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zeddicus 12-27-2009 06:26 AM

Jonas Goes US
Well here I am again.
I started with a new story again I don't really know if I will continue at the other two story's I have, but I just feel I blocked myself in them meaning there is only one way to go ahead and I would like to have some more possibility 's when writing my next chapter.
so therefore this new story, hope you like it, it starts rather slow.

Chapter 1

The story tells about a certain peace in Jonas Vanderstraeten ’s life.
Jonas is a normal guy at the age of 19.
He himself thinks he just average, but most girls adore his looks.
He has a slim long face covered in half long brown hair, and if he used his brown eyes on a certain way, girls just melted away, but most of the time his left bad eye was covered by his hair. His body wasn’t bad either he was about 1m75 and had created strong arms from rock-climbing all the time. He was good looking but unfortunately he was very unsure of himself and you could sometimes even see it..
Anyway lets start on the story ,will we.

It all started about 1 year ago, when he just became 18, his mom and dad had agreed that he could go study in the united states, something he dreamed about it from his 15, when one of the most pretty girls in the school moved to the US because her dad had found some job there.
He knew he would never find her when he was about 17 but he still wanted to go study in the US and now that he was 18 his parents allowed him.
They even found him a school with a dorm that they could afford, don’t understand me wrong it wasn’t the cheapest place after all his parents wanted the best for him, but they could not pay Oxford or anything like it.
And just because of the fact that they had not chosen for the cheapest, there was a downfall.
The downfall was that he was put in a program witch obligated him to help work chores on the entire campus, this on each Saturday from 8am till 4pm and a break for lunch of course, but he didn’t mind, he was used to having a weekend job working on Sundays, so what would be the difference.
His parents obviously knew he wouldn’t mind so they already had taken care off almost everything. The only thing he had to do was pack up and that was no biggie.

When he arrived in the US, he got this small room with no roommate, another foreign that never arrived. It was one closest to the concierge, but it was quite a walk to the school itself.
But again he didn’t mind, at first he did, but now he new like several ways to shorten the way.
He knew like a thousand shortcuts, just because he helped on Saturday’s.
Thomas, the concierge, was very pleased with Jonas, so he learned him everything he knew, from changing a locker lock to fixing the central heat.
And Jonas, being a quick study, could now do most of it alone.
It was just when he became 19 that Thomas had road accident and after a few weeks in the hospital he died, the campus informed Jonas and asked him, since he was the best help Thomas had, if he could take over Thomas job for the time being.
And being a good boy Jonas said yes, in the beginning he had searched how to combine this the best with school, but with a few people that were in the same program as him he managed to plan all chores on Saturday, school helped out by renting a cleaning firm that would clean the buildings, something Thomas did during the week.
But Saturday work had its advantages too.
Being the new concierge gave him the freedom to be anywhere at the campus at any given time as long as he had a good reason like fixing the lights for example, plus he had all keys off all buildings and rooms.
Another advantage was the fact that the oldest buildings needed the most attention, and at this campus, the female students resident in those old buildings.
With old building I don’t mean they were about to collapse, just that they were a little older and sometimes there was a water leak or a fuse popping.
So most of the Saturdays he worked was fixing the girls dorm, and I can assure you, not all girls go home at weekend, so it sometimes happened that some half naked girl was walking true the alley not knowing there was going to be a guy changing a light bulb, it gives some funny faces.
It was like this, he first met Kelly, a beautiful 18year old women, at first he had looked at Kelly as an object for his lust, and if you would see Kelly you would not disagree with him.
Kelly was about 1m65 but she had a real slim figure making her look a little taller than she really was, she had a small c-cup and was proud to show them, and her face is like a face of an angel. I mean, have you ever seen a girl where you have a hard time not to stroke her cheeks because they look just to damn adorable, well she just had that look not to mention here always good looking brown hair that just passed her shoulders.
So knowing how she looks, I think, gave him the right to look at her as a lust object.
But when he started dating her there was always something in the way, to be honest he was just to unsure of himself and she wanted to tell him something but she didn’t know how.
So after a lot of dates they had grown into close friend, and as time advanced he felt sure and so did she, so she told him the biggest secret she had, hoping not to scare him away, but she felt like she had to tell him the truth.
She was a lesbian, she didn’t had any experience with girls yet but she was very sure guys were not what she wanted.
At first Jonas got disappointed, but then he realized he could have never been her lover, meaning he needed to go home someday, and a quick fuck would have been nice but that would break Kelly’s hart and being close friends he didn’t want to do that either, so there was noting to be disappointed about and everything just keeps the same for him.
So he accepted her once again as she was and in return Kelly rewarded him with something he would have never imagined.
She started a lot of rumors, rumors saying Jonas would be an ultimate lover and that he really knew how to satisfy a women.
But he didn’t or that is at least what he thought but she comforted him telling it wasn’t that hard of a deal and that he just needed to know where to touch a lady to satisfy her.
But yet again he said he didn’t know so she said she would arrange something for him.

ps. if anybody wants to calculate their heights in feet, so I can put both.
pss. If you see grammar mistakes or bad conjuncted verbs plz tell me so I can edit them, I'm dutch so There can be a few mistakes, checked most of it though

zeddicus 12-28-2009 09:43 AM

Chaper 2

I guess the real story comes now, it’s the day after Kelly spread rumors and promised to arrange something to fix it all. Oh guessing I didn’t explain about his school friends yet.
Despair Jonas’ good looks, he doesn’t hang around with the cool guys of the school, he is just to unsure so he usually avoids contact.
And it seams logic for someone that is unsure to avoid contact with the cool people but Jonas, well Jonas just avoids contact with anybody. Just to afraid that he will fuck up the first impression that, he thought, means it all. Well lets just say Jonas is one of this asocial people, who likes to watch movies or play online videogames on a Friday evening.
The only people, that he knew at school, except from Kelly, were the teachers and 2 other foreign students that were in the same program as him.
So you could say he is pretty much a dork with damn good looks, no wonder he became best friends with a lesbian to afraid to out herself.
Anyway, his two other and only friends are Nicolla, from France, and Ulrich, from Germany.
Now Jonas himself was from Belgium, they must put the Europeans together I guess, and so he had learned the 3official languages of his country, meaning French, Dutch and German although German wasn’t really necessary he wanted to know all 3. Nowadays they have changed German by English at school so he took extra lessons to study German.
And now it came in handy when he was in contact with either Ulrich or Nicolla although he most off the time spoke English to Nicolla cause he really wanted to work on his accent.
But neither of them was in his first class of the day so he was alone as he mostly was at school.
He was going for his first lesson of the day and as he was moving several looks were now directed on him, but he did not notice.
You know how a women always notice when a man is checking here, even when she has her back to him, little info They have found many was to check out guys without them ever finding out they were just checked So each time Jonas looked up, there was no change with what he would normally see.
But rumors travel faster then you or me could ever run, so he barely made it to the classroom door as the first girl addressed him.
‘Are you Jonas?’ A blond cutie asked.
‘Yes I ‘m.’ , Jonas answer with a slight smile on his face, he knows it must be the rumors.
Jonas turned around and the blond is dazzled by his Jonas’ good looks.
She remained silent, Jonas was starting to think he fucked his first impression witch he obviously did not and started talking before the girl had time for her explanation: ‘so what can I help you with.’
‘How do you know? How you know I need your help?’, the girl is obviously blond and she really didn’t understand.
‘Well you know my name but you don’t know me in person, then you must have heard something about me you think I can help you with.’, thinking he shouldn’t have said that.
‘True,… well they are saying your just a math wonder and I m failing cause I don’t understand any of it, so I was wondering if you could help me with it.’
‘Who are they.’, he knew she was here about another rumor, but if she was telling the truth she could answer this fast.
‘Well let’s just say Matt stole the math teachers pointbook once and it was all straight A on your side.’ Not really the aswer he hoped for but it could have been correct he never scored lower then A on math..
‘Well ok why not, I’m not sure whether I ‘m a good teacher or not.’
‘So, how ‘bout tomorrow evening at my place.’
He didn’t really know what to answer, if ths was about the rumor and not about the math, then he was simply not prepared: ‘how bout at lunch, building 24 heating system is broken and I was planning on doing it tonight and probably tomorrow to.’
‘Oh right forgot you were in that program, but I thought is was only at Saturday.’
‘It was, but ever since Thomas died, it expanded a little, can’t have people freezing during lessons can I.’
‘ah He died, I thought I didn’t saw him much lately.’ She didn’t even knew when.
‘So I guess I’ll see you at lunch.’, the teacher just arrived and the bell made her annoying sound.
‘yeah ok I guess.’ He could see that she was a little disappointed, but he was happy he didn’t blew his first impression, witch he never did though he just always thinks he will.

zeddicus 01-02-2010 04:37 AM

Chapter 3

Kelly was a little more lucky then Jonas, her lesson started an hour later so she was still preparing while Jonas tried to understand the teachers words.
She was almost done when somebody knocked at the door.
‘Its me Natasha’ sounded at the other end of the door.
It was Tuesday, so the first lesson was math witch Natasha followed and thus they always went together.
‘Come in, the door is unlocked.’ Kelly was taking the last few items she needed for classes.
The door opened and as usual Kelly had a hard time not to show Natasha that she wanted to rip her clothes of.
Natasha was like 1m67, a little taller then her, she always dressed in a skirt and now that it was summer she was wearing miniskirts, something that showed her great long legs.
Her long brown hair was covering her back, she must take hours brushing it each morning considering she mostly wear it loose, and this is not a bad thing.
There are this girls that always wear loose hair and you can see its full of knots, well even though the length of Natasha’s hair, it was always nice flat brushed covering her back.
‘What are you looking at, do I have something on my face?’
Even when she was worrying, Kelly thought she had a cute face: ‘No sorry I was just focusing, I think I’m forgetting something.’
‘What do you think of my new shirt?’, Natasha asked totally changing the subject.
The colored black, red shirt was obviously a size small and made here breast look nice firm.
Kelly had already seed Natasha naked in the showers she indeed had the nice firm, lovely round shaped b-cup, the kind of breast she dreamed of ever since she saw them.
‘Nice shirt, where did you got it?’
‘Not far from that hairdresser I go, there is that small shop, never did that shop cause its mostly Goth stuff they sell but you know my stepsister came over, well she a Goth and all and we were shopping Saturday so I went in with her and there it was this nice shirt.’
‘I like it, bought anything more?’
‘Well these Goth clothes are not really my style, so no I didn’t but I did see these glorious skirts I want to buy not to mention the shoes I saw.’
It went silent when Kelly stuffed away the last book and she was ready to go :’Ok, lets go’
‘Yeah, by the way did you heard that last rumor?’
‘What’s that.’
‘You know that guy you always hang around is he really that good in bed?’
‘WHAT?, did the rumors say I slept with him?’
‘Well no, they say that the handy man of school is one of the greatest lovers there is, and since you always hang around with him I just thought, you and him,… Well you know.’
‘No we didn’t, so no I don’t know .’,Kelly was thinking whether this was a lie or not, she didn’t had sex with Jonas although he told her he wasn’t such a great lover, but then again how would he know.
‘Well at least someone must have had a great time with him.’
‘ I guess.’, Now this was a lie.
‘Anyway, I bet you score lower then I on that Math task of yesterday.’
‘You bet me, bet me on with what.’, Now there is a bet she could win, Jonas did the task with her, she was looking at a A for that task
‘Well If you score lower, you have to use a few moves on Jonas, just see whether the rumors are true.’
‘What, me and Jonas no way.’
‘Knew you were going to score lower then me.’
‘No way, ok if I score lower then you I let him go foreplay on me, but if you loose you have to do him.’
‘And how is that going to happen I don’t even know Jonas, but no worries I guess, I always score higher then your C’s.’
The bell sounded, for many the first class ended and the second began, for others like Kelly and Natasha the first class was about to begin.

zeddicus 01-03-2010 05:21 AM

Chapter 4

All students took their places while the teacher made his entry.
‘Good morning everyone.’
‘Good morning, sir.’, they all said together.
‘Lets see, where to start today?’, he opened his books, ‘ ah there we go, but first I got those task checked you all made yesterday.’
He started giving everybody's task back: ‘good job, I'm impressed.’ He said while Kelly took her task in hands, A+ like she expected.
Natasha also was convinced she had won the bet, she had an A- witch is better then all of the C’s Kelly used to have. She smiled Kelly's way, waving the task, then finally Kelly looked up and at first it was a gloomy look, Natasha had won, she did it but then she saw the task Kelly held up and she could clearly see the A+.
Her winning feeling faded away rather quickly, she had lost, Natasha was a bad loser and would do about anything to dare you in a new game just to win this time.
But she always held word so now she had to fuck that Jonas guy she didn’t even knew.
Kelly on the other end was happy that she solved the whole rumor thingy, she would simply let Jonas learn on Natasha, although she had to tell Natasha that she was the reason the rumors about Jonas exited.
The teacher, who was now deep into his subject, kept going and because of the explanation Jonas gave last time for once Kelly could follow the man and so the lesson quickly came to end.
Back on the hallway Natasha started the conversation.
‘What the fuck how did you get a score that high, its not normal for you.’, Natasha was searching for a cheat here.
‘Jonas helped me with it, he seams to be a math wonder, you know I would not take a bet on something I know I’m going to loose.’
‘Yeah, thought it was strange, just thought you might want to let Jonas go foreplay on you.’
‘What about you? You want to or are you going to chicken out?’
‘Well I don’t mind, I mean he is a damn good looking guy and maybe he is as good as they say. I just don’t know how to get him under my sheets, I mean the guy lives here for one and a half year and all he knows is you, How dorky is that? He probably runs away when I speak to him.’
Natasha was somewhat correct, I mean she did hang around with the cool people of the school, so if she went to talk to Jonas he would figure there is some prank going on and he would automatically pull back.
‘True, how if I help you?’
‘What's the catch.’
Kelly started smiling : 'well catch is, the rumors aren’t true, and I will only succeed in getting him in my room, meaning I will be there as well.’
‘How you know rumors aren't true this time.’
‘Cause I kinda made them up help Jonas find a girl or at least some sex.’
‘so you pity the boy? How did you published the rumors without getting yourself involved in the rumors?’, rumors usually begins with the name of the person that started it and this one didn't.
‘You know Cathy?’
‘Yeah, but you can not have told her, then everybody would think you slept with him.’
‘No I didn't tell her but her locker is next to that of Jonas, and well I typed a letter addressed to Jonas saying that last night was the best night a girl could ever have, and how he knew about all her sensual places an exc. Then I dropped the note in to Cathy locker, making her think that girl just missed one locker.’
‘Brilliant, knowing Cathy the entire school will know by the end of the day.’
‘True, although Jonas wasn't so happy with the news.’, Kelly pulled some puppy eyes.
‘Why not this is like every guy's wet dream no?’, Natasha really didn’t understand, but then again she didn't know Jonas at all.
‘Well he said he didn't know all that shit, that he didn't know how to please a girl, and he only had like 3 girls and only 2 not so great experience.’
‘You saying he doesn't dare because of two not so great experience, what a pussy, well I hope he listen well so I could at least learn him something doing my bet.’
Kelly knew Natasha was going to say that, Natasha's mother was a sexology advisor and had therapy with couples who didn't have a sex life anymore so Natasha would stand open to this kinda thing.

AcexXxAttack 01-03-2010 07:13 AM

kool, i like it, can't wait for next post!

zeddicus 01-08-2010 04:37 PM

I know it is all starting very slow, but somehow i just start writing and before I know I got a page of what I like to call filler.
I was wondering whether to post it but I believe that I have much more possibilities this way.
Anyway because of the fact nothing much happens I give you 2 chapters.

Chapter 5

Mean time, Jonas’ lessons have come to an end.
Still unaware of the plans made by the girls, Jonas is going for lunch, lunch at witch he promised to help a cute blonde with her help, he just did not know where to meet her.
But not knowing where to meet wasn’t really Jonas’ biggest worry, no he didn’t catch her name last time. And to be honest he couldn’t have caught her name cause she never told but even so Jonas felt like he should know, he just started to hope she wouldn’t come to his table.
When he arrived at the dining place, the row of people wasn’t that long witch meant that he would have lunch pretty fast. Since he was at school 7/7, school provides breakfast and one warm meal at lunch time and because he skipped breakfast, Jonas was hungry.
While waiting for some people to make their decisions about what to eat, Jonas took a look at the Menu.
- chicken, salad and French Fries
- Meatballs in tomato’s and French Fries
- Salad
Jonas got irritated again, each time when there were fries on the menu it was, as now, called French fries.
Now you see Jonas is from Belgium, and if there is one thing that Belgium is famous about,… …ok you can say chocolate and stuff but Belgium Fries are the best.
Because of these Jonas made a difference, Belgium Fries are all fries that are thick fat ones and French Fries would be the smaller sticks, like the ones they give you in fast-food-chains.
But here on this school they usually gave Belgium Fries and call ‘m French fries anyway witch irritated Jonas.
He always wanted to take a black marker and change French into Belgium but he convinced himself that the day that he would do it, would be the day that they really serve French Fries and so he was able to calm himself again.
‘Hey, what you gonna take.’, the cute blonde suddenly asked behind his back.
Dazzled by the fact that she was there and still calming himself down over the fries issue he combined it in to answer: ‘Meatballs with Belgium Fries.’
‘Menu says French Fries.’
‘I know, it says that each time, but they serve Belgium ones instead, anyway where are you seated.’
‘Over there, you mind Sofy joining us? she doesn’t really scores high on math either.’
She was pointing to a table where only a single girl sat.
‘Yeah no problem, I guess.’
‘Do you join us for lunch or you come after your done eating.’
‘I will come as soon as I have my lunch.’
‘Then tell what you want, I don’t got all day.’, the guy who was handing out the food interrupted them.
‘The meatballs.’
‘Meatballs and French fries it is.’ The guy took a plate and started putting meatballs on to it.
‘You mean Belgium Fries.’, Jonas could not calm himself this time.
‘Eu only have French Fries dude, can’t help ya.’, the guy looked like one of the stoned people of the school probably got caught and punished to hand out lunch.
‘I ‘m not having this discussion again, just give me what you think are the French Fries.’, Jonas really needed to get over his stupid fries issue.
‘Whatever dude.’
Jonas took his plate and went to the table where both girls sat.
On the way there, he bumped up to some jerks, who thought they were cool.
‘Oh, your one of those concierge helps, there is a mess over here please clean it up.’, one of them said.
Jonas looked up, it was Sam, he didn’t knew the boy well but Jonas did know that Sam’s uncle was in the cleaning crew the school hired.
‘We have a cleaning firm for stuff like that, why don’t you ask you uncle, if I’m not mistaken I believe he has the afternoon shift.’
Sam mount was shut and so it remained cause he had no answer to Jonas’ fast comeback.
Jonas continued his walk and finally arrived at the girls table.

Chapter 6

As he finished his lunch, in witch he finally discovered that the blond cutie was named Cathy, he knew it was time to test the girls motives.
Where they both here about the rumors or was it really math course they needed?
‘So where is the problem in Math, what part is it that blocks your progress?’ he asked?
‘Well its that part where they start to use equations into asymmetry.’ , It was Cathy who answered his question and Jonas failed to see whether she was making this up.
‘Yeah me to, It’s a pain in the ass part if you ask me.’, Sofy tagged along.
‘Ok, lets see.’ He opened his books and started looking for the right page.
When he found it he started to ask out to see where the girls got stuck, seeing how math is one logic fact after another, question is witch fact you don’t understand.
He helped the girls out and after a while he started thinking they didn’t knew anything about the rumors at all, they really needed his explanation for not failing on math.
‘Really thanks Jonas, it’s so obvious now, how come I didn’t see it earlier, I mean the teach explained it like 5 times but I didn’t understand.’ , for the third time Cathy thanked Jonas.
‘Teach said there will be a task tomorrow, you mind helping us, don’t understand me wrong I think I get it but, just to check on mistakes we might make?’ ,Sofy suddenly ask.
‘Think I can make some spare time, but I need to check a few things, I mean I fixed this other heater of pool area and I think it’s completely fixed but I want to be sure and there are a few other things like that.’, this is what Jonas does if he gets an invitation he mumbles it away.
‘You work to much.’ Cathy noticed, probably cause he lied about the evening to come.
‘It have certain privileges.’
‘Name one.’ Sofy jumped in offence.
‘Just one I know a few but here goes one, how about it if you would have a key to every building, classroom, bedroom or whatever needs a key in this school.’
‘No way.’ Both Cathy and Sofy didn’t believe him.
Jonas opened the front of his bag and revealed a chain with keys, he pulled them out and started counting them.
’38 most of them fits on multiple doors, or this 2 for example I don’t know why I will ever need them, but this 2 opens all the lockers in the whole damn campus.’
‘O my got, you got a key for my room?, figured Cathy.
‘Eu yes but I never use the dorm keys unless needed.’
‘So you can enter all bedrooms, where is our privacy?’ Sofy now felt somehow violated.
‘Do you honestly believe that the school would give all keys to somebody they can’t trust or now that you had a brief chance to get to know me, do you believe that I would start breaking into everybody’s room cause whether I have the key or not going in uninvited is still breaking in.’
‘Yeah sorry still, I don’t see why you need all keys.’
‘Imagine, thanksgiving you re home with family and suddenly a water pipe somewhere breaks, I can figure it out seeing the pressure meters but finding out witch room it is if most of you are gone is hard without a keys if you are there somebody just yells but… you see.’
‘It’s ok ‘, Cathy wasn’t really interested, ‘ here is my number call me if you checked your things and know if you can help us tomorrow eve.’
‘Ok’ He took the paper she handed.
‘We ‘re off bye, hopefully till tomorrow.’ Cathy said that last part barely understandable but Jonas heard it clear.
‘Bye, see ya’, Sofie took off and followed Cathy.
Jonas was content and pleased with himself for once, he didn’t blew it and he got the cute blonde, Cathy’s number.
He took his cell phone to save the number, cause he knew he was going to loose the paper otherwise.
And as he had his cell phone, he saw he had a message:

Hey Jona, got something 2 tell you, 2 complicated 2 tell over phone meet me
after school in the garden of your building, answer me plz I don’t wanna wait 4 nothing.

Only kelly used Jona, she thought is sounded funny.
Jonas answered that he would meet her after school, and took off to the next classroom where Biology was about to begin.

will9022 01-10-2010 08:11 PM

this story is really good because it is really original, one of a kind!
but spelling and grammar needs to be checked, but i understand that it may be off because your Dutch, but is still readable and i can make out what your saying perfectly fine so it doesnt make that much of a problem.
please continue!!

zeddicus 01-11-2010 04:42 AM

Allmost starting lol
will9022 thanks for letting me know
I try to check spelling and grammar but as you say I'm dutch so I don't see it all.
If you find one that really annoys ya then jut tell me.
I won't mind learning

Chapter 7

School was finished soon enough and Jonas didn’t encounter much trouble, there were a few girls who checked him out but he didn’t noticed.
He went to dorm garden where he agreed to meet Kelly.
Went he arrived Kelly wasn’t there, so he sat down on a bench trying to enjoy nature a little.
He wondered what kind of solution Kelly would have for the rumors she spread, although he did kind of enjoyed the attention of the lady’s he gave math course this noon, but still he kind of hoped he could go back under the radar.

‘Hey… So ‘bout that bet from this morning you ok with it?’, Kelly first went to search out Natasha before meeting Jonas and she finally found her.
‘Yeah sure, always wanted to learn a virgin stud.’, a positive answer from Natasha.
‘I’m not sure he is a virgin, you think you could learn him how to touch women on the right spots.’
‘Maybe, depends on him, you know its different for each girl, ok most spots stay the same but some girls really have some crazy spots.’ ,Natasha thought she sounded at her mother when she said that sentence.
‘Lets try anyway you lost so when do we do it?’
‘Pick a day, to night, tomorrow night , oh Thursday and Friday I can’t, Long weekend and I go home Thursday eve, but next week should be ok swell, only deal ’ Natasha was really into it, it make her feel proud to step into her mothers shoes, or at least her job, the job she also wanted.
‘Ok I will check with Jonas, you can come if you want.’ ,Kelly invited Natasha, ‘he is in his dorm garden.’
‘Ok, let me just tell those guys, I wasn’t interested in the football game anyway thanks for the save.’, Natasha Pointed over to some guys, who all played in the football team of the school.
It took Kelly another moment before she realized that Natasha usually hangs around the cool people of school.
‘Ok take your time? I send a message to Jonas.’ , she went to stand a side and took her phone:

Hey Jona ,will be there in a second, Natasha is joining me, hang on.

Jonas had just read the message, typical he thought, He had his laptop on his knees and was going true his homework.
Who is Natasha? The question kept interrupting his homework and so he closed his laptop and started staring to see their arrival.
It took them about 10min since he got the message, but there they were.
Jonas first saw Kelly, she came around a distant corner, then next to Kelly Jonas saw Natasha.
The first thing Jonas noticed was how elegant Natasha’s long legs could step, the next was her smooth brown long hair.
But Jonas felt he didn’t had the time to check her out and he pulled himself back to reality.
The girls arrived.
‘Heyla how was your day?’, It was kelly who broke the ice.
‘I think you rumor works, or it could be my math skills but I believe its all rumors.’, He tried to say it funny and it did work on Kelly, she laughed a little but Natasha kept serious so he felt like being serious as well, ‘ So you are Natasha, Nice to meet ya.’
Natasha was checking him out, not looking at his face even Jonas could see it and he started to feel embarrassed.
‘Not bad, nice to meet you to.’, she finally looked up and saw Jonas eyes.
It went silent for a second, now it was Natasha ho had to pull herself back to reality, but Kelly avoided Jonas, who missed it because.
‘So, about the rumor I spread, well eu, I betted with Natasha and well she lost the bet and now she will learn you, if you want off course.’
‘What? You gotta be kidding me, this another prank or something.’, Jonas felt like he was pushed of a cliff or something.
‘No, it’s true, you even helped Kelly win.’, Natasha caught him from his fall.
‘What how.’, Jonas was still a bit drowsy from his psychological fall.
Kelly and Natasha started to explain.
And Natasha now got to know Jonas and saw how insure he really was, so she thought of giving him a push in the right direction, She looked him in the eyes and said : ‘But now seeing you I’m starting to wonder whether I’ve won or lost the bet.’
Jonas felt how she tried to make him relax but it didn’t really help.
Yet he felt like this was an opportunity he could not miss.
‘Ok, lets do it then, when and where.’
‘Tonight at my room?’ Kelly said.
‘What tonight? Already?’ Jonas was shocked of the speed things took.
‘Yeah, did you plan something?’ It was Natasha who replied his answers.
‘well eu no not really I thought on fixing the heaters of building 3.’
‘You know how you twitch your right eye when you lie.’ Kelly whispered in his ear.
‘What time?’, Jonas avoided and so admitted to his lie as well.
‘At eight o Clock?’
‘ok for me’ Natasha agreed.
‘ok I guess.’ Jonas seconded.

zeddicus 01-16-2010 11:53 AM

Finally something happens lol not to much though but its starting.

greets zeddi

Chapter 8

The few hour that rested were finished, it was eight and he was making his way to Kelly’s room. After that shower, it had taken Jonas quite some time to decide what to wear.
He would have never imagined that he would have a sex date with one of the most popular girls in the school and because of it he was nervous.
He knocked on Kelly’s door.
‘Hey come in.’ Kelly had opened the door.
Natasha was laying on the bed, she was wearing a bathing wrap, a black one with pink clouds, it made him think of an anime soap, but he liked it.
Behind the bed he could clearly see her cloths, or at least he saw a T-shirt and some pants.
Kelly closed the door behind him.
‘Hey, for a moment there, I thought you were going to skip my lessons, it ‘s 10min after now.’
‘Yeah sorry, time flew.’, while he said it
‘Calm down, Lesson one, you are not going to satisfy anybody if you are that nervous.’, Natasha tried calming him.
‘Sorry can’t really help it somehow I keep being nervous, I mean it not like the most normal thing to go and learn more about sex while doing it with someone you hardly know.
‘You know me.’, Kelly spoke.
‘But I won’t be doing you.’, Jonas answered.
‘Ok, I get your point’ , apparently Natasha had a solution, ‘how ‘bout a game of Truth or Dare, it usually calms people down and you get to know me.’
Jonas was thinking what to say but kelly was faster: ‘yes lets do the game it will loosen us up’
Kelly suddenly went to the closet and took a bottle of vodka.
‘Nice still, have that bottle.’, Jonas gave it to here, last time when he got back from home.
‘Didn’t had a nice opportunity to open it.’
‘Well you pick a splendid time.’ ,Natasha grabbed the bottle out Kelly’s and took a draught from it, Jonas took the bottle after and passed it back to Kelly.
‘Well, let us start. Kelly Truth or Dare.’, Natasha was eager to start.
‘Truth lets start easy.’
‘Have you ever had any hot kinky fantasy’s about Jonas?’
Jonas would have expected the answer to be no since Kelly is lesbian But instead Kelly answered: ‘Yes I have.’
Jonas started wondering how Kelly fantasy about him would go, but he didn’t got much time.
‘Truth or Dare.’ Kelly said in his direction.
‘Truth I say.’
‘How many girls have you made love to, I mean had sex with.’
‘Three, and then once but it wasn’t really sex so 3.’
‘Once? What you mean?’ , Kelly didn’t understand them.
‘Well when we were young, I knew this girl and she was curious so was I, and we tried.
We were 12 and I didn’t want to hurt her so when I entered the first time she said it hurts so I stopped right after.’
‘Ah yeah doesn’t really count, I pick dare.’ Natasha assumed it was her time to pick.
Jonas thought for a sec: ‘ I dare you to leave that bathing wrap open the rest of the game.’
‘Oh you naughty boy.’ Natasha clearly enjoyed the dare, while she sexually opened the knot of her bating wrap.
When it opened Jonas say black underwear, The kind of underwear women wears when seducing someone, the like the bra was only a half cups, leaving the breast naked, from just above the nipples, true a border of lace.
The panty she was wearing was the same border of lace around her hips witch made it a nice ensemble.
‘If you were not that nervous I prolly would not be wearing any thing now so why would I bother, anyway what do you choose Jonas.’
‘eu dare I guess.’ Still a little nervous.
‘How ‘bout you undress completely till the end of the game.’
Jonas saw it coming but somehow he kind of wanted it, its like she said if he wasn’t that nervous he would have been naked already himself so.
So he undressed without answering the dare.
‘Ok didn’t expect you to do it this fast.’ , Natasha said inspecting him.
‘Kelly truth or dare.’ Jonas tried to avoid any other comment.
‘Truth.’ Kelly played save.
‘If I would dare you to lick a girls pussy for 15min, would you?’, Jonas already knew the answer, but he wondered how Natasha would react.
‘Yes I would.’ Kelly looked at Jonas and saw Jonas true intention for asking that question, Natasha didn’t really react on it, like it was normal.
‘Truth or dare sis.’ Kelly asked.
‘Dare me babe.’ Natasha said.
‘I dare you, to make Jonas hard within 15min without touching him.’
‘What if it takes longer?’
‘Then I will have to punish you I guess.’
‘ok I ll try.’, She said throwing off the bathing wrap.

zeddicus 01-17-2010 06:45 AM

Chapter 9

‘You know, actually 15min is a long time, I can easily tease you for 5 min then, if it doesn’t work, take off what I still wear, and if that doesn’t work well, lets just say I like some fingers down there. Nothing wrong with masturbating I ‘d say. ‘ ,while Natasha said her plan, she was trying to get as sexy as she possibly could.
She went to a different position starting to lick her fingers then she stretched her body letting her finger stroke her body while missing her breast in between of them going down.
When her finger touched her panty it went inside stroking her lips soft and easy.
‘Common Jonas you at least have to show us.’, Natasha had taken a look and saw Jonas was trying to hide his semi hard one.
‘Yeah I guess the girl likes to stop in time.’ , Kelly now looked up, she to was getting hot seeing Natasha tease Jonas. ,she wanted it to see more, ‘5min are up btw, and he is not fully hard’
‘what already?’ ,she moved around and sat on the bed on her knees directed straight to Jonas , ‘This will do it, open your legs, you will get hard now, don’t resist.’ With a sexy tone.
She undid her bra and as she did Jonas saw her firm tits for the first time.
He was getting exciting faster than he had imaged cause to Jonas definition of perfect breast, was now right in front of him.’
Jonas was getting harder by the second, Natasha saw it and knew she could easily stop and just wait for it, but for some reason Natasha saw that Kelly was focused on her as well.
And true it was, Kelly didn’t had any interest on seeing Jonas getting hard, she wanted to see Natasha tease someone, but she didn’t thought Natasha would figure out.
Natasha was going to stroke herself with a full hand down her panty’s, but changed her tactics knowing the new gained info.
‘You know what guys like?’ Natasha said while she had stood up and walked over to Kelly.
‘Nnnn…’, all Kelly wanted to say was no but for she could say it Natasha’s lips were touching hers.
Not knowing what to do Kelly gave in and answers the kiss by letting Natasha’s tongue enter her mount and started stroking with hers.
While kissing, Natasha moved one hand on Kelly’s leg stroking it so she would open both legs, it worked, Kelly opened her legs and revealed a small wet spot true her pants.
When Natasha saw it she stopped the kiss.
‘Well dare over he is hard, now that wasn’t so hard, guess for you it hard, hihi.’, Natasha giggled, but not because of her wordplay but because she now was sure Kelly got hot on Girls.
‘funny joke, but true, guess You liked our little kiss.’, Kelly said still dwelling in a sub reality.
‘Yeah, honestly it was damn horny, and no offence but nah…’, Jonas wanted to compliment her boobs but thought it was a bad idée.
‘What?’, Natasha asked.
‘No, nothing who’s turn is it?’, Jonas asked.
‘Well I ‘m guessing mine since I did the last dare, but lets change the rounds?’
‘Rounds? How?’ , Kelly didn’t notice how each one had the chance on T or D the other two once.
After Natasha explained round 1she started to explain round two: ‘well this was round one, In round 2 I Truth or dare you two, Kelly will ask us me and Jonas and Jonas will me and Kelly.
If the truth is chosen you have the chose to asked question to both or 2 Questions 1 to each.
If dare is chosen you will have to search a dare the couple need to do together.
I guess one round more should do the trick to relax Jonas just enough.’
‘I ‘m already relaxed, but ok for me.’ Jonas said.
‘If you two start all I can do is watch so yes 1 more round would be lovely.’, Kelly hoped on another kiss of Natasha.
‘Ok so start arguing what you two will choose.’ Natasha started.

zeddicus 01-18-2010 01:15 PM

didn't check spelling yet but I do it tomorrow time for a movie in bed now

Chapter 10

Jonas looked at Kelly, and without saying a word to each other they looked back at Natasha.
‘Truth’, they both said together.
‘Freaky, didn’t thought you two would understand each other that good.’, for a sec or two Natasha remained silent, ‘ Kelly, did you got horny watching me tease Jonas?’
Kelly was shocked, she didn’t want to give away the fact that she was lesbian but she could not lie either.
‘Why answer so silent, its no crime getting hot on girls, I would get hot of myself to haha..’, Natasha understood Kelly’s answer although it wasn’t really loud.
‘So Jonas how ‘bout you, do you have any fantasy’s that surpass the normal vanilla sex?’
‘What??’, Jonas didn’t understand the question well.
‘Well you know, fetishes like SM or role-playing or whatever?’
‘Oh yes, a few.’, now he got the question.
‘So…’, Natasha said
‘What you asked if I had some fetishes, and yes I have a few, you didn’t ask what they were.’, Jonas had a smile on his face.’
‘Ok fine,… Jonas dare us.’ Natasha was surprised by Jonas comeback apparently he was relaxed.
‘What I never said dare.’, she grabbed Natasha’s arm trying to poke her.
‘Common relax , what You gonna ask truths all evening,….. boooooorrrrrriiiiiiing.’, she ended the boring with a huge yawn, ‘Common Jonas, you know Kelly well, give us a dare right on top of her limits.’
‘Well I know something but,… nah I’ll search for something else.’ Jonas answered.
‘Just give it, you are making me wonder what you think I don’t dare.’, Kelly pulled up one of her eyebrows, telling Jonas that whatever he would say she would forgive him.
‘Ok then if you don’t want I ll search for something else. I dare one of you to lick the others pussy for 15min.’
‘No prob.’, and again no problem for Natasha.
‘What no way I’m not licking anybody.’ Kelly yelled.
‘Then I guess I will be licking you, if you undo your pants I will give you my bra.’, Natasha encouraged Kelly.
‘What…’, Kelly wanted to say no, but she kinda wanted this to happen so she started to undo her pants button, ‘ok, but I put on the timer, it got an alarm so we all know when the 15min are past.’ She took her gsm and started to set the timer.
‘Fine for me.’ Natasha had taken the sides of Kelly’s pants and pulled then off in one clean pull.
‘What, you seams to want me.’, Kelly was shocked by the speed Natasha had used to strip her for her pants.
‘what if I want? You mind?’, Natasha had putted one finger under Kelly’s panty, ‘can I’
‘Well you wanted to get dared so go on.’, Kelly pretended she didn’t want this.
Natasha pulled of the panty’s, and inspected Kelly’s pussy.
‘And the Timer goes NOW.’, Kelly opened her legs so Natasha had clear access.
‘Oh Jonas don’t worry I can understand if you enjoy this, so don’t hold back just play with yourself if you want.’ was the last thing Natasha said as she started.
At first kelly compared Natasha with her ex boyfriend who had tried to go down on her, and she thought it was pretty much the same, but then Natasha started to touch a few points that made Kelly want to scream. Natasha’s touch was so subtle and smooth, one of Natasha’s hands had found his way under Kelly shirt and was playing with one of her nipple’s.
As she was about to cum, the alarm of her cell phone rang.
Damn thing why did I put you on she thought, but is was like Natasha was reading her mind cause she continued and brought Kelly to an orgasm she would never forget.
‘Nice going, think you made 20min out of it, I mean your alarm is buzzing as hell last 5min, didn’t you hear.’ Jonas had clearly anjoyed the show that he didn’t bother telling about the alarm.
‘Dunno ‘bout Kelly, I heared it but I feel like you can’t stop going down at someone till they want you to stop or till they are satisfied.’
‘Yeah I heard, but damn that was great.’, Kelly admitted.

zeddicus 01-22-2010 12:39 PM

Chapter 11

‘So my time to TorD you guys.’, Kelly clearly had an idée.
‘Yes, so Jonas what do we choose?’
‘You choose.’
‘You know I will choose dare.’
‘Now I do so dare it is.’
‘Ok, I dare you Jonas to lick Natasha till she comes.’
‘What.’, Jonas had never licked a girls pussy before and now he was supposed to lick Natasha till she comes, he got scared he might be busy all night.
‘Come on, I come fairly quick comparing to other girls and if you really take to long I will fake it.’, Natasha encouraged.
‘Fine I guess.’ , Jonas pulled up his shoulders.
‘Nice, lets learn you something.’ Natasha had taken out her panties and Jonas could see she was completely shaved.
As her pussy came closer to his mount when he was going in he could smell her wet juices, it made him more excited.
He started on his dare.
Now and then Natasha told him to go up or down a little, or to use a finger or even to grab her boobs to play with her nipples.
Jonas was learning a lot.
And after about 10min he got the hang of it. He started to focus on the small signals Natasha’s body made when he touched her, based on those signals he started to touch Natasha on several different spots, witch one he touched was based on the signal her body would give.
Natasha didn’t remain silent, but she wasn’t giving comment Instead she was moaning of pleasure.
Kelly watched as Natasha curled her body in several ways, one hand on her pussy looking at both of her friends.
As Natasha started moaning louder Jonas Knew he was almost on the point were he needed to be but he kind of liked the new experience so in stead of speeding up he slowed down.
‘Why mm are yoummm stopping.’ Natasha said while moaning.
‘I like edging, it makes cumming more fun.’ Jonas said and went right back to work.
‘Mmm you just mmmmmight be right mmmm.’, she kept moaning.
Jonas did his job and after a small 10min he let Natasha had her orgasm.
‘Are you really sure you need lessons, I mean looking at Natasha you just did a brilliant job.’, Kelly was a little jealous.
‘Beginners luck.’? Jonas said.
‘Beginners luck MY ASS, ‘, Natasha replied, ‘More like and natural instinct, how the hell did you know where to touch when to touch, I thought I was going to learn you and instead you learn me.’
The discussion got interrupted by a ringing phone.
The three of them looked around, and it was Natasha who finally realized it was her phone.
She took the phone and went to the room’s bathroom .
Natasha: ‘Hey mom’
Mom: ‘Hey sweaty how are you?’
Natasha: ‘Great Im f* great.’
Mom: ‘Good to hear, say if you come home this weekend do you mind that I if I would have some clients during the day, I know how we had decided to spend some time together but …’
Natasha : ‘What’s a few?’
Mom: ‘2’
Natasha: ‘No problem at all.’
Mom: ‘Thanks sweaty that was all I wanted to know now I can make a decent planning.’
Natasha: ‘I got a little question to?’
Mom: ‘Go ahead’
Natasha: ‘Well is it possible for someone to have a natural instinct for sex?’
Mom: ‘We all got urges yes, it’s natural born instinct like breathing or having the urge to eat.’
Natasha: ‘No no you don’t understand, is it possible for one that has no knowledge about sex to be a perfect lover, so perfect that he even knows where to touch you and when to touch you there to climax you even harder?’
Mom: ‘if I understand it right you mean a natural instinct to pleasure his or her partner?’
Natasha: ‘Yes’
Mom: ‘I’m surprised you asked, are you studying my line of business again? But yes it exist, its very rare though. On 10.000 people they only found 23 who had the instinct.’
Natasha: ‘Hmm I ve once saw something in a book of this but I didn’t believe it then.’
Mom: ‘so why bother now?’
Natasha: ‘Because I just met someone like that.’
Mom: ‘what? Really? no way, very interesting.’
Natasha: ‘I will call you back, you see he is still here.’
Mom : ‘Oh sorry, Call me back with details sweaty have fun.’
Natasha went back to the room.

greets zeddi

zeddicus 01-23-2010 04:06 AM

Chapter 12

‘Who called?’ ,Kelly asked curiously.
‘Ah, that explains why you took it, any news that is interesting?’
‘Well there is one thing but I’m not telling it now..’
‘Okay I guess, but you will tell me.’
‘Yes no worry’s, but I first want to find a few things out.’
‘So you are not telling because I’m here.’ Jonas joined the conversation.
‘It is getting late, but it has been fun ladies, I guess I’m off, that way you can talk.’, Jonas stepped up and took his clothes in front of the bed.
‘You are staying, as I said I want to find out a few things.’ Natasha pushed Jonas on the bed.
She pushed Jonas again so he was lying back down the bed.
‘What the …’, Jonas wanted to ask what the hell was going on, but then he felt Natasha’s lips around his soft dick.
As Natasha had started it didn’t took Jonas long to get a nice full erection.
When he had Natasha continued until she had enough then she came upwards bringing her head very close to that of Jonas.
‘Lets see if you really need lessons.’ ,Natasha’s naked body was hanging above that of Jonas.
‘Kelly can you take a condom in my purse.’ Natasha was holding Jonas dick erected by giving a hand job while kissing him on the lips.
Kelly was holding a condom: ‘You sure, I mean bet was only bout foreplay.’
‘yeah yeah, just give it, I need to know something.’
‘But what?’, Kelly wondered
‘I tell you later.’
‘So now you just going to fuck him in MY room, what an I supposed to do?’
‘Oh sorry never looked at it that way’ ,Natasha was putting the condom over Jonas’ dick, ‘Believe me I will make it up to you .’
Natasha looked back at Jonas as Kelly took a book.
She lowered her body and pushed his dick in: ‘here we go.’
Natasha made her moves being on top, and Jonas liked it but not the full 100% something was missing.
Then he did it, the thing Natasha was waiting for.
With one hand he took her by her side and slowly turned the roles over.
Now he was on top having the control, the start wasn’t really much but after a 5min Jonas started focusing on the body signals he saw when he was licking her.
The focusing changed into reading, and again Jonas knew when to touch witch spot and how fast to go.
After somewhat 15min he found her G-spot, Natasha was biting her under lip as her whole body started to shake.
‘mmmmmmmm’ ,she moaned.
A few min later Jonas was about to cum but instead of continuing he pulled out.
‘Oh yeah let mmmmmme guess, mmm you like edging hmmm.’, Natasha had a nice smile, like a inner peace smile.
‘Yes’ Jonas said while putting his dick back in.
After Jonas finally came, Natasha like 3times in total, they stopped.
‘So have you found out what you wanted to know?’ ,Kelly was the first to break the short silence.
‘Yes I have and it is amazing.’ , Natasha said.
‘So can you tell now? Or do I have to wait till Jonas has gone?’
‘Well ok, but its hard to believe.’
‘Well you know how people have all kind of instincts, to eat, to pair and stuff?’ Natasha asked Kelly.
‘Well there is an instinct that makes male species want to satisfy the girl they are fucking, I know its crazy and better it’s very rare?’
‘So, You think Jonas has it?’
‘I know he has, I mean I came 3times on my first fuck, I was going to tell all my spots but before I could mister touched them all on the damn right timing, there is like no way in hell 4times would give you this much experience.’
‘Mister is still here, but thanks for the psychological boost.’
‘Not a boost the truth, but I guess it will take you a few times before you realize.’
‘So what if I have, I still don’t know all positions to do it in, And the flexibility to do half of them.’ Jonas defended.
‘Knowledge will be learned, flexibility, you have, new lessons will start for you, I tell you when.’ ‘Whatever, but not in MY room’, Kelly said.

zeddicus 02-16-2010 06:22 AM

took me a while and I 'm not really sure whether someone want the next part but here it is anyway.

Chapter 13

The evening ended and Jonas had very much enjoyed it.
He could hardly believe that he just had sex with one of the most popular girls on campus, but he did and with a big grin on his face he walked back to his room.
‘So you serious about that instinct or are you just trying to boost Jonas metal stage?’
Kelly started asking.
‘Nop, not kidding, mom said they tested it once one a group of 10 000 in studies but they only had around 23 persons who could do some stuff making there partner scream from pleasure. It’s very rare and I can hardly believe it myself.’ Natasha was sobering up.
‘So you liked it?’
‘Hell yes, can’t wait to see him again, but what about you?’, sobering up made Natasha realize Kelly really liked girls.
‘What about me?’, Kelly had no Idée where this was going to.
‘Well you like girls no?’
‘No, I do not!’, Kelly felt attacked.
‘Oh yes you do, I’m not sure you like boys though, so tell me lesbian or bisexual?’
‘What, why would you think that?!’ Still feeling aroused.
‘Well, you’re here for almost 2years and I never saw you having a boyfriend.’
‘NOR Girlfriend, I just don’t seam to find a guy that fits me.’
‘Oh so you do not like guys at all huh, cause if you do Jonas would be you lover.’ Natasha started teasing Kelly.
‘Jonas is not the one for me.’
‘You know you‘re right.’, Natasha started talking without giving Kelly a chance to intervene, ‘Jonas is not the one for you, because he is a man, if he was a women, now that would change a big deal, seeing you two being on one line of thinking is something mom sees only with couples and friends that know each other for years. But that’s one fact that made me realize, second is that you really liked me go down on you, now I know straight girls would like it to but the will never tell they liked it and you did.’
Kelly felt defeat as she slowly opened her mound: ‘please don’t tell anyone.’
‘I will tell no one, maybe some girlfriends that are eager to do you.’ Natasha said with a smile.
‘What are there really girl that dig me? I never noticed them.’
‘Of course you didn’t you‘re head was down the ground, get it out enjoy who you are, there is noting to be ashamed of, but I‘ll keep my mount shut.’
‘No worries, but if you don’t mind, I’m off to my room now, I’m sleepy.’
‘Sure, guess you still got some packing to do.’ Kelly figured.
‘Yeah true, I will pack tomorrow first wanna sleep, btw you mind giving Jonas number?’
‘No I do not mind.’ Kelly took a paper and wrote down his number.
‘Thanks see ya tomorrow.’ Natasha said.
‘Till tomorrow.’

Jonas was ready for bed, and as he wanted to set his alarm on his GSM, he saw he missed one call and two messages.
The call was from an unknown number so he quickly looked at both the messages.
One just said he missed a call and he had one new voicemail, but as he listened there was just one second of silence.
Then he red the other text message and saw that it was the same number that called him.

Hey its Sofy, just wondering for tomorrow if you saw your agenda or not.
Well if you can just let us know, I mean we didn’t really got time to thank you properly if you know what I mean. Sofy

How she got his number was a mystery, but he didn’t mind.
He quickly made a reply.

Planning seams 2 be fucked up somehow, it doesn’t look like I can help you two
2morrow cause the swimming pool has some problems with filtering the water.
But I can check the task the morning before you hand it in if you want.

He knew it was a lie, but somehow he just didn’t want to end up alone with the two girls.

zeddicus 02-16-2010 10:49 AM

Chapter 14 is the interactive one I felt like a nice timing to blend it in since it isn't new content you get chapter 15 aswell.

enjoy (for those who actually read this)

Chapter 14

‘It’s just not fair.’, Cathy was almost screaming to Sofy.
‘Well maybe he just didn’t figure it out.’, Sofy tried to defend.
‘Oh he knew, my eyes were clear, I knew he was making an excuse with that heater repairing thingy, I went there and it seams as some students say, he repaired it yesterday, so.’
‘You checked?’
‘Well somehow I knew he was lying, pfff how come everybody says Jonas that good of a lover but nobody really knows, and on top of it he is arrogant and refuses us?’, Cathy was angry that Jonas blew off meeting her and Sofy twice.
‘Well you should give it one more time, make it clear its about sex this time don’t make him have to read in between your lines as last time, even I didn’t understand you wanted sex.’
‘Because I wasn’t looking at you, if you had seen my face you would have seen sex written all over it.’
After a quick laugh Sofy had, Cathy asked questions again: ‘And do you really aspect that I run over to some guy I don’t know and say ,hey wanna have sex I m just to horny ‘, she made the impression with a very lazy country accent
‘Not like that,’ Sofy was shaking her head, ‘more something like, Hey Jonas thank for helping out on Math I really get it now, is there any way I can repay you with? I so grateful I kinda would do anything to thank you.’
‘I can’t say that, it… It is just not me.’, Cathy showed a repulsive face.
‘Fine then I do it, lets get a trio, he is kinda hot you know and if he really is a great lover I m sure he will satisfy us both.’
‘Knowing him even just a little He probably refuses.’ Cathy nodded
‘Well there is a chance he might.’
‘If the bastard refuses I will bind him somehow and fuck his ass with that strap-on you have.’ She smiled when having the idée.
‘Haha, you don’t have the guts.’
‘Oh I have and I will fuck him if he turns us off.’
‘Oh no, you won’t and I’m so sure that I dare you to be my slave for a weekend if you fail to fuck Jonas when he refuses.’
‘And if I do it, what if I fuck him when he refuses then will you be my save for a weekend?’
‘In that case, dare accepted, Cathy said, ‘ but you will try to get him in our room this time’
‘Did I say you had to? But ok I will no worries.’
‘Any Id how you will get him?’
‘Like I said earlier, by being honest.’
‘What do we do when Jonas doesn’t refuse?’
‘Then we relax and try to enjoy every moment we three are together.’
The both dreamed away into their thoughts.

Chapter 15

Thursday was finished faster then Jonas had wished, Kelly and Natasha were both going home, so Jonas was thinking of spending the long weekend with Ulrich and Nicolla.
As he started searching them out, he bumped in on Cathy.
‘Hey Jonas, how are you?’ she asked.
‘Fine really, just on my way to the pool, want to join me, I just need to see what I need.’
‘No sorry, I told Sofy I would be back rather fast.’
‘Oh ok, guess I will see you later?’
‘Yeah, I’m sure of it, say do you have anything planed tomorrow, me and Sofy will go in town since we are staying on Campus this weekend, wanna join us?’
‘Well normally first day of weekend is Saturday and then I need to work, but tomorrow is Friday so yes I would like to go to the city, I need new pants real bad.’
‘Well we would be happy to help you choose one.’
‘When do we meet?’
‘I give you call when I‘ve spoken to Sofy.’
‘Ok guess I’ll see you tomorrow then.’ Jonas took off, since he now had plans he did not have to search his friends to find out what they would do, so Jonas went to his room to watch a movie.

‘Would you mind shopping tomorrow?’ Cathy asked Sofy.
‘Well you know I never say no to shopping, although I won’t be buying, unless you can loan me some money.’ Apparently Sofy was out of money.
‘I can help out, I know you repay me so I don’t see the problem.’
‘Well shopping it is.’
‘Oh by the way Jonas will join us.’, Cathy said smiling.
‘How did ….’
‘I just saw him outside he has noting planned and he need new pants, we are the lucky ones to help him choose.’
‘So tomorrow I get a real good chance inviting him for you know what.’
‘Yes we have, but I will give you the honor.’
‘Nice one, already got an idée.’
‘Common tell me.’ Cathy was curious already.
‘Well, lets go to a lingerie shop where we can try some outfits, Jonas would not mind two girls showing lingerie to him, we will even let him pick.’
‘So that’s not asking him that’s just going for the goal.’
‘Yes but when we are outside of the shop, I will ask him.’
‘How, how will this help you ask him?’
‘Well it is easy, You just ask whether he like wrapping paper we just bought and whether he like to unwrap us that evening.’
‘smart, if not a little slutty, but if he doesn’t understand that message he deserve to be assraped haha.’, Cathy was already hoping for tomorrow to come.

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