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Shawn 11-13-2006 12:43 AM

This happened on Friday night BTW.

Okay, well there will be three girls in this story. Lets call them Danielle, Beth, and Monica.

Now Beth and Monica had a bet, if Beth lost the bet she would have to be Danielle's slave for 1 day. Beth would have to do anything Danielle told her, but Danielle wouldn't be told that Beth was her slave. Follow me this far? Beth ended up losing the bet.

Okay, now heres where I come in :D. Me, Danielle, and Beth are all standing in the hall, and their talking. I'm kinda listening, but I'd say I was more or less just pretending to listen so I don't really know what they were talking about. Anyways, I hear Danielle say something along the lines of "why don't you just take your skirt off?". Now I know Beth actually has to do it, so this kinda got my attention. Beth kinda starts to take it off, and then Danielle tells her to stop. Danielle asked Beth if she had to do anything else she said, Beth told her that she did for the rest of the day.

Since I'm still standing there, now listening, Danielle tells Beth to come over to her house after, and invites me over. I suggest my house instead because my parent were going to be out of town for the weekend. I tell them that if theyh were allowed they could both sleep over at my house for the night.

Now the first thing Danielle tells Beth to do knowingly. Beth had to go into the guys bathroom and take her panties off outside of a stall even if another guy was in there. So I go in with her to see if there are any other guys, and luckily for her there wasn't. She takes them off, we walk back into the hall and she gives them to Danielle. We decide to take the bus back to my house, so we go on the bus and go back, nothing special.

When we get into my house I suggest that I could lend both of them a shirt and swimming shorts if we wanted to go into the hot tub at some point. That stayed an option for later, but right now we were just going to stay inside and watch a movie. So we've got Beth waiting on us basically right now, nothing too exciting, she's just getting us drinks. I was starting to get hungry now, and my house didn't really have much food in it so I suggest that we order a pizza.

They both liked the idea, and Danielle thought it would be a good idea to make Beth answer the door.. Wearing almost nothing. Danielle took off an undershirt which was basically see-through, and I rolled up Beth's skirt who also wasn't wearing any panties anymore. Too make sure the pizza guy noticed this, we told her to invite him into the house, and she would go into the kitchen and sit on one of the chairs facing him with her legs open.

It took around 20 mins for the pizza guy to come there, but when he was there Danielle and I kinda hid in a corner. It's hard to explain my house but basically theres the front door which has an opening into the kitchen and theres a wall on the right. We were on the other side of that wall, and could see the whole kitchen pretty much, but the pizza guy couldn't see us. When she opened the door we heard her say come on in for a second, and then we saw her in the kitchen, she sat down in the chair and opened her legs. I had a clear view, and I'm assuming the pizza guy did as well. Beth then took it to another level that we didn't ask her too.

She told the pizza guy that she usually walks around the house naked, and only put those chlothes on because he was coming. She said they were uncomfortable and asked if he minded if she took them off. He said it was her house, and her choice so he didn't mind. She then took them off, and grabbed the money and gave it to him. After that, we came out and Danielle said she could have a shirt back but would still have to keep the skirt rolled up.

Either way I'm not complaining :P I was surprised that she got totally nude for the pizza guy, even though we didn't ask her too.

Another little side thing before I continue with this story, but when it's peoples birthday's I usually give them something serious, and a joke gift. For example, I gave my one friend a bar of soap as a joke.. he does shower, and smells fine it was just a joke. It was Danielle's birthday a few weeks ago, and as a joke I gave her something that numbed your gag reflex. I figured she'd just throw it out, but she pulled it out of her purse and told me she had forgot about it and hadn't thrown it out.

So she told Beth that if she wanted to roll down her skirt fully, she would have to give me a blow job, and make me cum in 5 mins. She gave her some of this gag reflex stuff. Well, anyways I got up and was going to go to my room, but Danielle wanted us to do it there (in the family room) so I sat back down. Around 1 min in, Danielle gets up and starts to make out with me while Beth is still going at it. After the 5 mins was up I hadn't cummed so Beth didn't get to roll her skirt down.

After this we didn't really make her do anything for a while. After a while Danielle suggested we go into the hot tub. By this time it was getting darker outside so she said we should all go in without bathing suits when I offered to grab her one.

We went outside, and into the hot tub. This was more of a relaxing time and kinda thrilling since we were all nude, rather than making beth do things. We did make her put her pussy right up to the jet and we'd turn it on full blast, but that was only fun for so long. After that we were all just sitting there talking about school, and not really making her do anything, just relaxing. I started to move my hand up Danielle's leg, and was starting to finger her without Beth noticing at all. Danielle didn't say anything so I continued for a while, but was going lightly so she didn't make any noise.

After a while in the hot tub, I asked the two girls how far they wanted to take this. Danielle told Beth to answer her questions honestly, and asked her two things "Would you have sex with Shawn if I told you too?", and "Would you want to have sex with Shawn if I told you too?". Beth answered yes to both of them!

She said she wouldn't make her do it yet, but may think about it later.

We went inside and didn't give Beth any of her clothes back. We got dried off, and then Danielle said that since Beth couldn't get me to cum earlier she should have sex with me now. I went up to my room and grabbed a condom then came back downstairs. I put the condom on and beth came over, we were starting to have sex. We were probably going for 2-3 mins when Danielle came over nude and started to kiss me, the kiss Beth. We ended up where Beth was eating Danielle out and I was having sex with Beth. We went in other different positions, but I'm not going to get into detail with that.

After that I think we all wanted a little bit of a break from making Beth do things, but we still wouldn't let her get dressed.

We didn't really do much for the next hour or so, we made kraft dinner that we couldn't find earlier, then after a while we figured we'd do something to beth.

She had gone to the washroom, and I told her that I had a set of handcuffs. We took her up to my room, then we handcuffed her on the bed, and we blindfolded her. We started doing random things to her, like I was tickling her with a part of the bed sheet. Then Danielle grabbed me, and put my dick into Beth's mouth. She started to suck it while Danielle went down on her. I went down on Danielle after a few mins. I didn't get off there, we stopped before that, and started to spank Beth. Danielle started to give me a blow job while I was spanking her, and started to give me a handjob shortly after that until I cummed all over Beth. After that we un-blind folded her, and let her shower.

Danielle only made her do one thing after that, and that was make me and her sleep together nude.

If you want some pics PM me, and I MAY give them out, haven't decided yet.

Shawn 11-14-2006 01:46 PM

34 views!!! 0 Replies...

If this keeps up I'm going to take down the story.

Benfromariz 11-14-2006 03:09 PM

That was a really hot story! You are so lucky!

THeMaGNeTiCMan 11-14-2006 04:23 PM

Thats cool. I was just too lazy to reply. I'll take a pic if u dont mind

Glutgod 11-14-2006 07:48 PM

Oh yea and by the way in my fours it normally takes at least ;like 70-100 views before somebody post so your auctly very lucky.

cyrano69 11-15-2006 01:15 PM

This is a really a fun story. You lucky devil.

nina 11-15-2006 01:39 PM

I really wish my friends were into that sort of stuff.

Shawn 11-15-2006 02:26 PM


Originally Posted by nina (Post 4340)
I really wish my friends were into that sort of stuff.

Well, it's not like this happens every weekend although were probably going to be hanging out again, but I dont know if much will happen. We'll see... I'll try to post another story.

Smile Guy 11-24-2006 03:11 PM

Great story. You're a lucky guy, you know that?

I'd like pictures if you want to PM them to me! :D

Shawn 11-25-2006 08:59 AM

Haha thanks, I've sent the Pics to you VIA PM :P Enjoy.

baca diablo 11-26-2006 11:46 AM

hey can i have pics too. dang u r realy lucky, REALY

depp 11-27-2006 02:57 AM

From the rules:


3) Don't post, offer, or request pictures that contain people.
If you must ask please use the private messaging system.

Please stay within the getDare rules. We don't want everybody asking for pictures every time an awesome story is posted. ;-) Thanks!

Shawn 11-27-2006 09:02 AM

Sorry deep, if you want to edit that bit out of my post then you can :P

bkwrm37 12-24-2006 01:14 AM

I wish my friends would do that sort of stuff.

Good story.

chain 12-24-2006 01:33 PM

I second bkwrm37....amazing story.

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