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Foxy Rose 07-11-2014 04:58 AM

The Ad
Note: This is something I've been wanting to do for a very long time. I've had a scenario that I've started with a friend but now want to pen down. Please note that all characters and places are fictional. In the event of similarities in the story, it is coincidental.

It was like any other day. Mike was tired of being alone. Tired of wasting his life with no one to come home to at night, no one to listen, no one to care about him, or he about anyone. Mike was still young, was above average looking, hard working, had many friends. But something lacked from his life. Most of his friends were married, engaged to be married, getting pregnant or had the picture perfect family. And Mike, well, Mike felt alone, desperate for someone to pour his heart and soul into. He's not shy and gets complimented a lot and flirted with daily. Woman wanted to get into his pants, and he thought that was all they were after. His cock. Mike wanted more. He wanted a soul mate, not a cheap one night stand. Sure, he has tried almost everything in the books to find a woman. He thought he had her. For 10 years he had a love-hate, on-off relationship with Tanya. She was everything he wanted in a woman. Blonde, with perfect tits, blue lively eyes, long legs he got lost in, and a body to die for. The only problem was, she was a bitch and she made it clear, 99% of the time.

He finally got up one day and ready to walk out of the door. With only one bag filled with clothes, he waited for her to return home so they could sit down and talk. The serious talk he's been postponing for months now. It has finally come to that point and he wanted out. For good this time. No more playing games. No more fucking with his mind. Yes, his cock still wanted her, but his mind was over everything. Oh yes, the sex was mind blowing, he could not lie to himself about that. But he was over it. He craved intimacy. He wanted more than she was willing to offer him. He wanted what she never wanted, ever. And she made it clear, from the beginning of their relationship, when they were just casual fuck buddies. Yes, through the years she would soothe his mind with tales of children, getting married one day. But the truth always came to surface when they would break up over a silly thing he's said to her in a moment of weakness.

"This is it," he thought silently to himself as he sat waiting for her. Determined to get it over with as fast as possible, before his dick wins over, he got up and poured his usual drink. Double whiskey on the rocks. He flung the drink quickly into his mouth and swallowed it slowly. He started to pour the second, when he heard the keys in the door. "Now or never," he said to himself a little too loud, hoping Tanya would hear his "talking to myself" words again. "Pour me one too, babe", she started. "I reeeeaaaally need one tonight," she continued as she walked into the bedroom. He knew she was about to get into the shower and later call out for the quick "make-me-feel-better-after-a-shitty-day-fuck" in the shower. "No, Tanya. We need to talk. Come sit down, please. This is serious. I'm leaving you. This time for good." He swallowed hard on his last sentence. This was the game she would always play with him. She knew he would be back, after a few weeks of boredom. He always came back to the familiar. Always!

"Oh honey, pulease. I know you better than you think. Give me 5 minutes. I just want to wash up." she said a little too loud and he could hear her getting undressed. His cock started to throb in his pants. "No, her power over you is over," he thought and tried to control his growing cock. "No, Tanya. Get in here this second or I'm leaving and we won't talk about this. Ever!" He could feel his blood boil and his fists against his side. "5 minutes and I'm all yours," He heard the water coming from the shower. "Fuck you Tanya. Don't call me." He picked up his bag, took off the keys of the apartment, sat them on a magazine he knew she would read after her shower, opened the door, scanned the place for a second too long, remembering the things he's about to leave behind, and made sure to slam the door on his way out. "That's it then," he thought as he walked to the elevator. "10 years flushed down the toilet and the bitch gets everything." He got to his SUV, flicking the alarm off and swinging his bag onto the back seat. "What the fuck am I going to do now and where do I go without the bitch finding me again?" he sighed to himself. He put his key in the ignition and started driving, unsure what his next step was.

MasterDux. 07-11-2014 05:32 AM

Very well written and good story, I am really proud :). Can't wait for the next part.

Wordsmiff 07-26-2014 02:53 AM

Well written. Eagerly waiting for next part :)

ferret604 08-11-2014 03:20 AM

1,000 views. Any chance of the next instalment?

Foxy Rose 08-11-2014 03:29 AM

In all honesty, I've not written another installment yet. The ideas are floating around in my head. But I am struggling which path I should take. I have two scenarios it can pan out. I will have to sit down and write both to see which works better.

MrCharcol 08-11-2014 04:07 AM

Great start I am looking forward to the next chapter.

Foxy Rose 08-11-2014 07:32 AM


Originally Posted by MrCharcol (Post 1456001)
Great start I am looking forward to the next chapter.

Thank you for the compliment. I look forward to writing the next installment. Hopefully I will finish it and just post it in segments :) Watch this space ;)

Foxy Rose 09-03-2014 12:06 PM

The next thing Mike remembers is being on a train. His thoughts ran towards what just happened. Did Tanya get the keys? Is she just as confused by what happened? Or is she going on like she normally does? Without a care and so sure about herself that he'd return home sooner rather then later. His mind was racing. He was so unsure of himself. If this was really the right thing to do. It was something that he was struggling with since he really evaluated his situation. His wants and desires where not met. He feels he might have rushed into leaving.

He wanted to go back, but knew that the cycle would start all over again. Talk, fuck, not give a damn and comfort would set in again. He really was tired of it, but she was so familiar. He wanted her. "No, not me, my dick," he thought to himself. "She's not the one, she's not worth your heart anymore. Dick maybe, heart and soul, not in a million years."

Suddenly an announcement came on informing of a quick stop at the next station. Mike's mind raced again. He suddenly had to get out, get off, far far away. He needed to be drunk. "Yeah, drunk and high," he thought to himself. As the train stopped, he ran almost as if his life depended on it, to the nearest liquor store he could find. He grabbed a couple of bottles of Whiskey. When he got to the cash register to pay, he told the cashier he wanted a packet of cigarettes and handed the Whiskey over to be rung up. Something caught his eye when he looked down. He saw a newspaper open to a page and the ad was looking for something he never expected. "Male escort needed. Send your complete portfolio to [email protected]. Please include a full length dressed photograph and a full length naked photograph from the front and back."

"What an odd advertisement. Male escort?," Mike thought to himself. "But you've got nothing left to lose. Maybe something adventurous or at least something fun?" "The newspaper as well, Sir," he said to the cashier. "Anything else, Mister?" the cashier responded. "Just the Whiskey, the cigarettes and the newspaper. Thank you." Mike strolled along the streets looking for a motel. As he drank and smoked, his mind kept going back to the advertisement. He kept looking at the newspaper, then got up and poured another drink and smoked another cigarette. And another, and another and before he knew what was happening, he was so drunk that he remembered everything go dark.

Mike woke up with a bang. Trying to focus, his eyes caught what really woke him up. Mail successfully sent." WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED LAST NIGHT," he shouted to himself in his head. Quickly he opened the email that he sent. Images ran through his throbbing head and he suddenly felt sick to his stomach. He responded to the advertisement complete with pictures. "Naked pictures?" he thought to himself. "Why would a successful, rich business man want to be a male escort? What the fuck is wrong with me?" He argued with himself. "But yet, it might be just what I need."

Foxy Rose 11-04-2014 01:17 AM

Ping. New message. "Mmm, it seems they must be desperate," he thought to himself as he clicked to open the message. "Dear Mister Cocky. I will use these words since you ended your email with them. Please ensure that you meet me at train KB74 tonight at 20:00. Make sure that you dress up. Black denim, work shirt and jacket, no tie. Blue collared shirt with the first 2 buttons undone. You will recognize me by a long red rain coat and thigh high black healed boots. Looking forward to our first meeting, Mister Cocky." "Who the fuck does this bitch think she is ordering me around?," Mike mumbled aloud. "Mister Cocky, why would I use these words? Fuck, I was out of my mind drunk and maybe a little too desperate."

"I need to get my shit together. I am sooooo late for work." Mike brushed his fingers through his hair and grabbed a jacket on his way out of the motel. As Mike got to work, he tried to keep busy. Meeting after meeting, yet his mind still raced to the mysterious woman and their meeting later that evening. He kept playing scenarios over and over in his head and his cock started to throb, almost aching to break free of his pants. He kept seeing naked flashes, bodies entwined, and then his inbox notified him of another email that just came in. He was quickly brought back to reality. Or so he thought. "Mister Cocky. I hope you are as ready as I am for tonight." "How can one sentence drive me mad with lust?," he thought to himself.

Before Mike knew how the day flew by, he glanced at this clock realizing that he was late. "Fuck!," he gasped to himself. "I am late again and there is no time to get dressed. Well, I guess she'll have to be satisfied with my look. Since I don't want to keep a lady waiting and there is no time to get dressed. But who the fuck is she to order me around and telling me what to wear." He drove off into traffic but soon realized that he might end up being late for this meeting. "I wish I knew how to let you know that I am running late," he thought to himself. Traffic is heavy and it seems that he might be stuck with it, since there has been a pile up of cars on the interstate and he just knew that there was a huge accident ahead.

Mike finally arrived at the train station. It was 2 hours later than they agreed to meet. He looked in the mirror to see if he looked presentable enough. "Well, it's now or never," he nervously thought to himself. "Why are you so nervous? You are a desirable, good looking bachelor. Any woman, any day, would be lucky if you gave them a second glance." He tried to recite this over and over in his head to calm his nerves and to steady his heart beat. Mike reached the platform and was scanning to see if there were any signs of life. It was just past 10PM when he arrived and it took him a good 5 minutes more to reach the right train platform. "Fuck, I am so late and she probably got irritated and left."

Just as Mike wanted to give up and turn away and walk off, he saw her. The mysterious woman he's been daydreaming about the whole day. Almost to an obsession. He slowly came closer. Almost like a predator creeping to its prey. His heart was racing and he could feel his cock spring to life, throbbing away with lust. The red rain coat, the thigh high black healed boots. Slim legs, nice tight ass, straight back. Oh, how he wished he could see her hair and her eyes. He wish she would turn around, so he could gaze into her eyes, and draw her closer like a magnet would. He floated almost, his heart kept racing in his chest and his cock was uncontrollable in his pants. Then she turned around, slowly, almost too slowly. "Tanya, fuck!" He turned around and walked off to his SUV driving into the night.

SlaveLeia147 11-14-2014 04:45 PM

This is so good!! Keep it going!

i_love_dares 12-04-2014 03:20 AM

Very nice, I like it and I am waiting for more!

Dareslove 11-27-2015 12:37 PM

That's the end..? It's amazing.

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