getDare Truth or Dare

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aserwer 05-29-2010 08:33 PM

Orange Bikini [FICTION]
My first story, not really sure if I'm doing everything right, but here we go...


The school trip was coming up on Friday. I had always wanted to go to Florida; it seemed like such a cool location, especially to be without parents. I had never been, but our senior class was going as part of a graduation celebration. Y'know, stupid stuff like that. I was a decent student, never very athletic but kept in shape, and had about mid-length blond hair. I never really got any girls, but I had a couple close friends who were female. They were Jess and Aubrey.

Jess was the typical "popular-girl-who's-been-friends-with-loser-for-years". We became friends in kindergarten, and since then my social status never taken off, while her's skyrocketed. In 6th grade, she already had B Cup breasts, and by our senior year she was a very full and well-endowed 34C. Her long brown hair had streaks of blond and she had an extremely tanned and toned body.

Aubrey was the kind of tomboy who everybody loved. She was in every after school activity imaginable. She played all the sports she could, she was in the musical, she was in student council, she was first chair clarinet in band. Everybody knew who Aubrey was, and everybody loved her. She was funny, pretty cute and smart as all get out.

The day we arrived in Florida, we got put into our rooms. Aubrey and Jess and their other friend (Kelly) were in one room, and I got put into one room with two of the weirdest kids in school. No one really knew anything about Lawrence except that he was strange, a little smelly, and very sweaty. Shaun on the other hand was a real fastidious, clean figure who no one really wanted to be friends with because he was gay. He had short blond, spiked hair and looked like he was taken straight from an N*Sync poster.

After everyone had gotten situated in their room, everyone met for dinner. At the hotel was a restaurant with a tiki, island feel. It was pretty dark and the only real light came from torches lit around the establishment. I sat with Aubrey, Jess and a couple of my guy friends who sat on the farther end of the table. We weren't allowed to leave until three hours had elapsed, so to pass the time we decided to play a little truth or dare.

"Aubrey, you're up first. Truth or dare?" I said. She responded with truth. "Who's the weirdest guy you've kissed?"

"... Kenneth." She responded.

"Kenneth?!" both me and Jess bust out laughing. "He's 800 pounds!"

"He was skinnier in 8th grade, okay? God, that doesn't leave the table. Jess, truth or dare?"

"Dare! Of course!"

"I dare you to... rub your ass against the waiter's dick when he comes around."

"No problem!" Jess said, as this mischievous grin burst onto her face. We waited about two minutes. When the waiter came by, Jess pushed her knife off the table as the waiter was gathering our empty drinks. She got up and as she bent over to pick it up, rubbed her delightful ass across the pants of the waiter. His face turned bright red and you could see he was turned on by the tent that was being pitched. He immediately grabbed the cups and rushed into the kitchen.

Jess sat down, with a satisfied smile. She turned to me. "Alright Dane, it's your turn. Truth or dare?"

"Uhm..." I didn't know which to pick. "Dare? Haha..." I nervously laughed, sort of afraid of what Jess had in mind.

Jess said in an almost scary tone; "I dare you to go the rest of this trip pretending to be a girl."


aserwer 05-29-2010 09:11 PM

Please tell me if I should continue and whether or not you guys like it...

leveret2 05-29-2010 10:10 PM


Originally Posted by aserwer (Post 282588)
Please tell me if I should continue and whether or not you guys like it...

Amazing story! You should definitely keep going!

Plot: great start!, while it's been done before, it has a new twist: 8/10
Grammar/Mechanics: Excellent writing!: 10/10
Speed: I generally like slower stories that describe specific events. However, that doesn't mean that you like writing slowly: 9/10
Enjoyable: This story seems to be taking an enjoyable twist: 9/10

(___)o Rating: 9/10

Xdressbitch 05-29-2010 10:12 PM

Well... Let's put it this way... If u don't keep writing I'm gonna have to kill u:) I've been waitigfor a story like this one!!! So please keep writing!!!

Memories for Life 05-30-2010 04:42 AM

It's ok so far! You went into some detail about the main characters -- what personalities each were and their appearance. This is always good to start any story.

I was thinking your main character was going to go thru the entire story being told in the 1st person then he was named "Dane" near the end.

As far as the dare goes, it was totally out of left field that one of his best buds for most of his young age takes this opportunity to jackpot him. The "scary tone" suggests Jess and Audrey had planned this! You have to build that up, why did they both want to humiliate Dane? Some form of revenge?

BTW: a 9/10 rating from someone with 2 posts who just signed up today? Could you be related? Or are you doing a dare about writing this story?

leveret2 05-31-2010 09:32 PM


Originally Posted by Memories for Life (Post 282648)
BTW: a 9/10 rating from someone with 2 posts who just signed up today? Could you be related? Or are you doing a dare about writing this story?

Yes, I can understand how you would be suspicious.
However, I am someone completely unrelated who has been lurking around getdare anonymously for the last several months. When I came across such an amazing story that no one had read, I wanted to make sure that he would continue.

Memories for Life 06-01-2010 05:43 AM


Originally Posted by leveret2 (Post 283428)
However, I am someone completely unrelated who has been lurking around getdare anonymously for the last several months. When I came across such an amazing story that no one had read, I wanted to make sure that he would continue.

You're join date is 5-30-2010! You have zero visitor posts -- the only posts you do have are for this story!

jambalaya 06-01-2010 06:30 AM

But no kidding, this is a good story... You should continue... It's kinda rare to see such a plot...

aserwer 06-01-2010 10:59 AM

I haven't created other accounts or anything to get myself extra comments... I'm not gonna stoop that low :P

BettyBoop 06-01-2010 11:06 AM

It's nice to see a story about actual TorD, this has potential, I hope you carry on.

Memories for Life 06-01-2010 02:49 PM


Originally Posted by aserwer (Post 283654)
I haven't created other accounts or anything to get myself extra comments... I'm not gonna stoop that low :P

I'm not suggesting that leveret2 is your contrivance but that particular person posts a rating system with no other ratings for comparison. You can say you like or dislike a story without some arbitrary ratings system: "I give it 3 thumbs up! My highest rating!". It's like buying something from eBay from a seller with 100% approval from 1 customer!

Xdressbitch: WTF with the violence threat? "If u don't keep writing I'm gonna have to kill u! I've been waiting for a story like this one!!! So please keep writing!!!" You created your account on May 30, 2010 -- 1 day after this story was started!!!

Aserwer, please continue with your story! Could you build more into the backstory of why the main character's two closest female friends have waited most of their young life to humiliate him right now?

coolio5 06-02-2010 01:47 PM

good story so far. looking forward to where this is going

Shiney 06-04-2010 06:10 PM

I'm not generally a big fan of stories on here, and I've read a lot, believe me. I've put up with a lot of bad stories hoping to read one like this. It's not perfect by any means, but it looks like it has a lot of potential. Please, keep going. The worst thing you could do would be to not continue this.

Also, guys, no need for a flamewar here. I just want to read this story, no need to duke it out over how valid someone's rating system is. The point is, this is a good story, in my honest opinion, and there should be more of it.

Wedgies123456789 06-05-2010 05:12 AM

Definitely continue! This is a really good story! I love the end line!

aserwer 06-05-2010 09:09 PM


"You guys can't be serious!" I said. We'd played truth or dare in the past, and it had never gotten this serious... for me.

"Well, last time we played truth or dare, you made me come to school with no underwear and a short skirt. I thought i was time for a little pay back, so Aubrey and I thought we'd plan a little trick for you on our vacation."

"*sigh* I can't do this. Everyone will know I'm a dude in drag and it'll be embarrassing! And how will I get away with being a girl when Dane will get called at attendance every morning?"

"We'll tell them you went home sick, they don't care. And not to mention, we're makeover wizards! We'll make you into one bodacious babe right away!" Aubrey replied. She had a huge grin on her face. "We've already arranged with Kelly to move into another room. You'll rooming with us... Danielle."

When the dinner was over, I snuck into their room. I couldn't believe what I saw. They had skirts, dresses, bras, panties, thongs, tops and so much more spread out around the room. There were also wigs, breast forms, duct tape and makeup. "Let's get started!" Aubrey said. "First, you're gonna need to learn how to tuck."

"How to what?" I asked.

"How to hide your penis. You can't be walking around with a skirt and a boner, now can you?" The two of them laughed.

"*sigh* I guess not..."

"We looked this up online. You need to just push your testicles up and cover your penis with your scrotum. And then tape! Now get going! We have a lot of work to do." I retreated into their bathroom, and followed their steps. As I pulled my underwear back over my pelvis, I was shocked at what I saw. A completely flat frontside! There was no trace that I had a dick at all. And it didn't even hurt. I came back and the girls applauded.

"Step 1 complete!" Jess said. "Now, we need to test the breasts forms. We're gonna give you size 36C, so that you have a nice, full rack. You're probably gonna be wearing these all week, so get used to them. We've got this red bra that we can just place the forms in, so test them out!" I put on the bra and took one look in the mirror. Without a bulge in my underwear and with full 'breasts', I looked like a woman from the neck down. Maybe Jess and Aubrey had something going.

"Now, time to get you in tomorrow's wardrobe! Tomorrow's the trip to Disney World, so we're just gonna go with that red bra, a mid length purple skirt, a white blouse and we'll let you pick your underwear. And we'll also need to work on your makeup..."

After I tried on a couple of my new clothes, I picked a pink Victoria's Secret thong, shaved my legs, and got a solid look with my makeup, I looked at the clock; it was already six o clock! We'd been working for nearly seven hours on my look, and it had passed like the snap of a finger. I was fully dressed as a girl, and besides the fact that my brown spiked hair was very boyish, I had to admit, I looked pretty cute. Is it weird to say that about myself?

With just one hour until the roll call in the morning, I had to get my wig situated and pick out my shoes. With my curled brown wig, I completely looked like a girl. I had nice tits, cute clothes and bouncy hair, I was ready to head out for the first time as Danielle. I was nervous as hell. I couldn't talk to my friends or talk in general; my voice would give it away that I was a dude. As we clumped together for roll call, they called out everyone's name.

"James Cann?"


"Jessie Cain?"


"Dane Carpenter?"

Jess piped up. "He flew home sick..."

"Okay..." They went through all the names on the list until the very end. "Oh... It looks like there's a name scribbled at the bottom... Danielle Carter?"

To get a feminine voice, Aubrey spoke for me. "Here!" she said.

"Alright, then we're good! Off to Disney World..."

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