getDare Truth or Dare

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darkblue 06-09-2019 03:19 AM

Questions About Your GD-Life
I'm very curious about how people deal with getdare in their personal life. Tell as much as you like to every question, I love to listen to you. Thank you!

1. Do other people know about your account here?

2a. If not, is it a wish to tell someone about it? Who would it be?

2b. If yes, how many people know it?

3. Are they friends, family, other people?

4. Do you know other getdarians personally?

5. Did someone ever find out by accident that you are here?

6. Have you spread your gd-account around other social media sites?

7. Do you feel well here in your current situation?

8. How would it feel to tell everybody around you about your account here?

9. Are you just living your fantasies here, or do have an active kinky life? Alone or with a partner/others?

10. If you have a sexual partner, does he/she know about your account?

Cstelle 06-09-2019 05:15 AM


Originally Posted by darkblue (Post 3685173)
I'm very curious about how people deal with getdare in their personal life. Tell as much as you like to every question, I love to listen to you. Thank you!

Interesting topic! (Not that I have a lot to say - but still...!)

1. Do other people know about your account here?


2a. If not, is it a wish to tell someone about it? Who would it be?

The idea to tell someone about my participation in gD is actually a little bit hot... Especially as it would have to involve someone who I knew or strongly suspected to find my participation interesting!

2b. If yes, how many people know it?
3. Are they friends, family, other people?

4. Do you know other getdarians personally?

Yes, I am happy to say that I do! I've never met the person in question, but we have become "real friends" (as opposed to anonymous Internet connections).

5. Did someone ever find out by accident that you are here?


6. Have you spread your gd-account around other social media sites?


7. Do you feel well here in your current situation?

I think I'd like to have more friends-in-kink, people who share my kinks.

8. How would it feel to tell everybody around you about your account here?

No, for me the point of getDare is the anonymity.

9. Are you just living your fantasies here, or do have an active kinky life? Alone or with a partner/others?

I have seen kinkier and more social days, but I am currently solo.

10. If you have a sexual partner, does he/she know about your account?

Rd2506 06-09-2019 05:19 AM

1. Do other people know about your account here?- Yes

2a. If not, is it a wish to tell someone about it? Who would it be? -

2b. If yes, how many people know it? - My virtual freinds only

3. Are they friends, family, other people? No

4. Do you know other getdarians personally? no

5. Did someone ever find out by accident that you are here? no

6. Have you spread your gd-account around other social media sites? no

7. Do you feel well here in your current situation?- yes

8. How would it feel to tell everybody around you about your account here? - they will not feel good

9. Are you just living your fantasies here, or do have an active kinky life? Alone or with a partner/others? alone

10. If you have a sexual partner, does he/she know about your account? - no

Bloxo 06-09-2019 05:37 AM

1. Do other people know about your account here?

Only one person from off the site, but that’s another online friend

2a. If not, is it a wish to tell someone about it? Who would it be?

If I found a kinky partner I’d like to think we could get some ideas and maybe interact together on this site for the purposes of bets for example

2b. If yes, how many people know it?

Just the one above

3. Are they friends, family, other people?


4. Do you know other getdarians personally?

I’ve met one person from GD, we played board games and had a good chat

5. Did someone ever find out by accident that you are here?

Not that I know of, doubt it

6. Have you spread your gd-account around other social media sites?

I advertised this site on the UMD a couple of times (ultimate messy directory)

7. Do you feel well here in your current situation?

Not quite sure what this question means, I’d say highs and lows, sometimes you put in a lot of time and get little back, sometimes you get swamped, but I overall see this site as a positive thing and a way to express creativity

8. How would it feel to tell everybody around you about your account here?

I would probably be uncomfortable...but you never know a girl who may find it interesting :p

9. Are you just living your fantasies here, or do have an active kinky life? Alone or with a partner/others?

I treat this is a bit of fun, I’d say it works further to help me build my fantasies and make me think more about sexuality.
Preferably I’d have an active kinky life haha

10. If you have a sexual partner, does he/she know about your account?

None of my partners have known about this before, closest was meeting a girl from Fetlife, but I wasn’t active on here at that time so didn’t share

darkblue 06-09-2019 06:08 AM

1. Do other people know about your account here?

2a. If not, is it a wish to tell someone about it? Who would it be?

2b. If yes, how many people know it?
Just one for now. In an ideal world I would have no problems to tell other people about it, but don't do it now.

3. Are they friends, family, other people?
Friend. I haven't met her in the physical world yet, the girl I love.

4. Do you know other getdarians personally?
No, not yet.

5. Did someone ever find out by accident that you are here?
No, I'm a very careful person

6. Have you spread your gd-account around other social media sites?
I had, on a photo site, but deleted the entry. Too many connections may cause trouble.

7. Do you feel well here in your current situation?
I see, this question was not the best one... I meant, if being here in the way you normally do, is satisfying your needs? I would say yes, I read a lot, write from time time, and learn a lot about sexuality.

8. How would it feel to tell everybody around you about your account here?
I would get many questions, but I think no real problems, if I keep it in family and friends.

9. Are you just living your fantasies here, or do have an active kinky life? Alone or with a partner/others?
My kinky life is physically solo, but in closest internet connection with my girl.

10. If you have a sexual partner, does he/she know about your account?
See above. She knows everything about me.

LessAwful 06-09-2019 06:14 PM

1. Do other people know about your account here?

2a. If not, is it a wish to tell someone about it? Who would it be?
Nah, don't have anyone I'd like to know

4. Do you know other getdarians personally?

5. Did someone ever find out by accident that you are here?

6. Have you spread your gd-account around other social media sites?

7. Do you feel well here in your current situation?

8. How would it feel to tell everybody around you about your account here?
Humiliating and scary

9. Are you just living your fantasies here, or do have an active kinky life? Alone or with a partner/others?
All the kink happens here. IRL I'm boring, besides the dares I do.

10. If you have a sexual partner, does he/she know about your account?

Jaro 06-11-2019 07:31 PM

1. Do other people know about your account here?
No, nobody knows except the people here.

2a. If not, is it a wish to tell someone about it? Who would it be?
Nope. Let's keep this a secret.

2b. If yes, how many people know it?

3. Are they friends, family, other people?

4. Do you know other getdarians personally?
I know Miss Butterfly very well but we have never met in person... yet. We will meet coming August!
The one person I did meet in real life is Pariahterror.

5. Did someone ever find out by accident that you are here?

6. Have you spread your gd-account around other social media sites?

7. Do you feel well here in your current situation?

8. How would it feel to tell everybody around you about your account here?
Very scary and unwise. Most people are not so open-minded and that does include my direct family and friends too.

9. Are you just living your fantasies here, or do have an active kinky life? Alone or with a partner/others?
It is pretty active, albeit online only so far.

10. If you have a sexual partner, does he/she know about your account?
Sadly I do not. If I did I would hope she's kinky as well. If she was kinky, I'd probably tell her about this account.

Lullaby 06-11-2019 08:03 PM

1. Do other people know about your account here?


2a. If not, is it a wish to tell someone about it? Who would it be?

2b. If yes, how many people know it?

I think 12 people? I stopped counting

3. Are they friends, family, other people?

Friends, Family and some people I went to school with.

4. Do you know other getdarians personally?

A few.

5. Did someone ever find out by accident that you are here?

By accident not really. I've not hidden it and I browse on my phone out in public all the time.

6. Have you spread your gd-account around other social media sites?

I don't use social media so none.

7. Do you feel well here in your current situation?


8. How would it feel to tell everybody around you about your account here?

not really that odd lol My friends come to me these days with sex questions as do my parents. I'm not that bothered if they find my stuff here.

9. Are you just living your fantasies here, or do have an active kinky life? Alone or with a partner/others?

Pretty active. I have a few play partners online and a few in RL as well.

10. If you have a sexual partner, does he/she know about your account?

They always know. I'm pretty open. I love being able to show people what I have been up to or things I find amusing or bullshit :)

naked_lego 06-12-2019 11:54 AM

1. Do other people know about your account here?
Nope, I guess I don't have any close friends that I think would benefit from knowing.

2a. If not, is it a wish to tell someone about it? Who would it be?
Yes, I wish I did. Second part, I don't know. I have a few people in mind but we'll see.

2b. If yes, how many people know it?

3. Are they friends, family, other people?
They would be other people I would tell. Maybe my sister.

4. Do you know other getdarians personally?
Not really.

5. Did someone ever find out by accident that you are here?
My sister might have. I left the web page open and I know she was in my room grabbing something at that time. Whether or not she looked hard enough at my monitor, I may never know.

6. Have you spread your gd-account around other social media sites?
Nope, maybe Tumblr soon.

7. Do you feel well here in your current situation?
I feel at home here. I have had my account for so so long.

8. How would it feel to tell everybody around you about your account here?
Weird. It would just be so out of context to tell my social circle.

9. Are you just living your fantasies here, or do have an active kinky life? Alone or with a partner/others?
Just here on getDare. I've been looking for a long term dom but so far little luck... I think.

10. If you have a sexual partner, does he/she know about your account?

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