 08-03-2013 01:42 PM

I signed up especially for this, no more lurking for me! I'm in as a Pokemon! :D

alias 08-03-2013 01:55 PM

This is the most interesting thing I've seen in a long time. I'm definitely I'm in as a trainer.

Simi 08-03-2013 01:57 PM

I am now Kittenlick's Eevee

hobbit 08-03-2013 02:01 PM

This is interesting! I'll join as a trainer.

Anown1 08-03-2013 02:16 PM

I'll join as a trainer.

As feedback, the contest seems to have a lot of requirements. Might I suggest at least 1 judge and 3 pokemon, instead of 3 and 5? Otherwise I don't see them happening.

alias 08-03-2013 02:21 PM

Was reading op again and some questions came to mind. 1) you said if you give 3 Pokemon you become a professor, what does being a professor entail? 2) do Pokemon get any say in who they are traded/given to? 3) as it stands now there's really no difference between one Pokemon and another. Could we maybe incorporate types into the game? For example if a fire type and a water type battle in edging, the water type is counted as having edged 5 more times than they did when results are tallied?

StrangeJohn 08-03-2013 02:35 PM


Originally Posted by Anown1 (Post 1044763)
As feedback, the contest seems to have a lot of requirements. Might I suggest at least 1 judge and 3 pokemon, instead of 3 and 5? Otherwise I don't see them happening.

This thread just started, we still have to wait a bit untill more pokemon appear and battles and the rest start. I hope then it will be easy to find 5 pokemon to do the contest.
Anyway I changed the contests requirements, now they are needed from 1 to 3 judges instead of 3 and at least 3 pokemon instead of 5.

Simi 08-03-2013 02:38 PM

you cold class the smaller ones as arena battles, and the large ones as contests, possibly create a shop with evolve or otherwise beneficial items for pokemoney, and do a set reward for arena battles.

Also for levelling (and i know eevee's defy this) but are you going to make people level to the right level before evolves? are there any benefits for being a higher level?

StrangeJohn 08-03-2013 02:49 PM


Originally Posted by alias (Post 1044767)
Was reading op again and some questions came to mind. 1) you said if you give 3 Pokemon you become a professor, what does being a professor entail? 2) do Pokemon get any say in who they are traded/given to? 3) as it stands now there's really no difference between one Pokemon and another. Could we maybe incorporate types into the game? For example if a fire type and a water type battle in edging, the water type is counted as having edged 5 more times than they did when results are tallied?

1. Being a Professor actually means nothing, it's just that in the games the Professors are the ones who give you the pokemon. So in this thread if you give a lot of pokemon you become a Professor.

2. Pokemons can discuss with their trainers about that, but trainers have always the last word.

3. For me it's ok, but each type should have it's advantages (and maybe disadvantages too) so we should wait untill we have something for each type.

bd3d 08-03-2013 02:57 PM

Im in as pokemon

StrangeJohn 08-03-2013 03:09 PM


Originally Posted by Simi (Post 1044779)
you cold class the smaller ones as arena battles, and the large ones as contests, possibly create a shop with evolve or otherwise beneficial items for pokemoney, and do a set reward for arena battles.

Also for levelling (and i know eevee's defy this) but are you going to make people level to the right level before evolves? are there any benefits for being a higher level?

For the moment we will stay without shops. It's a good idea but I prefer to wait and see how it goes this thread for a bit more.

About the levelling, yes the pokemon must evolve at the right level (or later).
And maybe it will be posible to do contests or speciall battles with bigger prizes, avaible only for a high level pokemon.

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