getDare Truth or Dare

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ShadowInTheDarkness 05-29-2011 05:00 PM

The Epic Neverending Diaper Dice Dare!
First words: I know what you're thinking! Oh my god this is long! Don't worry, this is hardly any more complex than you're standard dice dare. It's just I've tried to explain everything as clearly as I can, and added a lot of extra rules and punishments! Remember to read all the rules before you start, just in case there's something you weren't expecting!

Welcome to my Epic Neverending Diaper Dare! This is a dare for you diaper lovers, that want to really go something, but keeping it all secret. There is no pain (apart from the possibly of ducktape at one part!), or waste eating in this dare, and very little public element. There are some parts which may require multiple people, but it's all optional. If you are an avid diaper lover but want to keep it completely to yourself, this could be the dare for you! This could also be fun in groups, because it's possible to go through the dare pretty much only wearing one diaper for 30 minutes and that's it! But it's also possible to be doing this for a long time indeed!

What you WILL need:

Plenty of diapers of course!
A piece of paper and pen to keep track of your rules!
An iron will and love for diapers!

What you MAY need:

Prune Juice
An outfit to crossdress in
Some grass
A pacifier
A padlock and at least 2 keys for it and a lockable box
A permanent marker
An enema kit (possibly 2)
Cereal and milk
A maid costume (completely optional as I realise this could be expensive!)

This dare is a little more complex than most, but I think the added complexity and randomness makes it an interesting dare which you can replay and get completely different results!

Health and safety notices:
Messing a diaper! It's not good idea to stay in a messed diaper for too long! If you have messed, you shouldn't stay in your diaper for a long period of time to avoid diaper rash! I have tried to set up this dare so any time you mess yourself you are allowed to change within at least 20 minutes time. If I have somehow forced you to stay in the diaper for a longer amount of time, feel free to stop your timer, change your diaper and take a shower to clean yourself up. Then put on another diaper and restart the timer/carry on with the dare. Doing this will NOT incur a punishment. Of course you can ignore this recommendation if you want, it's your bottom though!

Also don't drink too much at once! If for some reason you had to drink 2 litres for a dare, spread it out over some time, I personally do not know how much liquid you need to drink at once for it to be dangerous, but I think it's best to be safe rather than sorry! (PS:, if anyone knows a safe limit of water to drink at once, let me know!)


I: Roll to see what you're wearing! (Anything unspecified is up to you) This includes bedtime clothes too! Though you can change clothes as long as you stick in between the parameters. Have fun sleeping in a skirt boys!

1.Diaper and normal clothes on top
2.Nothing but diaper waist down, normal clothes waist up
3.Normal clothes and diaper but must be wearing a skirt (even boys!) (if not possible reroll)
4.Normal clothes and diaper but must be the shortest skirt you have access too (if not possible reroll)
5.Diaper and only clothes from the opposite sex (complete crossdress)
6.Diaper and nothing else

II: Roll for amount of extra rules
1-2. 1 Rule
3-4. 2 Rules
5-6. 3 Rules

III: Roll on this table the amount of times you got in step II, remember all rules stay for the entirety of this dare, if you land on a rule you all ready have then that rule goes to level 2, and if you land on it again, level 3. If you reach the maximum level of rule then roll again. Drinking rules don't apply when you're asleep, but ANY other time, ie laying awake in bed! Also you might want to keep track of your rules on a piece of paper.

1.As soon as you roll this drink 500ml of water in the next 30 minutes 1.You must wet at least twice in a diaper before you can change, lv 2. you must wet at least three times in a diaper before you can change, lv 3. you cannot change your diaper unless you have messed it.

3.Lv 1.When you mess your diaper, you can't change for at least 5 minutes, lv 2. When you mess your diaper you cannot change it for more than 10 minutes lv 3. When you mess your diaper you cannot change it for 20 minutes OR Rub yourself outside your diaper until you orgasm, whichever comes first.

4.Lv 1. Drink at least 1 glass of water (250ml) every hour Lv 2. Drink one bottle of water (500ml) every hour, Lv. 3 drink one and a half bottles of water every hour (750ml) and 100ml of Prune juice.

5.Lv 1. Every single times you change diaper, put on 2 diapers instead, cutting a slit in the first, so the contents of the first can flow into the second Lv 2. Same as level 1 but with 3 diapers, Lv 3 same as level 2 but with 4 diapers AND wear plastic panties.

6. lv1 Everytime you change your diaper, drink 500ml of water, lv2. Everytime you change your diaper drink 750ml of water lv 3 everytime you change yourself and you have NOT messed yourself drink 250ml of prune juice. SPECIAL RULE If you have lv 3 of this rule and lv 3 of rule 2 (you cannot change your diaper until you have messed it) then whenever you roll on step IV you must double the time.

IV: So, how long is your dare going to last?
1.1 hour
2.2 hours
3.3 hours
4.4 hours
5.5 hours
6.6 hours

V. I know what you're thinking? Short time? Here's where the dare gets interesting. You must roll on this table every time you complete your allotted time from step IV, not in advance (unless you have too) Bear in mind the ONLY way for this dare to end is to roll a 6 on this table or to forfeit. If you forfeit then go straight to the second punishment table!

1.Go back to step IV and do extra time.
2.Go back to step III and add one more rule, then roll on IV for extra time!.
3.Go back to step II, add that many rules on Step III then roll on IV for extra time.
4.As in 3 (go back to step II) but DOUBLE the amount of extra rules you add!
5.Increase your time by 3 hours, after that roll go back to step II as if you rolled a 3 on this roll
6.If you didn't break any rules, you are finished! If you broke a few rules, go the first punishment table. Since you are finished, move onto step VI!


Punishment Table 1!

Failed to finish the dare? Couldn't abide by a rule? Here are your punishments! There are 2 sets for different severity of rule breaking! If you successfully punish your punishment then you are finished!

I: ONLY roll on this table if you couldn't keep up a rule but finished your entire time, or if you had to stop at certain points, but carried on later and completed your full time (eg, you had to do 3 hours, you did 1 hour, but your parents came home so you had to stop til tomorrow, and the next day you did the 2 remaining hours and then rolled a 6 and so finished the dare)

1.You must go to a public place wearing a diaper. You must wet at least twice before you can return home.

2.Use a dice roller to roll a d100 (hundred sided dice) (use if you don't know any) Then you must put that many grams if grass into your diaper and wear it for 2 hours (easy one)

3.Go around a friends house for at least 2 hours who DOESN'T know you like to wear diapers while wearing one. See if you can hide it from them.

4.Go to a store and buy a pacifier (unless you all ready have one) and any time over the next 24 hours when you ARN'T wearing a diaper (for example when changing) you must be sucking on the pacifier.

5.Put all your underwear into a box and padlock it (not included diapers). Put the key into an envelope and send it to yourself in the mail. Make sure you have a backup key just in case, but if you have to use it you must do another punishment! (If the key gets lost in the post, unlucky!)

6.This is an interesting one. Make a new e-mail address (you don't have too, but you probably want too!) and then write on a wall (inside a cubicle) in permanent marker in a frequently used bathroom (school or a public one) “I love to be diapered! If you want me to do diaper dares for you, e-mail me! <Insert e-mail address>” You then must do all dares you get on that e-mail address for the next week. Check on the bathroom regularly for a week also, if the writing goes away, rewrite it! Have fun, and if you like your new darer then you could always meet up with them since you probably live close together!

Punishment Table 2!

II. ONLY roll on this table if you didn't complete your full time. If I were you, I'd go back and finish my time and roll on the weaker punishment table above! But if you can't (or don't want too) then this is the table for you naughties!

1. Talk to someone who knows about your diapers (Could be someone on GetDare) and tell them you've been naughty and need a punishment. Then ask them how many days from 1 to 100 should you wear a diaper as punishment! Once they give you your answer take the number they gave you and subtract it from 101 and that's how many days you have to wear a diaper! (eg if they say 80, 101-80 is 21, so you must wear diapers for 21 days! The days don't have to be consecutive, but you must wear diapers for a whole day for the day to count. Also, every time you orgasm add one day to your punishment time!

2. You will need plastic panties to complete this dare, if you don't have any or cannot get some (I highly recommend you get some!) then reroll. Roll and add one (so 2 to 7). You must then put on that many diapers, cutting a slit in each so the contents of the first can flow into the next an repeat for every layer. Then after that put on a pair of plastic panties. You must continue life as normal until the diapers leak into the plastic panties, and there is urine in them. A good tip would to drink A LOT of water to get this over fast (Warning! Don't drink too much water, as that can be dangerous! Limit yourself to one litre per hour, and don't drink it all at once! [Talking to the forum for a second! If any of you know a safe limit for the amount to drink then that'd be great!] Once there is some liquid in the plastic panties you can take off the diapers.

3. This is a dare about guessing time. You must NOT look at what time it is except when told to do so! Put on a diaper, and drink a litre of water. Look at the time it is right now (you may want to remember this!) Then write on a piece of paper a number between 1 and 60. After the first hour pour yourself out 750ml of water and drink this over the next hour. Repeat this every hour. You can wet at any time you feel like. The catch is, the second you start to wet look at the time, for every minute your guess on the piece of paper was out by you must wear the diaper you're currently wearing for that amount of hours! Eg if you wrote down 20, and when you wet it was 6:40, you have to wear that diaper for 20 hours after 6:40. If you want you may put on extra layers of diaper and/or plastic pants to avoid leaks over your punishment period ^^.

4. Short and simple! Give yourself an enema using 1 litre of liquid. The contents are up to you! But once you administer it, you must put on a diaper (maybe 2 and/or plastic panties if you feel you need it!) and then you must roll, and you cannot change for that many hours. Eg roll a 4, cannot change for 4 hours. If you don't have an enema kit either get one or reroll.
5. Go down to anywhere that sells live maggots (for example a fishing store) and buy a pint (or any reasonable quantity they sell). Once you have them at home, put on a diaper and ducktape the bottoms of the diaper to your legs. Pour half the maggots in the front of your diaper, and half in the back then duck tape up the top of the diaper so it is completely sealed. You must then get other people to say the following words to you (in person!) “Maggots”, “David”, “Poke”, “Facebook” “Orgasm”. If the person who says the words knows you are wearing a diaper right now then they don't count. If you tell them it's dare you must say it's from! If you cannot do this in 12 hours then you can take the diaper off anyway.

6. This one is for couples! If you don't have someone (in real life) to do this with, then do Punishment 7! Go up to your partner, don't let them know it's a dare, and ask them the following: Q1: What was the last cereal they ate? Q2: How many times have they orgasmed in the last week? Q3: And how many sexual partners have they had? You must then ask them if they will have an enema (while wearing a diaper) with 1 litre of that cereal done every day for <insert answer to question 2>, eating it out of the diaper (tight plastic panties are recommended!) and then wearing the diaper for <insert answer to question 3> for that many hours afterwards. For example, if they said “Cornflakes, orgasmed 4 times in the last week, and I have had 5 sexual partners” Then you would ask them if they'd take a litre enema of cornflakes and milk, then put on a diaper and release the enema, and eat it all (using a straw if you want for the milk!), then wearing that diaper for five hours after that. And repeating this everyday for four days. You must accept their first answer (if they immediately say no, then you can't change it!) if they say yes, then you BOTH must do this. If they say no, do Punishment 7! (PS I am not sure of the dangers of this dare. If anyone knows more about drinking something that has been in your ass, let me know! If you feel you don't want to risk it feel free to not drink/eat the cereal, but it's going to get cold and yucky in your diaper over the next few hours!)

7. Unlucky! You must go to a costume store, and rent/buy (I'd recommend buy, you might be quite attached to it by the time you finish with it!) a French Maid's costume (or the closest thing). If you are unwilling to pay to do this then reroll. You must then go back to step II (Yep. ALL that way back), keeping all of the rules you have all ready gathered, and repeat the entire dare but any time you are wearing a diaper during the dare, you must be wearing this costume in it's entirety and only this costume (other than the diaper of course). If the costume comes with panties you must wear them on top of the diaper, if they come with a bra, you must wear it (unlucky lads) but if it doesn't, you must not wear a bra (unlucky girls!). If you complete the entire dare again keeping to all the rules and always wearing this outfit when you have a diaper on, then congratulations you are finished! If you fail to do this but otherwise complete the entire dare again (ie, complete your entire time) then roll on the lesser punishments table, but you must wear the costume any time you are wearing a diaper in those punishments! If you fail to do the punishment, then roll on this punishment table again, again completing the task wearing the costume. If you SOMEHOW land on this punishment again while all ready being in the costume then well done, you can stop (unless you don't want too of course!). Simply e-mail a link to this dare to your closest friend (of a similar age to you) and dare them to do it (you may do this anonymously). If you rented the costume, then be sure to clean it thoroughly before you take it back!

VI You're finished! How how do you celebrate? (PS This is just an ending and so is optional ^^, which also means you can just pick to do one of those if you want ^^)
1. Feeling daring? Drink nothing but Prune Juice until you don't have any more.
2. Feeling it was too easy? Start again going back to step I!
3. Glad it's over? Write “I am the diaper king/queen!” across your chest in marker pen!
4. Feel like it's someone else's turn? Dare some of your friends to do this!
5. Feeling horny? Rub yourself through your diaper until you orgasm!
6. Feeling lazy? Go to sleep, but try not to wet the bed!

Wow that IS long... maybe too long sorry ^^'! I hope you enjoyed doing it (or just enjoyed reading it you lurkers ;)).

If you feel any of this dare should be changed, whether there be a typo, mistake, or if you think something is unsafe, let me know and I can change it! This is my first dare (believe it or not!) and so any feedback would be welcomed! Thanks ^^

Remember to type up your experiences if you want and reply here so we can see who is the bravest of them all!

Happy daring!

cheesy dude 05-29-2011 06:17 PM

that took a while to read but it is amazing!! next time I have some freetime imma do this!!!


ShadowInTheDarkness 05-29-2011 06:19 PM


Originally Posted by cheesy dude (Post 466825)
that took a while to read but it is amazing!! next time I have some freetime imma do this!!!


Thanks so much ^^'! I was worried that people might be put off by how catastrophically long it is. Thanks again, if you do take part it'd be great hear how it went :D

selfcare 05-30-2011 08:51 AM

You, sir, are a genius.It's just brilliant, I HAVE to do this!

ShadowInTheDarkness 05-30-2011 09:32 AM


Originally Posted by selfcare (Post 467105)
You, sir, are a genius.It's just brilliant, I HAVE to do this!

Oh you're too nice ^^ It's just a combination of my thoughts over the last few days =P

And if you HAVE to do this, then I'd very much appreciate telling us how it went =P.

k1rage 05-30-2011 10:00 AM

wow that's sweet I think im going to start now lol.

ShadowInTheDarkness 05-30-2011 10:10 AM


Originally Posted by k1rage (Post 467140)
wow that's sweet I think im going to start now lol.

May I wish you good luck on your rolls, and enjoy it!

selfcare 06-01-2011 05:20 PM

Ok Shadow, tomorrow I will buy some bottles of prune juice and friday, after work, let the shitstorm begin! I don't like playing with poo, but diapers are also used for it.
I will deliver a little report about what happened.

ShadowInTheDarkness 06-01-2011 06:13 PM


Originally Posted by selfcare (Post 468621)
Ok Shadow, tomorrow I will buy some bottles of prune juice and friday, after work, let the shitstorm begin! I don't like playing with poo, but diapers are also used for it.
I will deliver a little report about what happened.

Good luck! I am very much looking forward to see how you do, you are certainly very brave =^_^=

selfcare 06-05-2011 02:43 PM

First of all, I think it's not very safe to drink more than 10-12L of water a day and this dare may last for a very, very long long time. You could die with more than 15L in a short time. Seriously, it's quite rare but I don't want to risk my health for a dare. So I made a few modifications: rule 1: 250mL; rule 4: level3 250mL water and 250mL prune juice; rule 6: level1 250mL, level2 500 mL, level3 250mL water and 250mL prune juice for each change.

So, here we go. Friday (shut up Rebecca), 19h.
I have to wear diapers (O RLY?) and normal clothes waist up. I decide to put instead a onesie with sleeves, it fits better than a shirt in this situation. Rules 2, 3 and 5, for 4 hours. Not a big deal but it's just the beginning...

23h: Re-roll time. I wait 3 more hours
02h: I win the rules 3 and 6 for 2 hours. First change, I put a new diaper with a large insert (instead of multiple diapers). I Drink 250ml and go to bed.

Saturday morning, 10h. Time for breakfast, change, 250ml and a re-roll: rules 1 and 6 for 2 hours. Damn, it's getting tough.

12h, new re-roll: double rules!! 4, 6, 4, 1, 5, 4. So I have rule 2 level1, rule 3 level2, rule 4 level3(!!!), rule 5 level2 and rule 6 level2. Just for 1 hour, but now, shit just got real! I drink 250mL of prune and water, then have the first poop, wait 10 minutes and take a shower. I put a new diaper with 2 inserts and drink 500mL.

13h: rule 2 and 5 hours. 250mL water and prune
14h: 250mL water and prune
15h: my diaper is leaking, so change time. 750mL water and 250 prune (my bowel gurgles)
16h, 17h: 250mL water and prune

18h: leaking diaper. double rules AGAIN. 5, 4, 6, 2, 6 and 5. 4 hours. At least, I have a huge diaper with plastic pant which means less changing, but it's still changing time. 500mL water and prune, a good start for my massive diaper
19h, 20h, 21h: 250mL water and prune. the diaper is quite heavy now

22h: rules 2 and 3. All rules are full now, yep... 8 hours... yep too. 250mL water and prune
23h: prune juice is working now, some liquid poo so I change my diaper after 20 minutes and take 500mL water and prune
24h, 01h: 250mL water and prune; bed time in a wet and big diaper, still 5 hours after wake up.

10h: wake up. I had to to pee 2 times and poop during the night, so I immediately change my diaper. 500mL water and prune.
11h, 12h, 13h: 250mL water and prune
14h: change again. 500mL water and prune.

15h: re-roll gives me 3 more hours (FFUUUUUU), so 250mL water and prune
16, 17h: 250mL water and prune

18h: role again and get rule 1 for 4 hours. shit. literally, I need a change. 750mL water and 500mL prune (gloups)
19h, 20h, 21h: 250mL water and prune.
22h: re-roll this fucking dice and... wait a minute, it's a 6!!! Alleluia it's a 6!!! I can't believe, it's finally over. my huge diaper is leaking, my bladder and bowel are still full but now I'm big boy, I don't need diapers anymore! Youhou!

So that's it. My first dare ever on this forum and it wasn't the easiest one. I'm a diaper lover but this week end was a real challenge concerning stamina and willpower. No more diapers for a long time now. Thank God I didn't have to get out of my apartment during those 2 days. I was a bit scared about the possibility that the dare could continue Monday and after... I was considering the possibility to get a punishment instead, but I was lucky (sort of...), I did it!
So thank you Shadow, that was a memorable event (I didn't know the effect of prune juice^^). Now it's shower time, I deserve it. I know there is an ending table, but I just want to be clean.

PS: I put some pictures awaiting for validation.

ShadowInTheDarkness 06-05-2011 03:17 PM

(This is all directed at selfcare, I didn't wanna quote cos it'd be HUGE)

Nice going dude! I did quite a few 'simulations' of this, ie rolling a lot and seeing how it would turn out, not actually doing it. And from a few tests, a lot ended well below the 8 hour mark, and none of them got even close to maxing out the rules O_o, so you got pretty unlucky.

About the drinking too much water, you did the right thing. I wrote different bits of it at different times, and so it didn't occur to me you could roll so many 1s and that'd be dangerous. Anyway, once you drink enough you reach a point where drinking more won't really make anything go any faster anyway =P.

I after a day or so when you kept reaching the final roll and not getting a six... must of been pretty hard. And rolling that final 6 after... literally an entire weekend, Friday night to Sunday night... the feeling of it being over must have been pretty immense XD. I don't think there's many people that could have done what you did, and not need a punishment. Massive kudos, take as a long a break as you want, after that kind of dare, your bowels and bladder could really use it! Congratulations, and well done!

selfcare 06-05-2011 03:46 PM


Originally Posted by ShadowInTheDarkness (Post 470934)
(This is all directed at selfcare, I didn't wanna quote cos it'd be HUGE)

Nice going dude! I did quite a few 'simulations' of this, ie rolling a lot and seeing how it would turn out, not actually doing it. And from a few tests, a lot ended well below the 8 hour mark, and none of them got even close to maxing out the rules O_o, so you got pretty unlucky.

About the drinking too much water, you did the right thing. I wrote different bits of it at different times, and so it didn't occur to me you could roll so many 1s and that'd be dangerous. Anyway, once you drink enough you reach a point where drinking more won't really make anything go any faster anyway =P.

I after a day or so when you kept reaching the final roll and not getting a six... must of been pretty hard. And rolling that final 6 after... literally an entire weekend, Friday night to Sunday night... the feeling of it being over must have been pretty immense XD. I don't think there's many people that could have done what you did, and not need a punishment. Massive kudos, take as a long a break as you want, after that kind of dare, your bowels and bladder could really use it! Congratulations, and well done!

I use to play wargames with my brother, and when you really need a 6 (or a 1, or anything else), you don't have 1/6 chance but 1/666666 chance. Really.

ShadowInTheDarkness 06-05-2011 04:02 PM


Originally Posted by selfcare (Post 470944)
I use to play wargames with my brother, and when you really need a 6 (or a 1, or anything else), you don't have 1/6 chance but 1/666666 chance. Really.

I once played a game where you needed to roll a 6 to start. And you're soooo right XD.

cloudxiii 08-15-2011 04:59 PM

Hi Shadow!

I am new to the site, but have been into diapers and bondage for as long as I can remember.

ON THAT NOTE... This dice dare is effing A M A Z I N G !!:D

I love that it seems almost impossible to roll a 6 to get out. I've been going for 24 hours now... I'll let you know how it ends up if you're interested in hearing!


ShadowInTheDarkness 08-15-2011 05:12 PM


Originally Posted by cloudxiii (Post 517638)
Hi Shadow!

I am new to the site, but have been into diapers and bondage for as long as I can remember.

ON THAT NOTE... This dice dare is effing A M A Z I N G !!:D

I love that it seems almost impossible to roll a 6 to get out. I've been going for 24 hours now... I'll let you know how it ends up if you're interested in hearing!


Oh nice! 24 hours all ready? Heh, you'll be finished soon... probably ;)

Looking forward to a full report when you're done, and thanks!

slutpup 08-15-2011 08:15 PM

I LOVE this dare!! I would do it but I don't have any diapers.

Forestpup 08-16-2011 12:52 AM

by the time i was done with this

i had maxed all lvls of rules and had been in diapers for 2 days straight. (got lucky on hour rolls)

ended up not being able to finish this as i ran out of time :( had to take a dare. got the maggot one. i'm really worried and kinda don't wanna do it cuz they are creepy as all hell.

ShadowInTheDarkness 08-16-2011 02:22 AM


Originally Posted by Forestpup (Post 517788)
by the time i was done with this

i had maxed all lvls of rules and had been in diapers for 2 days straight. (got lucky on hour rolls)

ended up not being able to finish this as i ran out of time :( had to take a dare. got the maggot one. i'm really worried and kinda don't wanna do it cuz they are creepy as all hell.

Oh they're only cute little squirmy things ^^. I'm sure you'll find it easy =P!

Frozzle_DX 08-16-2011 03:10 AM

This dare is amazing, thanks I'll be doing it on the weekend

cloudxiii 08-16-2011 05:29 PM


Originally Posted by ShadowInTheDarkness (Post 517643)
Oh nice! 24 hours all ready? Heh, you'll be finished soon... probably ;)

Looking forward to a full report when you're done, and thanks!

Haha, I'm still going, I'm now level 2 or 3 on most rules. 2 full days with no 6 in sight :) (I seem to have a knack for rolling 5 or 6 hours each time roll...or I'm unlucky depending on how you look at it )

cloudxiii 08-16-2011 07:34 PM


Originally Posted by Frozzle_DX (Post 517823)
This dare is amazing, thanks I'll be doing it on the weekend

yay! Let me know how it goes :)

I just rolled after completing a 5 hour time, now I have another 6 hours :D (started 2 days ago)

Forestpup 08-18-2011 02:25 AM

i couldn't do the maggot thingies. i got to the store had them in hand then decided i couldn't :(

they just freak me the hell out

ShadowInTheDarkness 08-18-2011 05:59 AM


Originally Posted by Forestpup (Post 519090)
i couldn't do the maggot thingies. i got to the store had them in hand then decided i couldn't :(

they just freak me the hell out

Heh, well least you gave it a shot! Try a punishment of your choosing then =p. Some are not too bad ^^.

Pet Phoenix 08-24-2011 04:08 PM

*giggles and shakes head* Hahaha I dunno if i'd ever actually DO this.. but gawd it's so awesome just to come back and read over ^^ Hahaha and dun worry forestpup, I'm not to sure about Shadow's assertions that maggots are 'only cute lil wriggly things' either <.< Haha I don't know if I could do that :p hehe

chrisdl2k 07-24-2012 10:28 AM

I have tried but failed :-(
Ok here is what happend!

First run:
I) 6 -> wear only diapers
II)5 -> 3 rules
III) 2,3,4 -> wet at least once, 5min wait if messed, drink 250ml/h
IV) 2 -> 2h
after 2h and a really soaked diaper
V) 4 -> double number of rules

Second run:
II) 6!!! that means 12 more rules -->
1.Drink 500ml in 30min
2. mess diaper before change
3. 20 min before changing a messy diaper
4. 500ml/h drinking
5. wear 4 diapers and plastic pants
6. as rule 2 is lv 3 -> double the time
IV) 1 -> 1h 2x ->2h
V) 2

Third run:
III) add on more rule
3: all rules level 3
2. mess diaper before change
3. 20 min before changing a messy diaper
4. 750ml/h drinking and 100prune juice
5. wear 4 diapers and plastic pants
6. as rule 2 is lv 3 -> double the time
*I didn't have prune juice at home and with 4 night diapers on I would not go shopping* -->punishment table 1 active

IV) 4 --> 4h x2 ->8h
V) 3

Fourth run:
as all rules are on level 3:
IV) 5 -->5h x2 --> 10h

At that point I threw the dice for 4 more rounds (with over 30h to continue) and as I didn't get 6 to end this I gave up as I don't have the time for that nor the amount of diapers needed.

As punishment I decided to do one of table 1 and one of table 2: ->dice: 1;4
Table1: Punishment 1
I put on a night time diaper with one insert and cycled to the park where I wetted two times. Extra punishment: I bought prune juice and drank it. As I was not allowed to go home before wetting twice I hoped I could do this without messing my diaper
Table2: Punishment 4 - Enema and keep diaper on for 5h
I have started this task about an hour ago (18:30 CET). Right now I am wearing 4 very messy diapers and have to keep it on for another 4h

It's a great dare (I love dice dares) but I think I was quite unlucky with my numbers rolled...

BronyTux 11-15-2013 11:31 PM

I've been wanting to try this dare for a while. Finally got some time (mostly) to myself to do so!

So far for round one I'm at 2 hours in a diaper and my shortest skirt, 1/2 liter of water with every diaper, and 1/2 liter every hour. I figured I'd give some status updates throughout for shits and giggles.

(For conciseness, I've rolled a 4, 5, 4, 4, 6, 2)

I'll be wearing ABU Cushies, so I shouldn't have to go through too many (if the dice be good)

BronyTux 11-16-2013 12:32 AM

Geez. I take back what I said about not needing too many diapers. I feel like I'm constantly peeing, here! Had to change just after the first hour, and I'm not sure if this diaper will last to the end of my time. Good thing I have a couple dozen!

BronyTux 11-16-2013 01:19 AM

Round two. I rolled a 3, so I had to add more parameters.

I must drink 750 ml with each change, 500ml an hour, every time I change it must be into 2 diapers (considering how much I'm going to be drinking, that'll probably be a good thing), must wet twice before each change (lol no problem there).

Got another 2 hour roll, bringing me right to my bed time. I'll roll again right before bed and see how long I get to add (though I'll be sleeping through it regardless).

For posterity: 3, 5, 5, 2, 6, 2

BronyTux 11-16-2013 03:06 AM

Round Three: That Escalated Quickly

So I rolled 6 hours, and 6 new rules. As it stands now: 4 diapers, I have to drink 1000 ml water right now, 750 an hour (and 100ml prune juice), 750 each change, and must wet 3 times before changing. Holy heck. I'll be sleeping through this time, but if I don't roll a 6 when I wake up, I'll be in for a very eventful morning.

Rolls: 4, 5, 1, 4, 5, 5, 1, 6, 2, 6

BronyTux 11-16-2013 12:14 PM

Well, I woke up to quite a soaked diaper (got up multiple times throughout the night needing to pee badly) but barely got through the second one (out of the four I put on before bed), so still sitting here in it (diapers are expensive!)

Rolled a 5, so I have to add three hours, and go back to step 2. Adding 2 rules, bringing me to the following:

4 diapers and skirt, 750 ml water and 100ml prune juice every hour, 250 ml prune juice every change I haven't messed, must wet 3 times before changing, can't change for 5 minutes after messing. 2 hours. (That means 5 total)

Started at 10am, already feeling that prune juice. This is going to get messy fast.

5, 3, 3, 6, 2

BronyTux 11-16-2013 12:57 PM

I'm going to be continuing updates on twitter (assuming I don't roll a 6 on the next round) If anybody cares, I'll be at

mrthatguy21 12-08-2013 09:45 PM

This is great! I am definitely trying this when i get a new pack of diapers.

toddiaper 12-17-2013 01:17 PM

This could be fun to try over Christmas break... Should I?

catsrule 11-15-2014 07:07 PM

this man is a dare genius pure genius

corvon 11-22-2014 01:03 PM

1.Diaper and normal clothes on top

1-2. 1 Rule

5.Lv 1. Every single times you change diaper, put on 2 diapers instead, cutting a slit in the first, so the contents of the first can flow
into the second Lv 2. Same as level 1 but with 3 diapers, Lv 3 same as level 2 but with 4 diapers AND wear plastic panties.

1. 1 hours

4.As in 3 (go back to step II) but DOUBLE the amount of extra rules you add!

3.Go around a friends house for at least 2 hours who DOESN'T know you like to wear diapers while wearing one.
See if you can hide it from them.

My room mates done know. I think i will be fine.

Asuzun 01-16-2016 07:00 PM

Been loving this dare for months now. Recommend most try it!

Cheekymonkeyy 09-08-2018 07:06 AM

Bit old this dare.. But i had a question. What should you do if you can't change you're diaper before you messed, but you are starting to leak already?

corvon 04-11-2021 08:11 PM

Dont have the time now, but for sure. Going to have to try this again when I get a few days off.

the_diaper_darer 04-11-2021 09:00 PM

Bumping this to play later.

NappyLover 07-24-2023 09:17 PM

Ready to do
Can't believe U making me crossdress! I rolled 6 for outfit but I want to do this in public and I could get arrested so changed to the next worse one. Got 2 hours and then for V rolled 3. But because of the indecency thing should I still be punished for wanting to not get arrested and do it in public? It doesn't feel right but I'll do lvl 1 punishment anyway, make it interesting and more fun.

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