getDare Truth or Dare

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TheFloss 02-24-2013 11:09 AM

Her Stepfather's Slave [fiction]
The year had seemed longer than most. Had seemed more gray. May and I had been friends since fourth grade, but it was only in the slowness of our ninth grade year that we'd ever gotten to know each other.

Her mother had died in a car accident that spring, and I found myself seeing May more and more as she needed somebody to talk to. Most of the time we just watched movies or went for quiet walks- I think she just wanted to be around somebody who wasn't her step father.

Her stepfather was, to be blunt, an asshole. He'd made no secret of the fact that he'd never wanted a kid, and when he married May's mom five years before, it was only on the condition that he wouldn't have to deal with any of the 'child-raising stuff'. We were only 15, and May frequently spoke of how much she couldn't wait to move out.

She was absolutely beautiful- a fact I tried to convince her of more than once, to no avail. She had brown-almost-red hair, and a svelt-yet-relaxed demeanor that put you at ease. That ability to make other people feel like themselves, combined with her good looks, meant that she frequently had more attention from boys than she knew what to do with. She had dated around with a couple boys, but eventually decided it was too exhausting, and had been single for a while.

During October I noticed she talked about her stepfather less and less- changing the topic whenever I asked how things were going. She spent more and more time at my place.

One night, a few days before December, I received a text around 8pm from May, "can i come over? its important". I responded that that would be fine, and asked her what the problem was, but I didn't get a response. The lack of response nagged at me for an hour. What type of 'important' did she mean? Was it an emergency? It was a Friday night, so I put on a coat and decided to walk over to her place, just in case.

I had no idea what I was going to do when I got there- it was a bit late to randomly knock on a door and invite myself in- but I continued to text her as I walked, with still no response.

May lived in a house recessed into the trees a bit. Not exactly a cabin, and not exactly 'in the woods', but close enough that it felt almost rustic. I walked down the dirt driveway, and was about to knock on the front door when I lost my nerve.

Her stepfather made me uncomfortable. He was gruff, loud, and as often as not, angry about something. I was sure he wouldn't be pleased about me showing up at 10:30 at night. They had a porch equal with the kitchen around back, so I decided to see if I could look in a window.

I crept up the stairs to the patio silently, and looked through the blinds.

They both had their backs to me. Her father was sitting at the table, and she was standing at the stove, stirring something. It must have been thick, because she was using both hands. What surprised me was that she was wearing a thin spaghetti strap shirt and athletic shorts. I had always thought of May as extremely modest- and I had rarely seen her legs or arms exposed, even in summer. She tended to dress in long shirts and pants, so her skimpy attire, especially in October, was unusual. Hidden as I was, I couldn't help but admire her butt on those shorts.

She reached for a ladle, and I realized to my shock why she had been using both hands to stir the soup; they were chained together with handcuffs.

My mind reeled- did her father put her in handcuffs? Maybe she was into it- no, this must have been why she wanted to come to my place. Should I call the police?

She ladled the soup into two bowls, and carefully carried them over to her father at the table. When she turned, I saw that she had a piece of duct tape plastered over her mouth. She cold have been able to take it off, her hands cuffed in front of her as they were, but I'm guessing that fear kept her from doing so. Her eyes were a bit red, and it was obviously she had just been crying.

Her father looked at the soup and grunted, then gave May's ass a thoughtless swat. She jumped a bit. I stumbled a bit myself, and for a moment I thought her father had heard me. I froze as he glanced towards the window, but relaxed when he turned back to his dinner. May sat down at the place opposite him, her eyes downcast, and she began to eat as well.

After a minute, her father excused himself from the table, leaving to the other room. I hurriedly tapped on the glass, and she looked towards me, startled. Seeing who I was, she was obviously mortified, shaking her head with wide eyes. I tried to mouth "Are you ok?" through the window, but she gestured for me to leave with her cuffed hands.

Then one of the most frightening moments of my life. Pounding heavy feet storming up the stairs of the porch. Her stepfather had snuck outside and was barreling towards me. Fear kept me locked to the spot, and he fiercly grabbed me upon reaching me.

"Well Derek. Haven't seen you around in a while," he said, an edge to his voice, "Normally people call before inviting themselves over at 11 at night."

"I was just- I mean-" but he cut me off as he drug me in the back door to the kitchen.

"May! Your friend's here," he said. May continued to look horrified. Her stepfather kept his vice grip on my arm.

"Why is she handcuffed?" I managed to ask through my fear.

"We had a disagreement, and this is her punishment," her father replied, trying to make it sound obvious, but it was clear he was uncomfortable.

I looked back at May, and saw her left foot had a chain locked to it, that wove over to under the stove. It looked like she couldn't go much further than the dining room.

"She's chained to the kitchen?! This is abuse," I said, like an idiot. I should have kept quiet. I should have acted like I believed him, and called the police later- but I didn't.

"Fuck. Are you really going to make this complicated, kid? Look. Sit down," then, after a pause of me not doing it, "SIT DOWN."

He shoved me into the chair, and swung behind me, and reached around, pinning my arms to the chair. I tried to struggle free, but I didn't have any leverage. I couldn't believe this was happening.

"HEY! Let go of me!" I shouted, pointlessly.

"May, dear, go get me the bag," he commanded. May shook her head. "Are you disobeying me? May. Get me the bag, or I'll make life so horrible for you, you'll wish you'd never been born."

May looked at me, her eyes full of fear and apology, and got up. I hear the chain clink on the ground as she walked to the other side of the kitchen and pulled a black canvas bag off the counter.

"Cuff him to the chair," her stepfather commanded. May knelt in front of me, and hesitantly pulled some handcuffs out of the bag, placed the corresponding key on the table, and reached over to me, gently latching the cuffs around both mine and the chair's arm. She did the same with another pair of cuffs, leaning over to secure me to the chair. Kneeling as she was, I saw down her thin shirt and saw and briefly saw her bra- I looked away.

"Thank you, dear." He released me, and I pulled quickly at the handcuffs, but they were secure. May's stepfather pulled a coil of rope out of his bag, and quickly wrapped it around my torso, securing me more tightly to the chair, before bending over and securing my feet to the chair legs. He grabbed the keys to my cuffs off the table, put them in his pocket, and stood and looked at me.

"Look kid, here's the deal. I don't wanna hear it. Any of it. For every word you say, I'm gonna swat your behind like you've never felt. Five words, five swats. And you better believe you won't be wearing any pants when that goes down. So unless you want to be further humiliated in front of my May here, I recommend you keep your mouth shut."

I did as I was told.

Her stepfather sat back down in his chair, and May stood from where she'd been kneeling at my side, and sat down across from him again. She moaned quietly into her gag.

"May! How rude. I'm sure our guest is hungry. Go make him some more soup," he commanded his daughter. She stood up immediately to do it, but he stopped her.

"May, I seem to remember that you refused a request earlier, when I asked you to get the bag. I think I'm a fair man, and it's only right that you be punished. Come here." She paused, then approached him hesitantly. His hand shot out, and he grabbed her by the elastic band of her athletic shorts, pulling her quickly towards him. With his other hand he picked up a knife from the table. I screamed, thinking she was about to be killed, but instead he slipped the knife into her shorts, and with two quick cuts, had cut them off completely.

She stumbled backwards, her skimpy white panties now visible. They covered her front, and a bit of her rear, but the sides were just strings. I couldn't imagine she normally wore them- but I had no way of knowing.

She looked at him, mumbling frantic and unintelligible things into her tape gag, then at me, horrorstruck. She shook her head, and her eyes began to water again.

"Now make soup!" her stepfather commanded. She jumped to obey. Her panties covered very little of her ass, and I found myself staring.

Her stepfather caught me at it, and grinned like an older brother, "It's nice to have a little help around the house, isn't it?"

I stared at him, scared, but said nothing.

SliBinS 02-24-2013 11:44 AM

good start.... liked it :)

TheFloss 02-24-2013 03:25 PM

I sat in silence, watching my friend prepare the soup. The chains clanked every time she took a step, and she had to plan her movements in order to perform the necessary tasks with cuffed hands.

"May! Get us a couple beers," her stepfather commanded her. She stopped stirring the soup and went to the fridge, taking out a few cans. I could tell she was trying to avoid facing us, and it was obvious she was blushing when she had to turn towards the table. She put the cans down in front of both of us. Her stepfather glared at her.

"Come on girl. Open them."

She opened both the cans, and her father took a big swig. I stared at the can, not sure of what to do. Despite the fact that I was too young to drink, I obviously couldn't lift a can, cuffed as I was.

"Do I have to tell you everything? Use your head! Help him!" She walked around the table, and began to try to senselessly fiddle with my cuffs. "No! Feed it to him. Unbelievable." She understood, and picked up the can. For a moment I could smell her; a hint of shampoo- but then I tasted the beer. I'd never had beer before, and couldn't stand the taste. She kept pouring it in my mouth, and I don't think she realized I needed a chance to breathe.

My problem was solved, however, when her stepfather reached around and gave her ass a huge slap. She jumped, grunting into her gag, and the beer spilled all over me. I took a deep breath.

"What the fuck, May?" her stepfather exploded, "You just spilled all over our guest. That's, like- that's the rudest thing I've ever seen. Unbelievable. Go stir the soup." She hurried back to the soup, eager to be away from me dressed as she was.

"You have to excuse my step daughter. She's unbelievably clumsy. But she'll learn."

"It's alright," I said. He turned on me. "That's two," he said.

He stood up abruptly, and wandered over to a drawer. Pulling it open, he pulled out some scissors. May turned to face him, but he shook his head, and she nervously went back to stirring the soup.

He reached down and pulled out one of the cheeks of her panties, swiftly cutting off a chunk. When it slapped back to her ass, a round piece was missing, exposing a round circle of butt cheek. She moaned in humiliation, and visibly slumped her shoulders. He repeated the procedure with the other cheek, and put the scissors back in the drawer, smiling to himself. May momentarily clenched her butt, trying in vain to hide her shame.

He sat back down next to me, and looked at me with that weird grin again.

"What I'm sure May has told you is that I'm not her real father. We've never liked each other- never even pretended. Her mother was an angel- totally worth putting up with this girl's bullshit for. But now her mother's gone. And what am I stuck with?" He picked up a spoon and threw it at May's back, "This slut here."

He sat back in his chair and reclaimed his beer, "That said, she does retain some of the 'finer qualities' of her mother, and seeing her running around as she does- it doesn't help the grieving process, does it?"

He clapped his hands. "But don't worry. I'm heading out. Leaving all this bullshit behind. Gonna start over," he glanced at his stepdaughter's increasingly exposed ass and gave a sharp laugh, "Just gonna enjoy what's mine before I go. You just picked the wrong night to come snooping."

May poured the soup in the bowl, and placed it in front of me. Learning from last time, she picked up the spoon and gently placed some in my mouth, her eyes full of apology. It was good soup. We were both wary her father was going to swat her again, and he definitely looked like he wanted to- but instead he stopped her.

"No no, not like that. Sit on his lap. Show him how good service can be."

She sat down sideways on my lap, awkwardly in the spilled beer, and carefully guided a spoonful of soup from the table, over her legs, and into my mouth. It took a while, but she fed me about half the bowl before her stepfather got bored.

"Wait seriously? He's not gettin' hard from this?" her stepfather blurted out. I understood his plan, but with all of my concern, I hadn't even been thinking about the eroticism of the situation.

"Isn't she hot enough for you? You a homo or something?" he jeered at us, "Unbelievable. Stay right there. I'm gonna take a smoke."

And leaving his half naked stepdaughter on my lap, he went out onto the porch.

kirsty03 02-25-2013 05:40 AM

Very nice. Can't wait for more.

Saphir 02-25-2013 06:58 PM

I do rarely comment in this section. However, I thought I would let you know that this is a good read! :3

The writing itself is good, the content pretty interesting. I mean there is a lot of "family" stuff on here, but not of this kind. It's pretty "tough"... I really like that it's not getting right to heavy mum/son sex or some such... but it's more focused on the abusive father and the way his daughter and her friend have to deal with it. If you keep it that way (+ relationship between narrator and daughter) it might become quite a nice story, at least in my humble opinion. :3

I have no clue how this carries on but I hope to read more. I think it's quite an interesting start (as in psychological and regarding the relationship between the daughter and the first person narrator).

Keep it up!


jdubs90 02-25-2013 07:15 PM

This is quite interesting...keep it up!

TheFloss 02-26-2013 05:39 PM

Haha, glad you like it!

And thanks for the comment! Yeah, I'll be honest, I felt a little uncomfortable writing it in that regard (and I'm actually not into incest)- on one hand, I haven't had experience with an abusive father, so I can't feel like I'm writing with any sort of authority (or even permission, really)- and in the same vein, that makes me even less sure it's a situation I have the moral right to eroticise. But I consider the concept more of a "imagine if you went to a girl's house and _________" scenario than "imagine if your stepfather ________", and I think that's all good :D. Definitely more male fantasy than psychological, though! But I agree. Having people behaving in self-consistent ways can really help give a story impact.

Thanks again for the comment! I'm hoping to be able to write more in a few hours. Things are hectic as ever. :)

TheFloss 02-27-2013 04:38 AM

May and I momentarily dared to look at each other- but only for a second before her stepfather burst back in the door.

"What the hell am I doing?" he yelled, "This is my house now! I smoke wherever I want." He took a drag and blew smoke into our faces. He looked at us thoughtfully.

"May, untie your friend here."

May stood up and immediately began untying the ropes that bound me. I think we both hoped that this meant he'd had a change of heart, and was considering letting me go. Most of the knots were fastened around back, so I couldn't see her work, but she was quick. Unbound, I was only fastened to the chair by the two cuffs still secured to my wrists.

"Thank you, May. Now take off his pants." May looked at him, incredulous. "I said for every word he spoke, I would spank him in front of you, and he wouldn't be wearing pants. I'm a man of my word, and he's said two. Strip him."

May backed up to the end of her chain, almost out of the kitchen, glaring at him. Her stepfather looked at her curiously. She reached up and, barely wincing, ripped the tape off her mouth.

"NO! You sick sick excuse for a man! I'm not going to take off my friend's pants! You have me stripped and humiliated and can do almost whatever you want to me, but leave him out of it."

In three steps, he was right in her face, and she was unable to back up anymore. He raised his arm and slapped her forcefully with the back of his hand, causing her to stumble backwards and- reaching the end of the chain- fall directly onto her butt, splayed out awkwardly. He put his foot down firmly on her pantied crotch.

"I don't think you get it. Things will go better for you- for both of you- if you do what I say." He reached down and slapped her again. She clutched her face. He grabbed the chain between her cuffs, and abruptly pulled her to her feet. He lifted her hands above her head.

"Keep your hands there," he ordered. He pulled his knife back out, and with two slashes, had cut out the middle of the front of her skimpy shirt, leaving them to hang open, exposing a swath of skin from her panties up to the top of her head, interrupted only by a white bra.

He wadded up the fabric, and forced it into her mouth. "Don't spit it out." And walked slowly to his black bag. He pulled out some more duct tape, and returned to her, looking at her knowingly. He lowered her hands, and fastened the loose end to her cheek, and began wrapping it around her head.

"Here's the thing. I'm into humiliation. Your mother wasn't. I'm into pain. Your mother wasn't. I'm into punishment. She was into... forgiveness. She made me a better person- she was my 'better half'. And what to do when that half gets ripped away..." after a dozen wraps of the duct tape, he ripped it off, leaving her with her entire jaw wrapped in tight tape.

He looked at her and shook his head. "Go outside," he ordered. She awkwardly did so, opening the sliding glass door ahead of her. The chain only allowed her to go about two feet onto the porch, but that seemed to be enough.

May's mother had been trying to grow string beans that spring, and had talked her husband into building her a trellis over the porch that they could grow along. He'd taken the job to heart, and had constructed a monstrosity of 2X2s and bolts. Their porch now resembled a rather rustic deathtrap.

"Turn around. Face him." She turned to face me, and he pulled her hands once again over her head. He wrapped some rope around her cuffs, and yanked them up to the trellis, tying them tightly to a beam, until she had to stand on tip-toe.

I didn't want to look. I knew she must be so embarassed, and I didn't want to add to her humiliation. At the same time, I couldn't look away.

He stepped back to admire his strung-up handiwork. On an impulse, he reached out and ripped her bra right off her body, causing her to swing momentarily, and have to regain her footing. She shook her head and screamed into her gag in frustration.

I could only barely see her breasts- still covered by the sides of her thin shirt- but as she twisted on the rope, I saw glimpses, pale and perfect, hanging lightly on her torso. I doubt her breasts had ever been exposed to the elements like this, and on a night as cold as this one, it had to have been a shock.

Her stepfather smiled to himself, and came back inside, sliding the glass door shut on the chain, and leaving his stepdaughter in the cold, staring through the window. He threw her bra at me, and it landed in my lap.

"NOW!" he said, "I think I owe you some spankings."

Saphir 02-27-2013 08:06 PM

This is so sick, keep it coming :D

I think an author has the moral right to do whatever they feel like in their story. The moral problem is rather about whether you use your writing to influence a reader in a way that is bad for him or other beings.

A story can also be critical of a topic, even though it does not say it is critical. In this case I believe it would become real problematic if you cut out feelings and thoughts, making it a porno, rather than erotica. If you would do that you would basically abandon the possibility of a distanced, critical view on this topic. I don't even think it's a problem if people get off over this, but I do think it is a problem if this is presented in a way that makes it seem "cool" and normal.

Although even in that case it is questionable in how far it would influence a reader to do stuff in real life or idk what...

Either way, it's cool the way you write it, I'm curious how you are going to continue, with the story as well as with the relation between the two victims and their feels and so on...

The Sly Fox 02-28-2013 12:36 AM

Just started reading but awesome job so far. Keep it up!

TheFloss 03-06-2013 07:52 AM

This is that inevitable post where it's like, "Wow- well. That escalated quickly." But man, I have so little time to write these days!

Minutes later found me methodically unfastened from the chair, but still secured more stringently than ever. My arms were cuffed behind me, and my feet secured with another pair. May's stepfather hoisted me up, and threw me face down on his lap.

"May! You better watch all of this, or it'll be worse for both of you."

She raised her head just as a small breeze went through, and she shuddered in the cold. One side of her shirt flapped open, exposing her breast again. Pert, with a cold protruding nipple. She twisted her body, and was quickly able to hide it again. She looked back at me and caught me staring- I looked away.

I felt his hands fumbling beneath me, pulling at my fly, causing me to squirm uncertainly. He undid my belt, then got my fly open, and tugged and yanked the waistband of my pants and boxers down. I glanced at May frantically, who quickly looked away. I didn't think she could see my dick, but my ass was perfectly on display.

"Oh that's cute," mused May's stepfather, "What do you think, May?" He placed his hand on my ass, rubbing slowly. "Let's get this nice and sensitive. I only have two, so I'm gonna make them count." He raised his hand high, and brought it down full force on my left cheek. I gave a gasp, which escaped as a small moan.

"That's it? I'll be honest- I was hoping for a bit more of a reaction than that... let's give this a shot."

With one hand he reached down and pulled my belt from out of my pants. He folded it over, raised it above my head, and like a whip brought it down again.


The shock traveled through my body, and I gave out a yell.

"There. That's better."

He put the belt down, and placed his hands on my sore butt, letting his thumb rest squarely on top of my ass crack. He gently squeezed my cheek experimentally.

"I'll bet your mother never mentioned, May, but I'm actually inclined to go both ways. I brought it up a couple times, but she always shut it down in a hurry. Think of this as my reward."

His hands were exploring my skin, inching up under my shirt a few inches, down my bare thighs, and eventually down and around to where my dick was hanging between his knees- still hopefully invisible to May outside. He wrapped his hand around it firmly, and I started shaking my head in protest.

"Oh, you don't like that?" he teased. "I bet you will." He started to stroke it, and I looked at May in a panic. She was staring at what he was doing, and didn't even make an act of not watching. I began to pull again the cuffs to try to get off of his lap.

"Easy now. It's not as bad as all that," her stepfather purred, like talking down a horse. Being a male, he knew just how to touch me, and I quickly found myself completely hard.

"See that? Pain and pleasure. But none of them holds a candle to humiliation..."

He jarringly flipped me over onto my back, still in his lap. My erect penis hovered suspended over my stomach. May turned away.

"No May! Watch this," her stepfather commanded. I struggled more firmly, realizing he was going to have me cum in front of her. From my awkward position in his lap, I was looking right up at his face, looming large, grinning as he jacked me off faster and faster.

"Stop, no!" I yelled, "Not in front of her! Please stop!" He grinned wider.

"That's... let's see- that's seven!"

He flipped me over just as roughly, and while continuing to jack me off with his right hand, swatted my ass with his left. The swats were loud, and I tried not to yell in pain.

For a final time, he rolled me over in his lap, forcing me to lay like a bow arched over his knees, my dick sticking straight in the air as he continued to vigorously pump it. My balls retracted back up into me, and I knew I couldn't help but orgasm soon.

"This is it May! Keep watching!"

I had almost forgotten she was there. The pressure and pleasure kept building, until-

ohhhh man.

The release.

I shot my load into the air, some coming back to fall on me, and some spilling onto his hand. I lay there gasping, and he laughed.

"See May? That's all there is to it. Guys are easy."

May was blushing fiercely, shaking her head in apology. She was shivering, as well. She'd been tied outside in late November for the last 10 minutes.

"So now what do we do with you? Definitely can't let you go home- at least, not before I've made my getaway. Guess you gotta have a sleepover with pretty little May, here." He wiped my cum off his hands onto my belly, and stood up, causing me to tumble onto the ground. I couldn't catch myself, and landed on my shoulder. By the time I'd righted into a sitting position, he was down at my feet with his black bag, swapping around cuffs. He seemed to have a staggering supply and variety. He took out some matching pairs with about 8 inches of chain between them, and tucked them into his belt.

He drug me over, skidding on my bare ass, to May's chain that snaked through the kitchen. He fastened the other cuffs around it, so that I had one pair of cuffs going under the chain, and the longer pair going over. Once he had locked them to my ankles, it was evident that I was now secured to the chain in some manner as well. I could slide the loop of my cuffs along it, but short of unfastening the chain from May or the space under the stove (which I hadn't seen yet, but assumed to be pretty secure), I wasn't leaving.

He uncuffed my hands, and on an impulse I tried to take a swing at him, but he punched me in the belly. I coughed, hunched over.

"Don't do that," he said.

He pulled my arms around the chain, and locked them again, so the chain went through the loop of my arms, like I was hugging a snake.

He stood up then, leaving me on the floor, bound hand and foot, naked, and still covered in bits of cum.

"Oh wow. That's a beautiful sight. Alright. I hope you're comfortable, cause I'm hitting the sack. Have a big day tomorrow!"

I glared at him, and he laughed. He turned to talk out of the room, but stopped.

"OH! I almost forgot," He turned and went out to May. I was relieved. I'd almost been thinking he was going to try to leave her out there all night, but in this cold, she would freeze.

My relief was premature. He pulled out his knife again.

"It's no fair for Derek here to be the only one naked. He showed you his, now you show yours!"

He slid the knife into the waistband of what remained of her skimpy panties, and pulled. First one half, then the other. Her remaining dignity fell in tatters to the wooden deck, and she screeched into her gag, trying to turn away. Her stepfather held her firm, and ran his hands slowly over her belly, working his way down to her reddish pubes. He twisted them between his fingers contemplatively as she stood there frozen- both from cold and fear.

To say the sight before me wasn't as aesthetically pleasing as it was horrifying would be a lie. The shape of her legs connected to her torso just made so much sense unobstructed. It was anatomical perfection. The thought hit me of the absurdity of our stringent covering of these beautiful curves.

My thoughts were cut short by a grunt from May. Her stepfather had inserted a single finger into her vagina, and flicked. He leered, but didn't linger, lifting his knife a final time to slice away her remaining spaghetti strap top.

"There. That's more comfortable."

She, too, was now naked. Pale and shivering under his gaze. He gently took her fiercely duct-taped chin in his hand, and looked into her eyes.

"Goodnight, May. Make sure you kids don't stay up too late, now," and he kissed her on the forehead. He stepped back a few steps, once again admired his handiwork, and to my shock went back inside, closing the door behind him.

"See you in the morning, kiddo," he said down to me, and with that, he walked out the kitchen and down the hall.

Saphir 03-06-2013 04:53 PM

Real good writing here! ;3

TheFloss 03-09-2013 06:25 AM

SO! Bondage physics are a little hard to describe sometimes. I try not to get bogged down.


For a minute, neither of us moved. I strained my ears to hear if he was coming back. I was laying on my side with my back to May to preserve my modesty, but I knew eventually I'd have to roll over.

Once I became sure that her stepfather wasn't immediately coming back, I took stock of the situation. The chains and cuffs in front of me were heavy duty stuff. The chain could probably support the weight of a car, and I suspect my wrists would break before these cuffs would. I tried to slide down the chain silently, to get to where it was mounted under the stove, and was rewarded with a loud clinking sound. I wasn't sure if he'd be able to hear it from down the hall, but I was worried if he heard too much noise that he'd be back up in a flash.

I turned back momentarily to May, who was now shuddering openly. Her skin glowed in the illumination of the porch light- the only light available to us. She saw me looking, and hung her head in shame, shaking her head. In the cold, her nipples looked uncomfortably firm, and even from where I was laying I could see prominent goosebumps all up and down her flesh.

If she stayed out there all night, she would die of the cold, that was certain. If things got much worse, I would yell and wake up her stepfather- certainly he didn't actually intend for her to die, did he? He'd punish me again for speaking, but that's nothing compared to May freezing to death.

But on the other hand- what if he was planning on letting her freeze? What if that was his final act before skipping town? Ensuring his last responsibility was taken care of by "natural causes"? Suddenly I was a lot less certain that, if push came to shove, he would do the right thing.

Was there a phone in here? I saw a charger for a wireless, but no phone.

"THUMP! THUMP!" came from behind me. May had wrapped her hands around the chains of the cuffs, and was hanging off them and jumping, bringing her weight back down on the rope tying her to the trellis. While I tried not to notice, I was distracted by her breasts bouncing with every jump.

Realizing quickly that she just wasn't heavy enough to break the rope this way, she gave a frustrated scream into her gag, and started shaking, frantically tugging at her restraints, twisting her body back and forth.

I thought she had given up, but on another impulse, she grabbed the chains of the cuffs again, and hoisted herself up and began lifting her legs- until she noticed me staring. So as not to reveal herself to me entirely, she rotated 90 degrees, then tried the same maneuver, lifting her legs up and leaning back, so that she was actually inverted, like playing on the monkey bars. I could see her plan- if she could get her knees over the trellis above her, she would be able to pull herself up, and have easier access to the ropes securing her cuffs to the structure.

Unfortunately, she only got her legs two thirds of the way up before the chain went taught. It just wasn't long enough to let her climb up there.

The chain had caused her to spin slowly. She hadn't noticed because she was staring at the knots above her, but for a few moments, I had a view straight down her legs. Honestly, I couldn't see much- she'd never had much need to shave, so her pubes covered most everything- but I still felt a little shock that I had glimpsed something so sacred. She realized her position and quickly lowered her legs, staring at me.

"Sorry," I mouthed.

Suddenly I pieced together a plan. I could still slide around on the chain. If I were able to get over to her, maybe I could slide my hands up and unfasten her from the trellis? It may not solve much in the long run, but it would at least get her out of the freezing cold.

With my new plan in action, I set off across the floor towards May. I had to hold the chains of my ankle cuffs apart to keep them from too noisily clanking against May's chain (though from the noise she'd just made, it seemed aparent that her stepfather either was a deep sleeper, or just didn't care), causing me to slowly scoot on my butt across the kitchen toward the sliding door.

Upon reaching it, I rolled to lay on my stomach. Mostly I wanted a chance to wipe some of my cum off of my belly, but I also didn't want to fully expose myself to May if I didn't have to. It felt unfair, since she was obviously on display before me- but she also didn't have a choice in that. Would it be more gentlemanly to casually be exposing myself to her to make it all seem more natural, or would that be rude? I decided it would be rude. Not because I really believed it, but because I was still uncomfortable, and wanted to maintain my remaining dignity as long as possible.

Laying on the floor, I slowly inched the sliding glass door open. It made a loud grinding sound when I went too fast, so the whole process took several minutes. Could air was streaming over me, coming in from outside.

During that time, I avoided looking at May- but by not looking at her, I could only assume she was looking at me. Was she admiring my ass right now? If the positions were switched, I'd be admiring her ass. That thought, combined with my lying on my junk, caused me to start getting hard.

Fuck. I really didn't need an erection right now.

I had the door open, and looked up at her. She met my gaze.

"Hey- sorry about seeing you naked. But I have a plan. It's just gonna be a little awkward."

She nodded.

I continued to lay on the floor, willing my erection to go away. Eventually it did, somewhat, and I moved to the next stage of my plan. I flipped into a sitting position and slid out the door, sitting cross-legged at her feet. I knew she could see my half-stiff penis, but I couldn't do what I needed to do if I worried about that right now.

"I need you to step over my handcuffs, then I can bring them up behind you, and hopefully untie you from the trellis. Does that make sense?"

She thought about it, then nodded. She stepped over the chain of my cuffs.

I got into a crouch and slowly began to raise my hands with them now locked behind her legs. I kept my elbows out, trying not to brush skin with her if I could avoid it. It was easy at first- her legs were slender- but when I reached her butt, my forearms inadvertently grazed her cheeks.

"Sorry," I muttered. I looked up past her breasts to where she was looking down at me, and she shook her head that it was alright.

I turned again to face my work, and was rewarded with an eyefull of her crotch. I averted my gaze.

I raized my hands up further, past her hips, past her waist, until I was standing fully upright in front of her.

"Hi..." I said lamely. "I- do you want me to... I'll get you untied."

She nodded affirmatively, and I raised my hands up behind her. With a stunned realization I discovered that I couldn't reach the trellis. I was a bit taller than her, so I had assumed it would be no problem, but standing here now, I still had a good three inches to go.

"I can't reach it!" I whispered. A sudden plan sprung into my head.

"Can I touch you?" I asked. She grunted in confusion. "I mean- can I try to climb up you? Here..." I grabbed onto her shoulders from behind. "I think if I jump up, I can wrap my legs around you, and maybe get a few more inches.

She glanced down for a moment, and I did as well. Our genitals were only inches apart. Seeing our two naked bodies (mine still embarrassingly flaked with a few bits of dried cum) so close immediately caused me to start regaining my erection.

"Oh fuck- sorry- I-" I stepped backwards, trying to move my raising dick away from her, but I couldn't go back far enough, and I felt it brushing into her crotch.

May, trying to ignore it, nodded, and glanced up at the trellis, indicating I should go through with my plan.

"Alright. I- yeah and sorry about the, you know," I stuttered before hefting myself up. Supporting myself with my hands on her shoulders, I was able to wrap my legs around her waist, twisting my feet around her legs for extra grip. My erect penis was pressed firmly between our bellies, and I could feel her firm nipples pressing like ice cubes into my chest. I looked into her eyes, now inches from my own.

Her skin was cold- frighteningly cold. I was glad I hadn't held off on putting this plan into action.

"This is without a doubt the most awkward thing I've ever experiened," I said. She nodded in agreement.

Gripping her butt tightly with my legs, I released my hands from her shoulders and reached up. The added height did indeed help, and I was able to reach one of the knots.

"I got it!"

Still though, it wasn't easy. She had to support my weight for a good couple minutes before I had worked it loose.

I dropped down from her waist. She tugged on the cuffs, and to my relief the rope unspooled over the beam. I pulled my hands down over the top of her, and she lowered hers to immediately cover her breasts. I backed up a bit.

"Hey it worked," I said, and she gave a muffled laugh, then shuddered.

"Come on- let's get you inside."

We backed up, both of us still fastened to the chain via our feet. I closed the door silently behind us, and turned around to see her huddled up in the corner, knees tucked tight against her chest. She was shivering violently.

"Look... I'm not trying to make a move, I swear- but can I help you get warmed up?"

She looked at me thoughtfully, then slowly nodded. I sat down next to her, and slowly pressed up to her side, once again feeling her cold skin and goosebumps against mine. On an impulse, I raised my cuffed hands over her head, so that my arms were draped around her shoulders. It seemed like the most efficient way to get her warm.

We sat there like that for a few minutes, her chills all-too gradually subsiding.

A few minutes after that, her head slowly lowered to rest against my own.

And a few minutes after that, she was asleep.

TheFloss 03-09-2013 06:06 PM

Damn! I broke bondage physics! There's no way he could wrap his legs around her like that. Ahhhhhhh well.

Vodin30 03-09-2013 06:26 PM

It's ok, the physics gods will forgive you. Besides it made for a nice image in my minded as I read it.

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