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Anjelen 05-18-2010 02:52 AM

How not to be a Dumbinant
Allow me to introduce myself - if you haven't heard of me before.

My name is Anjelen. I am a thirty year old Agnostic, Taoist, and Hedonist. Aside from having been in the paid-sex industry for far longer than i can mention on this site, i began receiving training from various Dominants at age 14 - and five years later, became a Dominant myself, both in my lifestyle and for venues such as clubs and a large BDSM rave. I'm a student of the human mind, having studied Psychology and Sexuology on a university level - as well as simply studying the people i've ran into over the long time that i've done what it is that i do.

So - i would like to think that i know what i do, having played this 'game' for over a decade - and i am proud to call myself a Dominant.

Unfortunately, the Dumbinants outnumber the Dominants on this site.

Though it's not so much that they're dumb as it is that they've been browsing too much porn, reading too much erotica, and getting fed 'this is how dominates behave, lol' in bitesize chunks through the wonderous world of the web - and then think they know it all because they can adapt the commands to their own liking and get their fap on at a webcam.

While books, movies and other media, such as The Training of O, The Secretary and, oh, The Koka Shastra are wonderful sources of information, they aren't the end-all - and simply watching or reading these, do not a Dominant make. Do not blatantly regurgitate that what you see, hear and read - a good Dominant will have a style of their own, adapted to their individual skills, knowledge, and preference.

Example - in many, if not all impact play scenes, you will see a Dominant standing at arms length from their subject. yes - this makes for great visuals; the body of the submissive is exposed and squirming, the flogger will stretch to it's full length and thus leave the most visible marks, and so on and so forth. This style has become adapted across the world and is considered almost the standard for many various reasons.

I and a submissive went to a BDSM club in The Hague, not too long ago - and engaged in impact play, as i know she thrives on the impact of harsher sensations. I had her tied to a St. Andreas Cross, all but naked, exposed and vulnerable - and we were both having a good time. I hadn't brought any tools with me, having hoped to find them available at Club Ron, but had to wait for the owner to find us some - so i was swatting her with my bare hands. While i played with her, the owner came in with some things he was borrowing me - some rope and a flogger, simple but effective.

She - i'll call her Rose from here on - at this time was in deep Subspace, and though the presence of a stranger unsettled her somewhat (she had never been 'out of the bedroom' prior to our visit there) she was less concerned about covering up than she would normally have been. As Ron walked in i was standing close to her, my forehead against hers, speaking to her and reading her reactions to see if his presence unsettled her too much - had it, i would have covered her up and undone her bindings until he moved on.

He, a man with countless years of experience, having owned that club for thirty years alone, stood there for a little while, smiling, even before she noticed him. He and i exchanged some words, and before he moved on to see about entertaining his other guests, said the most remarkable thing.
"I love how close you two are, and the energy you exchange"
This is probably one of the greatest compliments i've had in a long, long time - and it all came from the simple fact that i was standing close rather than at arm's length. When i spoke to him later and asked him a bit more about it, he told me that he had found me, "protective and menacing at the same time, wich is the exact 'vibe' that i had been going for. By a simple application of my own style, developed over the years, rather than copying blatantly what i'd previously seen in porn, i had impressed a man who has more than likely seen it all, heard it all, and who most certainly by far knows more than i do.
She, when i spoke this through with her, said that she also appreciated me so close to her, as not only did it give her someone to focus on and a sense of safety, of not having to worry about proprietry and cover up - she was able to remain comfortable even though she had never been seen naked by anyone but a lover, let alone put on public display at a sex club - she also found it, and i quote;
"It was arousing in a sexual way as well. The attention and focus was... very hot."

A Dominant - in my experience, and opinion - should be knowledgeable, yes. But Knowledge Alone Doth Not A Dominant Make. Use whatever resource you have, but use them wisely. Think! Yours is the responcibility of providing a mutually gratifying time for both yourself and your submissive, wether for a one-time scene or for a long term relationship, wether in real life or long-distance.

People skills are important. Not simply controlling another - but knowing what goes through another's mind, reading their body language, listening to the sounds they make, the speed of their breath, watching the movement of their muscle - taking every cue possible to find out how they feel and acting on this in a way that makes the ongoing scene more enjoyable for the both of you - rather than simply telling them what to do, degrading them during, and getting your rocks off without (much) regard for wether or not they enjoy themselves - this is what makes a scene great for all involved.

Also, an exchange rather than one-way servitude heightens the abillity of a submissive to enjoy, to lose themselves, and to surrender. As an example, while Rose and i were enjoying ourselves, two other couples came in to share the room with us. Rose is an average young lady, 20 years old, and while not a priss by any standard, definately not someone who'll throw her clothes off with strangers present. I feared at that time she would Safeword out - and she would have had every right to do so. However - she didn't; it barely crossed her mind.

The two other Dominants, finding the cross taken, tied their submissives to a rack instead - and took to their own Impact Play. They and i exchanged some words, and i noticed Rose's look of 'Wow!' at the sight of the two other ladies tied up and being toyed with - so i suggested she join them at that rack. I suggested, rather than commanded, so as to give her the freedom to decline - but, when the other Dominants and their partners made clear they had no objections whatsoever, she joined them. I kept my focus on her - but seeing as i didn't have toys with me while they did, and i wanted Rose to experience the different sensations in paddles, floggers, whips and whatnot, i suggested to the other Dominants (who i had noticed throwing my Rose some -rather- lustful looks) that they were free to play with her as well...

A young woman who would be the first to describe herself as socially awkward, who is rather shy in common, and who will go out of her way to be as unintrusive as possible, and who prior could not even have imagined the thought of being shared in such a way, found herself on the receiving end of the attentions of three Dominants, two of whom she hadn't even met or exchanged more than a few words with - and, in her own words;
"that moment when all three of you were smacking me staying close to me was just...mrrrah. I couldn't move away or disengage, and it was just overwhelming because I didn't have the space to rationalize or think about what was happening, I just had to feel!"
- she loved it so much that she couldn't stop talking about that experience for days!

Bringing me to, thoughtfullness. Think your words and actions through. What are they going to do to your submissive? What is your submissive going to feel if they are constantly told they are worthless, scum of the earth, and not worth licking the ground you walk on? While it may be hot to you to degrade your submissive, and certainly hot for the submissive to feel degraded, constant degradation will have an adverse effect - over time, your submissive will come to feel ungratified, taken for granted, and unappreciated - and they will leave.

Name calling, or using a commanding tone isn't always the way to go - if i had commanded Rose, an absolute first-timer, to that rack, she would have more than likely litterally freaked out - the 'vibe' would have been lost, the scene disrupted, and the other two Dominants would have more than likely judged me a newbie - and they would have been correct.

Balance pleasure and punishment, and balance them well. One can't expect a submissive to thrive on punishment alone - however hot it may be initially for the both of you, to deny your submissive even the most basic of human dignity and rights, to put your submissive through constant pain - know that, and when enough is enough.

Offer reward where a reward is due. Certainly, a submissive should aim to serve and pleasure you - and here is the kicker - just as you should aim to serve their needs and pleasure. Treasure your submissive - after all, without them you are just a bully with a perverted mind.

Praising your submissive for good behavior and forgiving them for mistakes, only punishing willful and deliberate bad behavior is a far more effective way of training them than doling out punishments to train them, as well as getting them to like you - you become someone who can be trusted and relied on, rather than someone to be feared; someone whom they can relax to rather than tightly trying to make no mistakes whatsoever.

Mistakes are human. Submissives will make mistakes - just as you will. You being a Dominant does not make you flawless or incapable of error - and you should realise this. Be prepared to appologise, profusely where needed, for errors on your part.

Be yourself. Being yourself, and alowing your submissive to be themselves, will allow the both of you to relax, to calm down and warm up to one another - share stories, talk, and laugh; your relationship is not just one of sex.

Even while you should never lose sight of the fact that your submissive, even in their deference and servitude to you, will always remain your equal - there should be times when the two of you speak as equals, evaluate the things you've done and the impact you've had on one another. This is a time where they should be comfortable; when they should not have to wory about following protocols such as calling you 'Master' or 'Mistress', but where you two speak as friends. After all, without friendship, you will have barely a relationship at all.

Respect one another. Respect is one of the rarest coinages - one of the most difficult to get, and one of the most easiest to lose. Without the respect of your peers you would not have peers - and without the respect of your submissive, you will not have a submissive. Likewise, if you do not respect them, how can you fully appreciate and enjoy their surrender to you ?
Respect them as persons, respect them in their servitude, and respect not only their likes and dislikes, loves and (hard) limits - but also your own

Communicate. Communicate clearly, both ways. Listen to what they have to say as much as you would want them to listen to you - if they can't tell you that you're (close to) exceeding their limits, for instance, you will harm them without even knowing it! To this end, naturally, they should be able to tell you when enough is enough, or when they want more - you alone can and should convince them that it is okay for them to do so.

Honor. Honor them as well as yourself. Give honor where honor is due; you will receive it in turn. Honor the rules and variables you set for your relationship as much as theirs - and stick to your rules and variables. You will be all the more reliable for it, and they will know that you won't turn on them - they won't have to feel betrayed.

As i've said in a previous post; between Safe, Sane and Consensual and Risk Aware Consensual Kink, only you (two) decide what is 'right'. But notice that consensual is part of both these different 'playstyles' - again, respect their limits, and their safeword - they should know that regardless of anything at all, their safeword means a stop to the scene, that they will receive whatever (after)care they need at the end of a scene, wether played out or interrupted, and that they can rely on you to help them - not only help them reach the deepest depths of their fantasy in as far as you are capable, but also that you will help them 'surface', and be ready to take up every day life as usual.

Strive to never damage your submissive. Hurt, but harm noone - wether physically, mentally, or socially. You, as a Dominant, exhert a great amount of control, but with great power comes great responcibility. If through a mistake on your part they get outed outside their will, if you leave a bruise that lasts too long, or if you traumatise them, trust will more than likely be lost, and as much as Honor, trust is rare coin that will be far harder to regain than to lose it.

in short - as a Dominant you, ideally, are a mix of friend, psychologist, a shoulder to cry out sadness on, a chest to beat out frustration on, someone to rely on and someone who can be trusted without second thought.
Trust, reliability and friendship come first - sex comes last, because only when your submissive is able to give you trust, rely on you, and be your friend, will you be truly able to take them by the hand and lead them into Subspace without them worrying if you will damage them.

And with that, i leave you for now - i fear i've rambled on long enough, and will let you think. Any questions that you have, you can ask me, or Chloe, or any number of knowledgeable people frequenting GetDare - as much as we are here to enjoy ourselves, we are here to help you - and that goes for you submissives as well!

evilassassin00 05-18-2010 03:18 AM

You've captured it perfect there.

One of the big points that I've been trying to get across to people is that it is about MUTUAL pleasure. A dominant/submissive relationship is a symbiotic relationship, one side can't exist without the other and each side is complimentary. If you don't nurture the other side it will wither and die.

This is done by respecting the other person, even when at the height of domination or humiliation. Most people don't get that, and they are looking for a quick thrill. Before you can even begin a relationship like this you need to get to know each other and build trust. Even if it's a once off situation you still need this. I've spoken with people online before, who after exchanging 2 or 3 sentences with me tried to jump straight in. I've spoken with "submissives" before who have said that I'm not dominant enough (or variations of this) because I have come across as friendly etc when we first chatted.

The point about being equal and talking as friends is also very valid and each side needs feedback. Every now and then you need to step away from the sub/dom relationship and discuss it as equals. This could be as extreme as a proper conversion, but over time (as in your examples) could merely be the dominant being able to read their submissive.

As always, great post!

JD_Slaveformistress 05-18-2010 03:31 AM

Though I vastly prefer to be a sub, I have dommed via IM with a woman who lives half a world away. It started out that we role played, but as we went deeper into fantasy she found that she really wanted to play. That is when we decided that I would top her over text.

It started off simple, with her sneaking off on breaks to masturbate in the rest room while keeping in touch by sending me messages with her phone. We played this way fairly often but before each session we would talk about our lives and at the end of each session I made sure she was okay.

Things went much further than that and it saddens me that due to our schedules I haven't played with her for months. However it goes to show what a difference knowing a person first and then playing is.

CollaredBlondie 05-18-2010 04:26 AM

Brilliant, absolutely brilliant. Now, all the wannabes just need to read this and understand it.

Leopard 05-18-2010 04:58 AM

This is the best post I've ever read on this site *stares in awe*

Not a whole lot to add, other than that you've captured everything I believe in perfectly :)


One thing I might suggest, since many would-be doms may have the attention span of a demented gnat, is to put the example after the "thoughtfulness, etc." sections so that the most important points at least have a chance to filter through their brains.

Really though, this should be required reading before anyone can post an ad.

444 05-18-2010 05:09 AM

Sorry. I stopped reading after the first few blocks of text >_>

But anywho. Good Urr... guide.

Nixie 05-18-2010 07:01 AM


Can I come visit you???

Dumbinant <------- New fav word!

Ok serious time.... Excellent points. And amazingly written. I loved reading it. and the points you made were defined and to the point. Love.

Eclipse1184 05-18-2010 07:36 AM

That was absolutely incredible. This is one of the few posts I actually copied and saved to my external hard drive to read continuously to gain further insight when I'm not at the library. Even the most experienced of Doms can learn from the experiences of another, and for young bleeds such as myself, this wealth of knowledge is as valuable to me as those who already submit to me. Bravo, Anjelen.

Mere 05-18-2010 07:43 AM

You're a genius! Dumbinant is a nice word to describe the Dumb Doms
@Leo This should be a sticky or something, so everyone can read, before posting STUPID ads.

Star Shadows 05-18-2010 08:36 AM

Erm wow! I knew I asked if you were going to rant soon but I mean wow!!!

I dont think I can add anything to what has already been said. It really is important that we start to get the message across to doms that what they see in the porn and read in the stories isnt how it should work. People hyperbolate the truth to make it more entertaining, and just like what happened with the twilightness people cannot tell real from fake and make mistakes and look like idiots.

Well done anjelen

CollaredBlondie 05-18-2010 09:01 AM

Hehe. "Dumbinant." *Giggle*

I'm still laughing at that...

Leopard 05-18-2010 09:26 AM


Originally Posted by Mere (Post 277228)
You're a genius! Dumbinant is a nice word to describe the Dumb Doms
@Leo This should be a sticky or something, so everyone can read, before posting STUPID ads.

I already told Chloe to sticky it :p It's getting added to Threads of Note.

[Chloe Edit: It already is :) ]

Anjelen 05-18-2010 11:27 AM

O_O i got stickiefied? Awesome :D

Thanks for all your rave revieuws, guys - if i could, you'd be making me blush something FIERCE.

pranadevil 05-18-2010 11:54 AM

Despite knowing you a fair while know Anjelen, this is more than even I expected from you (damn you and you going nuts with text :P).

Very well put, though you're wrong, I'm infallible, and always right *ahem* :P.

Now we just need to hope people actually read this and take it to heart.

lilwetslave 05-19-2010 12:23 PM

I just wanted to say that it was absolutly beautifully written. I absolutly loved reading it. It had loads of great advice for anyone out there wanting to partake in this lifestyle. Just loved it! Its great to finally read something longer then a small blurb. (haha)
one last thing before i go
Dumbinant- New fave word.... I love it

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