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Casey 09-23-2009 02:17 PM

Casey's Naked Bungy Jump
My story begins with me sitting around with my close friends: Christine, Jenny, Rob and Jay.

Jay said: "What do you want to do for your birthday, Casey?" (my 22nd birthday was 2 weeks away). "How about you guys get me a Bungy Jump?" was my reply. This is something that I had always been a bit afraid of but it was a fear that I wanted to face.

We googled the local place and a bungy jump costs $100. Split four ways, that was pretty reasonable but we don't usually do gifts, we just pick something fun and go and do it together. Jay was the only other one interested in jumping so the idea was not getting much interest.

That is until Jenny piped up and said (with a big grin): "I think most places will let you go for free if you go naked."

Now, I am not a terribly wild person but I am no prude either. I had been naked in front of these friends before, both times being all of us skinny dipping while camping together. Naked bungy jumping would be a big step up in my personal history of getting naked in front of people. I knew that getting naked would be no issue for Jay. You could tell immediately by the look on his face that he was game.

My heart started pumping at the very thought of being naked outside in front of an unknown audience, plummeting tied to a bungy. That was quite a bit outside my comfort zone so my immediate reaction was: "Uh, I don't think so!"

Then they all started giving me a hard time. "Why not Adventure Girl?" That was my latest motto.

It was all just talk, so I said we could call and find out. I mean there probably was no such deal anyway. Both Jay and I got on the phone, me so that I knew Jay wasn't going to mess with my head and Jay so that he knew I wouldn't fake the info.

The guy from the bungy place said they had no official policy because it wasn't legal, but if someone just showed up naked with at least one paying friend, they would grant a two-for-one on the spot.

We hung up the phone and "Done deal!" said Jay. I started to panic while Jay explained what the guy had said to the others. The plan came together really quickly. My birthday was on a Saturday so we'd drive out on the day, the gang would pay for Jay and I would go naked.

Mick 09-23-2009 03:22 PM

this is good! keep going

mugenhavok 09-24-2009 04:55 AM

please go on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Casey 09-24-2009 08:26 AM

Casey's Naked Bungy Jump Part 2
I said that I hadn't actually agreed to it yet. "I mean, it’s my birthday." I said. "Why not Jay goes naked and we all pay for me?"

Then the Jay and Rob reminded me about what they had gone through about six months earlier. We had played a game together that had resulted in them getting completely naked and serving drinks for the rest of us for an evening. The game involved a randomly chosen TV sport event (tennis) and a number of pieces of clothing corresponding to how badly the losers missed guessing the score.

It was girls vs. guys and the girls won by a lot.

Technically, all three girls deserved a bit of payback, but what none of the others knew is that I had cheated (I lucked out in that I have tennis obsessed parents and the game had originally been broadcast at 4am that morning). I had been able to pick the correct score, so I actually felt pretty guilty. I felt especially guilty because Jenny had insisted on taking the humiliation a bit further by showing photos of the evening on rotation at Ted's place (Ted is our only friend who has a house so we always have parties there) on his big screen TV at Jay's birthday a week later. Lots of pictures of us girls patting the boy’s bums. She even put in some full frontal shots. They were sooooooo mad.

I had a sinking feeling that I wasn’t being given much of a choice. If I did this, I’d be the only one naked in front of my friends as well as people that I don't even know.

I must have been looking kind of panicked as Christine (always the voice of reason) said: "Don't sweat it. It'll all happen really quick. You'll strip down, strap up, jump and it'll be over before you even know it."

I tried to think clearly. If I wore a long t-shirt, I could just strip it off right before I jump. I could do that. So I agreed as long as there were no pictures.

"You have to be kidding!" Rob said. "After what you put us through, there will be many, many pictures. And probably some inappropriate touching."

I knew that we girls had it coming. I could be photographed doing something brave and adventurous, or they'd eventually get me in some exquisitely humiliating way. So even though I knew that I'd have to see the pictures in a slide show at my party afterward, I agreed. They cheered.

Casey 09-24-2009 08:27 AM

Casey's Naked Bungy Jump Part 3
Well the next couple of weeks were torture. I was scared of the jump, but mostly I thought about having to get completely naked to do it.

Then my birthday finally came. I had the plan all worked out in my head. I'd be naked for the absolute minimum time necessary. There would be some compromising photo evidence (I knew that I had that coming) but it wouldn't matter because I'd totally be Adventure Girl. The getting naked would be all business to get the free jump.

I put on a long t-shirt and a bikini bottom and I packed some clothes to change into. The five of us climbed into Christine and Rob's car (they're a couple, the rest of us were single) and headed off. I was getting really scared, both of the jump and the nakedness. Jenny made a joke about turning off my high beams (my nipples were so hard they hurt). I kept saying to myself: "I am Adventure Girl" and "the getting naked is all business".

After an hour of pure agony in the car with my friends just making it worse with all the teasing, we arrived and parked. We got out of the car fairly close to a booth where a girl was selling tickets. I could see there was a path, maybe a five minute walk, to a ladder which led up to the constructed platform that hung out over the edge of a cliff. My mouth went dry. Shit! This was really happening!

We climbed out of the car and Rob, with his nice, expensive looking camera pointing at me, said: "Okay, now that we are here, show us what you are wearing."

I had been expecting this. Until I got naked and did the jump, it would be non-stop teasing. "I'm not wearing much, Rob. Just the shirt and a bikini bottom. I do intend to go through with this."

"It's pretty easy to tell that you aren't wearing a bikini top." Rob succeeded in making me feel embarrassed (and I wasn't even naked yet), "but show us the bottoms, just lift up the shirt and show us."

And Jenny added: "And tell us again what your plan is for the jump."

There was no harm in humouring them. I had to treat this like it was no big deal otherwise I'd be really embarrassed when the pictures were shown. So I lifted the shirt to show my red string bikini bottom. I even turned around when Rob prompted me. "Once they have attached the bungy around my ankles, I'll untie the strings on my bottoms." I explained. "I'll whip them off, peel off the shirt, hand them to Christine, since she's the only one I trust to give them back right away, and do the jump." I dropped the shirt back into place. "Happy?"

"Very!" said Rob and I started heading to the ticket booth.

Casey 09-25-2009 08:18 AM

Part 4
"Where are you going?" said Jay.

"What now?" I said turning back toward the car

Jenny explained that the instructions were that I should "show up naked". I realized that those were the actual words of the guy on the phone.

I laughed. "Well, surely they don't expect me to get naked in the parking lot." My friends insisted that this was exactly what they expected me to do. "Why would they issue a free ticket to a person who was not already naked?" they argued. "You could then just go up and claim your jump without honouring the deal. Telling you that you had to get naked at that point would be illegal for them."

I suggested that I could certainly get away with leaving the t-shirt on. "I could flash the girl at the booth to show my sincerity." I said.

"That sounds reasonable." Christine said. She is usually the sane one of the bunch but I think she still enjoyed saying: "So give us your bikini bottoms."

If one of the others had asked, I probably would have still resisted, but Christine was always more reasonable. I figured if I agreed to this, we could get on with it. I stepped out of my sandals, dropped my bottoms (without revealing anything to the camera mind you) and Jenny retrieved them. "There." I said. "Now are you happy?"

Jay made a show of thinking it over and then said: "No, you're still pretty covered. The deal was that you show up naked. You are not naked. In fact, you are still completely covered. I see no reason why they'd give us the two for one deal."

"Come on Casey," said Jenny. "Get with the spirit of it. We've all seen you naked before. There's hardly anyone here. Where's Adventure Girl?"

I was not going to strip in a parking lot and walk around naked for the next hour! That was definitely not the plan! "I'll just pay for me too." Of course Jenny had taken charge of my clothes bag which had my wallet in it otherwise I would have paid for myself. Jenny would not give me my bag.

"I'm not doing it." I said. I was ready to back out but they said that they had come all the way out here. It was an hour drive.

"No chickening out". Said Jay

"No, I don't want to get naked yet. I'm not ready for this." I was panicking. I pleaded with them but ultimately, they were not giving me any choice. They had all my clothes other than the t-shirt. Amidst all my terror, knowing that I was going to get naked and be the only person naked today was thrilling me to my core. Faced with stripping naked in a parking lot in the middle of a bright, sunny afternoon I could hardly think.

"Alright, alright." I agreed to do it.

I took in my surroundings. There were only a few cars, only three guys were visible. They were probably congratulating themselves on their jumps. My heart was pounding into my throat. I figured, okay. Adventure Girl. All business.

I peeled off the shirt and handed it to Jenny. I couldn't believe it was that easy. I was completely naked.

Visionary 09-29-2009 12:13 PM

Great story! Please write another installment :)

Star Shadows 09-29-2009 01:05 PM

more pleased. :)

Casey 09-30-2009 08:21 AM

Part 5
Thanks for the comments and sorry for the delay ...


Jay said a slow: "Yahoo." And Christine said: "Wow. You are one brave girl." I was very much aware of Rob who had the camera pointed directly at me. It wasn't just that these four that were seeing me naked, there were all the friends at my birthday party later (probably like 25 people!) that would see me. I pictured the full frontal photo of me that Rob had no doubt just taken. I covered myself with my hands.

"How very demure of you." Said Jay as he came up behind me and gave my bum a light pat. I hopped about a foot forward in surprise and both of my hands went behind me in reflex to intercept Jay's hand. As I presented another brilliant full frontal for the camera, I let out a little squeal.

The three guys across the parking looked over and one gave a hoot. I tried telling myself that I was Adventure Girl, all business. But between them, Rob taking pictures and the threat of more inappropriate touching from Jay, I was getting flustered. I thought about trying to negotiate a no touching rule, but there was no such rule when we girls had tormented Rob and Jay, so I knew that I would just end up encouraging Jay even more.

"Let's get going." I said. I knew that me being naked, the touching and the photos was all payback and I deserved it. I also knew that Christine and Jenny would have a say in what photos were shown later, so I wouldn't get worse than we had dealt out at Jay's birthday party.

I told myself that it was good. I was getting to face a fear (bungy jumping), find out what it's like to be an exhibitionist and pay off a karmic debt all at the same time.

As far as being an exhibitionist was concerned, being outside and the only one naked definitely felt sexy! I had fantasized about it a fair bit. At that moment, the panic and embarrassement were way more intense though.

Whatever. I was Adventure girl! All business! "Please, let's just get going", I said and we headed to the booth.

“What the fuck am I doing?” I thought. But I had no choice, I kept walking.

It was a short walk. Some little rocks in the parking lot were making my bare feet sting a bit, but, because my heart was pounding so hard and I was so terrified (as well as thrilled to my core), I didn't think about asking for my sandals back until we got to the booth. I could see that the three guys were gawping and had pocket cameras out but there was a girl there too who was telling them that they had to leave so they didn't come over and stare.

The girl at the booth had been watching our exchange and gave us the two-for-one no questions asked. There was some agonizingly slow showing of id and signing of waivers.

The girl called up to the platform: "It's your lucky day boys," she said "You have a very pretty birthday girl named Casey coming up." I had a renewed surge of panic as I thought about having to go and interact with apparently male and certainly non-naked strangers. I couldn't believe what I had got myself into.

“Don’t make me do this,” I begged one more time. I just got smiles back.

Then I asked for my Sandals. Christine said she had left them in the car with the rest of my clothes and Rob had the key. Jay added: "Naked is naked. Plus you are extra cute when you are daintily tiptoeing in your bare feet."

I started walking. Arguing and begging wasn’t getting me anywhere and I'd just have to stay naked longer if I kept it up.

We set off for the platform. The path seemed to take forever. I tried to walk quickly, but with bare feet, I had to pick my way along quite slowly.

I was completely at my friends' mercy. The further we were from the car, the more vulnerable I felt. When we got to the ladder, I went straight for it thinking "let's just get this done".

Jenny said "hold up. We can't all go." Sure enough, there was a sign that said only three could go up at a time.

Jay said: "That means me, the birthday-suit girl and our documentarian Rob." He was all smiles.

I said: "Whatever. Let's get this done." Adventure Girl. All business.

Casey 09-30-2009 08:23 AM

Part 6
Jay went up the ladder first, I went second and Rob came last. I should have thought about the slide show that was certain to be shown at the party later. That was not a view that a demure girl shows to the world. But I just couldn't focus on anything. I felt so completely naked and I was so terrified I could barely climb. This was not at all what I imagined. The Adventure Girl part of my mantra fell away. I just kept repeating "all business" to myself.

Jay climbed onto the platform and I followed behind him. There were three guys on the platform. One of them was very nice looking.

All business. All business. All business.

Rob came up and continued to take pictures. There was not much room to manoeuvre on the platform. It was just a circle with a railing except for the ladder and the place where you jump. It was open above except for the contraption that the bungy hangs from. Rob had excellent light for his photographic efforts.

Holy fuck! I am just a regular girl. I don't go around stripping in front of people. But here I was as naked as the day I was born on a platform in the middle of the day with five clothed guys. I don't care that two were my friends. They were all just gawping at me. And Rob was busy taking photos! As soon as I was off the ladder, my right arm went over my tits and my left covered my crotch. But I didn't know where to stand. I ended up turning right around and showing them all my bare ass to get to a spot where I could see everyone.

I felt utter panic but I had nowhere to go.

The good looking guy with the curly hair and green eyes looked at me with a friendly smile and said: "You must be Casey." In a lovely Aussie accent.

I barely croaked a "Yes". All business. All business.

"Well happy birthday, I'm Jeff, this is Jason and that guy over there is Chris". As I exposed my tits in order to shake the hands of these three guys it suddenly stopped being All Business. The really cute boy that was going to help me do a naked bungy jump had just made it feel entirely personal.

When my arm went back to covering up my tits after the hand shake, I could feel that my nipples were little spikes. I desperately wanted to seem cool and relaxed but my tits were clearly showing these guys that I was not. I felt a huge flush go right through me. I knew that I was blushing really intensely.

The one named Chris took a small camera out of his pocket and asked if he could take a couple of photos. Jason immediately added a request as well.

“NO! NO FUCKING WAY!” screamed the voice in my head. What was I going to do? Pose with each of them? The sight of more cameras made me desperately want to escape, but I had to relax and say no without seeming like it was a big deal.

“Uh,” I stammered. I realised that I could barely speak.

Jeff spoke up: “Guys. Have some respect. Put the cameras away.”

It was so nice to feel like someone was on my side. I wanted to kiss him. Despite my situation, I lingered on that thought for a couple of seconds. Of course the reality that I had no clothes on invaded and so I couldn’t help thinking about what it would be like to just go up to him completely naked and kiss him right there. I have to admit that walking around naked had been making me horny. The terror and adrenaline were dominating my emotions, but indulging a fantasy about kissing this guy right at that moment made my knees go weak. I felt myself flush all over again.

I hoped that they couldn’t tell.

theone 09-30-2009 12:33 PM

Nice story, Casey. Keep it up.

Casey 10-01-2009 08:22 AM

Part 7
"Wow. Have you ever seen anyone look so embarrassed?" Jay said to Rob so that everyone could hear. He and Rob were just loving this. Rob replied "Never. But it is cute to see a pretty girl blush when she has a crush on a guy."

How did they know that I thought Jeff was cute? Was my every thought that transparent? They wanted to see me actually die of embarrassment.

Then Jay continued. "Yeah. It’s even cuter when it’s a shy girl like Casey and she hasn't got a single stitch of clothing on." And then to me, "Hey Casey, you've never done anything remotely like this before. I mean you don't even flash your tits at concerts. How does it feel?"

I could not have felt more vulnerable and exposed than I did at that moment. Not only were they highlighting my nudity, they were also highlighting the fact that I was a complete newbie and terribly embarrassed.

Jay stood right next to me. I figured that the only thing I could do was not acknowledge him. Anything else would just egg him on. "Casey, did you know that, when you're embarrassed, every square inch of your skin blushes?" I was determined to ignore him. Then he poked me in the side with his finger. "You're blushing there." I twitched. I know that Jenny, Christine and I had poked and grabbed Jay and Rob when we had them naked and at our mercy so this was just more payback. I made a desperate attempt to continue to ignore him. He poked me in the thigh "and there." I twitched again. He then used both hands and started poking me all over saying "and there, and there, and there". I writhed about and let out a few yelps as he did this for a few seconds until I made fists and stamped my foot and said: "stop it, asshole!"

I was so pissed at Jay. The thing that makes Jay a great addition to our group also makes him a bastard sometimes. He doesn't have limits like normal people. Poking me with his fingers while I was standing naked in front of strangers should have been a limit for someone I call a good friend. But not for Jay. Had any other guy there been at all chivalrous, they would have chucked him off the platform. I am guessing that they were all too stunned by the tremendous show I was giving them. Jay did stop poking me though.

Casey 10-01-2009 08:23 AM

Part 8
I knew that I must be completely crimson at that point. I also felt nauseous. I was in some kind of hell. I could barely speak. I nevertheless tried to engage in small talk with the really cute guy while completely naked and while he guided me through what was involved in the jump. The fact that he knew precisely how embarrassed I was made it so very much worse.

I was having trouble listening to the instructions. Jeff had me stand at the railing and look down in order to explain how the jump was going to go. That got me refocused alright! Realizing that I was going to launch myself into that void was just as terrifying as any new humiliation that Jay could inflict on me. So I forced myself to really listen to what Jeff was saying.

For a moment, I actually wasn't thinking about being naked.

I was standing to Jeff's left and I didn't notice Jay as he came up behind me to my left. He got Jeff's attention and said to him: "Doesn't she have the cutest ass?" Jeff's eyes instinctively followed Jay's down as Jay had the nerve to grab my butt and give it a squeeze.

Considering that was really close to what I had said to Christine and Jenny when I grabbed his naked ass months back, I probably deserved that. But this was in front of complete strangers! And I'm a girl. I was alone, stark naked with five guys! I could hardly be in a more compromising situation.

In any case, the instant I felt his hand on the bare skin of my ass, it was like an electric shock went through me. It's not like I'd be turned on by being groped by Jay, it was just the sensation of having a hand sliding down my bare bum while I was in that particular situation that crossed some important line. Like before that, showing up naked there was all just a big embarrassing mistake I had made. If I let Jay get away with groping my naked ass it would be like I was just a slut and enjoying every minute of it.

When I felt his hand squeeze, I turned violently to the left. I am not sure if I did this so that he would have to let go of my bum or because I wanted to punch him as hard as I could. Probably both.

But Jeff was behind and to my right, so I basically slammed backward into him. His left hand grabbed my left shoulder to steady me and my ass went from being grobed by Jay to mashing into Jeff's left hip. The inside of my left thigh came into full contact with his bare leg. I was a little off balance but fully intending to punch Jay. Jeff, probably sensing this, lightly grabbed my right elbow.

He wasn't exactly holding me back, but it didn't take much to stop my punch. I immediately realized that I was making a lot of contact with this cute guy that I barely knew. I could feel the hair on his leg and the rough fabric and buttons of his cargo shorts against my bare skin. The effect of him having his hands on my shoulder and arm was that I hesitated in that position with a furious look on my face and my chest stuck out at Jay.

Jay is not one to miss an opportunity. He reached up and grabbed both my tits. He kind of missed on my left but got in a solid tweak of my right nipple.

That was just too much. Were it not for a bit of support from Jeff, I am sure I would have completely buckled over.

Jeff said very calmly as I regained my footing: "Whoa. This is not the place for a fight. I think we should just focus on the jump. Any more of this and I am calling it off. No refunds." I was feeling pretty humiliated and ready for this to be over, but I realized that, if I quit now, this whole day would be about me being naked and not at all about my bungy adventure.

"No, no, no." Jay said. "Really sorry, I got carried away. I am just going to go sit over here until it's my turn." Jay took a seat over by the railing next to the ladder. This seemed to satisfy Jeff and so he got on with the preparations.

Jeff fastened a wide strap thing around my ankles and the bungy was attached and tied around that. Setting that up did not involve too much touching, but he was crouched down with his head awfully close to my privates while he worked. I suspect that he got a really good view despite my best efforts to cover up.

Tied at the ankles, when I was satisfied that it was secure, I had to shuffle over to the break in the railing. I felt like I might trip so I gave one hand to Jeff and had the other on the railing. Being naked and having my ankles tied in this situation was certainly surreal. I had never felt so vulnerable in my life, but the fear of the jump was finally overtaking my emotions.

In fact, wanting an end to my humiliation made overcoming the fear that much easier. I just lept into the void. The jump itself was a huge relief. It was a great rush of adrenaline that really cleared my head. Suddenly nothing else mattered and I felt so incredibly alive! I had wanted to scream for the last half hour, and as I was plummeting I just let it all out. It felt great.

I bounced a few times, screaming the whole time as loud as I could. By the time they had pulled me back up I was totally Adventure Girl again and when I said thanks to Jeff, Jason and Chris, I was All Business.

Casey 10-02-2009 08:17 AM

After the jump - Part 1
I went back down the ladder (still naked) and Rob stayed up to document Jay's jump. Christine and Jenny did not have my clothes or even a towel for me. I guess they wanted to prolong my agony, but really at that point it was done. While we waited for the two boys, I felt great. It was actually wonderful to be naked. I had just done something incredible and the adrenaline high was amazing.

I also felt really horny which was just icing on the cake.

Rob and Jay eventually joined us and we walked back to the car. I actually really enjoyed being naked on the walk back. I was no longer trying to hide myself at all. I was just overflowing with the excitement of what I had done and I couldn't stop talking.

I think that Jay was momentarily shocked out of teasing me for being naked, too. His adrenaline was pumping and he was just as excited as me.

As we walked along, I did lay into Jay for being such an asshole. He seemed to realize that he had crossed the line and apologized.

The path ended. The girl asked how it was and Jay and I said it was amazing. A few cars had arrived in the parking lot since we left. A group of seven (five guys and two girls) was approaching the booth and noticed me immediately. Amidst the hoots and comments I started to feel quite naked again. We got back to the car and I said: "Okay, enough. Clothes. Now." The group, at the booth as well as another group coming from another direction were all staring at me. I could tell that some were fumbling with cameras and cell phones.

"You don't think we're going to give your clothes back do you?" Said Jay. "No, you're going to attend your birthday party in your lovely birthday suit!"

My heart started pounding into my throat again. "I won't go. You can't do that. You fuckers." But I had to get away from the now fairly large number of people in the parking lot staring at me so I got in the back seat with Jenny and Christine completely naked.

Casey 10-02-2009 08:17 AM

After the Jump - Part 2
As we were driving away, me shifting about since my bum was being seared because the black vinyl seat had been in the direct sunlight. I think I was getting close to tears begging them not to take me to my party naked. They still held all the cards. They could drive me anywhere they wanted and it’s not like I could just sit in the car naked.

They eventually let me know that they were just teasing me and they finally gave me my clothes.

I got dressed during the drive and finally started to relax. I knew that I was still going to face some pretty hefty embarrassment with the slide show, but I had done an incredibly courageous thing. I had gotten naked in the cause of adventure. No one could fault me for that. I just had to go in to the party, hold my head up and treat it all as a big lark. No problem.

We got to Ted's house and all filed in. I had made my pals promise that nobody would be told that I was going to naked bungy jump that day. Despite that, there were more than 40 people at the party and well over half of them were guys. I knew everyone, but this was way more than just the usual close friends. The story of the incident with Rob and Jay had spread and, this being my birthday, people were apparently hoping to see some payback.

There was cheering as we came in. I had a big rush of people wishing me happy birthday. I was all smiles. All professional. I told the story of the naked bungy jump several times to different groups of people, emphasizing the Adventure Girl aspect. People were invariably shocked and amazed when I mentioned that I had done it naked. I made the nudity sound incidental. Just a big lark to get a free jump.

I was brought drinks and snacks. I started to get a bit drunk and actually felt really good about the experience after a few tellings.

There was quite a bit of interest in whether we'd be seeing a slide show later. "Yeah. Probably," I'd reply trying to make it seem like it was no big deal, and "You can ask Rob and Jay whether they have anything planned." In reality, I felt a terrible sinking feeling every time someone asked. There were so many people here. So many guys clearly salivating at the thought they'd get to see me naked.

The door bell rang and shortly after, none other than Jeff and Jason (two of the guys from the bungy jump platform) walked in. Jeff. The cute boy who I had just had the most embarrassing naked experience imaginable with. Jay and Rob were grinning from ear to ear. I simply could not believe that they had invited them. Fortunately, Christine had another drink at hand. I was going to need courage for this.

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