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Truckernaut42 03-16-2017 04:53 PM

Journal: The Matriarchal Society
This story is told through journal/diary entries written by a man named Max Jefferson, a reporter sent by Vice to a small province in Europe (not owned by any country) where the society is a complete matriarchy. After years of oppression by men in government, the women rose up and took the power for themselves. The men who didn't leave were kept as housekeepers, workers, sexual toys for the women. Any male children are turned into workers as well if they choose to stay in the province. Some men don't mind it, as they are raised from birth this way and don't know any better, and sex is a huge part of some of their work. But they are given an amish type ritual, they may leave to the regular world for a week and come back or stay. If they leave they can never come back. Many men do return for many reasons, the work in the outisde world isn't worth it, they miss nudity, they find sex isn't as easy to come by, or because they'd rather stay with friends and family.

Truckernaut42 03-16-2017 05:07 PM

Entry 1:

I was invited by the Venus province to spend 6 months as part of their society to write about it in an article for Vice. They are looking for more men and women to join their society for numerous reasons and want to try and show the outside world what they are about. Of course I know that as a man, I will be expected to follow whatever their customs may be for men, and that is fine with me. I am told I can leave whenever I want but I am getting paid for how long I stay, and honestly I could use the money! How bad could it be?

Entry 2:

Wow so I'm in my room now and the last 4 hours have really been something. As soon as I got off the plane I was met by a friendly group of women and what seemed to be a law enforcement officer and I was commanded to strip nude. I asked if I could have a room to do that, and I was denied it. They said that men in the province do not hide in textiles, but instead are nudists. They told me that penis appearance is important and helps women to choose which men do what. It was embarrassing I will admit to be taking all of my clothes off in front of everyone. There were women everywhere but they didn't seem to really care that I was butt naked. I noticed, they did not. I was told to surrender anything I had that was clothing and that I would receive them back when I return home. I guess I overpacked!

They asked me to masturbate and get erect so they could properly rate my penis. I did as I was told, reluctantly. I honestly thought that was a joke at first. They measured me. 5 inches exactly. They said I was lucky, any smaller and I would be on a lower tier. Whatever that means. The woman who measured me had really cold hands, it felt weird when she touched my penis.

I learned that bigger men are used as bulls mostly to breed, and are given easier tasks as they're mainly used for that and sexual pleasure. Smaller men are given more work as they aren't used as much. I was told if I had been an inch smaller I would be ineligible for bull status at all, but I'd probably still be allowed to have sex, condom only. I guess I'm lucky? They said I'd still be an unlikely candidate though, as most bulls are 7 inches and over.

Bull ceremonies take place when a girl turns 18, she allowed to choose a man to impregnate her, any man she wants, even if he belongs to another family. Any man as long as they aren't real family. However, she does not need to be pregnant at that time, but it has to be done between 18 and 25 to ensure the best offspring. When men turn 18 they are allowed to leave.

I was driven to a nice house in a really pretty village. Very green, the air was fresh. They used solar panels for energy, so they didn't have as much pollution. It was nice. I kind of forgot I was even naked in the car as I interviewed some of the ladies riding with me.

I remembered when I got out of the car however, and felt my genitals slap my naked leg as I walked into the house. I was greeted by a very nice family. A mother, and her two daughters. The father had passed away when the youngest was born, about 18ish years ago apparently. I was brought to this house because their worker male had turned 18 and decided to leave. I would replace him for the next six months as a temporary worker. The women were very nice to me. I'll talk more about them in the morning, I am tired and would like to sleep. The bed in my room is soft and the sheets feel nice against my naked body.

Sydney_sub 03-17-2017 02:46 AM

Awesome start. Looking forward to your next installment

Truckernaut42 03-19-2017 03:56 PM

Entry 3:

Had to get up at 6 am to make breakfast. It was nice that I got to wear an apron, so my privates were covered for a little bit. Could still feel one of the daughter's eyes on my bare ass the whole time, could probably see my testicles hanging between my legs too. Her name was Andy, she turned 18 last month. Her mom and her other sister were all blonde. Her other sister was 24, her name is Sammi, her mom's name is Linda. I did not pry much about the father or brother.
Entry 4:

For part of my study I'm heading to a library a few blocks away. It'll be weird doing it naked but so far it seems like nobody even notices that you're naked. It would probably be weirder to be wearing clothes.
Entry 5:

I didn't realize men couldnt wear shoes. I hurt my feet walking on gravel. Tried my best to stay on the grass. I went to the library and did some research. I found an article explaining the different classes of men. I was curious to how I rank:

Big: 7+ inches
These men are used mostly as bulls for breeding and any actual work they do would be very easy such as folding laundry

Average: 5-7 inches
average men have more leeway with their work. They are usually used as clerks, nurses (only women can be doctors), cooks etc sometimes bulls as well should a woman request one but are mostly used for pleasure sex (condoms used) because their average size is easier for most women to take

Small: 3 to under 5
These men are usually used for more menial labour, lifting, plumbing, garbage collection, etc they are never used as bulls and rarely as pleasure sex, especially under 4 inches. These men usually only find sexual pleasure in their own masturbation or unless they voluntarily allow themselves to be used in the Strap-on Circle or choose to fuck tiny men in the circle.

Tiny: under 3 inches
These men are also mostly used for menial jobs, and stuff nobody really wants. However the skinnier men are used to model women's clothing, as their small penises are unnoticeable in panties or bikini bottoms. These men are never used for sexual pleasure by women and are usually ridiculed by the other men. Tiny men who are not employed usually live in strap on circle quarters and are used for recreational strap on circle activities.

I wasn't sure what a strap on circle was so I spent time reading on that too and this is what I learned:

The strap on circle is where men who break laws are sent to. There is a circle of seats around a stage where men who break the law are locked into a device. The device has them standing up but bent over, and a female judge with a strap on dildo anally fucks them. The amount of time they are fucked and how big the dildo is depends on the crime.

The buildings have jail cells for men who are to be sentenced, but also have upper quarters where men who voluntarily surrender themselves for money are. The rooms are basic hotel rooms where women or men can enter and use them for different prices. Sometimes Small men choose to do this as they usually don't receive sex from women, so they give it to men to get off. Gay men choose to do this often as well.

I guess for men who are really anal about receiving anal (sorry!) this would be a great deterrent for them to not commit crime. I wondered about that on my way here, if they had a criminal justice system or crime at all. From what I've read before coming, the system is somewhat of a communist society where everyone works for each other and community is the center goal.

Truckernaut42 04-12-2017 04:40 PM

Entry 6:

I've been here for about a month now. It really isn't that bad. Eventually you get used to being naked and you forget anyone and everyone can see your genitals. If anything, it's liberating. The women of the house have been very nice to me, some days I don't do many chores and just spend time hanging out. Andy and I especially have become very good friends. A few nights ago something... embarrassing happened. It's weird to be writing this for others to see, but I am a man and I have needs, so yes, I was masturbating in my room alone and Andy walked in on me tugging myself. It was pretty awkward and the way she looked at me I'll never forget. I laugh about it a bit as I write this but at that time it was pretty embarrassing. I apologized of course and covered myself with a pillow but Andy insisted it was okay. She said she had never seen a penis erect before and was curious. She actually asked if she could touch it and watch me finish. I said yes of course because, well, Andy was really cute. She put her soft hands around my erect penis and stroked me until I finished all over myself. She yelped out of surprise when I did, I should have warned her. She helped me clean up after.

Another night she came to me and asked me straight up if she could suck my dick. She told me she was curious about a lot of sexual things but was too shy to ask the last man servant for sex. I told her we could do anything she wanted as long as it was okay with her mother. Surprisingly, her mother agreed to it. She wanted Andy to get some experience because she was hoping Andy would become impregnated soon by a bull. So I let Andy put her lips around my penis until I became hard and she gave me oral sex. It felt great. Her mouth was so warm. We've been doing this for a few weeks now, every once and a while she'll come into my room and ask to play with my penis. I'm wondering if she'll ask to have sex soon?

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