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phteheven 08-30-2021 01:38 PM

An ice question
Have you ever used ice on yourself in a sexual capacity?

How did you use it?

How would you like to use it in the future?

Have you made anything from ice,specifically for sexual purposes?

Have you used ice on someone else?


What was their reaction?

And an important one to finish on: What's your favorite flavor of ice cream?

mrpropel 08-30-2021 03:17 PM

Have you ever used ice on yourself in a sexual capacity?

How did you use it?
I put ice cubes up my ass. It was funny when I put multiple in because it would make a 'clack' sound every time from hitting the other ice cubes haha,

How would you like to use it in the future?
Maybe teasing me with it by rubbing it on my body, nipples, etc.

Have you made anything from ice,specifically for sexual purposes?

Have you used ice on someone else?
I wish but haven't

And an important one to finish on: What's your favorite flavor of ice cream?
Mint chocolate! :-)

poetrylover828 08-30-2021 03:57 PM

Have you ever used ice on yourself in a sexual capacity? Yes

How did you use it? Just put it on different areas of my body while masturbating.

How would you like to use it in the future? Probably in a similar fashion. Letting it melt on different spots of my body.

Have you made anything from ice,specifically for sexual purposes? I have not. But its an interesting idea.

Have you used ice on someone else? Nope

What's your favorite flavor of ice cream? Ben and Jerry's Netflix and Chilled is really good. Otherwise strawberry.

Victoria85 08-31-2021 12:11 AM

Have you ever used ice on yourself in a sexual capacity?
Yes I have

How did you use it?
Inserting it anally, cooling erotic zones, playing with it in my mouth.

How would you like to use it in the future?
The ways I already did

Have you made anything from ice,specifically for sexual purposes?
Not really

Have you used ice on someone else?
Ice cubes yes

Inserting and icing

What was their reaction?
They liked it :)

And an important one to finish on: What's your favorite flavor of ice cream?

phteheven 10-01-2021 07:26 AM

Answering my own Qs again

Have you ever used ice on yourself in a sexual capacity?
Yes I have
How did you use it?
Cold hands, cold dick, didn't really work out xD
How would you like to use it in the future?
Probably not at all lol
Have you made anything from ice,specifically for sexual purposes?
Can't say I have
Have you used ice on someone else?
Not yet
What was their reaction?
And an important one to finish on: What's your favorite flavor of ice cream?
I like heavy chocolaty stuff.

rhode64 10-01-2021 08:16 AM

[QUOTE=phteheven;4486883]Have you ever used ice on yourself in a sexual capacity?
How did you use it?
How would you like to use it in the future?
Have you made anything from ice,specifically for sexual purposes?
Have you used ice on someone else?
ice cube inside her and on her nipples
What was their reaction?
She enjoyed it
And an important one to finish on: What's your favorite flavor of icecream
Has to be creamy devonshire

LilMissBlondie 10-07-2021 05:25 PM

Have you ever used ice on yourself in a sexual capacity?
Yes! All the time!

How did you use it?
I like to melt it in my pussy and ass, and to use it on my nipples

How would you like to use it in the future?
I think it would be fun to see how many ice cubes I could fit in all my holes simultaneously.

Have you made anything from ice,specifically for sexual purposes?
I made an ice dildo! It was so very very cold!

Have you used ice on someone else?
Yep, used it on an ex to tease him.

See aAbove.

What was their reaction?
He was not impressed at all.

And an important one to finish on: What's your favorite flavor of ice cream?
Oh easy - mint chocolate chip. Can never go wrong with MCC

BarefootAlien 10-14-2021 05:08 PM

Have you ever used ice on yourself in a sexual capacity?
Yes! Many times. Actually, I have an extensive history with ice, you could say...

How did you use it?
I have melted entire ice cubes on each nipple, the tip of my penis, rubbing all over my penis, in bowls with a bit of water with my balls in, and have shoved as many as six ice cubes at once up my ass. Oh, and walking barefoot on snow or ice outside has made me cum spontaneously and untouched, numerous times.

Oh! And I fucked myself with an icicle once! It melted disappointingly fast, though, and started getting increasingly sharp, so I stopped.

How would you like to use it in the future?
Hmm... an ice prostate massager could be an interesting concept... it'd be difficult to make, though.

Have you made anything from ice, specifically for sexual purposes?
I have bought ice cube trays specifically with how the resulting cubes would feel inside me, and used them to make ice cubes that I then pushed into myself, if that counts?

Have you used ice on someone else?
Yes! And I've had it used on me by lovers as well.

I rubbed the tip of his cock, all around his head and glans, as I slurped up the water and juices trickling down it and generally made out with his shaft, while occasionally swirling my mouth around his head to warm it up for him when it got too cold.

What was their reaction?
Well, he came, so... I think he liked it! He didn't ever ask for it to happen again, on the other hand... but that's not uncommon even for things we enjoy.

And an important one to finish on: What's your favorite flavor of ice cream?
Pralines & Cream. NOT Butter Pecan. I have no idea why people think that's a good substitute. They're nothing alike! Sadly, Pralines & Cream is remarkably hard to find. :(

tarheel52 02-28-2024 10:19 AM

Have you ever used ice on yourself in a sexual capacity?
Yes I have quite a few times

How did you use it?
I’ve rubbed ice over my body- nipples, cock, balls. I’ve been tasked with submerging my cock and balls in ice water for extended time. And I’ve inserted ice cubes in my ass.

How would you like to use it in the future?
Cock and ball ice baths are fun.

Have you made anything from ice,specifically for sexual purposes?
I haven’t. I’ve tried to make ice dildos but they never were usable.

Have you used ice on someone else?

An old partner of mine was switch and liked ice play. She liked being eaten out with ice in my mouth. But she loved having her clit rubbed with an ice cube and me stuffing her pussy with ice cubes

What was their reaction?
She would orgasm quickly. If I stuffed her pussy with ice cubes and started fucking her it was a near instant orgasm.

And an important one to finish on: What's your favorite flavor of ice cream?
Vanilla. I’m boring.

alex_af1996 02-28-2024 11:13 AM

Have you ever used ice on yourself in a sexual capacity?
Yes I have

How did you use it?
Rubbed it on my body nipples penis bumhole. I’ve also inserted cubes inside my asshole

How would you like to use it in the future?
Just for uncomfortable please

Have you made anything from ice,specifically for sexual purposes?
I was going to freeze a glove filled with water and fuck my ass with each finger until it all melted

Have you used ice on someone else?
What was their reaction?
And an important one to finish on: What's your favorite flavor of ice cream?

SxY25Grl 04-15-2024 02:13 PM

Have you ever used ice on yourself in a sexual capacity? Yes

How did you use it? To stimulate nips and clit, insertion vaginally and anal

How would you like to use it in the future? Probably the same but not analog bc I crapped in the bathtub

Have you made anything from ice,specifically for sexual purposes? No, but if I had a mold I would

Have you used ice on someone else? No


What was their reaction?

And an important one to finish on: What's your favorite flavor of ice cream? Depends on the day

Total Sub Girl 04-26-2024 10:24 AM

Have you ever used ice on yourself in a sexual capacity?


How did you use it?

Since it is a bit of a main stay to the point that I usually have ice ready in the freezer, a few different ways. I have used ice as a timer freezing keys or rope to time a release to there melting time, not sure that counts but thought I would include.
I have also used ice more directly by putting it in a bathing/ swim suit I was wearing while it melted against my body.
I have also put a few ice cubes in a condom to insert into my butt, to name a few.

How would you like to use it in the future?

Much the same, though if I see or think of something creative I will likely try it as I enjoy the temperature difference involved.

Have you made anything from ice, specifically for sexual purposes?

Yes, I have made an penis from ice using a mould.

Have you used ice on someone else?



Nothing spectacular, more vanilla esque really. Rubbing a single cube down from her neck along her body

What was their reaction?

She was not keen and so stopped before reaching her nipple.

And an important one to finish on: What's your favorite flavor of ice cream?

Simple. Rum & Raisin.

exhib1 05-01-2024 12:23 PM

Have you ever used ice on yourself in a sexual capacity? Yes

How did you use it?

Got a Large jug, filled it with water and ice, then when hard and edging when getting close, I would ddip my hard cock in it to cool off so to speak using that ice cold water, felt great

How would you like to use it in the future? Simular as was fun

Have you made anything from ice,specifically for sexual purposes? No

Have you used ice on someone else? Yes

How? Tied her up, and used it on nipples to get here really wet.

What was their reaction? love it

And an important one to finish on: What's your favorite flavor of ice cream? Choc chip

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