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messlover65 01-13-2013 08:38 PM

Person Above Extreme Messy Dares
I couldn't find any threads like this, and sometimes messy dares on here aren't messy enough for me. So, this thread is really simple. You just give the person above an extremely messy dare! I hope it's a hit, and I hope I can get messy enough now!

jackcg11 01-23-2013 03:04 PM

Cut two holes out of a black sack and wear them as baggy pants, tape it up so theres no gaps ANYWHERE! Use this as your toule for the next two weeks +

Put honey in your hair
If someone else lives with you (wife\girlfriend) let the give you a swirlie any time they want fr a month!

Messyme 01-26-2013 07:34 PM

No washing for 48 hours, you must shampoo your hair with cheese, ketchup and sour cream, stick a pie down the back of your pants and squeeze a bottle of may down the front, enjoy.

thriftshop 01-27-2013 07:53 PM

coat the bottom of your tub or wherever with peanut butter and sour cream, and smash 5 pies made up of wet cat food in your face. Don't wash for at least 3 hours.

Sorry no signature yet just messy dares that don't last too long.

Silly bitch 06-08-2013 07:07 AM

Coat your hands in peanut butter and then rub your face, then dip your hand in flour, rub your face, dip in pb, etc, etc. Repeat 10 full cycles.

Do your worst GetDare! :p

dgaz 06-08-2013 07:55 AM

Mix up a bucket full of wall paper paste.
Strip naked - before you put any clothes back on, each and every item of clothing that you are going to put back on, must be completely dunked and soaked in the paste.
Then roll a dice to see how log you must stay wearing the clothes.

Silly bitch 07-29-2013 09:19 AM

Wear a diaper skier and bra. The diaper is to be filled oatmeal. The bra ice cream. Nicer cover yourself in pasta and sauce. Wait covered in that mess until the ice cream melts. Then pie yourself.

Food only please. And do your worse!

MessyK 07-29-2013 05:15 PM

Fill a bucket with cold thick lumpy gravy, add 12 x poker chips\tokens into the bucket and mix. You then have 1 minute to retrieve all the tokens with your teeth.

At the end of the 1 minute if you are sucessful then you may cleanup.

If you are not then tip the gravy over your head and pour a bag of flour over too.

Then fill the bucket with custard and re-add the tokens and do the above again trying to get all tokens out in 1 minute. If you do cleanup. If you don't then pour sprinkles over your head.

Carry on with different substances (beans & glitter for example) until you successfully retrieve all chips\tokens in 1 minute.

Slug58 09-01-2013 10:02 AM

wearing thigts and fill with beans, wipe cream, honey and some oil.
after your thigts fill up. go in da big bin bag with your legs and tape it round your waist, this is your sleeping bag for the next night!

darewill1 09-01-2013 01:55 PM

Put the following in a sleeping bag and in your thong
Baked beans
Whipped cream
Shaving cream
Peanut butter
You now must sleep like tht

I got a morphsuit and a pair of smelly compression shorts i found in a locker room

darkking8900 09-01-2013 07:03 PM

ok shit yourself in the shorts.(if not against limits)
then you must add in honey and/or syrup
then put on your morphsuit and fill it with honey and/or syrup, head to toe.
leave it on for a few hours then top it off with some beans and stay like that for another hour then you can clean up if you want.

make mine super messy. poop is ok too.

atilaus 09-02-2013 12:08 AM

Dude, hope you're ready for this... hahah. >: D

Ok, so you'll need syrup, flour, and zipties or something similar. Tuna fish (thanks to germanslaveboy for this idea), beans, and some laxatives.

Take the laxatives before starting the dare. Should be something similar to a 3-4 hour fast acting laxative.

Next, completely cover yourself waist up to your chin, around your neck as well, in the syrup/honey. Cover this with the flour also, making sure to put some in your pits.

Now, put on a shirt over this sticky mess... you'll be doomed to wear this torture-stickiness for the next 8 hours.

In your underwear, dump the beans and tuna fish. Should get nice and smelly soon. Put your pants back on over your underwear and make a belt of zipties around your pants and lock them in place. Make sure the zipties are the nice, big, long ones, and link them end-to-end to go around all the way.

Next, completely fill four socks with the syrup. Put one on each of your feet, then ziptie them around your ankles so they aren't sliding off anytime soon.

Then, slurp/squelch your way over to your chair, and sit down in it. Ziptie your two ankles together. You should have a knife or something in front of you to release yourself if needed.

Next, ball up your hands into fists and stick them in the remaining two socks of sticky doom... ziptie them around your wrists... and wait...

You can only release yourself after 4 hours have elapsed. PM me for a punishment if you try to release yourself before then.

darkking8900 09-03-2013 08:25 AM

so i did that dare last night and it was so much fun.
the tuna and stuff smelled so bad by the end. the laxitives worked a lot better then i was expecting too. so i had a lot of fun. it took me so long to clean up too.

ok now since you gave me such a crazy one you'll get one just as hard.

eat a big meal before all of this to make it more fun. take a pair of pants that wont leak(like nylon or w/e not jeans) zip tie or duct tape them off at the ankles. you need to take a fast acting laxitive then start filling your pants up with beans, tuna, cheese,a and any old or rotten food that you have. now start pouring honey and/or syrup over your head until your hair is drenched. you need to stay like this for 5 hours and have shit in your pants. when you are finished you need to undo the pants and roll around it before you can shower off.

i kinda want to see a pic or two of this if u can.

now someone give me a super messy one. as crazy and nasty and fun as you can.

babygd 09-03-2013 04:48 PM

Next time you need the toilet you need to tie the bottom of your pants (to make sure nothing comes out) and go in them (im talking number 2 here). When you have done this you will have to remember every meal you have had for the last 3 days...and then make them (make sure you have the stuff in first...unless you wanna go out in your dirty clothes).

Now you have a choice! Eat them and take a maximum dosage of laxatives to get it all through your system asap (- an hour after the next time you mess yourself you can take off your pants) or into your pants they go for the next 24 hours. You can mix if you wanna (3 days worth of food is a lot to eat) and eat some/put some into your pants at the same time but both requirements must then be met.

darkking8900 09-03-2013 04:59 PM

will do since it will take a while i'll do it when i get a chance.

now since you like diapers and messy here's what you need to do.

diaper up. now start pouring in some beans and tuna. also anytime you eat you need to add a large portion of what you are eating into this diaper. now you need to keep this on for at least 24 hours. also any time you need to go to the bathroom you must go in the diaper. you can not take off the diaper until you have crapped in it at least once.

when you are done take off the diaper in your shower or bathtub and rub your face in it. you can clean up after another 10 minutes.

i am loving this thread keep them comming

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