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Rachie 12-02-2010 01:49 PM

♥ Strip Poker with a Twist ---The Sequel ♥
2 Attachment(s)

Thank you for everyone that has read my first story (Strip Poker With a Twist) For anyone that has not already done so, i would recommend you read, before continuing past this post as this story follows on from the previous story.

This story will be along the same lines as the previous and will contain puzzles and story with cliffhanger endings. (Appologies if people do not like this style) Also this will start again as true events - or as true as i can write with some details changed to hide identity and the order of events changed to keep the suspense.

Appologies may take a while for the story to warm up again, however please keep reading and you will find the interesting facts / dares / games evolve

The first story contains the following and has become one of the most viewed threads on getdare with over 155,000 viewers at the present time of posting.

Attachment 2735

Thanks everyone for reading, and hope you like the story. If there are any errors please feel free to pvt me and i will do my best to change them providing within the editing time limit.

Most of this story is suitable for all ages. However if you don’t like it, don’t read. All comments are much appreciated and users will then receive a pvt message when the next new part is released.

Rachie 12-02-2010 02:07 PM

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The week of half term soon passed by with the different poker players – having so much fun completing several other tasks /dares.

The group was also looking forward to getting back together for possibly either another game or just chatting about their weeks activities. Much had happened since the full group was together. (As you will find out later)

It soon came around to the following Monday and Amber’s first day of college. She had currently not been asked to hand over the photos she had taken of herself in different states of dress in the many different locations, and these were still concealed in the individual envelopes as instructed by Sarah. Amber had these in her bag at all times ever since she had printed them off about a week ago.

On the short trip to school Amber was constantly thinking about her new friends and how much fun she would have in her new town, unfortunately her friends were not on the bus, as they either were studying different subjects on different days/times, had lifts arranged via cars or were walking. She already new several kinky things about what they had got up to, including how their games had taken place, the sex toys etc. However she had still only seen Adam and his sisters naked. She was looking forward to seeing the rest in that same state. Also the only group member to see her naked at present was Adam.

On Amber’s first day she received a few shocks, some more so than others. The first came earlier that morning when she was eating her breakfast, and worrying about her first day at a new school / college this was when she received a shocked text message from a rather worried Laura saying, she needed a private chat with her as well as the other group members to discuss something rather important. She had received a letter from someone.

Amber had another shock when she dismounted the bus to find a girl with blonde hair and a flabby belly giving a scruffy teenage lad a blow job. Amber felt sick at first while uncontrollably staring at the shabby teens. She then thought back to the previous week’s entertainment and realised except for looks they were doing little different than what Amber had done herself, however she hoped that her tasks had not been as public and obvious.

Walking past the couple and dismounting the bus Amber was faced with an average to large college/school. There were about 1800 – 2000 students and the building was recently built to full Academy status. Amber was taken aback at how the building looked; she felt that all pictures she had seen of the building did not justify the appearance and state of art equipment that the premises could offer.

Getting off the bus she heard Sarah shout “Amber, Amberrrr, over hear” Amber turned her head to see one of her new friends rushing towards her. “Has Laura contacted you” Sarah asked. Ambers reply was “Yes, where is she, it seems unusual seeing you without her, and what was the letter about, is there something wrong”

“Yes, we have got a big problem, however I can’t tell you about it here, are you available to meet up tonight at our house” muttered Sarah. “I have got something on at first, but can be round at about 7oclock if that's ok” said Amber anxious to know as soon as possible what the urgent message was about. “OK, that will be perfect” answered Sarah.

Sarah showed Amber into the large reception room. An elderly large stocky gentleman with grey hair led Amber down a never ending corridor and up the steep staircase. Here is your form group, your tutor is Mr Freely. Nice name thought Amber trying to think of some way of remembering it.

Amber was very nervous, not knowing which of the 11 groups she was going to be placed in, would she know any of her classmates. When she opened the door to go into the room she got a shock when …………………


What was Amber's shock?
What did she see?

Keep reading STRIP POKER WITH A TWIST THE SEQUEL for answers

Hope everyone likes the introduction appologies some of this was taken off the last chapter - however it runs on like ststed reviously.

Please feel free to comment - all feedback is much appreciated
Love Rachie

Rachie 12-03-2010 12:53 PM

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Thank you everyone that has posted a comment - Did i see things right over 2,000 viewers in 23 hours. (Think im off to the opticians tomorrow lol) And im glad that there are a lot of people eagerly awaiting to here more, well i am pleased to say here is...


When she opened the door to go into the room she got a shock when she noticed a male who she could have sworn she had seen before. He had black hair and was rather short and looked quite shy. She sat down were instructed by Mr Freeman and soon heard a familiar voice it was Dani “Hi Amber”.

“Do you too know each other” asked Mr Freely. “Yes, we have become good friends over the past week” Butted in Dani, before Amber could utter a word. “OK would you like to sit near each other, and you can show Amber how everything works, she will be in all of your groups today” Mr Freely continued to baffle on as he usually did.

“Would love to Sir” Dani replied, trying to sound appreciative, while at the same time hurriedly pulling Amber who had just stood, to where she was sitting. Amber sat down quietly next to Dani and was continuing to think where she had seen that boy before, she was certain she had, or was he just similar to someone she used to know before she had moved to this new town, or it could be just some random male she had seen in the street.

The form period soon passed and Amber was soon on her way down the long corridors that seemed so bright with glass windows all the way around and a thick glass roof. Looking up she realised she was actually on the top floor and above her were solar panels collecting the sunlight.

“Wow! Are they solar panels” Amber asked Dani. “80% of the power needed for the school is generated from reusable sources” Dani replied trying to soon as if she new everything about the school. They went down the crowded stairs full of pupils of all ages rushing up and down the thudding of feet was almost deafening.

There first lesson was Geography and they were discussing about the different types of countryside and towns and why we need these different areas. Their homework was to provide evidence of 3 different areas some examples given were woodland, pond, parks, shops, etc. Amber had a little chuckle thinking about the evidence / pictures she already had with her, the photos in her bag of her in different dress senses that she had been asked to provide for Sarah.

She felt herself getting wet, just at the thought of what she had done the previous week. Soon the lesson was over and Dani led Amber to the large play ground / concrete area. Here they met up with the gang and they talked about all sorts of stuff mainly showing Amber where the different school accessories were – the changing rooms, the gym, hall, 3 canteens, toilets, dance studio, swimming pool, fitness suit etc.

Just as the group had shown Amber all that they thought she would be interested in knowing it was time to go back to lessons. Amber’s next class was mathematics which was on the second floor. Dani led Amber to the class, as she had been told to by Mr Freely. Once in the large room full of about 28 -30 other students Dani thought it was time for a little game. She didn’t enjoy Maths mainly because of the teacher and so said to Amber “I dare you to ……………… ”


What was Dani going to dare Amber?
Who was that mysterious boy Amber thought she new?

Please keep commenting, as i have said before the more commenter the quicker the next part. Thank you for all feedback, hope people are hoping the way everything is going. PS: Next part is the first puzzle.

Rachie 12-04-2010 12:40 PM

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Thank you for all your support. I hope people are not disappointed in how this chanpter took place, as i have written it how the new person comes into the story.


Dani said to Amber “I dare you to send a love note to the person sitting in the front row on the right. Amber looked over to were Dani had instructed and realised she was pointing at the same male who was short with black hair who she could have sworn she had seen before.

Amber thought to herself, a dare was a dare and tore a sheet of paper out of her text book and quickly scribbled her love note, this is what it said:

Now with the easy part done, Amber had to somehow get the note deliver to the boy. How was she going to do this, without attracting so much attention?

A couple of minutes later the teacher asked Amber and Dani to hand out the lessons test papers. Amber was pleasantly surprised at this, with being the new girl to the group, however she thought that this may get her to see and possibly introduce herself to a few of the other students. This was also Ambers chance to deliver that love note and she stuffed it in her right hand as the ill-mannered teacher handed half the test papers to her and half to Dani. The grumpy teacher then left to room leaving Amber and Dani to hand out the test papers while he went to get the answers.

Amber took this as her opportunity and went to the front row and started to hand out the test papers. When she approached the dare boy she slowly bent over and pretended to almost drop the papers. While doing this Amber placed the love letter which was currently in her right hand, inside the top test paper. She then placed this on the boy’s desk still unbeknown to him that anything odd had just happened.

Suddenly the black haired cute boy spoke saying “Have we met before” Amber at once recognised the voice, however said “I don’t think so, I am new to this town, so unless you have seen me in passing I think you must be mistaken” Amber lied. She was a convincing liar as she had, had a lot of practice with her brother.

Amber then continued handing out the test papers while looking at her new classmates. The teacher was soon back and both Amber and Dani sat back in their seats. After a few minutes of the teacher babbling on about instructions for the test the exam soon started, Amber quickly answered a lot of the questions but got stuck on one. She read it several times this is what the question stated.

Amber quickly scribbled her answer down and eventually the paper was finished. Dani led Amber to the next lesson which was science in room number 147. This was the usual boring biology and seemed to drag forever before lunch time finally arrived. Amber first went to toilet before going to her locker to retrieve her drink for her dinner. Pushed in the side of her locker Amber received another shock, it was ………………………..


What was Ambers next shock?
What did she discover?

Thank you for all support and please leave comments and feedback as its always much appreciated.


If anyone would like to find out the answer to "AGE WORKOUT" feel free to guess or work out the answer. Please post your answers on here but NOT how you worked this out, as others may want to try the same, Please Private Message me with your answers and how you came to this.

Anyone that has poor eye sight and struggling to read the question here it is again.

in 3 years time Jill will be 6 times older than Brian

Brian is currently a third the age of Lucy

2 years ago the sum of Jill, Brian and Lucy's age was 2 years older than Megan's

2 years ago Jimmy was a 20th the age of Brian / Lucy combined age

Jill's and Lucy's age combined is the same age as Megan's who is also 23 times older than Jimmy


Rachie 12-05-2010 01:12 PM


The correct answers to Age Workout is as follows
JILL = 51 / BRIAN = 6 / LUCY = 18 / MEGAN = 69 / JIMMY = 3

TOTAL = 147 (the same as the only other number mentioned in that chapter as the room number for the science lesson)

In 3 years time Jill will be 6 times older than Brian
Jill = 51 + 3 = 54 / Brian = 6 + 3 = 9 (54/9 = 6 times older)

Brian is currently a third the age of Lucy
Brian = 6 / Lucy = 18 (6/18 = third the age)

2 years ago the sum of Jill, Brian and Lucy's age was 2 years older than Megan's
Jill = 51 – 2 = 49 / Brian = 6 – 2 = 4 / Lucy = 18 – 2 = 16 (49 + 4 + 16 = 69) Megan = 69 – 2 = 67

2 years ago Jimmy was a 20th the age of Brian / Lucy combined age
Brian = 6 – 2 = 4 / Lucy = 18 – 2 = 16 (4 + 16 = 20) Jimmy = 3 – 2 = 1 (Lucy + Brian = 20 / Jimmy = 1)

Jill's and Lucy's age combined is the same age as Megan's who is also 23 times older than Jimmy
Jill 51 + Lucy 18 = Megan 69
Megan 69 / 23 = Jimmy 3

Well done to everyone who came to the correct answer and thank you for everyone else who attempted the puzzle


Pushed in the side of her locker Amber received another shock, it was a photo of a blue sexy bra. Amber quickly realised that the bra was actually the one she had, had stolen last week when she was in the woodland completing Sarah’s task.

It didn’t take her long to twig that the boy in her class was that person, and that he knew who she was or rather he knew what she was like wearing considerably less. Amber thought for a few minutes before grabbing her drink and lunch money and rushing off to find one of the canteens. It was the first time that day that Dani wasn’t with her and she had trouble remembering where everything was, however she soon got there.

Seeing her friends, she slowly walked down to them, still in shock from her discovery. “What’s wrong” asked Sarah partly concerned at her friends silence. “Nothing” said Amber trying to lie. Sarah looked at Amber and could tell that something was troubling her; however she did not want to question her friend.

After more general chatter and making sure everyone was available for their meet up later that night John asked “what’s the urgency of the meeting Laura”. The reply from Laura was “Something major has crept up, I need a few ideas of what to do about it, however i would prefer to talk in private tonight” she said rather convincingly.

“When do you want the pictures” asked Amber, hoping she wasn’t reminding Sarah and the group of the fact they still hadn’t seen them. “Bring them later tonight, however they probably won’t get revealed till our next game” was the reply Amber received from Sarah.

Not long after, they returned to lessons. Dani led Amber like a little primary school child back to their form teacher before setting off to English. While in here Amber again noticed the same black haired boy sitting this time at the back of the room. Amber glanced over towards him and he seemed to be staring at her in a friendly way.

This cheered Amber up loads and she seemed to get butterflies in her stomach. Amber was determined to find out more about him. “Who is that boy at the back of the room” asked Amber to Dani. That’s Brian, was Dani’s quick remark. “What do you know about him”, continued to ask Amber. “Not a lot, why do you want to know” quizzed Dani.

Amber really didn’t want to say the reason at the present moment, and she quickly changed the subject. Their English lesson was another test. All they seemed to have done that day was test after test; however Amber could understand being the first day of term.

Half way through the lesson the teacher left the room and Amber glanced over at Brian. She got a shock when she saw Brian with his hand in his bag holding a blue bra, the same blue bra owned by Amber. He was looking over at Amber smiling.

Brian was scribbling a note and stood up from the small grotty chair and went to Amber to deliver the note. The room was busy occupied by a group of lads throwing paper airplanes at the front of the class and few people looked up at what Brian was doing or where he was going.

Meanwhile Amber was sat there trying not to pay too much attention to Brian as he placed it on her tidy table, smiling he went back to his seat.

Dani looked over at Amber who was quickly slipping the note into her pocket. Dani was also anxious to see what the note said and wondered why Brian had done this, as she believed he had no connection to Amber.

“What’s on the note” Dani said still surprised at what had just happened. “I will have a look later” Amber replied. Just them the teacher came back and their lesson’s work resumed. After they had finished their English test they were allowed to leave the lesson.

Amber quickly whizzed through the test still thinking about Brian. When she left the lesson she realised she still had 17 minutes before the next class. She decided to go to the female’s lavatory and see what the note said in private. This is what it said …..


What will the note say?
What will happen next?

Hope everyone likes the longer than usual chapter/part, please comment and more will follow soon.

Love Rachie

Rachie 12-07-2010 02:21 AM

Thanks for all of the support, apologies no chapter yesterday as was playing these games, (Poker) however here is;


Hi Amber
I believe I have something of yours. If you would like it back and for my silence please meet me straight after school by the post box opposite the school grounds.

Amber sat on the throne (toilet) still thinking what to do. Brian seemed to have a friendly smile so surely she could trust him. Dani had told her earlier that she did not know that much about him as he had recently moved to the school and seemed to be a shy boy; this was all Amber knew about Brian.

Amber liked the fact Dani had said he was shy and found it her duty to break the shyness; she could also find no good reason not to meet up with him after school. If she did not like what he told her, she could just walk away.

Soon it was time for her to leave the safe pleasant toilet for her final lesson of the day. She walked steadily over to her Business / Marketing course. This was in the same room as her registration / tutor room and she was now beginning to remember where the different corridors and staircases led too. Some of the school door number didn’t make sense at first as you went from room 0087 to room 1000, and why there wasn’t a room numbered 0088 Amber was confused. Dani had explained to her earlier that all rooms starting with a 0 were on the ground floor. If they started with a 1 they were 1st floor, 2 as 2nd floor etc.

In the Marketing course they were about to design and market a new product and Amber looked forward to the weeks marketing ahead. They were told they had to work in pairs and would have to decide groups by the following lesson. Amber had a tough choice as Dani already had a partner to work with and she still did not know many other people. The lesson seemed to fly by and it was soon time to leave School / College.

“Don’t forget about tonight” reminded Dani, who was planning to walk out of the school grounds with Amber. However Amber had other plans and said she needed the toilet resulting in most of the school leaving before her.

About 5 or 10 minutes later Amber raced out of the toilets and scurried up the steep hill out of the school grounds. She knew where Brian was hoping to meet her as she had walked past the post box earlier in the week, when she was looking for the new school.

She saw Brian stood there looking around for her. At spotting her he waved her over. Amber again was a little taken aback from this and was previously expecting the possibilities of Brian trying to blackmail her. She quickly scurried across to him, glad that most of the school had either stopped behind for extra courses or had already left the school.

Brian ushered Amber down a little alley way out of sight, which Amber was a little nervous about, however glad that her friends would not see or hear what Brian was about to say. Once half way down the alley which had a high wooden fence on one side and a hedge on the other Amber had another surprise this was ………


What was Brian going to do?
What was Amber's next shock?
Keep reading Strip Poker With a Twist the Sequel for answers.

All comments and feedback is always much appreciated.

Love Rachie
x x x

Rachie 12-07-2010 12:52 PM

Thank you for all commenters, as promised 2 chapters in 12 hours

What was Ambers Surprise?
What did Brian want? To find out read below.


Once half way down the alley which had a high wooden fence on one side and a hedge on the other Amber had another surprise this was when Brian handed her the sexy blue bra. Why had he done this?, surely he would have tried to use it to get something, Amber thought.

Amber just stood there and took hold of her bra without saying a word. “Can I ask you a few questions” asked Brian. “Sure” was Amber’s slow reply. “Why were you down that wooded road topless?” “It was a dare” said amber, at once wishing she hadn’t said anything. “Who dared you, and why did you do it?” “It was just by a friend and it kind of gave me a thrill” replied Amber

Brian then changed the subject, which again surprised Amber. Surely most boys would ask for more details, but instead Brian asked “Do you want to be my partner in our Marketing work, I have only been in this town for a short while and I never really fitted in at first. This is mainly because my parents have moved so regular in the past. Whenever I make friends I am forced to move school and start again. However you seem very nice and you look very attractive, especially topless” Brian blushed.

Amber also blushed at hearing this, and Brian seemed to make her feel warm inside, “sure we can be partners” she told Brian. Brian seemed very happy at this and later while still walking asked if Amber wanted to be close friends and if she had many friends in this new town. Amber was very happy to have an extra friend, however was still worried what her other friends would say.

The two new friends exchanged phone numbers and chatted a while about all sorts of unusual facts. Amber could tell that Brian was quite clever at what he knew, and when he got chatting was not as shy as Dani or anyone probably believed. One of the strange questions he asked her was: What famous events happened in British History on any of the following dates 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th 13th September 1752.

After Amber said she had no idea Brian said he would let her see if she could find out and tell her later in the week, if she was still unsure.

Soon Amber and Brian parted company, and Amber hurried down the hill into town, to pick up her younger sister from Primary School. She was surprised to find that she had also settled in really well to the school and she was anxious to tell Amber about her day. She was the usual gobby 9 year old who only stopped talking to eat.

Amber took her home and had to look after her for half an hour until her mother got home from a job interview. Amber went to her room to put her bag on the floor. She got a strange feeling and was sure that someone had been in her room or moved something, however she could not think why she thought this and everything seemed to be in the same place as usual.

Amber was very happy that her mother was home a lot earlier than she had expected and planned to go over to Sarah’s earlier than the 7.00pm arranged.

The time was currently 6.25pm when Amber scurried out of the house, hardly noticing that it was dripping with rain. She quickly walked or rather marched to Sarah’s house hammering on the door. She was surprised to see Sarah/Laura/Adams mother answering the door. She had never met her, as the last time she was at the house she was away. “Hello, I have called around to meet Sarah and Laura” Amber told her. “Hi, you must be Amber, it is nice to meet you” the lady who looked like she was in her 40s said. “SARAH!!!” She then bellowed.

It wasn’t long before Sarah emerged and showed Amber to the private basement where they were planning their meeting. Here there were biscuits, coke, crisps, lots of chairs and a table. Most of the friends were there including: Laura, Sarah and Adam who of course lived there. There was also John and Dani.

“Where is David” Amber asked. “He’s on his way, he telephone not long back and will be here any minute now”, John muttered. Just as he said this there was a knock on the door and soon the whole 7 players were present.

“Now for the reason why I called you all here” said Laura laying the letter down on the table, reading it out loud this is what was written.


What famous events happened in British History on any of the following days 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th 13th September 1752.

All answers to the above question are much appreciated, does anyone know?

What was the letter to say?
Who was the letter from?
Why did Amber have a strange feeling in her room?
What will happen about Brian?

Rachie 12-08-2010 01:44 PM

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Thank you every one that has commneted, cant believe that have been 18 of you in the last 24 hours (previous chapter). Well done everyone that had either found or remembered the answer to "History Question" Here is:


“Oww my”, what are we going to do, said David at hearing this for the first time. After a few minutes of discussion and worried looks John said “I suggest we invite her to the next Strip Poker game and make her join in.” This will teach her a lesson for trying to blackmail Laura. Also we can get her to do several truths or dare. This can be whatever we decide.

“What happens if she does not play properly and cheats or wants more” said the twins almost together. “Don’t worry about that, I know that she won’t” reassured John smiling thinking about his own plans.

Dani then spoke up, why is it that the two new players will both be females, can’t we also have a male or two, to keep it fair. Amber suggested Brian and told them that he was actually sweeter than what a lot of them thought he was; also he was kind enough to return one of her lost items. She didn’t tell the group what the item was or when he had returned it.

“So that’s what that note was about” said Dani. Amber just nodded in agreement. After a few minutes of discussion it was decided that Amber would ask Brian if he wanted to join the group.

The final male was to be decided later as the group could not think of any person worthy at present. They partly wanted someone who they wanted to get back at as they currently had Lucy as the female they hated as well as Amber and Brian that they would be kind to.

“When will our next game be” asked David. They soon agreed that there next game would be this coming Saturday evening at their usual location. The twins and Adam’s mothered went out to play cards with some friends and wouldn’t be back until late if at all, and this would allow them extra privacy. They planned this providing Lucy was available and wished to play. They were all looking forward to their game and were determined to do everything possible to get Lucy to play and Brian would be an added bonus.

They munched there biscuits as well as other food and Drink while discussing other teen chat. Amber asked her friends what had happened between September 3rd and September 13th 1752 and she was shocked when David said “Nothing happened” “What do you mean nothing happened” asked Amber. These dates never existed as we changed calendars from the Julian calendar to the Gregorian calendar that we presently use today. Amber was happy as knowing this and thought it might impress Brian when she next saw him.

It was soon time to leave and the teens parted company walking their separate ways back home.

When Amber got back home she received a shock when she realised that her previous suspicions were correct and someone had actually been in her room. She realised this when she went to retrieve her ……….


How does Amber know someones been in her room?
What was the person doing in her room?
Would Lucy play in the Poker Game
What about Brian?
What had John got on Lucy?
Who if anyone, would be the other male player?



We skipped from the 3rd September 1752 straight to the 14th September 1752. This was because of a change in calendar systems previously the Julian calendar and changed to what we have today which is the Gregorian Calendar. The differences from these two calendar systems is:

Julian calendar - every year last for 365.25 days - (365 days and a leap year 1 in every 4 years therefore 365 days 6 hours).

Gregorian Calendar - Because the earch actually rotates around the sun every 365.24219 days. (365 days 5 hours 48 minutes 45.51 seconds)


More Strip Poker with a Twist the Sequel coming soon

Rachie 12-09-2010 01:22 PM

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After how long it took to design the letter in the previous chapter, thank you to all commenter’s, you always make the story worth writing. This story is now 1 week old today and I am please to say here is


She realised this when she went to retrieve her Diary from the shelf. She notices that it wasn’t in its usual position on the far right and instead it was on the left. Amber felt certain that it had moved. She picked up the diary and walked to the bed. Scanning the diary she didn’t notice anything unusual until she looked back towards the shelf to where her camera was usually positioned. Instead again it had moved slightly not very much, but enough for Amber to notice.

Amber placed her Diary on the bed and walked over toward the camera. When she checked it, she noticed the memory card had been removed. Who would do this and why, Amber thought. After a couple of minutes she could only think of one person.

Shit, Amber thought after a further few minutes when she realised how stupid she had been to leave the photos of her doing the previous weeks dare on the camera. Amber sat back on the bed thinking of what she could do, was now the correct time to tell the other players.

She felt like killing her brother Mark for this, but instead thought about what the group had said about another male player and also thinking about when they said a male player they wanted to get back at. Mark was the perfect person, thought Amber. However how was she going to get him to play, what could she do. She began making plans.

After about an hour she realised that she needed to write in her diary. She planned to lay a trap for her brother. This is what she wrote.

Amber then left the diary on the open page on her draws hoping that her brother Mark would come and discover her diary entry. She was hoping that Mark would go to the place disclosed, and even better if he would strip down to his underwear. She knew that Mark would not miss the opportunity of seeing his sexy sister in her underwear.

Amber then left the room and left her door ajar, allowing anyone easy access. Now Amber had to think of a way to get her new friend Brian involved in the games. She knew he was shy and expected this to be quite a task.

The next day Amber decided to walk to school rather than use the bus she had used the previous day. She met up with her fellow friends and Amber decided to tell them about her brother and what she had planned. She asked if her friends were interested in him possibly becoming the final poker player and they all agreed.

They began to make a plan and hoped that he would believe all that Amber had written in her diary. They arranged amongst each other to be present at the club on Friday night and try to catch Mark in all his glory.

Find all about Friday evening and what happens later.


Was it Mark that read the diary?
Will they read the diary again?
What plans do they have with the memory card photos?
What other plans does Amber and the group have?
What will happen on Friday evening?


Rachie 12-11-2010 11:50 AM

Thanks for all comments - apologies no chapter yesterday as a few people had not read or commented. Anyway here is ......


They arranged amongst each other to be present at the club on Friday night and try to catch Mark in all his glory. John’s farther was the owner of the club and John and his friends would have easy access to the back room to where the back doors were. Amber already knew this from the general gossip that the group had mentioned over the past week.

They were all excited about Friday evening as well as their planned game the following night. John’s task that day was to get Lucy to agree to the game, while Amber’s job was the same with Brian.

Later that morning John raced up to Laura telling her not to worry about anything and that he had encouraged / forced Lucy to agree to their terms. “How did you do that?” asked Laura, puzzled at how easy Lucy had been to persuade. “I can’t tell you at present, however believe me she won’t be doing anything out of turn” John chuckled.

Laura text the other members and soon they were all excited at knowing the game had been given the go ahead. Amber’s task meanwhile was a little more difficult. When she had asked Brian if he knew how to play poker she found out he had never played the game in his life. “Why do I need to know how to play poker” Brian asked puzzled. “We are playing a tournament, and I wondered if you would like to join in” Amber asked.

“Yeah, I would like that very much, however I don’t know how to play so I suppose that counts me out” Brian answered. “I will teach you” buttered in Amber, before Brian had chance to finish his sentence.

They arranged to meet after school for Brian’s first tutorial. Brian was very excited at making a new friend (Amber) and was looking forward to the possibility of making more however at the present moment he did not know that the poker game was Strip Poker.

The day at school soon passed by as a normal day would. Amber was slowly getting used to her new school/college and was looking forward to several lessons and other events that had been planned.

After lessons had finished John went to the club his farther owned and tried to make plans for the Friday evening. The back door was off a quite alley that was very dark except for 1 street lamp half way down. This entrance was not used very often and was only there as a fire escape.

There was a security camera facing the entrance and the thick metal doors had a spy hole nearby. John knew he would have to make a plan to ask for the password. He decided to tape record his own voice asking several questions and play these to the people coming to the rear door as required. However he knew he must also get Amber to do something first so that Mark would believe it was all real. Would she be willing to show her underwear and what other task could he get Amber to do?


What does John have on Lucy?
What was John thinking of asking Amber to do outside the club?
Would Amber be willing to reveal her underwear?
What would Brian’s response be when he found out it was a Strip Poker Game?
Would Brian play the Poker Game?

Keep reading STRIP POKER WITH A TWIST THE SEQUEL for answers

Rachie 12-14-2010 12:13 PM

Thanks for all readers and comments. Also welcome to new readers / commenter – Chicken1. Hope you will keep reading and commenting. I am happy to say that here is;


What other task could he get Amber to do? John kept thinking about this for the rest of the evening. He knew he still had a few days to decide however he would also need to check these out with Amber.

Meanwhile, Amber was showing Brian how to play Poker. They were currently at Brian’s house and Amber was relieved that he found a pack of cards after a few minutes of looking.

They were sat at the dining room table and Amber noticed that Brian’s family seemed very poor; the table looked second hand with an old white table cloth. There was a large picture on the wall of a young lady who looked to be about 20 who had long blonde hair and her skin looked as white as the white house. Amber felt like asking who the female was, but quickly decided to mind her own business and settled down at the job at hand.

First she wrote down the order of the winning cards and explained what these were all called. Next Amber told Brian about the deal and what she called the flop. She currently didn’t know how the group were going to play the poker game as she had also never played with them. She however showed Brian the easiest way possible.

After about 30 minutes of explaining she asked Brian if he wanted a quick game. However at present she still had not mentioned that the game they would be playing on Saturday evening would be Strip Poker. The two players sat down and played a few hands, after a while Brian soon got the hang of which cards to disregard and which to keep and how to read Ambers hand.

Amber let Brian win a few rounds and his confidence soon picked up. “Wow you are a born natural at this” said Amber after Brian had beaten her for the third time in a row. Amber continued to say “You are totally going to win, when we play Strip Poker on Saturday evening”

“STRIP POKER!” Shouted Brian in surprise, at hearing this for the first time. “Don’t worry about anything” replied Amber, “you are a natural at poker, don’t you want to see me naked” she continued to say trying to make Brian feel more relaxed all the time.

“I will need a bit of time to think about it” said the still shy Brian. They continued to play a few more games of which Amber won 1 while Brian won a further 3. After a few minutes to think about everything he told Amber “Yes I will play the Poker game on Saturday evening, as long as you promise to be friends in and out of college hours”.

Amber agreed to this and thought that losing some of the poker hands and discarding some of the winning cards had helped make Brains choice easier. They continued playing for some time with a lot of general discussion. They talked about their college assignments and some suggestions for new items for their Marketing course, as well as some riddles one of these was;


It was soon time for Amber to leave and walk home. She had made good friends with Brian and they both felt secure with each other. She had also succeeded in her little task at getting Brian to agree to play Poker and was actually surprised at how quick he had picked up all of the rules and the flow of the game.

When amber got home and went upstairs she noticed that …………………..


What did Amber notice?
Answer the easy riddle?
What is John planning to get Amber to do?

Rachie 12-15-2010 01:07 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Thanks for all comments- as there have been so many of you commenting I am please to say here is;


When amber got home and went upstairs she noticed that again her diary had been moved and obviously read. She again decided to write in the diary trying to confirm Friday night’s plans.

On Wednesday; nothing much exciting seemed to happen but the entire group seemed to be excited for Friday and Saturday evening. John had approached Amber to check if his plans for for Friday evening regarding herself were ok.

Amber again noticed that her diary had been read, but this time wanted to plant even more evidence for Mark to read. On the computer she quickly typed a note and printed it off. She then screwed it up in her pocket, like the average note she had. She was going to leave the note on the landing outside Mark’s door the following morning, in the hope that he would pick up the note.

The following day she got up and went to the wash room, on her way down the plain cream landing with cream walls and a cream carpet she dropped the note landing right where she planned, outside Marks bedroom door. Amber knew that her mother would be out at work and the only person present in the house at that time of the day should be her annoying sneaky brother Mark.

20 minutes later, on the way back from her shower she noticed that the note had disappeared and she knew that her plan must have worked. She went to sit down at the breakfast table and her brother Mark was there staring at her. “What are you so happy about” glared Amber, trying to look both worried and surprised at the same time.

“Nothing involving you!” Mark responded after Ambers integrating question. The day passed by as usual except for the fact that Amber had a few lessons she hated and seemed to be receiving more stares than usual for some reason.

Amber met up with Brian at lunch and again went through the basic rules of poker and tried to show him how to read people’s hands. The main thing that Amber was trying to achieve was to boost Brian’s confidence and break his shyness which she was luckily succeeding to achieve. Amber had not invited or told Brian anything about her planned revenge on her brother the following day, as she did not want him to see how mean she could be and was hoping the first time he would see her in the flesh would possibly be Saturday.

The following day was the day of the revenge. At lunch the group had time for the last bit of planning and revise what was going to happen later that evening. The group were hoping that Mark would fall for their little trick and was sure that he would not miss wanting to see his sister and other girls stripping.

There school day soon passed and Amber was at home still thinking what to wear. She had, had several days to think about things however she could not agree with any outfit. In the end she decided a nice short black dress covering her slim body. She applied some make up before setting of out. When she went out of her bedroom she pretended to answer the phone and talked quite loud. She knew that her brother was in his room and hoped that he would hear everything she said.

Hi Sarah,
Yes, I have put the sexy outfit on like instructed. (Pause) Yes I haven’t got any on, and I understand all of the instructions, I can remember the password. Will there be lots of sexy males and females there (Pause) Oww goodie, can’t wait. Will be around shortly, hope no one catches me stripping (giggle).

After a few moments she cut the imaginary phone call short and said good bye to Sarah. Amber then slowly strolled out of the house making her way to the club’s rear entrance. It was quite a modern club with what looked like a guard on the main entrance. However when Amber walked along the alley way that led to the rear entrance she could feel ……………


What could Amber feel?
What will happen at the club?
Would Ambers plan work?
Keep reading STRIP POKER WITH A TWIST THE SEQUEL for answers

Thanks for all answers and particpants for "DUCK COUNT" I hope everyone dosn't QUACK up at the answer

Attachment 2743

Rachie 12-16-2010 01:38 PM

Thanks for all comments and welcome new readers/commenters IjFairy, Lordbob, and Will9022.

What will happen next, down that alley way?


However when Amber walked along the alley way that led to the rear entrance she could feel that she was being followed. Amber once glanced slightly behind her and could see a shadow crouched behind the alley corner.

She begun to get excited thinking about her plan. Mark had seen her in the flesh a few times before as well as having the pictures so Amber was not too worried about him seeing anything, however she had never seen his man hood. She felt quite strange inside thinking of this, was she normal, wanting to see her half brother (one parent the same, one different) in this state.

Shortly later she approached the rear door to the club and gave the large fire door a big bang with her fist. “BANG”. There was a short pause before she heard a loud voice ask “What is the password” She knew what she had been told to do and lifted her short black dress revealing what seemed like her naked state to anyone that was watching her, however she actually had flesh coloured pants underneath.

Good, said the loud voice from inside. Now I would like you to prove yourself before you are given access to this x rated club where anything is allowed. I would like you to tip that cold bucket of water over your head and drench yourself. After all you will not be requiring any of those clothes in here.

Amber gave a quite giggle knowing that her brother was behind her watching everything that she did. She went over to the cold bucket of water and put her hand in it. “Why ….. THAT’S FRREZING” she screamed lying about the temperature as the water was actually loot warm. She picked it up and poured it over her head totally drenching herself from head to toe. The black dress that she was wearing was totally soaked and Amber was glad that she had a dry change of clothing inside the club.

“GOOD GIRL” bellowed a voice inside the club. “You have proven yourself, please have fun tonight and remember anything goes” The fire door then opened allowing Amber access into the club. However she already knew everything was a lie and a set up to capture her brother. She was also mighty relieved that the bucket of water was actually not freezing cold like the one next to it.

Next the shadow that had been following her and watching all that Amber had done from a close distance came out from hiding behind the dustbins that where barely 5 meters from where Amber had been stood. Mark went to the door and bashed on it just as Amber had done. “What is the password” screamed John in an even louder voice. Mark knew what the password was stripped out of his trousers revealing some white boxers.

Amber sat inside the club watching the whole events on a large TV that was wired to the security camera outside. She was also mighty relieved that it was recording the whole events for future use. After about a minute of torture John screamed down the megaphone Marks next task, this was …………….


What will Mark’s next task be?
Will Mark do his task?
What will happen next?
Keep reading Strip Poker with a Twist for answers

Rachie 12-18-2010 01:34 PM

Thank you everyone who has thanked me, or rated the story, also to all commenters, please keep commenting and i will keep writing.


After about a minute of torture John screamed down the megaphone Marks next task, this was: please be a man and remove your underwear, after all they will not be much good in here. Amber’s brother complied and removed his crusty white boxers standing in the cool air in just his shoes, sock, t-shirt and jumper with his cock on display for all to see. However Mark hadn’t realised about the camera recording everything. Amber, Sarah and Laura could see everything as well as the male members of the group that where less bothered about his weapon.

Now the final thing I want you to do before you are given access to the place of your dreams is pour that bucket of cold water over your head. Mark had seen Amber do the same before him, so he thought that it couldn’t be so bad, however Ambers water was actually considerably warmer. Mark walked over to the bucket of cold water and picked it up without feeling the temperature. He then tipped the bucket all over his head covering himself with the ice cold water.

The water was so cold that Mark screamed “SHIT” as it touched his skin. He tried to keep quite still believing that Amber had done the same moments earlier. Mark was shivering and his cock that was on display for all to see began to shrivel up with how cold the water had made it.

Mark stood there waiting to be given access into the club of his dreams imagining that there would be strippers, gorgeous females and much more. “Can I come in now” he eventually asked.

Meanwhile inside the club the entire group were laughing their heads off, thinking about all that they had made Mark do. They also had everything on video and knew he would not want anyone to see it. What would he do for the video, they thought.

“You have not proven yourself worthy of this club” bellowed the voice. “You could not even pour cold water over your head without complaining and swearing, we will not tolerate your type in here, good bye” John finished up shouting.

Mark stood there still with his boxers and trousers lying on the concrete ground next to him. He thought about swearing and showing his rage at the club, however he quickly decided that this would not be the best way to be granted access and probably get him arrested. “Please” he said hopefully. “No! Please try again next week and things may be different.”

Mark collected his clothes and still shivering turned around to put these on. This gave a wonderful view of his rear end and the group inside the club giggled for what seemed like forever.

Once dressed, Mark walked home quite grumpy while the group watched the video of Mark for the second time and had a few more chuckles, thinking of how successful there plan had worked. Amber changed into some dry clothes and rejoined the others. It was now time to plan what they were going to do next


What will happen next?
What will be their plan?
Keep reading STRIP POKER WITH A TWIST for answers

Rachie 12-19-2010 12:33 PM

1 Attachment(s)
I’m glad that the last chapter made a few of you laugh as we also did.
Find out what happened next below.


It was now time to plan what they were going to do next. “The first thing that I want to do is to make a back up of this video” said John who was once again one of the main ring leaders of the night’s activities. John went off to record the video and came back moments later to say that it was in progress.

“Now what do you suppose we do next” asked John. “I would like him to play Poker with us, tomorrow evening” said Amber. “It will be useful having a male that we can pick on as well as a female (Lucy)” Amber continued to say.

“Yes that will be fun” agreed the others, while making further plans. Later that evening Amber went home to find Mark upstairs. He seemed to be in a foul mood, and Amber could guess why. Mark didn’t pay much attention to Amber at first and hadn’t even realised that if she was having a good time she would have still been at the club. To try to make Mark pay attention to her Amber said “Do you want to watch a new film I’ve got?”.

What is it! Came the grumpy response from Mark. “xXx” was Amber’s reply, knowing that Mark loved this and would not want to turn down the offer of watching a new film. They both made their way to Amber’s room and started to watch the film.

During it Marks phone rang and it was a text message. Mark wondered who could be texting him at this hour of the night (almost 10.30pm) He reached for the phone, out of his jacket pocket and saw a strange number. Opening the message he silently read it and Amber saw Marks face turn red.

“What’s the matter” Amber asked. Mark just sat there in total silence and reread the message before continuing to re watch the film. Another 10 minutes passed when Mark apologised to his sister and left the room. Amber found this experience weird as Mark would never usually apologies to her.

Amber watched at her window, already knowing what the message was going to be about and making sure that her brother went to the bottom of the garden where he would pick up a carrier bag. Mark did everything as planned and soon came into the house scrambling up the stairs as fast as his legs would carry him; he went straight into his bedroom.

Once in the room Mark kicked his shoes to one side and opened the carrier bag, looking what was inside. He got a shock when he found a DVD and an envelope. Whatever could this DVD be? he wondered, as he opened the envelope to read the letter.

Mark sat there still not knowing if he dared play the DVD. However what could it actually show, and what would actually be on the DVD. He soon decided that it was probably just a bluff and decided to see what the DVD actually was while at that moment believing it would probably be a film.

He got a shock when he actually saw himself outside the club where he had been earlier that evening. Mark at once realised what would be coming next as he watched himself stripping. There was more detail on the recording than Mark could ever have dreaded and it showed him revealing his cock and pouring ice cold water over himself. It also showed him scream and nearly cry like a baby.

Could Mark actually let anyone see this, he had a tough choice to make. However his blackmailer had been very cunning and not revealed what he/she wanted from Mark.

Mark decided …………………….


What will Mark decide?
When will he realise who his blackmailers are?

Keep reading Strip Poker with a Twist the Sequel for answers

All comments / feedback is much appreciated.

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