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Lyn 06-28-2011 11:04 PM

At the mercy of science (a fantasy)
Hello everyone, it's Lyn. Some of you might remember my earlier story "an innocence lost."

Well, I feel like it's time to start my second story ever on GD. Once again, I'm going to stick with my descriptive writing style and a love for some of the softer things that are usually overlooked.

So, stay tuned for chapter one - which I plan on releasing

<3 Lyn.

Saphir 06-29-2011 12:40 AM

I think the soft details are the stuff that good stories are made of, so that I'm really looking forward to your next story. :)

Lyn 06-29-2011 10:10 AM

Chapter 1
Abbie, Olivia, Jade and I had just gotten back from the party. We were all sitting at our house discussing the people we had seen.

Abbie, who is a tall blonde, and somewhat kinky, was leading the discussion. She was the one who had corrupted all of us to some degree with a love for doing things with each other, despite the fact that we are girls.

Olivia and Jade are the kinda shy ones, but above all, they say I'm the shyest. Even that, however, failed to stop Abbie from totally ruining my innocence at my 18th birthday party. But, in a good way that I totally love her for.

"You know what's funny?" asked Abbie, "No matter what party you go to, there are always a group of awkward and creepy people standing in some corner somewhere!"

"Yeah, I know exactly what you mean," replied Jade, "But I try not to make fun of them.

"I really dont care much about their feelings. I totally told of the freak who was looking down my shirt!" Olivia pitched in.

"Thats becuase you have assets, hun," teased Abbie.

"Shy may have assets, but seriously, the way they were so blatantly obvious about it was really creepy. I was there, trust me," I replied. I failed to mention that one of them had been taking notes of some sort, which more than creeped me out. I was hoping that it was just a trick of my mind, or, being the typical awkward person, that those were just his science notes.

"Hey Lyn, did you feel someone slip something down the back of your dress at the party?" Asked Jade.

"No, why?" I replied.

"Well, because I swear i felt someone do that to me, but nothing fell out when I jumped up and down" said Jade.

We all shrugged and just decided to head to bed, since we were all sleeping at my house. There was a chorus of good nights and we all headed to bed. Little did we know that it would be anything but a good night, and a more than terrifying next few days.

Saphir 06-29-2011 02:40 PM

sounds interesting :)
and cool that you use the same persons as in your last story.

I'm looking forward to more chapters! :) (and longer ones, yet still frequently posted ;) - yes I know high demands :D)

Desril 07-05-2011 10:50 PM

I agree, I thought the first chapter was great, I hope you'll post more, I'm wondering what the "bug" is going to do

Lyn 07-10-2011 10:51 PM

Apologies and a good excuse...
Hey everyone, when I started writing this I wanted to do daily updates... Unfortunately for me, I was deathly sick for the past 9 days :( and that, plus a period with the worst timing ever totally killed any hope I had of daily updates. :(

The good news is that I'm feeling much better and plan to continue this story. :)

Thank you all for your patience!
<3 Lyn.

BelgianDare 07-11-2011 12:23 PM

We want more, we want more, we want more :-D

Lyn 07-13-2011 11:18 PM

Chapter 2:
Okay, here we go!

I woke up feeling extremely groggy... Ugh, I realized that I just needed to go to the bathroom. A quick glance at the clock by my bed told me that it was close to 2 am... I had barely gotten any sleep yet. All this made me even more slow, as I pulled myself out of bed and tried unsuccessfully to arrange the tangle of hair on my head, which anyone would have called a birds nest. I looked over to my friends who were all sleeping in my room, Abbie was sharing my bed while Olivia and Jade slept on the floor.*

Jade made a little whimpering sound and groaned and tossed. It looked like she was having a bad dream, but I didn't want to wake her up, so I opened my door and snuck quietly down the hallway towards the bathroom...*As I was washing my hands, I heard a creak, but dismissed it - the house was old, and those were pretty common. I heard another sound, but it seemed closer to the door. Unsure, I paused for a few seconds, and then decided that it could be one of the girls wanting to use the bathroom. Oh well, i thought,*finishing my washing and drying my hands.*I opened the door and glanced out into the hallway, but I didn't see anyone, so I stepped out and started walking back to my room.

Feeling considerably better, I opened the door to my room. Something just didn't quite feel right, I thought as I glanced Into the room. A quick glance confirmed my apprehension - my friends weren't in there! This kind of prank, especially at this hour, left me somewhat annoyed, and not in the least amused, I turned around and walked back out into the hallway, and down the set of stairs, hoping to see them all hiding in one of the other rooms or behind one of the couches, or around the corner waiting to scare me.

It was when I turned into the living room that my annoyance turned to worry. They seemed to have left the house, but I had no idea where they could have gone or why they had done it. I knew we were close friends so there had to be a good reason. It was then that I realized the outside of my house was lit up more than usual. I quick peek out of the window showed two large headlights shining in the dark. Wanting to see if I could catch them before they suddenly left, I opened the door and rushed outside. Only then I realized that the van which was idling in the driveway didn't belong to any of us! What was It doing here? I paused to think, and that's when I heard someone shout "hey, there's another one!" and two figures rushed from around the van. Startled, I was slow to react, so I barely had the chance to step back when the first one, dressed in all black, reached me. Regaining my senses, I began to turn, but he grabbed my oversized shirt pulled hard. I let out a surprised gasp as the fabric hurt my neck and turned around to throw a punch. It didn't do much good. The guy (judging from his body) grabbed my fist and twisted my arm. I tried to kick outwards, but another hand from behind*me wrapped itself around my throat. *Continuing to kick, I struggled futilely. They held me still as I struggled to try and breathe, each kick getting weaker. As my vision started to get blurry, I saw another person, dressed in black walk up to me. He had something shiny in his hands. He got closer and as spots began to cloud my vision, I felt rather than saw his hands grab my thigh and pull it towards him. I felt a pinch, followed by a sharp burning sensation. suddenly the hand around my neck disappeared, and I gasped for air... Looking around I saw three people, dressed in all black.

They were standing over me, looking down at me like I was their next meal. As my vision got clearer, I noticed that the shiny object in one persons hand was a syringe! It finally hit me that I was in a lot of trouble. I launched myself and pushed past the people, trying to run. Sadly, it felt like I had no strength left, and I fell in the grass less than half a dozen steps away, unable to move, but keenly aware of everything around me, including the grass touching my bare skin. I was wearing my panties and an oversized shirt - because its what I always wore to bed, and now I was deeply regretting it. I tried to rise but my arms and legs refused to move me. I felt rough hands grab me and pick me up. The people carried me to the van, opened the door, and strapped me into a seat. One of them clasped something around my neck. they closed the doors, and I flopped uselessly - unable to even call for help or move my arms. Beside me, I noticed Abbie and Jade strapped into their seats as well. I was sure that Olivia was back there too.*

The van began to move and I started to cry, totally unsure about what would happen to me.*

To be continued...

Lyn 11-27-2011 01:00 PM

Chapter 3
Author's note: Due to how busy my life got, I was unable to continue this for a very long time. I am, however, picking it back up because I can't bear to leave something like this unfinished.


I woke up with a headache. I wasn't sure what was going on, but there were bright lights that hurt my eyes, so I instantly closed them after being temporarily blinded. Whatever I was lying down on felt somewhat uncomfortable, and not exactly what my bed felt like. I felt some sheets over me, but they felt nothing like my blankets.

Oh my gosh! My bed! I wasn't in it. Beginning to panic inside, I realized that everything from last night hadn't been a dream. Worried, and afraid, I opened my eyes, and forced myself to keep them open, despite the lights.

As the weariness wore off, I sat up, and the sheets rolled off me. I was in my own clothes, except for something soft that had been clipped around my neck. It didn't feel like a collar, but it made a soft humming sound and was warm against my neck. Still groggy, I sat up and took a look at my surroundings. Not entirely sure about last night's events, I looked at my thigh, where I had felt a pinch.

There was a small red dot and a slight bruise. My arm hurt from being twisted. Sighing, I focused my attention on the room. It was mostly grey with white, and had 4 beds. There was some bright ceiling lighting, but other than that, and the beds, and a sturdy door, the room was spotless. In each of the other beds, my friends Abbie, Olivia, and Jade were sleeping soundly. Even as I finished looking around the room, they began to stir and wake up.

Each of us was as confused as to what had happened, and the other girls didn't even seem to recall any sort of struggle at night - most likely because they had been fast asleep. One thing we did share was our complete and total confusion. What were these things around our necks? where were we? how did we get here? and What was going to happen to us?

As we all sat, dazed and confused, whispering our doubts and fears, we heard a key turn in the door...

kmacroxs 11-27-2011 02:06 PM

This is a little creepy. But please continue because it's so interesting.

Aliciai<3u 11-27-2011 02:41 PM

Wow nice

__________________________________________________ ______________

I dont know how to do a siggy so I typed this :P

Aliciai<3u 11-27-2011 02:51 PM

So now I know how to do a siggy

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