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naked_lego 04-02-2013 06:38 PM

17 Of Your Favorites.
So I wanna get to know what more of you are like. Beyond the sexual preferences. Interpret each question how you want. Maybe someone of them are straight forward questions?? ;) But you must answer them all! And you can NOT put "none" or anything related to "none" for your answer. If anything randomly pick an answer out of a hat.

So I want to know your Favorite/Preferred:

1. Princess?
2. Prince?
3. Color?
4. Song?
5. Movie?
6. Food?
7. Day?
8. Clothing?
9. Shampoo?
10. Body feature?
11. Book?
12. Person?
13. Place?
14. Activity?
15. Smell?
16. Word?
17. (insert 1 of your favorites I didn't mention above and that no one mentioned on this page)?

Komodo Jones 04-02-2013 06:51 PM

1. Princess?
Princess Jasmine.
2. Prince?
Prince Eric, from the Little Mermaid? Sorry I've been doing a lot of research on Disney movies lately.
3. Color?
4. Song?
September by Earth, Wind, and Fire
5. Movie?
Pirates of the Carribean: Curse of the Black Pearl
6. Food?
Anything parents say is bad for you:D More specifically wings.
7. Day?
8. Clothing?
Lounge pants and an old tee shirt
9. Shampoo?
Axe, usually Phoenix.
10. Body feature?
11. Book?
"The Taking" by Dean Koontz
12. Person?
At the current moment, my domme.
13. Place?
A water park?
14. Activity?
15. Smell?
16. Word?
Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia. Believe it or not that is the fear of long words.
17. Video Game Series?
Kingdom Hearts.

fitsexyguy 04-03-2013 03:12 AM

1. Princess?
Princess Peach

2. Prince?
Prince Philip

3. Color?

4. Song?
Signed, Sealed, Delivered, I'm Yours - Stevie Wonder

5. Movie?
Analyze This

6. Food?

7. Day?

8. Clothing?

9. Shampoo?
Nice smelling one

10. Body feature?

11. Book?
Steve Jobs biography

12. Person?
Mila Kunis

13. Place?

14. Activity?

15. Smell?
Seductive women's perfume

16. Word?

17. Sound?
V12 engine driving off

spacegal24 04-03-2013 03:12 AM

1. Princess?
Does Mulan count? If not, then Snow White.
2. Prince?
Li Shang, or Aladdin
3. Color?
4. Song?
I Don't Want to Set the World on Fire by The Ink Spots
5. Movie?
Any Sci-Fi movie, to be honest
6. Food?
7. Day?
8. Clothing?
My slleeping shorts and my old Judas Priest shirt
9. Shampoo?
Garnier Fructis
10. Body feature?
11. Book?
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
12. Person?
My boyfriend
13. Place?
My Room
14. Activity?
Playing guitar
15. Smell?
pretty smells, no matter what it is
16. Word?
17. Favorite Video game?
F-Zero GX

ulkira14 04-03-2013 03:34 AM

1. Princess?
Princess Peach

2. Prince?
Prince...of Persia?

3. Color?

4. Song?
WoodKid - Iron

5. Movie?
Pulp Fiction

6. Food?

7. Day?

8. Clothing?
Casual / Elegant

9. Shampoo?
Nivea Men

10. Body feature?

11. Book?

12. Person?
A girl from my class.

13. Place?

14. Activity?
PC gaming

15. Smell?

16. Word?

17. Sound?

Hunterman36 04-03-2013 04:22 AM

So I want to know your Favorite/Preferred:

1. Princess? - Leia Organa (Don't know a lot of Princesses)
2. Prince? - Arthur of Camelot (Awesome fictional character)
3. Color? - Dark Blue (A popular choice to many)
4. Song? - Brain Stew, By Green Day (Always hold a place in my heart)
5. Movie? V for Vendetta (Acting, Plot, and Characters are all amazing)
6. Food? - Spaghetti (A simple yet delicious meal)
7. Day? - Saturday (Sleep in with no school, and stay up late with no school)
8. Clothing? - Shorts and T-shirt (all year round even in the winter)
9. Shampoo? - Dial 2 in one hair and body (Simple is good)
10. Body feature? - My face (I think it is a good one)
11. Book? - 2010: A Space Odyssey (Amazing story)
12. Person? - Abraham Lincoln (Favorite President)
13. Place? - Gettysburg, Pennsylvania (Was the best Vacation spot ever)
14. Activity? - Internet browsing or Video Games (Fuck Call of Duty)
15. Smell? - Bacon (Obviously the best thing ever)
16. Word? - Amazing (I use it a lot)
17. Season? Winter (I was born in winter, and I love the winter)

Tom_claw 04-03-2013 04:29 AM

my 17 favorities
1. Princess?
2. Prince?
3. Color?
4. Song?
"Bet on It" -High School Musical 2
5. Movie?
All of High School Musical
6. Food?
Chinese Noddles
7. Day?
8. Clothing?
Cargo pants
9. Shampoo?
10. Body feature?
11. Book?
Star Trek The Next Generation
12. Person?
Zac Effron
13. Place?
Canada- BC
14. Activity?
Communicate with new people in same area
15. Smell?
16. Word?

Stevo25 04-03-2013 04:42 AM

1. Princess?
Princess Jasmine.
2. Prince?
Yes i will be one please
3. Color?
4. Song?
I Will Wait - Mumford and Sons
5. Movie?
Lord of the Rings Trilogy
6. Food?
Christmas Dinner!
7. Day?
8. Clothing?
Jeans and T-Shirt
9. Shampoo?
Head and Shoulders
10. Body feature?
Waiting for someone to tell me
11. Book?
The Hobbit
12. Person?
Jordana Brewster/Paul Walker
13. Place?
Texas Forever
14. Activity?
Watching Sport
15. Smell?
16. Word?
Double Rainbow??
17. Doritos?
Tangy Cheese

Alice41100 04-03-2013 05:07 AM

1. Princess?
2. Prince?
3. Color?
4. Song?
Hakuna Matata
5. Movie?
21 Jump Street
6. Food?
Tea cakes
7. Day?
8. Clothing?
Jogging bottoms and top
9. Shampoo?
10. Body feature?
11. Book?
Any of the Harry potter series
12. Person?
My mum or dad or sisters
13. Place?
14. Activity?
Netball or rounders
15. Smell?
Mown grass
16. Word?
17. Football team?
Aston Villa

Embii 04-03-2013 07:39 AM

1. Princess?
Mulan, assuming she counts
2. Prince?
The musician. Sticking to the Disney theme, Aladdin.
3. Color?
Htun. Or purple.
4. Song?
Changes every day, but currently Depth over Distance - Ben Howard.
5. Movie?
Changes, but currently Submarine.
6. Food?
Double chocolate cookies.
7. Day?
My birthday >.<
8. Clothing?
Skater dresses.
9. Shampoo?
Most things Aussie.
10. Body feature?
Eyes. Or backs.
11. Book?
Ah, this is hard, Kafka on the Shore - Haruki Murakami
12. Person?
A close friend
13. Place?
A hill in my local park. Or my bed.
14. Activity?
15. Smell?
Anything being baked.
16. Word?
This one changes nearly daily too, but wanderlust.
17. Drink?

Grindboy 04-03-2013 04:35 PM

1. Princess?
I'd like to pick Inara from Firefly, she's technically a whore (*cough* I mean companion) but she's a princess to me.
2. Prince?
Harry! He's just so cool!
3. Color?
My bedroom is red so we'll go with that.
4. Song?
Madness! Covered by Madness.
5. Movie?
I don't really have a favourite but if pushed The Blues Brothers.
6. Food?
Lasagne or fajitas!
7. Day?
I might go with Christmas, I love the food and the family time.
8. Clothing?
Jeans, it's a cop out answer but they are a brilliant stand by
9. Shampoo?
As I man I'm not fussed, head and shoulders seems to do a good job though.
10. Body feature?
Small boobs. Too big and they are a waste!
11. Book?
Anne McCafery's Pern series or Stephen King's Dark Tower series.
12. Person?
Little Lulu (she's such a good sub)
13. Place?
Home :3
14. Activity?
Walking on the Moors
15. Smell?
I have a very limited sense of smell... Baking bread is a good smell though.
16. Word?
Plop! So onomatopoeiaic
17. Favourite minecraft block?
Sponge! (so hipster it hurts)

kurious kat 04-06-2013 08:48 AM

So I want to know your Favorite/Preferred:

1. Princess? Ariel
2. Prince? Charming
3. Color? Teal
4. Song? Tough call. Depends on my mood. Today it's Anna Begins
5. Movie? Shrek
6. Food? Creme brulee
7. Day? The middle day of a 3-day weekend
8. Clothing? Skirts and knee-high boots
9. Shampoo? Aubrey Organics
10. Body feature? Chest
11. Book? The Hunger Games (from the past couple of years; I rarely re-read, so there are always new favorites for the month, the year, the decade...)
12. Person? My best friend
13. Place? Quiet spots for climbing around and exploring
14. Activity? Making stuff
15. Smell? Spicy fall scents of cinnamon and cloves
16. Word? conniption
17. Artist? Auguste Rodin

Dareholic 04-06-2013 09:13 AM

1. Princess? Daisy
2. Prince? Will Smith on "The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air
3. Color? Is it not obvious
4. Song? "Pass the Dutchie" by. Musical Youth
5. Movie? So many to choose from, umm... "Rat Race"
6. Food? Edible
7. Day? International Talk Like a Pirate Day (ITLAPD)
8. Clothing? One's that Fit.
9. Shampoo? Prell
10. Body feature? Hands
11. Book? "Crazy English"
12. Person? The one that's right behind you.
13. Place? Earth
14. Activity? Being Alive.
15. Smell? Really Ripped Abs, body spray BY BOD
16. Word? Abacinate
17. Animal? Wombat

Nerdrage 04-06-2013 10:19 AM

Such an awesome idea for a questionnaire, naked_lego!

1. Princess?
- Although I like fantasy stories and such, there is literally NO princess in particular, I could think of right now. Aren't they just all the same either way? Adorable, girlie and in pretty much every single case the emotional couterpart to their fathers.
Am I a bad person for what I just said?

2. Prince?
- Again, the fantasy geek within me would probably say Arthas Menethil. The fallen hero who loved his people so much that he decided to slay them all.
I notice, I am a 90's child, spending too much time in front of the TV.
The same monarchal position, on the one hand held by a woman and I connect her with cuteness and emotions, on the ohter hand a man and it's the strong hero, dedicated to his nation.
Don't judge me!

3. Color?
- Black. If I can paint with it, it's a colour!

4. Song?
- Classical music. It is absolutely fascinating that, even without any words, this music is able to create stunningly intense feelings as if every tiny bit of your soul was surrounded and expressed by pure sound. Oh, and Caramelldansen!

5. Movie?
- Richard Linklaters: Waking Life
"Hey, are you a dreamer?"

6. Food?
- Technically, beer counts as food, right?
But seriously, I love to eat stuff I made on my own. I know, some of you might think quite dirty now but what I want to say is: Cooking is a passion of mine and I love eating it... Win-Win-Situation

7. Day?
- Night wins!

8. Clothing?
- Classy. Mono-coloured (again, black is the way to go) shirts/pullovers and Jeans, being either blue or black.
All in all very simple.
Would I prefer going nude? Despite the fact that I would make a good laugh, walking around at cold temperatures, I think clothes in general are extremely important for our society.
I mean... Girls, don't get me wrong. In summer, less is more. Definitely!

9. Shampoo?
- None. I use just the same stuff I use for the rest of my body.

10. Body feature?
- I have no idea what I should answer to this.
Breasts are awesome but that would make me look like a pleb, right?
Oh, i got a good one! On a female body, the part between the end of her thigh and her pubic area.

11. Book?
- Critique of Pure Reason

12. Person?
- My best female friend. Because she helped me through tough times in my life and always built me up when I was broken. Who never realized that we were made for each other, who never understood that I would do anything to see her smile, who never understood how deeply she hurt me when she said "no".
Nah, just kidding! Probably Spock

13. Place?
- The window seat in a train.

14. Activity?
- Waiting

15. Smell?
- Petrol or freshly mown gras

16. Word?
- prefer Open Office

17. 17-question-questionnaire?
- Not this one

naked_lego 04-06-2013 11:33 AM

1. Princess?

2. Prince?
Prince of Persia (Good call, ulkira14)

3. Color?
White I answered just look harder :)

4. Song?
Lindsey Stirling, Yeah I know it is not a song but I love all her stuff. But hey my other choice was Techno. Also not a song, I know. :P

5. Movie?
Wreck It Ralph :D "I'm Gonna Wreck it!"

6. Food?
Chocolate! I love chocolate! :) I actually just polished of a big bag of M&Ms this morning. I've only been up for an hour. I have lots more day to eat more chocolate too!

7. Day?
When everyone is out of the house and I am home alone.

8. Clothing?
Dresses, I simply adore dresses. If a girl is wearing one you can bet I am looking more at the dress then her. I love looking at them shopping for them and wearing them. If only I looked good enough to leave the house in them. Sadly I am a guy so I won't ever look that good in them.

9. Shampoo?
Suave 2 in 1 shampoo and conditioner, THe big bottle with the blue label. Although I have been putting the new axe products on the shelves and I like the smell of Deep Space. Smells kinda like Rosemary XP

10. Body feature?
The stomach or back. I find those areas particularly sexy especially if they are toned or tight :)

11. Book?
Mortal Instruments Series

12. Person?
I was gonna say my younger sister and she is probably is my favorite person because she knows everything about me. I don't have any friends besides my family so I really have only my family to pick from. I guess I could pick so famous person. I will just go with my sister.

13. Place?
Anywhere watching Star Trek.

14. Activity?
Creating things. It could be anything!

15. Smell?

16. Word?
Why. I am a very curious person. I ask why a lot.

17. Warmachines Faction?
Cygnar, Represent!

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