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kalid 03-25-2011 05:14 AM

PSA: Dare safety and what should be common sense
I notice a lot of dares on here which are unsafe or even potentially fatal. While I would like to imagine everyone knows these and not to do them just in case here we go:

First of all people claiming that they or someone they know has done it and was fine is NOT the point. Even if you assume these claims are true the fact that some people were fine does not make it safe.

Insertions Inserting things into your body, particularly into your anus, without a safe and reliable way to recover them, is foolish at best and fatal at worst. There's a reason butt plugs have stoppers on them. Do NOT assume you will be able to defecate out objects, especially without harm to your rectum/sphincter/etc. A humiliating visit to the ER is the least of your concerns in these situations. Don't do it.

Vaginal dares involving certain foods and drinks Look up yeast infections. Putting anything containing sugar around or in the vagina (even fruit) is likely to induce or worsen a yeast infection (or worse). These are not a fun thing to have ladies.

Anything involving excrement If the dare involves putting fecal matter in or near your eyes/ears/mouth do not do it. Again, potentially fatal. If you do something like shit your pants always make sure you don't have any cuts before hand and take extreme care to clean yourself up.

Fluid consumption There are a lot of dares on here involving drinking a rather large quantity of fluid (ie water) in a short time span. This can kill you, basically over hydrating to this degree throws off your body's electrolyte balance, of particular concern in the brain, and can result in sudden death. How much fluid is safe to consume varies by your size, kidney function, the activities you are doing, how hot it is, etc. As a starting point assume a maximum of 250-500ml/hour, if you want more specific and personal values ask your doctor or just drink only when you're thirsty.

Anything illegal This is less critical than the other stuff on this list but still worth mentioning. Dares to steal things, public nudity, etc - You're looking a fine or possibly jail time depending.

reserved for more

CollaredBlondie 03-25-2011 06:53 AM

Thanks for this, it's useful to have it all in one place, then people can refer to/link to it if they feel a dare has portential risks.

Brine, or oil or anything is dangerous to put in the vagina also; things covered in these substances (such as hot dogs) should be properly washed before use.

meeacaroline 03-25-2011 07:01 AM

While most of that I already knew, it was nice to see it again, and I'm sure a lot of people some times need a reminder that what they are doing is far from smart.
Also, I wasn't aware of the sugar one. I haven't done anything like that as of yet but now I never will. I have yeast infections far too much as it is.
Thanks alot! :)

Star Shadows 03-25-2011 09:12 AM

Brilliant and informative thread hope people see it and heed it's warnings.

desenagrator 03-26-2011 07:04 PM

Whoever would have done these things anyway is just completely stupid!

acbiskit 06-01-2011 12:30 PM

Just wodering, is toothpaste safe? Because if a blob gets inside you and your anus cant get it out, is that bad?

no-cake?!? 01-17-2014 10:10 AM


Originally Posted by acbiskit (Post 468426)
Just wodering, is toothpaste safe? Because if a blob gets inside you and your anus cant get it out, is that bad?

I don't believe there is any problem with toothpaste, however you need to remember that it's a diuretic, so if you use it anally you'll have similar problems to college enemas. It would just be painful if you get some stuck in there. Especially if it dries off

NKat68 04-25-2014 01:44 PM

When I ask... I do get alot of unhealthy dares which I just flat out say no

wandering76 04-26-2014 01:21 PM

You should add that skunk thing or just messing with wild animals in general. Rabies shots are not fun. Also you could get really hurt or the animal might get hurt.

pantielover 05-07-2014 06:31 PM

Question. If I am wearing gym shorts that you can see the outline and color of my panties through, is that indecent exposure?

maxS 05-07-2014 06:46 PM

Still, fools will be fools. I have given the same advices to a few people only to later read in their reports that they have done so anyway.

b3delta 07-25-2014 08:48 PM

I think the water consumption deserves it's own sticky. There are a ton if dares regarding drinking a lot of water and some people still don't understand hyponeutremia. While piss holding is fun and a great dare. The water needs to be balanced out with some food or sports drink to keep the salts in the body

yogozarfy 02-09-2015 12:06 AM

I don't think the one about excrement is necessarily true. I've heard that, as long as you do it with your own excrement, it's actually relatively safe - I've chewed on my own a few times, and have never gotten ill, so I certainly hope I'm right about this one!

C Taylor 07-20-2015 03:50 AM

It's good to see common sense prevailing. 1) Eating one's own scat can be VERY dangerous. Some things can pass through the system ONCE without a problem; but TWICE, after multiplying in the gut, and the bacterial load is SO great that you become ill. Don't do it! 2) In reading `worms in underwear', women need to be especially careful. As creatures of the earth, worms carry fungi, and their spores, on their skin, and in their castings(poop).The last thing a woman needs is an INDETERMINATE vaginal fungus infection which she might NEVER be COMPLETELY rid of. So, no matter HOW erotic worms in your panties might seem, OR FEEL, use caution, and scrupulous feminine hygiene IMMEDIATELY AFTERWARD! 3) Again, with worms in underwear, I can personally atest to its highly erotic sensations. However, a word of caution: Use ONLY earth worms & large night crawlers; RED, BLOOD, and SANDWORMS BITE!!! They have pincher mouth parts which can easily pierce the skin and lead to an infection. Leave them STRICTLY ALONE!

Flayze_blu 12-18-2015 09:53 AM

I'm so glad somebody pointed it out! There are so many lethal dares on this site, it's not even funny. One more thing I would mention which it seems you haven't is drinking urine. That's a fatal mistake to make, and people should only do it as a last resort if they're suffering from severe dehydration when stranded on a desert or something, and then too only once in their life!

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