getDare Truth or Dare

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-   -   Day & Night ( 03-15-2018 12:38 PM

Day & Night
1. What’s the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning?

2. What’s the last thing you to before you go to bed?

3. How many alarms do you set in the morning?

4. Do you eat breakfast in the morning?

5. Do you snack before bedtime?

6. Do you check getDare while you’re in bed? If you do, do you check it more often in the AM or PM?

7. Do you prefer morning or evening orgasms?

8. Do you prefer to shower in the morning or night?

9. What is your morning routine like?

10. What is your evening routine like?

Diapered_prince 03-15-2018 02:22 PM

1. What’s the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning?
I change myself into a fresh diaper

2. What’s the last thing you to before you go to bed?
I put on my thicker cloth diaper and plastic pants, browse a bit of YouTube, and play a short puzzle game

3. How many alarms do you set in the morning?
I set 2 alarms, but hit the snooze button 2x a week

4. Do you eat breakfast in the morning?
I don't usually, but if I am going to be too busy for lunch then yes.

5. Do you snack before bedtime?
If I do it is things like carrots, grapes, and celery.

6. Do you check getDare while you’re in bed? If you do, do you check it more often in the AM or PM?
I will check it before I go to sleep, and am most active in the PM

7. Do you prefer morning or evening orgasms?

8. Do you prefer to shower in the morning or night?
I shower at night to wash away the day and unwind (I shower in the dark and it is awesome)

9. What is your morning routine like?
Wake up, get changed, check email and weather, get dressed, grab my bag and go to school

10. What is your evening routine like?
Finish dinner, clean up, take a shower, get in my PJs, play a few rounds of whatever game I am engaged in, watch the Overwatch League (constant through the evenings Wed-Sat), then see #2

TopDom 03-15-2018 02:40 PM

1. What’s the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning?
Turn my alarm off, drink a glass of water and then go for a wee. (on weekends i play with myself before anything else)
2. What’s the last thing you to before you go to bed?
Cum, pee and drink water
3. How many alarms do you set in the morning?
just the 1
4. Do you eat breakfast in the morning?
yes i do, i eat bacon and scrambled eggs on toast with a cup of tea
5. Do you snack before bedtime?
no i try not to, trying to get my summer body on.
6. Do you check getDare while you’re in bed? If you do, do you check it more often in the AM or PM?
Yes i check it 3 times a day but generally in bed it’s just in the evening.
7. Do you prefer morning or evening orgasms?
i like them equally or though evening ones are more satisfying usually.
8. Do you prefer to shower in the morning or night?
night always!
9. What is your morning routine like?
Get up, wee, drink water and cup of tea, eat breakfast, get changed, do my teeth etc. Then i like to make myself look a million dollars in my suit and tie and cycle to work.
10. What is your evening routine like?
Get home from work, eat dinner, go to the gym or see friends shower and then spend far too long scrolling through GD and Tumblr having far too much fun.

Thank you for your Thread! i hope people have more fun than i do ;)

sir sam 03-18-2018 09:18 AM

1. What’s the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning?

2. What’s the last thing you to before you go to bed?
Pee :)

3. How many alarms do you set in the morning?
Just 1

4. Do you eat breakfast in the morning?
Yes, 2 slices of bread with cheese.
I like my morning routine to be always the same.

5. Do you snack before bedtime?
No, otherwise I get fat :)

6. Do you check getDare while you’re in bed? If you do, do you check it more often in the AM or PM?
No, bed = bed.
Leaving the couch is the difficult part.

7. Do you prefer morning or evening orgasms?

8. Do you prefer to shower in the morning or night?

9. What is your morning routine like?
Get out bed, shower, shave, get dressed.
Go downstairs,
Get coffee, get my 2 slices of bread with cheese.
Write a mail to my pet,
Check getdare
Check newspaper
Get on my bicycle and cycle 30minutes to work

10. What is your evening routine like?
Brush teeth,
Get undressed (no piyama)
Get in bed and sleep

spankme554 03-18-2018 10:02 AM

1. What’s the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning? Definitely go pee

2. What’s the last thing you to before you go to bed? Again, pee

3. How many alarms do you set in the morning? Just one

4. Do you eat breakfast in the morning? Yes, but usually at my desk

5. Do you snack before bedtime? Not really

6. Do you check getDare while you’re in bed? If you do, do you check it more often in the AM or PM? Sometimes I check it while in bed, but really just whenever I have a free minute in my day.

7. Do you prefer morning or evening orgasms? Orgasms are good anytime! I would say the ones at night are the best though.

8. Do you prefer to shower in the morning or night? I prefer mornings but usually it's a bath.

9. What is your morning routine like? Wake and pee, then brushing teeth, bath time, dressing and off to work.

10. What is your evening routine like? Evening is usually hanging out with Master, dinner, maybe playing if he is in the mood. Very unstructured really.

hererain 03-18-2018 10:59 AM

1. What’s the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning?
It's cold during this season! I get dressed and put on a warm sweater.

2. What’s the last thing you to before you go to bed?
Reading, currently sci-fi.

3. How many alarms do you set in the morning?
Two: one on my phone and one on my alarm clock. If one were to fail the other would wake me up anyway.

4. Do you eat breakfast in the morning?
Yes! Breakfast is the best thing after waking up.

5. Do you snack before bedtime?

6. Do you check getDare while you’re in bed? If you do, do you check it more often in the AM or PM?
No, I'm trying to not use electronics in bed (expect for my ebook reader).

7. Do you prefer morning or evening orgasms?
Not really sure.

8. Do you prefer to shower in the morning or night?
Night, I like to feel clean before going to bed. Also I love the feeling on my skin of my PJs after a shower.

9. What is your morning routine like?
I wake up, put on my clothes and have breakfast. I'm pretty quick, I prefer to save time in the morning before the commute.

10. What is your evening routine like?
After dinner I clean the dishes and have a shower. Get in my PJs. Every other day I shave (expect for the weekends). I keep myself on top of things by checking/organizing my notes and TODOs and I update my diary. Usually I play an half an hour of videogames before reading and going to be. I'm forgetting to wash my teeth lately but I want to make it an habit again.

Slavejenni 03-18-2018 11:57 AM

1. What’s the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning?

Glasses on and make a coffee

2. What’s the last thing you to before you go to bed?

After turning on my alarm I read

3. How many alarms do you set in the morning?

Just the one

4. Do you eat breakfast in the morning?

I didn’t use too but I do now yes

5. Do you snack before bedtime?


6. Do you check getDare while you’re in bed? If you do, do you check it more often in the AM or PM?

Yes I do mostly at night

7. Do you prefer morning or evening orgasms?

Going to sleep after making love or a good hard play session has to be the best feeling in the universe

8. Do you prefer to shower in the morning or night?

Morning after my run

9. What is your morning routine like?

Wake, drink coffee. Get changed into my running gear and go for my morning run with my dogs.

Then I shower, brush my teeth etc (if there’s a shower block at truck stop - if not strip wash till break then I’ll find a service station to shower) get dressed then head to my truck where I make breakfast and a cup of tea.

Then it’s morning paperwork, slide card into tachometer and start driving

10. What is your evening routine like?

After finishing paperwork and eating dinner. I check getdare most days, chat to friends, hopefully play lol

Then get ready for bed pp and read a bit before sleep

When at home I like to read, watch a bit of tv and relax

Aethi 03-18-2018 12:54 PM


1. What’s the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning?
Check my phone.

2. What’s the last thing you to before you go to bed?
...Check my phone.

3. How many alarms do you set in the morning?
Typically about 3. A "pre-alarm", an alarm, and a "you're going to be late" alarm.

4. Do you eat breakfast in the morning?
Sorta. More like a snack.

5. Do you snack before bedtime?
Sometimes, if I didn't eat dinner.

6. Do you check getDare while you’re in bed? If you do, do you check it more often in the AM or PM?

7. Do you prefer morning or evening orgasms?
Neither, honestly? I prefer mid-day orgasms.

8. Do you prefer to shower in the morning or night?

9. What is your morning routine like?
Get up, eat, take meds, shower.

10. What is your evening routine like?
Take meds, brush teeth, get in pyjamas if I can be assed, go to bed.

Blue Fox 03-18-2018 04:36 PM


Originally Posted by (Post 3209921)
1. What’s the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning?
Work day: Shut off the alarm. Used to lay there for another 10 minutes, but a new habit I'm starting is to get up immediately, use restroom, weigh in, and begin a workout. Weekends: Roll over and see if I can go back to sleep or not. If not, then restroom and weigh in, then work out.

2. What’s the last thing you to before you go to bed?
Most nights, either shut off the TV and try to sleep or have an orgasm and then try to sleep.

3. How many alarms do you set in the morning?
Just the one. I wake up pretty easily.

4. Do you eat breakfast in the morning?
Weekdays, yes. Weekends? Not usually.

5. Do you snack before bedtime?
Only very rarely.

6. Do you check getDare while you’re in bed? If you do, do you check it more often in the AM or PM?
Negative. I do not have it stored in my phone. But, I do check it on my PC before going to bed.

7. Do you prefer morning or evening orgasms?
Evening, definitely. Helps the body relax. Morning ones are nice, too.

8. Do you prefer to shower in the morning or night?
In the morning. If I shower at night, my hair will be oily by the morning.

9. What is your morning routine like?
Weekday: Shut off alarm, get up, power on PC, restroom, weigh in, do morning workout, shower, groom and dress, head out for breakfast and then work. Weekend: Wake up, roll over to see if I can go back to sleep. If not, get up, power up PC, restroom, weigh in, morning exercise, shower, groom and partially get dressed, relax.

10. What is your evening routine like?
Weekday: Get dinner on way home from work, get home, power up PC, take off shoes and switch to shorts, eat dinner, watch Netflix on the TV while running Realm Grinder and gD on my PC until I go to bed. Weekend: If going to get food, get fully dressed. If making it home, stay in shorts. Eat dinner. Resume watching Netflix and perusing gD and playing Realm Grinder.

Hope you enjoyed my answers. :-)

Toms123s 03-18-2018 04:47 PM

1. What’s the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning?
2. What’s the last thing you to before you go to bed?
3. How many alarms do you set in the morning?
4. Do you eat breakfast in the morning?
yes mostly bread
5. Do you snack before bedtime?
6. Do you check getDare while you’re in bed? If you do, do you check it more often in the AM or PM?
yes in the AM
7. Do you prefer morning or evening orgasms?
all are great but probably evening
8. Do you prefer to shower in the morning or night?
morning i sweat during sleep and it helps wake me up.
9. What is your morning routine like?
shower, get dressed, eat, go to work
10. What is your evening routine like?
get home from work, eat, watch tv or play videos (twice a week i go to the gym) then masturbate and go to sleep.

little pet 03-19-2018 08:05 AM

1. What’s the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning?
Hit snooze, turn around.

2. What’s the last thing you to before you go to bed?
Put on some music or an audio book

3. How many alarms do you set in the morning?
1, and I snooze once

4. Do you eat breakfast in the morning?
Yes, one sandwich with cheese or ham and coffee.

5. Do you snack before bedtime?

6. Do you check getDare while you’re in bed? If you do, do you check it more often in the AM or PM?
Yes. Usually AM.

7. Do you prefer morning or evening orgasms?

8. Do you prefer to shower in the morning or night?

9. What is your morning routine like?
Wake up, hit snooze, check news, write a mail to Sir, get up, pee, make breakfast, read some more news, shower, get dressed, walk up the stairs to my studio to work.

10. What is your evening routine like?
Wait too long before going to bed, pee, brush my teeth, jump into bed, check getDare and, if required, send Sir a sleep mail (he monitors my bedtime), put on music, nod off.

J.Riley 03-19-2018 08:24 AM

1. What’s the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning?

Check my phone... social media etc

2. What’s the last thing you to before you go to bed?

Either wank or sometimes just shower

3. How many alarms do you set in the morning?


4. Do you eat breakfast in the morning?


5. Do you snack before bedtime?

Yeh usually yogurt

6. Do you check getDare while you’re in bed? If you do, do you check it more often in the AM or PM?

Yes pm

7. Do you prefer morning or evening orgasms?


8. Do you prefer to shower in the morning or night?


9. What is your morning routine like?

Wake up, check phone, brush teeth, shower, get dressed and head out the door for work

10. What is your evening routine like?

Dinner then gd sesh and hopefully a wank, play some games, maybe another wank then bed

Jolly*FtM 03-19-2018 08:31 AM

1. What’s the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning?
Check my phone
2. What’s the last thing you to before you go to bed?
Check my phone
3. How many alarms do you set in the morning?
3 - 4
4. Do you eat breakfast in the morning?
A little bit later, i can't eat right after i got up
5. Do you snack before bedtime?
Sometimes, and sometimes i even eat dinner before bedtime
6. Do you check getDare while you’re in bed? If you do, do you check it more often in the AM or PM?
7. Do you prefer morning or evening orgasms?
Both are good
8. Do you prefer to shower in the morning or night?
night, i am not a morning person
9. What is your morning routine like?
After my alarm goes of, i mostly sleep to the next, and the next, till i finally decide to wake up. Then i check some things on my phone. After that i leave my loft bed and turn my computer on. After that i go to the bathroom. Then i spend the time in front of the computer till i decide to eat breakfast.
10. What is your evening routine like?
depends, but mostly i go to the toilet, brush my teeth and go into bed,
where i play a little bit on my phone, as long as i feel like

littlemissslave 03-19-2018 10:50 AM


Originally Posted by (Post 3209921)
1. What’s the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning?
first thing I do is turn off my alarm and check my phone
2. What’s the last thing you to before you go to bed?

the last thing I typically do before actually getting into bed is changing into my pyjamas
3. How many alarms do you set in the morning?
oh, so my otherwise I would never get out of bed
4. Do you eat breakfast in the morning?
very rarely
5. Do you snack before bedtime?
depends if I have something that I want to eat. Usually I eat while falling asleep.
6. Do you check getDare while you’re in bed? If you do, do you check it more often in the AM or PM?
yes I'm usually here before bed and in the morning. I think it's more often that I'm here in the evening because I never have to rush anywhere
7. Do you prefer morning or evening orgasms?

8. Do you prefer to shower in the morning or night?
9. What is your morning routine like?
check my phone for a bit
Get up
Make a coffee
Watch TV while drinking coffee
get dressed
get on with my day

10. What is your evening routine like?

watch trash TV
Get changed into pyjamas
Get into bed
Scroll phone and do report
Watch TV till I fall asleep (if allowed)

Jaro 03-22-2018 12:06 PM

1. What’s the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning?
Check my messages on my phone.

2. What’s the last thing you to before you go to bed?
Go to bed? Get undressed, if I'm not already or get plugged, if I'm not already.
Sleep? Take off my collar (when Miss gives permission)

3. How many alarms do you set in the morning?
None. Don't need them.

4. Do you eat breakfast in the morning?
Usually just coffee and sometimes a (sweet) snack

5. Do you snack before bedtime?
Sometimes, but usually no.

6. Do you check getDare while you’re in bed? If you do, do you check it more often in the AM or PM?
Sometimes, more often in the AM.

7. Do you prefer morning or evening orgasms?

8. Do you prefer to shower in the morning or night?

9. What is your morning routine like?
I wake up and check my messages. Say good morning to my misses and ask if I may pee. If I'm allowed I will stroke myself because I usually wake up extremely horny in the morning. I step out of bed and put on my collar. I go pee (if I'm allowed). I then make coffee and drink it at my PC while I check getDare. Then I go shower, brush my teeth (usually in the shower), shave (not every day, also in the shower mostly), put in my contacts, make sandwiches to take with me to work. Only last of everything I get dressed (as I prefer to be naked or almost naked as much as possible at home).

10. What is your evening routine like?
This varies more. Usually just browse getDare and other sites. Have dinner. Do some tasks that my Misses gave me... sometimes watch something. Before bed I get plugged (if I weren't already) and go lie in bed. Then I play on my phone for an hour or so before I ask for my final pee and if I may take off my collar. Then I sleep.

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