getDare Truth or Dare

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The Last Ship 01-31-2024 11:30 AM

Close the door
Perhaps I shouldn’t have come. All I have done until now was in the safety of my own room. Not even once, I had left those four walls of my bedroom during one of the many tasks. The downstairs floor to intimidating. If I can’t masturbate in my own kitchen, then I certainly shouldn’t be here. But then again… Those are probably the nerves talking. Right? Most people would call me an introvert after meeting me. I probably can talk a bit more during social events. But what would I talk about? My somewhat boring job or the rainy weather? Or perhaps about my kinks that I like to act on online and what I keep a secret from everyone else. That would be a great topic if only….

Somewhere in my train of thoughts the front door opened already. The dark hallway almost empty. No pictures. No carpet. Just white walls and one coat hanger with some fabric. As soon as I step inside, I feel a new text coming in. The buzzing in my pocket immediately brings out my desire to play. I never imagined that a text message could bring this feeling. The again, I never imagined doing this as well.

“Close the door. Blindfold yourself with the cloth. Take of your coat. Hang it up.”

Four simple instructions to follow. I close the door quickly anxious for what is to come afterwards. The white walls slowly disappear as my eyesight goes black. Taking of the coat was another easy part. But finding that damned hanger without actually realizing how high or low it was takes frustratingly too much time. Why do you have to make it so difficult sometimes? Couldn’t I have put the blindfold on after hanging the coat? I know better then to question you out loud but in my mind you can’t hear me. I hope. Your low chuckle isn’t missed by me. I am glad my struggles entertain you.

“Stop. You are taking too long. Just drop it. And everything else you are wearing can join it on the floor.”

My fingers shake slightly as I unbutton my blouse and pants. The cool temperature from outside made its way in during the short time the door was open. Goosebumps form all along my arms. Maybe from the excitement, nerves or the cold. Or even all three. I can hear you take a few steps. Nothing else tells me how far or near you are. No touch or breath across my skin. If it wasn’t for your voice I still could have been inside those four safe walls. “I said everything”. You’re getting impatient and I can’t blame you. Without a second thought the clips of my bra are unhooked and it slowly falls to the floor. My underwear quickly follows. Not seeing you makes me want to cover up. I don’t. I know you will punish me for it. You have done so in the past. Multiple times for doing something I hadn’t been given permission for. It seems like a few minutes have passed already before I sense you again. My hair isn’t that long, but it reached beyond my shoulders. Your fingertips softly drag across my neck as you move my hear back. The faint feeling of your touch is replaced by the hard leather f a color tight around my neck. Before I can react it is already secured and being tugged on. No other way then to follow you away from the door. We make more turns then any other house has had in my entire life. You’re playing with me. I know it. And exactly that thought makes me a little bit wetter. The dark and endless maze of corners stop when you pull me up the stairs.

“Stay still”. He says as the constant pull on the leash falls away. “Give me your hands”. I can feel handcuffs being placed around my wrists. Together with some more metallic sounds as you move around me. Never really touching, but not going far away. Without warning my hands are being pulled up. Not high enough yet to lift me from the ground. No doubt in my mind says they could go that far up. “Spread your legs”. Your finger finds my entrance easily as you forcefully shove one inside. “Quite wet for me already. That is good. Makes the next step a whole lot easier”. Your finger leaves me as quickly as it came. Almost leaves me wanting more. But I know I don’t have to wait long with you. As I finish the thought, I can feel something else near my vagina. It feels like two connected balls as they are slowly being pushed further and further. I don’t have much training with inserting things. You know that. Which is probably why you are being kind with your speed. “I’ll let you get used to these for a few seconds”.

“I am going to enjoy this weekend. Having you all to myself. Unfortunately, I forgot to pick up a few things. So I have to go out. Not to worry though. I have a nice plan to keep you entertained”. A low vibrating starts from the balls as they come alive. “Do you feel that?” It is getting stronger by the second. The sound it creates becoming harder as well. “Yes”.

“Remember to always call me sir.”
“Yes, sir. I’m sorry, sir”.

“Don’t worry. You’ll make it up to me soon enough.” I feel his finger slide through my slit, forcefully pressing on my clit as I squirm at the touch. “Every 5 minutes these balls will intensify. And every time you feel it increasing in tempo you’ll thank me out loud. Make sure you don’t cum. Make sure you don’t miss the window for the thank you and maybe you’ll be rewarded once I get back. Failure obviously gets punished”. One more pull on the handcuffs puts me on tiptoes after which I hear the front door open and close. With the vibrating balls taking over all feeling and sound, I can’t escape the building pressure that is quickly rising. I can only hope you don’t leave me here long.

m55uk4younger 02-06-2024 07:28 AM

Thank you, a nice start to your story, keep typing!

The Last Ship 03-30-2024 10:51 AM

I don’t remember the times I thanked him for increasing the vibrations. Or the amount of minutes that passed by during his shopping trip. All I was concerned about was getting my release. The sound of the front door opening didn’t register in my mind. Neither did his footsteps on the stairs. The low chuckle that escaped his lips at the sight of my predicament didn’t escape me though. It sounded like the release I have been craving for. Hopefully in the literal sense of it. However small that chance might be.

His fingertips brush against my ribcage slowly gliding underneath my breasts. A tingling sensation follows his path. “You did good”. I almost don’t know what felt better. The light stroke or his praise. Whichever it was, internally I am begging even more for a release. “Thank you, sir.” I managed to say between my labored breaths. His arms surround me from behind. I’m craving for his touch. I have been for a while, but now we finally meet. Now I don’t need to fantasize about it. I feel a sharp tug on my nipples. “Can you handle more?” Another quick tug. “Not much more, sir. I’m sorry.” Another tug. “Beg” pinch “me” pinch “to” pinch “stop” pinch “it”. This time he keeps pulling. My nipples sensitive from the stimulation I already received. “Please, sir, stop. I can’t take more”. My nipples are released from his grasp and not long after the balls stop vibrating. “I’m in a good mood. So I’ll make you a deal. Interested?”

“Yes, sir.” Knowing he would go ahead with his plans anyway. We established that relationship early on in our games. Unless I say our safe word, I am his. Whatever he wants, will happen eventually. “You managed 42 minutes today. I am going to spank you until your ass cheeks are a nice color. And until they are, those balls will remain inside of you. No matter how wet you might be and how slippery the balls can get. They will remain inside of you.” His point is made clear when his finger slides threw my slit. A shiver running up my body at the sudden contact. “If you succeed in keeping the balls in, I will turn them back on and reward you with an orgasm. If you fail. We will repeat this all again tomorrow. How about that?” I am not rewarded many orgasms. I can’t count the weeks I have been deprived of one on my hands. He knows this. Whatever he would have said, a chance at an orgasm will always win over my rational side. A nod of acknowledgement is all he needs.

The first hit took me by surprise. No shuffling around to get a belt. No warning. Just one hard hit to my right ass cheek. The second was expected. My body reacts on its own to all the spanks that follow. Each time my skin becomes a little bit more sore. I can only imagine how red it can be by now. Each time the belt comes down, my legs start to give out a bit. The balls already at the entrance. So close to slipping out. Two more spanks. Two more times they almost slip out. One more spank. My upper thighs are soaked with my own juices. One more spank and I can feel them pop-out. “Tss.. Tss.” My ass is on fire, my pussy screaming for attention and no orgasm. “So close. I am almost done. Just a few more spanks and your ass is bright and shiny. I did tell you, the balls needed to be in for the duration of the spanking. So open up those lovely legs of yours.” This time he wasn’t so gentle as the first time he guided them inside. As he pulled his hand away from my folds I feel his fingers brush past my clit. I can’t stop the gasp that escapes as he does so. “My bad”.

After three more spanks the balls drop again and again. Each time they get shoved back in harsher than the last time. “I am getting tired of picking them up. So I am changing the rules. I will spank you ten more times. For every time you drop the balls in those ten spanks, I will continue with five spanks on that nice clit of yours. Count them out for me”. Once more the balls get shoved inside. Once more does he brush past my clit. Obviously to show me how bad the spanking will be on it. “One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six.” My ass cheeks are burning. They can’t be any other color then red. “Seven. Eight.” The balls drop once more. The feeling I have been dreading since the rules changed. I really tried to keep them in. I tried to avoid additional spanks. “Nine. Ten.”

“That makes five to the clit. Ready?”

The Last Ship 04-25-2024 11:53 AM

“I believe you have been standing around long enough”. Every spot on my body sensitive to the small wind that is going around. The slaps to my clit made sure it accompanies my ass in agony. Yet the need for an orgasm overshadows all of it. I truly believed I got to have one. In my head I fantasized, being pushed against the wall as soon as I stepped inside the house. Striped naked with brute force before given the release I endlessly desire since you ripped them from my grasp those few weeks ago. Not caring if you closed the door in the meantime. Not caring if anyone saw. You did that to me. You created this deprived version of myself that would jump through a hoop for the slightest brush of your fingers. Yet those brushes you have been given me are not satisfying my cravings in the least. “I’d like some pictures to remember our weekend by. You can choose if I take them now or after a short bath.” Unsteady on my legs as you lower my arms down, you gently guide me to a chair. “I would like a bath first, sir”.

“Very well.” Without warning you cup my pussy. While pressing down I can smell your cologne getting stronger. “Do you enjoy this?” Four simple words whispered in my ear. “Y- Yes, sir”. His hand moves away immediately. “Do you enjoy this?” Before I can ask what he is referring to I can feel ice against my pussy lips. “It is very cold, sir.” You are again close to me. “That isn’t what I asked.” The soft escape of air you make as you grin at my reply isn’t lost on me. “I like it for you, sir.” The ice almost gone already. “Then let’s enjoy it some more.” My wrist duct taped to the chair. My legs following the same theme. A small strip gets taped just below my nipples. I don’t grasp the idea behind it until you lay a few ice cubes against each nipple. Off course, you aren’t gone hold them there. You rather sit back and watch me squirm. You push my legs open wider and I feel the first ice cube being pushed inside. Followed by a second. You’re going slow. Savoring every second. After the second, you place two new ones at my nipples again. A third into my pussy. A fourth. Two extra at my nipples. You repeated it once more. The first ice cubes already melted. “I have twelve cubes left. The bath has to wait a bit longer. You don’t mind, right?” Before I can respond you place duct tape over my mouth. “That’s what I thought”. The cold water from the cubes at my nipples creates streams across my stomach. All the water ending up near my entrance. I can’t help but shiver as everything feels cold.

“Now it is time for your bath. If you can find it.” The next thing I feel is the duct tape being removed, freeing me from the chair. Complete silence afterwards. No footsteps. No further instruction. Just silence. Debating in my head if moving off the chair is a good idea or not. He never said I should stay. I easily slip off the chair, taking all the cold water with me. “Took you long enough. Count to fifty. Make sure you find the bathroom before the water gets cold.” I hear him walk away as I start counting out loud. Water is running somewhere downstairs. It has to be downstairs. The sound is to soft to be anywhere close by. This is why he let me through a kind of maze downstairs. He planned for me to get lost. He’d always said he enjoyed watching the frustration when mundane tasks turn into challenges. The coat hanger. And now this.

At a slow pace I shuffle forward with my hands in front of me. Find the door. Find the stairs. First these two tasks and then I’ll worry about the actual bathroom downstairs. Finding the door is easy. Following your footsteps in my mind as I sweep one foot in front of the other. The stairs directly to the left. Exactly as I remember from just a few hours earlier. “You made it already”. I can’t help but jump back a little. I didn’t expect you to randomly pop up. But then again, it is something you would do. Which you have just proven again. “I have something fun planned, which I don’t want to wait on anymore. So, I’ll give you the directs to the bathroom. But in exchange I’ll tie your wrist behind your back.” The metal cuffs from earlier find their way around my wrists once more. “You go straight, left, and then the second door on the right. I’ll be right behind you.” A little push in the right direction. Figuratively and literally. Unsure of my steps I start to move again. Careful to not hit a wall at full speed. The first corner I did just that. Luckily I’m taking small steps. Pressing myself against the right wall to feel the doors. Feeling the first one and the second following soon after. “Good job. I’ll remove the tape on your wrist and mouth and then you can get in the tub.”

The Last Ship 05-06-2024 12:34 PM

The bath was nice and hot. Relaxation spread quickly through my muscles. Hanging from the ceiling asks surprisingly much from your body. A hot bath was exactly what I needed to continue the entire weekend. “Put your feet over the sides”. I almost forgot you were in here with me. Something I should never do. It is dangerous to be horny and forgetting about you. I slowly comply with your order. Slowed down by my protesting muscles and confused mind. “You still owe me for not calling me sir earlier. I think it is time for your punishment.” You guide my hands to the faucet behind my head before softly locking them in handcuffs. “It is very simple. Do not cum or I have to punish you further. Do you understand?”

“Yes, sir”. I don’t have to wait long before I understand why you said that as the vibrator you are reaching for comes into view. The buzzing echo’s through the bathroom. The vibrating water reaches my clit before the vibrator can even touch it. The moment it comes in contact with my needy center all the horny feelings from earlier return in tenfold. All I want is to come. I need it at this point. No matter how much I try to shy away from it, you manage to keep it in place. Annoyingly so. “Infuriating isn’t it?” You ask as you put the vibrator on the next level. “To want something and being denied the pleasure. That is all I want. Having the pleasure of hearing you say ‘Sir’. This one simple thing.” I know I should concentrate on what you are saying, but I can’t seem to. “Who do you belong to?”

“I belong to you, sir”. Five simple words that are as true as they can come. “Good. Now, be a good girl and stop fidgeting”. The next few minutes were harder than anything else today. My body trying to get away from the vibrating torture down below with my head screaming at it to stay. “I believe this will suffice. Dry yourself off and meet me upstairs.” My center dripping wet from more than the water as I step our of the warmth. I walk up the stairs as confident as I can. Taking pictures always makes me nervous. We started this without any. Slowly warming up to the idea of sending any pictures. Evolving from detailed pictures to more parts of my body. Finally ending on full body shots. Although you don’t ask for those often, knowing how I feel. “I would like a few pictures if that is okay” I nod as I take my place in front of you. Kneeling at your feet. “If I could I’d take endless once, but I’ll settle for five. First I would like you to stay kneeling as you are, but with your hands behind your head. ‘Click’.

Guiding me through the next few pictures with ease. Going from kneeling to hanging from the ceiling once again. Next came the nipple clamps in view as my clit had endured enough for the short future. The fourth picture fully clothed with handcuffs, a blindfold and a gag. All different poses for you to remember the weekend by. “We are going on a walk.” You say as you hand me the shoes I left behind at the front door. “Somewhere during the walk you will tell me to get my camera for a final picture. If you don’t, I’ll make sure you wished you had.” We start the walk to the front door just like when I entered. “Do not talk to anyone. Do not look at anyone. The only words I want to hear are for the picture”. I nod as you open the front door. The cold evening air immediately starts flowing in. Grateful you take my jacket from the hanger at the last minute before guiding me outside. It takes a few minutes before we are outside of the city center. Walking past loud cafés and clubs full with dancing people. Most people we come across go towards the center to enjoy their night out with friends or their partner. You purposely guide me away. Knowing I would never choose a spot with that many people around.

A small park, a deserted street, a street with no lights, another park. All good locations I could have chosen. Somehow the streets become known again. Something that can only happen if we are turning back. Time is running out. As you guide me into a slightly lit alley way I timidly speak up. “Could you please get your camera, sir?” Your smile grows wide with anticipation. “Off course. In the meantime, you can get into position. I already have one picture with your clothes on. And we both know I much prefer you without. Strip for me.” You start to search your bag for the camera. No turning back now. I strip naked as fast as I can. Hoping you let me get dressed before anyone walks by. As I hand my clothes over to you, I get into position. ‘Click’.

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