getDare Truth or Dare

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skjelner 03-03-2011 05:09 PM

Erin's Hell
This story contains kidnapping, forced slavery, anal, rape, group sex, mutilation, brutality, underaged sex, torture, bondage, watersports, and scat— among other things. If you're not into any of the above you might not enjoy this story.

I will be updating fairly regularly, but I'm not sure how much space will be between updates. Hope you enjoy!


Day I

Chapter One

Erin pulled a yellow baby tee over her simple orange halter bikini after making sure its front tie was tight, brushing the sand off her newly–tanned stomach. As she leaned over to rummage through her beach bag for her keys, Isabel meandered over, glowing beneath her rainbow–striped, ring–front bandeau bikini and toweling off her upper chest after a long day in the ocean, either attempting to jump waves or not bothering, permitting the often rough Atlantic to wash her ashore.

“’Bout ready to go?” Isabel asked her longtime best friend as she moved to dry her hair.

“Yeah,” Erin replied, retrieving her keys, as well a pair of faded gray mini shorts, at last, “seen Emily anywhere?” She slid the shorts up her still–wet legs and over her low–rise bikini bottom as Isabel mirrored her with a light, white beach skirt. The hot sun still beat down, even though the day was almost through.

“Dunno. She was in the water last time I saw her . . . yeah, there she is.” Isabel, too, finished dressing herself with a deep pink top and pointed at the dark silhouette of figure rising from the foamy white waves, heading toward them.

Erin bent over again to pick up her beige towel; as she rose, a speeding volleyball barely missed her head. “Hey, watch that ball!” she shouted at a group of guys and girls playing on either side of a nearby net, but they didn’t seem to hear, nor care they had lost their ball; they picked up another and continued playing. Rather than yell again, Erin simply shrugged and dried her legs, which she had just shaved that morning. She and Isabel then flung their wet towels over their shoulders and turned to admire the brilliant setting sun as they waited for the girl in the water to catch up.

Only twenty, Erin still enjoyed taking these daytrips to the beach with Isabel as much as she did in junior high school. Admittedly, both girls had changed a great deal since then, but they nonetheless had remained close. Generally inseparable since children, they often took mini–vacations together to various places and states surrounding them, but mostly just the nearby beach. In fact, the two met Emily only about a year ago during one of such excursions to their local strip of South Carolinian coastline. Erin instantly befriended the dirty blonde girl due to her outgoing, wild nature, which perfectly matched her own. Also like Erin, she was a South Carolina native, hailing from a town less than an hour away from Erin’s.

Isabel, on the other hand, always favoured a quiet, reserved nature in public, probably because of her polite upbringing in an upper–class home. Even though she always received everything she wanted from her parents and knew she was spoiled, Isabel never exhibited any pretentious or snotty qualities; instead, she was grateful for her comfortable life. Such a carriage likely pushed her to pursue such a strong friendship with Erin, who was her foil in many ways. However, in private Isabel was known to behave just as wildly as Erin did in public, so in reality the girls were probably not much different at all. Because of her shy demeanour, it took Isabel a bit longer to warm up to Emily, but eventually she was able to bond with the “new” girl just as easily as Erin could, even though Emily was a year younger than they.

After meeting for the first time while attempting to surf the infamously small waves of the Atlantic, the two best friends invited Emily to tag along on their habitual evening on the boardwalk. When the old pair and their new friend crashed at Erin’s family’s beach house after an exhausting night at various clubs, Erin suggested Emily leave with them in the morning and stay with her for the rest of the week. Emily agreed, and the three hung out every day following, though mostly at Isabel’s house a few streets over, as her house, bought by her parents once she turned nineteen and decided to move out on her own, was far larger than Erin’s tiny two–room apartment. From that point on, once a week, all three girls went to lunch together during the day or hit the clubs during the night, always savouring their youth while they knew they still had it.

Emily reached her semi–dry friends and, like they had finished doing, started to dry herself with a fluffy, green beach towel. “Hey guys, you taking off?” she asked as she began covering her pink strapless bikini with an equally pink beach halter and small, flowered board shorts.

“Yeah, think I might actually get some ice cream first; you want anything, Er?”

“Nah, I’ll just wait for ya at my car; want me to take your bag for you?” Erin replied helpfully.

“Sure, I’ll only be a minute.”

“Alright . . . see you, Emi,” she added, turning to her other friend.

As Emily gathered her the unused rest of her clothes in her tote and left for the main parking lot, Isabel, free from her weighty striped beach bag, began the trek to the far end of the boardwalk, where the town’s sole Dippin’ Dots kiosk awaited her. Erin turned, slipped on a flimsy black pair of flip–flops, and headed toward the street where she parked her car— she loved staying in her parents’ beach house, as she got to make use of its local parking pass.

The sun was fading behind the last bit of horizon when Erin reached 45th Street, her destination, and heard a voice to her side. “Hey, you dropped your towel!”

“Huh?” Erin wheeled to her left to face a short, slightly stout and very shirtless guy who looked maybe a few years younger than her, if that. He held out her white, sandy towel, and she thanked him as she took it. They stood silently for several moments, Erin looking at the ground with a feeling that the guy was staring at her.

“No problem. Alright, well, see you then.” The boy turned and headed toward the boardwalk, where Erin assumed he was meeting friends, just as she so often liked to do.

Daring nemder 03-03-2011 11:13 PM

Great start plz continue!

skjelner 03-07-2011 05:30 PM

Chapter One Part 2
Generally wary of the opposite sex, Erin purposely steered clear of guys she didn’t know, even at parties and clubs and the like. Though she tended to be fairly wild, she had never tried taking things very far with a guy, certainly nothing past making out or fooling around a bit. Nor did she want to: she didn’t consider herself prude; she just wanted to wait for a guy to come along that swept her off her feet, and that definitely wouldn’t occur while she was still in college: she always considered most college guys immature, and any one who wasn’t would become a platonic friend, not her boyfriend. After all, although only Erin seemed to know it, it was always shy girl Isabel who secretly would slip out of a get–together to venture off alone with a random guy. Always nice, but often a bit distant from others, Erin sometimes wished it were easier for her to accept a guy right then, rather than gripping onto a future that may never even happen.

Erin also didn’t consider herself unattractive; she had always known she was pretty. Gorgeous even, especially with her medium–length, slightly wavy brown hair that every summer got naturally highlights from the sun in the form of streaks of lighter brown. She never let her bangs grow much further than her eyebrows, as most girls grew out their bangs, she though, and she liked to look different from other “pretty girls” in at least one significant way. She had a smart and distinctively beautiful face surrounding dark green eyes that accented her moderately brown skin– when she visited the beach she definitely tanned a good bit, but never grew as dark as a lot of other girls she knew, particularly Emily– and her build was slim, fit, and tight everywhere due to her three–per–week workouts, though she looked very healthy. With narrow hips; a hardish, flat stomach; a good–sized, hard butt; and long, slender legs ending in beautiful feet with toenails painted a shimmering shade of blue matching that of her fingernails, which lay at the tips of her long, slender fingers, Erin was indubitably a striking sight to a person of either sex.

Her best feature, however, at least according to the multitude of guys she knew, or didn’t know, was by far her breasts, which easily filled a D–cup bra but looked staggeringly excellent without one, as they naturally perked upward and outward, full and firm. As a kid, she was frequently embarrassed by this particular feature, as her chest began to develop noticeably when she was midway through the third grade, but eventually she accepted her quick rate of development and often appreciated the looks her figure drew.

At 5’9”, Erin felt blessed by her nearly–perfect, lissome body and was in fact quite proud of it— she looked phenomenal in sweats, jeans and a t–shirt, underwear, a bikini, or especially nothing at all (which no one but herself had ever seen)— no doubt existed in her mind that, when she was ready, she would be able to land a guy of the caliber which she had always been waiting for.

As Erin thought about the boy she had wordlessly rejected in the street, she stopped beside her car and gazed down what part of the boardwalk she could see, waiting for Isabel to return with her dessert.

Like her willowy friend, Isabel was also beautiful, but in an entirely different way. More cute than stunning, Isabel had a mess of curly, dark and deep red hair above her shoulders that bobbed around her soft, adorable face as she walked. Pouty red lips and brown–green eyes accommodated her smooth, pale ivory skin that never seemed to tan in the least, like many fellow redheads. Even so, going to be beach had always been one of her favourite activities, and besides, the sun gave her a body a brilliant glow. She had an even smaller build than Erin, a nimble and supple dancer’s body that seemed incapable of being knocked off balance.

Isabel did, in fact, dance and was rather good at various styles, including tap, ballroom, swing, and ballet; her light and graceful body looked positively breathtaking when she fluently pierced the air during her routines. Barely 5’4”, Isabel weighed less than any girl she knew but somehow appeared healthy, partly due to the sun, but mostly due to her sinewy, muscular frame.

Though she had far fewer curves than Erin or Emily and barely any chest or butt at all, she used her grace and overwhelmingly adorable looks and charm, coupled with her apparent innocence, to frequently seduce older guys in back rooms of parties, where she enjoyed being tossed around like she so often would toss herself about onstage. Out of the bedroom, Isabel was a genuinely sweet, friendly girl who reflected her respectively upbringing well and could commonly be found in the center of attention or at least the life of the party.

Emily, on the other hand, who had long since left the beach, was more full–figured than her friends and, like Isabel, had curly hair, though it was longer, far more tightly curled, and light brown. Her greenish–blue eyes often sparkled for no apparent reason, and she had no problem getting very dark after a day in the sun, though she was very much Caucasian. Muscular and quite strong, with substantial breasts, each pierced by a nipple ring, that mirrored Erin’s in that they always looked good (though weren’t quite as perky and only filled a C–cup in comparison); a fairly flat stomach; widish hips; and a round, full, firm butt that many considered her best feature, she was also fairly tall, around 5’7”, and had legs rivaling Erin’s in length, though they were thicker and more curved in the calves due to her many years of playing soccer.

She was the sportiest and wildest of the three friends and had a body built for such, but at the same time was very attractive in her own way, with a cute face and appealing body. As far as Erin and Isabel had heard, she, by choice, didn’t have sex much, but when she did choose to, she was supposedly astounding in bed, keeping up with any guy with ease.

Generally, Emily at first might seem cold or fierce to others, but, as Isabel discovered, once a person got to know her, she had a warm and inviting personality and often became well–liked. The three girls’ eclectic and different personalities drew them together, and they planned on remaining good friends through college and after, maybe eventually all moving into Isabel’s house together.

Erin yawned and stretched over the driver’s side roof of her maroon Corolla, an old clunker that she bought off her parents a few months after turning sixteen. Isabel had a much nicer car that her parents had simply given her, but Erin always offered to drive to the beach, as hers got better mileage and was a more “beachy” car than Isabel’s long, black Volvo. She swung her keys in a circle, wrapping the lanyard around her wrist and letting it unravel again, as she stood upright once more, awaiting her friend’s return as the sun’s light completely left the seaside town.

Suddenly, Erin felt a strong hand clap over her mouth and twist her arm backward; she dropped her keys as she heard a faint clicking behind her, struggled a bit, and started to scream, but only the smallest of sounds escaped her when she felt a blow to the back of her neck that made her knees collapse, causing her to sink to the ground. Not truly unconscious but momentarily paralysed from the impact, or least unable to move her arms from behind her back, she gazed up to see two fuzzy, masculine figures standing over her. A third slid into view, swinging what must have been her keys, as he proceeded to unlock her car, open the driver’s door, flip the “unlock” button, and settle into the seat.

One of the other men hastily flung open the rear driver’s side door, as the third roughly grabbed Erin and lifted her, with help from the second man, tossing her carelessly onto the back seat, keeping her down with a firm hold. He quickly fastened the seat buckle around her, but it was unnecessary; still too dazed to move or speak, Erin groggily watched the first man fumble with the ignition as the second circled the car and creak open its passenger–side doors. She heard the familiar whirring of the locks clicking once again into place as the second man got into the passenger’s seat. Her handler let go of her at once, slammed the door and, like the second man, moved around to the other side of the vehicle, joining her in the back seat.

The car lurched forward, away from the curb beside which Erin had earlier parallel–parked so neatly; Erin was on the verge of blacking out and slumped over in her seat as the third man wrestled the final door closed and clicked his own seat buckle.

skjelner 03-08-2011 04:37 PM

Chapter Two Part 1
Chapter Two

A few minutes later, a jolt of pain from the searing hot metal of the seat buckle onto which she must have leaned brought Erin back to her full senses to find that she had been tightly blindfolded amidst all the scuffling. Staring into black cloth, she panicked and attempted to move her arms, but what felt like handcuffs dug sharply into her wrists and back, causing her to let out a pained whimper.

“Oh, so you’re talking now, huh?” Erin guessed the voice originated from the man seated beside her.

She was, in fact able to speak, as her mouth had not been obstructed at all, but decided against it, as clearly words were not going to free her. Instead, she leaned back against the fuzzy seat–back and realized her legs were also bound, only by what felt like scratchy rope, not handcuffs. Erin also noticed she was missing one half of her favorite pair of flip–flops, probably lost during her struggle– whether it was still lying on the street or was somewhere in the car, she didn’t know. After her silence, the man beside her spoke again. “Okay, fine; at least you’re not being a bitch about this like they normally do.”

The car seemed to be moving quite fast, though she honestly couldn’t be sure of that, and she certainly had no idea where they were or where she was going to end up. So she changed her mind and decided to ask just a few questions after all, and a calm manner felt like the best plan of action.

“What do you want me for?” Erin asked calmly.

“You’re in a fucking blindfold, riding in the back seat in your own car to somewhere you’ve never been before. What do you think’s gonna happen?” This time a voice a bit deeper issued from the man in the front passenger’s seat.

Erin felt this second man lean over the seat to touch her smooth, but anxious, face. “I’m gonna tell you this now, so please listen to me. If you cooperate with us you’ll not only live, but you’ll leave this ordeal unharmed... relatively. If you decide you don’t want to cooperate or try and fight us or some shit like that, that’s just gonna mean more pain for you. You hear me?” Erin twitched her head in a sort of nod as thoughts raced through her mind. “Alright, now sit back and don’t talk for the rest of the ride. We’ll be there soon.”

After contemplating the man’s stern warning, Erin imagined various things that could happen to her, namely rape or something even more disgusting. She felt sick to her stomach. It was the middle of July: she had decided not to work this summer, so, as there was no place she was expected to be, no one would come looking. She only kept in touch with her parents every few weeks or so, as they lived several states away, and Emily sometimes took days before she called up, wanting to get together for lunch.

This left Isabel as her only hope; surely she had long since returned from the Dippin’ Dots kiosk to find the car missing, though what she’d do after that was beyond Erin, as Isabel’s phone was in her bag, which Erin had taken with her to her car. In fact, she was sure it sat beside her now, its contents as useless to her as they were to Isabel at that moment. She wriggled herself around a bit and touched the warm seat to her right, groping for the bag, but to no avail: it was probably on the floor beside her. The driver must have kept the windows rolled up, as the car and everything inside it were stifling hot—her air conditioning hadn’t worked well in years.

Erin sat in stunned silence for what felt like at least two hours longer, hardly soon from her perspective. They seemed to make all sorts of turns, and Erin gave up all hope of keeping track of where they were going. At last, the driver made a sudden left turn, and the car slowed to a crawl.

After a few moments, Erin heard what sounded like a garage door opening, then felt her car lurch forward once more as she noticed a significant change from light to dark. Finally, the car jerked to full stop. Though her car was old, even Erin normally wasn’t this rough with it. She sighed to herself, as, from they way things were going so far that evening, it seemed like she’d never get to drive it again.

Daring nemder 03-10-2011 02:34 AM

Plz don't stop there!

skjelner 03-10-2011 09:33 AM

Chapter Two Part 2
Don't worry, there's plenty more coming! Any and all feedback is appreciated. :)


As the driver opened his door, he told Erin, “get out, follow my voice, and don’t make any noise.” She heard the others get out and slam their doors, and she did the same. There was no point in trying to run— she knew the second and third man were behind her, expecting just that to occur, and besides, her feet were still constricted by the rope. After a few seconds of hop-walking, she was told to stop, which she did, as she heard the sound of keys, though not hers. The driver swung open a heavy-sounding metal door, and the men behind her ushered her inside, where she met with a blast of cool air.

When the door closed, one of the men removed her blindfold, and Erin had to squeeze her eyes shut for a moment to get used to the relatively bright light of what she could only assume was one of the men’s house. For as glaring as the light was, it sure didn’t warm the room any, though perhaps the men preferred it that way. Once she could see clearly, she took a glance around the fairly large, but relatively bare room, noticing a firm-looking bed dressed with a down comforter and two pillows in the far right corner; a large, keypad–protected metal chest in the far left corner; a squat, brown table in the one immediately to her right (the left corner was bare); and, to her horror, several chains, some ending in cuffs, sprouting from hooks affixed to the center of the thickly carpeted floor.

Four small lights arranged in a circle and fastened to the high ceiling shed more than enough pale white light onto the room and its concrete walls, which were adorned with numerous wooden shelves, higher than she could reach, holding various objects: vases, glass knick-knacks, small wooden and metal boxes, framed pictures of people she didn’t recognise, and other items placed too high to be fully in her view, even though she was a tall girl.

There were also three doors leading out, the heavy one behind her, one made of the standard wood, and the last very similar to the one from which she had just entered, which, after her eyes rested on it, she realized was made of steel. She also noticed that beside the entrance door and its twin across the room were numeric keypads; clearly, a combination was needed to exit through either, as they were both handle- and lock-less.

“You finished gaping yet and ready to find out why we brought you here?” the man to her far left asked Erin as she completed her analysis of the room. With great effort due to her bound feet, she turned to size up her captors. Instead of the dirty, gruff men she expected, she stared at three clean-shaven young guys. At least, they didn’t appear to be much older than she, probably late twenties, and certainly didn’t look like she thought they might have.

“My name’s Jason,” the one with the deepest voice informed her, “that’s Mark,” he continued, indicating the guy to his left, “and that’s Chris,” he finished, pointing to the person on the other side of Mark.

All three men were taller than Erin, though Mark only by a bit. Jason was easily well over six feet and looked fairly athletic; dressed in a well-fitting, dark blue T-shirt and light jeans, he was also the most attractive, a fairly tan, friendly-looking guy with a squarish jaw, short dark brown hair, and equally brown eyes to match.

Chris stood swinging a keyring, and Erin realized he must have been the driver. He was nearly as tall as Jason and almost as attractive, though in a more handsome than sexy way, as his pleasant face was a bit rounder. He had an equally muscular build and dark complexion to go along with his hair, which was nearly identical to Jason’s in colour but was long and pulled back in a ponytail. His eyes, however, were a dull blue that Erin didn’t find particularly striking. Chris, too, wore faded jeans, only darker, and a plain black T-shirt.

The shorter guy in the middle, Mark, had jet-black hair that very much resembled Jason’s short style and blue eyes that were far prettier than Chris’s. He was a bit stockier than the other two but still looked fit in his collared, checked designer shirt and gray work pants. While not unattractive, it seemed to Erin that he lacked the charm his friends appeared to have. At any rate, for who seemed like sick guys, they all looked very kind, the sort of guys with whom she’d normally try to make friends.

“What’s your name?” Chris asked slowly, as if he were expecting her to have behaved much more violently by now.

“Erin.” She had responded in the same calm tone as before. She didn’t see any point in lying; after all, her purse was in her car, and they could always check her licence. During the entirety of the car ride, she had considered putting up a fight; it was certainly strange to her that she was so composed at the moment. “Again, tell me why I’m here and what you want with me,” she requested firmly, though, in the back of her mind, she knew exactly what the three men wanted from her.

“I only asked for your name, not anything else, you slut. But at least you didn’t lie to me.” Erin was puzzled by this—did these men already know her name somehow?

“Lay off, Chris, we want to keep her as agreeable as we can for as long as possible,” Jason explained and turned to face his prisoner. “Look, Erin,” he started– she recognised his deep voice as that of the man in the passenger’s seat of her car; he seemed to somewhat be the trio’s leader– “we brought you here for a specific reason, and, like I said before, you’re gonna do everything we ask for the time you’re here.” Erin couldn’t help but gulp at his friendly, yet strict tone, though she silently agreed to submit to the men’s requests, as it was apparent she would be given no other choice. Besides, there was no way she could physical overpower them.

“And now,” Jason continued, “I want you to come over here and lie on the floor.”

Erin slowly hopped after him as he walked to the center of the room, and, with some trouble due to her bound hands and feet, shuffled her body down to the floor by the chains, lying halfway on her side so as not to hurt her hands any further. The handcuffs had begun to cut into her skinny wrists, but the scratchy rope was now burning around her ankles; it had been tied exceedingly tightly, and her ankles had begun to swell from lack of circulation, causing her even greater discomfort. But Erin knew her bindings were the least of her worries, as greater pain was sure to arise from whatever the three young guys had in store for the helpless girl. If only she cooperated, she figured, maybe they would let her free without causing permanent harm.

As she stared at the center of the ceiling, averting her eyes from the bright lights, her head pointing toward the keypad–secured door in front of her, Erin felt Mark and Chris’s strong hands each grab one of her gorgeous shaven legs and begin untying the thick rope that bound her. For a moment she forgot her plan to remain cooperative and flailed with her legs, earning herself a slap from Jason to the right side of her face. “What did I tell you earlier, Erin? I thought you agreed to cooperate with us. Isn’t that right?”

“Y-Yes,” she stuttered in reply, her cheek stinging from the blow. She did not know what had come over her, but immediately reminded herself of her plan to remain calm, vowing not to lash out again.

“I’m glad you’re being agreeable, but just to be sure…” Jason produced from his pocket a small ball gag and stuffed it into Erin’s mouth, tying the strap tightly behind her head. “There. Now you won’t be able to whine even if you do feel like it.”

Erin’s eyes grew wide as she suddenly felt a burst of anger welling up insider her. She screamed into the gag but the result was only a muffled moan.

“Ha ha, I knew it wouldn’t be long before you got feisty.” Jason exclaimed.

Mark and Chris finished loosening the rope, tossed it aside, and proceeded to rebind Erin’s flailing legs, each of them taking one of the sturdy, albeit a bit rusty, chains attached the floor and wrapping it around a tender ankle. Mark reached into his right pocket and produced two small locks with keys in them. He tossed one set to Chris, and they proceeded to fasten each chain in place, locking them securely. This hurt her quite a bit more than the rope, as the chains cut brutally into her already raw, open skin, affirming her hunch that more pain was certain to come.

Jason grabbed her arms roughly and twisted her body so that she was lying more on her stomach, even though her knees still pointed toward the ceiling. Her wavy brown hair, tinged with the salty smell of the ocean, splayed out onto the carpet above her head. Jason removed a keyring identical to the one Chris was holding from his pocket. Hurriedly, he unlocked her handcuffs and threw them aside. Erin had a few seconds to rub her searing, wrists as Jason momentarily left her side to retrieve the other set of chains, which ended in yet more cuffs. “You’re gonna have to stretch for me to get these on,” he told her, although it was obvious that was the case.

Erin sighed to herself and pushed her nearly hairless arms back toward him; as she did so, her shaven armpits and narrow shoulders raised, causing the hem of her baby tee to separate from the top of her mini shorts, exposing a strip of her tan stomach. Jason quickly pulled her arms a little farther, admiring her oddly alluring armpits, and cuffed her wrists together once more, locking them carefully. As these cuffs were smoother and larger, they did not hurt as badly, so Erin relaxed a bit, even though she was incredibly embarrassed that her body was now fully extended, showing off a good bit of her tightly stretched, hard stomach to the three perverts above her.

zac 03-10-2011 11:35 AM

WOW....:O amaazinnngg please continue! :) xxxxx

skjelner 03-11-2011 04:29 PM

Chapter Two Part 3
Unusually reticent and unmoving so far, Mark suddenly turned vibrant and swung around to her side, reaching into his back pocket to reveal a sharp switchblade.

“Alright you little bitch, I don’t want to hear any noise from you.” Erin felt another stinging slap on her right cheek, but before she could take a recovery breath, he gripped her neck rather tightly with his free hand, flipped the switchblade open, and quickly sliced her shirt down the front, grazing her skin just enough to leave a red trail, but not so deep as to draw blood. Through her gasps fueled by the onset of asphyxiation, it was evident to Erin that Mark had done this many times before, probably to women just as innocent as she.

Erin’s throat burned as though someone was furiously rubbing sandpaper against its inner walls, and just as she thought she might black out, Mark released his hold and slapped her again on the same cheek as she gasped through her nose for glorious air.

She had almost failed to realize the top of her orange halter bikini was now exposed, along with her deep cleavage and bare upper chest and stomach. Her silver navel ring contrasted with her nicely-tanned skin, gleaming under the pale light, which Mark’s body soon blotted out as he examined her perfectly molded torso. Erin felt his large hand lightly running up from the low-fitting heavily worn waistband of her mini shorts and over her significantly visible ribs, stopping at the thinnest section of the strap of her bikini top, which sat uncomfortably around her now reddened, sore neck.

“Shit. These tits are fucking great,” Chris exclaimed as Mark nodded in agreement. Jason merely stood over Erin’s head, smirking. Mark made a move as if to slice through the strap of her bikini, causing Erin to flinch, which widened Jason’s smile.

“Look at her; she’s nervous as fuck.” Erin remained silent at Jason’s remark but could feel her breathing getting heavier, as what he had deduced was, in fact, true. Though Erin had been felt up a few times, she had never had sex before and was sure that was exactly what these three guys had in mind. “Do it,” Jason slowly said, and Mark snapped into action: flicking his blade, he cut cleanly through the tie on the front of Erin’s bikini strap, and tore it off, laying bare her round, perky breasts which nicely filled the space above her chest, their soft, pink nipples pointed straight toward the lights above.

“God damn, Chris, you’re right. She doesn’t even have any tan lines. Gorgeous,” he muttered truthfully as he filled his hands with them and squeezed fairly hard. Erin cried out through her gag in protest, earning her a fourth hard slap, only this time to her left cheek, then immediately fell silent once more.

Chris picked up her bikini top and read its tag aloud. “A D-cup . . . perfect, just great.”

Mark stowed his knife away and straddled her waist; Erin became utterly disgusted when she felt a lump under his work pants steadily begin to form as he fondled her large, full breasts. Erin could do nothing but watch in fright as her captor began to pinch her cold nipples, causing them to grow warm and hard from his touch.

skjelner 03-12-2011 03:37 PM

Chapter Two Part 4
“You must be liking this, you dirty slut: I knew you would,” Jason spoke again, grinning at her. Erin shook her head fiercely, and he slapped her again on the left side of her face. “Well, really, I don’t care if you like it or not; you’re gonna have to take whatever we want to give you.” She realized this was true and leaned her head back so that she wouldn’t have to watch any longer as Mark continued his harsh handling of her breasts, which she was sure were beginning to turn red from his carelessness. At that moment, he slapped her right breast once, then a second time: Erin craned her head forward and saw that it was, indeed, as red as the choke marks decorating her neck.

“This is what you get for being a teasing bitch!” Mark chuckled at her, striking her other breast with greater force, sending it bouncing back and forth. Erin grimaced in pain, and her captor laughed harder as the disgusting bulge in his pants grew even larger. He leaned forward, grabbed the breast he just slapped, and pressed his lips to it, flitting his tongue over her nipple and he cupped her other breast with his left hand. His tongue play felt better to Erin than the brutal slaps, enabling her to calm herself a bit, though the very idea of this unknown man forcibly taking advantage of her body still made her want to vomit.

Mark sucked hard at her swelling nipple and twisted her other, causing Erin to convulse in pain. Her legs twitched as he swallowed as much of her breast as he could and bit down rather hard, leaving her chest in agony. Moving to her other, now more innocent breast, he repeated the same shocking maneuver, and Erin noticed both Chris and Jason beginning to stroke their penises through the denim of their jeans, producing a soft, squeaking sound. Mortified by the pleasure the other men seemed to be getting from watching her be violated, Erin wished she could shrink down to nothingness to avoid their content stares; even death began to seem like a good option, but not one she would be able to choose any time soon.

“I think it’s our turn for a go,” Jason told Mark, who gave one final squeeze, then stood up, watching Erin’s nipples slowly go limp. Her naturally perfect breasts appeared a bit flattened and a great deal redder due to their beating, though, all things considered, still looked rather beautiful and succulent. Jason moved to her right side, and he and Chris knelt down, each taking one of her nipples, which instantly sprang back to full length at the touch of their warm tongues. Both were more gentle than Mark had been, and Erin unwillingly let out a soft moan in response to their tenderness.

“Careful, guys, she’s not supposed to be enjoying this,” he winked, as he unbuttoned and took off his shirt, revealing a toned body with a little chest hair, then tugged at the stiffening lump in his pants. Jason and Chris each promptly bit down, sending another sharp wave of pain down to Erin’s toes. The tinkling sound of her chains caught Mark’s attention, and he crouched down at the base of her feet. “You’ve got really sexy toes,” he said cooly as he ran his tongue over them, flitting in and out of the crevices between them, finally sucking each one individually.

Erin had a soft spot for feet and always loved it when guys licked her cute toes but somehow couldn’t derive any pleasure from this. In fact, the suckling job Jason and Chris were giving on her nipples felt better—for some reason, she liked Mark’s touch least of all.

Chris ran his hand over her stretched stomach, drumming his fingers around the red line left by Mark’s knife and her small navel, and pulled at her navel ring a bit while Mark breathed heavily on her toes, causing her to arch her back. Jason swept his hand underneath her, massaging her sleek, strong back, and Mark proceeded to slide his hands up and down her smooth, lotioned legs as he continued to suck on her toes. Erin decided to try to tolerate their gentle caressing for as long as it went on, though inside she knew they were only working to get her comfortable enough to submit more peacefully to what was to come.

Jason stopped his tender massage and slid his arm out from under her. Following suit, Mark and Chris stopped sucking Erin’s salty skin and rose to their feet, joining their comrade. Jason, too, removed his T-shirt as Chris did the same. Both men were muscular, with great bodies that Erin would, under nearly any other circumstances, be very allured by, but due to her anticipation of their upcoming actions, she instead just shuddered at the sight of their shirtless figures.

They backed away from her a bit, as if allowing her to take in the full picture, but she merely blinked at them, taking care not to let her eyes linger on one tan torso for too long. It was Chris who first unzipped his jeans, and Erin could hold back her protest no longer.

“MMMMFHHHH!” Erin screamed through the ball gag.

“What was that?” Chris asked, then stepped forward, bent down, and removed the gag.

“Please!” she loudly pleaded as soon as the plastic was out of her mouth, “I don’t want my first time to be rape!”

“Oh, so what it’s true what we were told, then! You really are as much of a tease as we thought! But don’t worry, we’re not gonna fuck you just yet.”

Instinct 03-13-2011 01:53 PM

<3!!! Love this. love this, love this. Please keep them coming! (:

skjelner 03-15-2011 03:27 PM

Chapter Three Part 1
Chapter Three

Erin trembled from pure terror as the men before her began stripping off their pants. All three finally stood in their underwear, Mark sporting a tight pair of boxer-briefs, the others in looser boxer shorts. She squeezed her eyes shut as Chris reached for his waistband, but Jason must have stopped him.

“Erin, if you close your fucking eyes for more than a blink, you’re gonna be really fucking sorry. I want you to look at us hard, because you need to get used to it. You’re gonna be seeing a lot of us these next couple days.” Her eyes widened not from his command, but from his assertion that she would be there for days. Resigned to the fact that no one would come searching for her for a least a week, Erin now had to face the notion that she would be submitted to whatever horrible, sexual fantasies these perverts had of women. If she could only not raise a fuss, maybe, maybe she’d be released unharmed.

The rustling of Chris’s cotton boxers brought Erin back to reality; her eyes regretfully followed as he slipped them down in what seemed like slow motion, down past his jutting hip bones. The center of the waistband appeared to be caught on the large mound beneath it. Besides in high school health class videos, she had never seen a penis before—all her fooling around with guys mainly involved her own body, particularly her once-pristine breasts, not theirs—and the thought of seeing one nearly made her throw up.

She had been sweating nervously for quite a while, ever since Chris had first unzipped, and she was sure now that she wasn’t just imagining him to be moving as slowly as possible. It was also apparent that he didn’t shave his pubic region: whether guys normally did that or not she had never known, but she was sure did not find the bush of dark hair beneath his belly button appealing in the least.

At last Chris wrenched the top of his boxers over his hardening lump, and his large, hairy penis fluidly sprang out and up, resembling in manner a captive animal released to the wild for the first time. As if in a trance, Erin gaped at this new sight, barely noticing him removing his boxers completely. The dark, erect beast looked massive to her, though she had no way of knowing just how long or thick it was, having no prior experience to compare it to. Its dark pink tip frightened her for some reason, and she noticed that it bent a little to Chris’s right, and as Erin again wondered whether this was normal, her eyes were drawn to his scrotum, which was also large and a good bit hairier and much wrinklier than his penis, having the appearance of a shriveled, round egg.

This sight snapped Erin from her trance, and she noticed Mark beside him, pulling down his boxer-briefs. She was ready this time, and was pleased to see that he had at least shaved most of his pubic hairs, giving his penis a cleaner, less fearsome look. A lone rectangular patch of black pubic hair remained just above the base of his penis, which, along with being smaller than Chris’s, also bent slightly to his right. The patch of hair reminded her of the so-called “landing strip” some girls she knew sported on their pubic region.

Mark’s testicles were also a bit smaller than Chris’s and looked more bare and wrinkly, due to their lack of pubic hair. She wasn’t sure whose genitals she thought were less revolting, though surely Mark’s penis wouldn’t hurt as badly during sex. Both Isabel and Emily, along with various other friends, had told her that sex hurt a lot the first time, which worried Erin immensely. She shuddered at the thought, looked back and the three men, two of them entirely nude, and wondered whether they were bisexual or just tolerated each others’ naked bodies for the sake of debasing girls. Her attention turned to Jason, the only clothed male left in the room.

He wasted no time in sliding his boxer shorts down his muscular thighs, his penis springing up more quickly than even Chris’s. Erin’s jaw slackened a great deal further and her eyes bulged out when she caught sight of his towering brute. She disliked the word “cock”, but it seemed to fit quite well in Jason’s case, as his cock was immense in both length and thickness. It looked, somehow, quite regal when compared to the others’, as if it demanded respect. A visible, thin vein traveling its entire length pulsated beneath it, feeding into its colossal blood flow.

Unlike Chris’s and Mark’s, it protruded outward perfectly straight, and its shaft and the entire pubic region around it were entirely devoid of hair, making his cock seem even larger and wider still. His sac, too, was completely bald, and also tremendously bigger than Chris’s. As Jason removed his boxers the rest of the way, his bare, smooth balls swung back and forth, like monumental soldiers supporting their towering ogre of a master. Even his chest, thighs, and navel area were absolutely hairless, making his mountainous and enormous cock the center of attention.

“Impressed?” Jason asked, but Erin was unable to respond, frozen in place by the sight of his massive penis, sweating increasingly more for every second that passed. “Wait—do you mean that . . . have you ever even seen a cock before?” Erin waited for what felt like an eternity, then very slowly shook her head the tiniest fraction. “Holy SHIT guys, this is good! Good shit right here; this bitch is so fucking green, she’s never even seen a dick before. You know what we have to do with bitches like this, guys?”

“Shit, Jason, yeah I do,” Mark responded, grinning. He wrapped his calloused fingers around his smooth dick; Chris followed with his own, and the three advanced on Erin, Jason with his hands on his wide, solid hips as if to show off his gargantuan member. Mark and Chris stooped down near her head, their large penises and scrotums dangling to the floor, while Jason swung one powerful leg over her sweat-soaked head, straddling her beautifully sculpted upper body.

danrob88 03-17-2011 10:39 AM

Loving this story. Keep it up dude :)

skjelner 03-20-2011 08:27 AM

Chapter Three Part 2
The two men beside Erin gripped her head and hair, forcing her to look upward at the underside of Jason’s lengthy cock, dangling testicles, and, as he continued trotting down toward her waist, his smooth, hairless ass crack. He slowly bent over, and Erin nearly vomited for real at the sight: his cheeks spread open a bit, and his penis and scrotum drooped below his waistline, so that from between his legs she got a complete view of the male privates, which, until tonight, she had never seen in her life.

“No, no, please, please don’t do this to me! Please, stop!” she begged as she flailed her body in every direction beneath her three naked captors. She wanted nothing more than to get as far away from these disgusting men as possible, but the chains held her tightly, grinding into her tanned ankles. She winced in pain: Jason simply ignored her, and Mark and Chris merely laughed and roughly shook her head a few times, making her fall silent. Jason swooped down, grabbed a bunch gray fabric of her cotton mini shorts, scraping his fingers against her writhing leg, and pulled with great force.

Her shorts ripped entirely off, leaving Erin lying terrified on the carpet, clad in only a tiny, orange bikini bottom. Though her shorts had provided her with little warmth, she shivered, partly from cold and partly from fear, causing her nipples to spring erect. Mark and Chris noticed instantly and started once more at her wonderful firm breasts—now beginning to swell—pinching, licking, squeezing, biting, and slobbering all over them, saliva dribbling down their rotund sides.

At the same time, Jason sat lightly on her stomach, so as not to hurt her, and pressed his palms on the inside of her thighs, just above her knee-pits. He met no resistance, as Erin was busy in her attempts to push all feeling out of her breasts, and dragged his fingers up her thighs, stopping where they joined together and repeating that pattern a few times. When he was satisfied, and Erin was sufficiently occupied by his comrades, Jason yanked at the thin ties of her bikini bottom that lay below both her hips, unraveling the last article of clothing that she would, unbeknownst to her, wear for a long time.

Erin let out a loud squeak, as her captors could now get a full view of her smooth-shaven pubic area. “Oh, holy hell,” Mark commented, leaning over to take a peek, “that’s one fucking sweet pussy.”

She had just shaved it along with her legs this morning. Though she never let guys go down there, she liked to keep her privates clean and neat looking, if only to raise her own confidence. Jason whistled softly and chuckled to himself as he leaned closer to his prisoner’s bare vagina and pushed his ass closer to her face, letting the tip of his firm cock dip down and touch her stomach. Much to Erin’s revulsion, she could feel a small amount of pre-ejaculate smear above her belly button. He ran his hands up her thighs a second time, apparently in approval of her total lack of tan lines: indeed, her stomach, pubic area, and legs were all exactly the same shade of brown.

Mark bit her nipple, then slapped her breast once again, reddening it more. She grunted powerfully in protest, but Chris clapped his hand tightly over her mouth and nose, as if to suffocate her. The moment Erin had been dreading for so long finally happened: Jason let go of her thighs and roughly pinched the lips of her labia together, eliciting a loud scream from Erin that was muffled by Chris’s hand. He slid his fingers up and down her smooth labia, continuing to clamp her it shut.

“Do you want more, slut?” Erin furiously shook her head in dissent. She despised his condescending tone and the way he asked questions to which he already knew the answer. All three men laughed again, and, as Chris released her airways and started again with Mark to cup her prodigious breasts, still very moist with their saliva, Jason swung rapidly around and landed on all fours, bestriding her naked legs, his testicles jiggling freely in the air around his dancing penis. Wasting no time, he spread her thighs apart as much as possible due to the chains, and Erin screamed, very audibly this time, as he shoved his face toward her silky vagina.

Her breasts’ attenders ignored her this time, clearly gaining satisfaction from her contempt, and instead decided to fondle them more, biting and squeezing with extra roughness. Jason opened his mouth and fluttered his tongue into the crease between the lips of her labia, running it quickly upward and down again, repeating this motion more than a few times. Erin had never experienced oral sex before and could tell she’d normally be enjoying this expert tonguing if it weren’t coming from such a vile, debased man. As if Jason’s forced cunnilingus wasn’t enough sexual torture, Chris stopped fondling her breasts and stood on his knees, waving his hairy beast of a penis very close to Erin’s face. It smelled musty, and she wanted to be sick: she knew what was coming next.

Stormwalker22 03-20-2011 01:14 PM

Great Chapter I cant wait to see if she starts to enjoy it more or not.

skjelner 03-21-2011 05:17 PM

Chapter Three Part 3
Thanks Stormwalker22! I've got the outline of the story written out, and I think it's safe to say it might not be going in the direction yall might expect. ;)
Any feedback is appreciated!


“That’s right, slut, I see you want to. Suck my cock, you fucking whore!” She jerked her head away, prompting Mark to slap her already blistering face for the upteemth time as Jason continued to lick away at her moistening slit.

“You’re gonna do what we tell you, Erin; didn’t you agree?” He slapped her again, and a few tears rolled down her cheeks. Squeezing her eyes shut in attempt to hide this embarrassing dash of emotional weakness, Erin slowly and regretfully turned her head back to face Chris’s penis and opened her eyes once more, her ears burning from shame. It seemed to stare menacingly at her; its dark, rigid shaft contrasted its soft, pink face, which split into a gaping hole in the middle. Erin shuddered at the thought of semen pouring from that hole, an image she couldn’t remove from her mind.

Just then, Chris grabbed her fiery ears and jammed the head of his cock into her sputtering mouth. It was cool and tasted salty, both hard and soft at the same time beneath her warm tongue. She looked up, unmoving, at his handsome face, and he opened his own mouth to speak.

“I told you to suck it. Suck it, bitch, fast and deep.” Having no other choice, Erin winced, gulped once in anticipation, then moved her lips farther over the wrinkled part of his penis, reaching the point where its hair began. She nearly gagged on the three inches or so in her mouth and was relieved to pull it out again, stopping with her lips tight around its pink tip. A layer of spit coated its now warm shaft, and a thick stream fell from it to the carpet just before she plunged it back into her mouth. “That’s right, sweetie, keep going.”

Erin felt Jason reach up and spread her labia apart, revealing her now-hard clitoris, and proceeded to suck furiously on the beady red nub and its surrounding parts. The smallest of unwilling and involuntary moans escaped around Chris’s penis as Erin’s body quivered at Jason’s newest touch.

“Oh fuck, she likes it,” Mark exclaimed, now standing over Erin, stroking his shaven cock and fondling his bare testicles, obviously enjoying the sight of the helpless girl with her mouth stuffed full of Chris’s sweaty penis. Still masturbating, he walked over to where Jason’s pants lay on the floor, pulled a single key from one of the pockets, and walked back to Erin’s head, now rubbing his scrotum, leaving his rock-hard penis to throb in the air above her. He bent over and unlocked one of Erin’s handcuffs and immediately grabbed her arm.

“Now, I want you to be good with this arm and give Chris a nice hand job. Understand me?”

“Yuh … Yes,” Erin croaked through her whimpers, as Jason was now rolling her clitoris between his teeth—her vagina was soaked in saliva and her own wetness. She reached up to grab Chris’s dick and began stroking it, slowly at first, then faster while she ran her tongue over it. Chris moaned loudly; with each suck Erin could take more of it into her mouth, dry heaving each time, as it tasted fairly foul, its musty stench filling her nostrils. As much as she disliked giving her first fellatio, she didn’t dare stop in fear of another slap, or something even more painful.

Instead, she moved down to his sac, taking as much of it into her mouth at one time as she could, and sucked savagely, jerking the skin of his penis back and forth. All the hair on his wrinkled, sweaty balls scratched at the roof of her mouth, but still Erin persisted, intent on getting this over with. All she desired was to sleep, as she suddenly realized she was exhausted, but unfortunately could not do so yet.

Chris let out another loud moan and ushered Erin’s mouth back to his penis. She sucked it deeper still, fondling his slopping wet scrotum. He suddenly grabbed her by the ears, and just as Jason’s wonderful tonguing made her reach a mild climax, a warm, viscous liquid spurted into her mouth, causing her to cough wildly. As more tears rolled from her eyes, Erin forced his cock away, craned her neck downward, and hawked most of Chris’s semen onto the spit-stained carpet. She sputtered a bit more, and Jason relented his heavy cunnilingus to look up at her. All three men laughed uproariously, and Chris spat onto her cheek. Mark seized her by the hair and twisted her head to the floor, rubbing her face into his pal’s ejaculate.

“Lick it up, you dirty bitch! You should’ve just swallowed it like a proper slut would!” Erin’s tears mixed with the semen and saliva on the floor, and when Mark finally pulled her upright, her face was covered with a mess of fluids, her wavy hair wildly strewn about her shoulders. She sobbed harder, unable to even attempt putting up a fight, but before she could react further, both Mark and Jason leapt beside her face and began smacking her cheeks with their shaven dicks. Skin against raw skin, the blows stung a great deal, sending yet more tears streaming down Erin’s soaking wet face.

“This is what you get for not swallowing every last drop of cum,” Jason announced, “so maybe next time you’ll do things differently!” He heaved his mammoth, slippery penis at her face one last time, raising a blistering welt, then crammed as much of it as he could into Erin’s sore mouth.

Stormwalker22 03-21-2011 06:03 PM

nice chapter wonder what they will do next?

skjelner 03-22-2011 03:00 PM

Chapter Three Part 4
Jason’s penis was much thicker than Chris’s, though, as it was hairless, it tasted a bit better. Still, Erin immediately gagged, as Jason had not exactly been gentle with his entry, touching his cock to the back of her throat on the first insertion. If she had eaten within the past half day or so, Erin would have surely thrown up, but since her stomach was empty, she instead just dry heaved. Chris aimed another forceful, hairy cock-slap to her cheek, and Jason released a long sigh out of pleasure.

“Yeah, that’s right, slut, take it all.” He wrenched her head up so that she stared at him, then spat onto her eye, causing her to blink furiously and weep more. “What’s wrong you fucking hussy? Can’t take a little punishment for being such a dumb bitch? Let’s see you handle a little throat-fucking” Erin ignored him as he forced half of his rigid cock into her mouth, more than five inches. She was sure part of it went down her throat, preventing her gag reflex.

“Ohhhhhh,” Jason groaned and throat-fucked her repeatedly, ramming his wet cock against her skull. Erin was sure she could feel the inside of her gullet bruising but pressed on relentlessly.

Meanwhile, Mark had moved down to her vagina and was rubbing her clitoris between his fingers, at the same time vigourously stroking his cock. Waves of resentful gratification sailed through Erin’s shaking body, and he began drawing her clit into and out of his mouth.

“Shit, I’ve never seen a pussy this tight,” he exclaimed excitedly, “and it still smells like the beach, too.” Satisfied that he was giving her plenty of pleasure, he parted her legs further and spread her labia. “Let’s find out just how tight it is”, he said as he plunged two fingers into her uterus.

Erin howled in pain between sucks of Jason’s pulsating dick and slaps from Chris’s, and Mark started roughly fingering her steadily moistening vagina while continuing to pleasure her swelling clitoris and his own penis. “You like being finger-fucked, cutie-pie?” he asked rhetorically. Erin certainly did not; it was boorish and painful and only activated her tear ducts again. “Oh stop whining, I can tell your body fucking loves it.”

The slaps from Chris’s penis stung even worse now that she was crying again, but he soon let up, grabbed her arm, and yelled, “jerk me off, slut!” She quickly grabbed his furry cock and stroked, making him moan immediately. Apparently, Erin mused, guys who’ve just ejaculated get aroused quicker than those just getting started. Lost in her fleeting thought, she squeezed his scrotum a little harder than she normally would, earning her a fierce slap from Chris.

“Don’t you FUCKING try to get rough with me, or I’ll cut your fucking nipple off!” Erin wasn’t sure that he was lying, so she resolved to be more careful in the future. Avoiding permanent injury was her highest priority, so she certainly did not want to upset her cruel rapists. At this, she sucked extra ferociously on Jason’s cock, taking another inch into her mouth and breathing heavily onto it in reaction to Mark’s finger-fucking, which was now beginning to feel less painful and more bearable. She could not deny that her body had been desiring stimulation like his for years, but her mind held nothing but contempt for their brutality.

Jason abruptly jerked his cock from Erin’s tired mouth and, before she could move, squeezed his cock a few times, spraying multiple streams of semen onto her face, waving it around so as to cover her entire countenance with a thick layer of translucent liquid. Erin’s eyes burned as some of the foul liquid seeped into them; she blinked rapidly, released Chris’s dick, and threw her head to the floor, covering it with her hand.

Erin had never felt so humiliated in her life and wanted to just hide herself from all human eyes. Sadly, that was not possible, as Jason wrested her hand away from her face, Mark slid his fingers from her soaking vagina—she must have ejaculated while he was fingering her—and added to Erin’s mortification by rubbing his cum-drenched fingers on her nostrils. She inhaled her own female effluence and suddenly also tasted her vagina on her tongue: Mark had shoved his fingers into her wet mouth and closed her lips around them. Her own cum was saltier than she expected, and she couldn’t decide which tasted worse: it or Jason’s or Chris’s semen, which the two were now smearing around her face with their penises.

“Clean us off, bitch,” Jason ordered, and two cocks were stuffed into her mouth as Mark sat lightly on her jutting hip bones, his sweaty genitals splayed out onto her stomach, and went back to her breasts, swiping her damp pussy with his fingers a few more times to soak them in cum, which he then slathered over her pointy nipples. He blew his cool breath across them, and Erin quivered yet again, grabbing both dicks with her free hand and shoving as much of them as she could into her gaping mouth, tasting Chris’s nasty pubic hair once more. Meanwhile, Mark squeezed her tits, filling his wet fingers, then slapped them over and over again, grinding his body back and forth against her tight skin.

Finally content, Jason and Chris triumphantly removed their throbbing shafts from Erin’s gullet and backed away from her. Mark, too, released her, leaving her voluminous breasts sagging a bit to the side after such careless treatment.

“Do you think she’s had enough?” Chris asked his pals, his penis slowly going limp. Erin noticed all three men grinning widely and came to the grim realisation that this was not the end of her sexual abuse for the day.

“Nah, not yet,” Jason replied. Get her onto the bed.”

Stormwalker22 03-22-2011 05:25 PM

great chapter cant wait for the next one

skjelner 03-23-2011 03:36 PM

Chapter Three Part 5
Mark hurried to the pile of clothes on the floor and again retrieved the handcuff key, along with the two smaller ones that went with the tiny locks holding the chains around her ankles. He quickly unlocked the remaining cuff, and Chris promptly pinned both her arms to the floor, preventing the struggle that Erin had seriously been considering: she did not want to get raped and was prepared to do anything to prevent it.

There was nothing she could do, however, as though her legs were strong, they were no match for Mark’s and Jason’s faculties. They gripped her slippery thighs tightly (some of her cum had dripped down them), and when Mark unlocked her chains, they each lifted up one of her legs, overpowering her attempts at kicking.

Chris raised her arms over her head, and together they hoisted Erin’s tall, naked body into the cool air, moving her out from under the harsh lights over to the bed in the corner of the room. The men heaved her onto the bed, and within an instant, Mark thrust himself upon her, pinning her down so that she couldn’t escape, his soft penis resting on her pubic mound.

“So who’s gonna fuck her first?” Chris asked, and Erin’s eyes grew wide.

Jason responded, “I think me, definitely. I’m the biggest and we’ll get the best scream from her if I pound her first, especially cause she’s still a fucking virgin. God, what a tease.”

Mark looked back at him and laughed, and Erin realized her chance. She slipped her wet body from underneath him, kicked his arms away, and rolled to the side and off the bed. As she made a break for the door, Chris leaped at her, grabbed her arms, and twisted her back around to face the bed. Jason immediately ran up to her and slapped her fiercely across the chest.

“Don’t … you … fucking … THINK about trying to get out of here!” he bellowed between smacks. Finally he wound up his arm and struck her semen-drenched face with everything he could muster. Erin’s cheeks burned like hell, and, tears pouring from her eyes yet again, she staggered backward into Chris’s body, unable to think straight.

“Ugh,” Jason exclaimed and wiped his wet hand on one of her firm, tender breasts, covering it in the disgusting semen-saliva mixture. Chris grabbed a fistful of Erin’s hair and shoved her forward; Jason slammed her back-first onto the bed, and Mark climbed on top of her once more, clenching his hands tightly around her wrists.

Erin couldn’t move.

“There’s nothing you can do this time,” Mark informed her, looking straight into her pretty green eyes, “so I suggest you quit being a little bitch and just take this willingly and try to look as pretty as you can, and we won’t hurt you any more. Okay?” Erin nodded her head, her face still doused in cum and saliva, and wondered how she could possibly look pretty now, and why her captors even cared. “No, answer me!” he commanded.

“O-Okay,” she stammered for the third time that night.

“Okay what?” Mark pressed.

“Okay, I’ll … try to look pretty for you.” Erin became aware that she hadn’t spoken in quite some time, and it felt odd to be speaking now; her throat felt scratchy and swollen, likely from Chris’s and Jason’s harsh treatment with their cocks.

Erin also had no idea what time it was, as there was no clock in the room. She guessed that car ride had taken about two and a half hours and that she’d been in the room for about an hour, so if they’d left the beachfront at around seven, it’d be around ten-thirty now. This estimation hit her hard: it was still early into the night, so there was plenty of time for more sexual degradation if her captors so desired.

Erin didn’t know how long she would be there for, either. She had heard one of the guys say something about her captivity lasting for “days”, which, if true, meant rotten news for her. She sighed to herself and decided again to just take whatever her captors had in for her tonight. Besides, she thought, the doors were made of steel and locked by combination; what would she have done even if she had reached the exit? Perhaps she could think about a better means of escape in the morning.

Stormwalker22 03-24-2011 01:57 AM

very nice cant wait to see if she enjoys the good fucking and when she finally has anal

skjelner 03-24-2011 04:14 PM

Chapter Four Part 1
Chapter Four

“Get off her, Mark; she’s not gonna try and run now,” Jason commanded, and Mark did as he was told. He and Chris got to their knees on either side of Erin, who was stretched back onto the bed, her perfectly round breasts blocking her view of what Jason was about to do. The two men started loudly masturbating, for their dicks were still wet from Erin’s blow jobs.

Jason smiled and stroked his cock a bit to get it fully hard, then splayed Erin’s tan legs to the sides, grabbed her around the waist, and pulled her toward him so that her vagina and ass crack hung over the edge of the bed a little, open to the cool air. Jason, knees against the side of the bed, directed his penis toward Erin’s pubic area and rubbed its head around the sticky folds of her vagina, lubricating it. Once his dick was moist enough for entry, he inserted the very tip of it, with great difficulty, into her vagina.

“Holy fucking shit you’re tight,” he told Erin, who gasped at the uncomfortable sensation.

“Please … there’s no way that thing’s gonna fit inside me; please, stop; please stop; don’t do this to me!” she shrieked, but Jason ignored her pleads as usual.

To her horror, Erin realized that he hadn’t bothered with a condom, and now getting raped was bumped lower on her list of worries: getting pregnant would be far worse, especially by a man she only knew the name of.

How could she possibly handle a baby on her own? Maybe Isabel and Emi would help her take care of it, but no … there was no way she’d let herself get pregnant by these sick men. She’d fight them if she had to. But then again … she was set to start her period sometime next week; wasn’t the best time for a girl to get pregnant right before her period? Erin wasn’t sure, but tried to suppress the thought of a wailing baby in her room every night, a baby that would never have a father …

Jason took hold of her thighs and pushed them up so that her knees fell behind her head. Erin whimpered as she recalled hearing somewhere that a guy could penetrate a girl deepest in this position.

Erin’s captor paused for a moment to gaze at her beautifully smooth and pristinely shaven vulva. Due to Mark’s rough fingering, her inner labia just barely peeked out from between the now-wet folds, glistening in the bare light of the room.

Before Erin could fret any longer, Jason plunged his immense cock with great force into her vagina. She let loose an ear-splitting scream, for he had been in no way careful or gentle with his entry, and felt the thin barricade of her hymen stretch and, very painfully, shatter to pieces within her widening uterus.

The largest item she had ever taken in there was a tampon, which paled in comparison to Jason’s enormous and unyielding penis, which he had now begun sliding back out: it was slow and difficult to do so, as Erin’s uterus was so tight, and it hurt just as much coming out as going in.

The massive creature finally popped out with a sick squelching sound, and Erin’s brownish-pink vulva gaped open at its invader, a little looser than before. Unbeknownst to her, Jason’s dick was covered in a thin red substance, her own blood. He wiped his penis on her smooth-shaven pubic mound, startling her. Erin struggled to glimpse over her sore breasts and saw the blood. Her chest gave a great heave, but no vomit came; the sight of blood had always made Erin queasy.

“What the hell are you doing to me?!” she demanded, frightened by the red liquid smeared below her navel.

“Your cherry popped, of course,” Mark answered with a short laugh, leaning over one of Erin’s legs to tickle her nipple with his tongue, still jacking himself off.

“Yeah, and I had to wipe my dick off, unless you’d rather me fuck you with blood all over my dick,” Jason clarified.

“N-No,” Erin murmured weakly, now on the verge of fainting.

“Good, now shut up and enjoy this.”

skjelner 03-26-2011 10:36 PM

Chapter Four Part 2
It felt as though the walls of her vagina were on fire, and Erin snapped back to reality instantly, screaming over and over as Jason rapidly continued his rape, thrusting his cock in all the way to the hilt with every rough insertion, his smooth scrotum slapping unrestrainedly against her bare ass, making loud noises each time.

After a few minutes worth of vicious sex, Erin was able to relax a little, for her vaginal canal grew looser and looser with each assertive jab, and the pain began to lessen. Meanwhile, Mark quit pleasuring her nipple and jammed his fat penis into her mouth, as he had not yet received a blow job.

Chris ordered Erin to jack him off, and she powerlessly obeyed, reluctantly gratifying all three of her rapists. Every pound from Jason shook the bed, and Erin rocked back and forth with her legs waving wildly over her head, making Mark’s blow job extra sloppy and messy. Some of her saliva flew from her mouth, dribbling down her neck or onto her chest, which Chris was now slapping insistently, alternating blows between her breasts and the underside of her lower thigh, which stung quite a bit.

Erin barely noticed the tears in her eyes, however, as Jason’s once-painful fucking turned to pleasure-inducing intercourse. As much as the helpless girl despised this sickening rape, her body was enjoying the action: Jason hairless balls felt oddly good against her shaven skin, and she now understood why some girls, and even guys, shave their genitals just for sex.

“Ahhhhhhoooooohhhhhhhoooooo!!” Erin moaned very loudly, her licentious pussy begging to be pounded harder, though in her mind, nothing could be worse.

“Are you finally enjoying this?” Jason queried over her yelps, but still Erin furiously shook her head. She was not lying: never before had she felt so violated, ashamed, and spiteful.

“Fuck you!” Erin screamed. “I hope you die and rot in hell!”

“Oh, I know your filthy cunt loves it!” Jason shot back. “Deep down you’re nothing but a dirty little whore!” Erin knew he had gotten the first part right, and wondered if this was what sex was like for Isabel, whether she truly wanted it, or whether it was just her body’s inner urges controlling her. Either way, Erin could now understand the appeal of sex; it was just sickening that she was experiencing it in a way her brain couldn’t enjoy.

In fact, Erin’s bodily urges kept swelling, eventually beyond the point of her control. It felt as though her twenty years of pent-up chastity were all at once overwhelming her, and she was powerless to resist. So she sucked harder and deeper at Mark’s cock, reaching up to try and force it down her throat.

“That’s right, take it all; it’s only seven inches; you can take it,” he cried out. He was wrong, but Erin managed to get most of it in. A few inches must have slipped into her gullet, as there was no way that much of it could have fit into her mouth. Used to the feeling, she was past gagging now and tried to give Mark as much satisfaction as possible, like Jason was doing for her, running her tongue around his smooth shaft as he rammed it into her aching mouth, flicking it over his penis’s head every time he pulled out.

Erin stared at Mark’s small patch of black pubic hair and she concentrated on Chris now, masturbating him furiously, exchanging focus between his hairy, bent cock and sticky, furry scrotum. Both men at her sides moaned together, and each pinched a nipple, adding to Erin’s steadily amassing venereal pleasure. Jason, fucking her pussy harder than ever and starting to sweat, aimed a quick slap at her left thigh, then another at her tan ass cheek, which bounced a bit from the impact and quickly turned red.

“Uhhhhhahhh,” she sighed heavily as Mark’s penis rebounded from her throat—this was the first slap of the night that had actually felt tolerable.

“You like that, Erin? Want some more, slut?”

“N-No,” she sputtered, though that was not strictly true: her body wanted it very much.

As if he could sense the desire in her words, Jason aimed another slap to her other ass cheek, caused Erin to choke down the last inch of Mark’s cock. Her throat muscles reflexively tightened around it once the next fierce slap made contact, causing Mark to grab a handful of her now-messy brown hair as his penis released its contents. Warm, thick semen shot from his throbbing member as he instinctively withdrew from Erin’s gullet, but he suddenly shoved it back in once more, finishing his ejaculation inside her mouth.

“Swallow it all this time; I want you to taste me, drink my jizz,” Mark instructed her quickly, and just as she managed to choke down the slimy, revolting liquid, Chris, too, reached his orgasm and shot numerous jets of cum from his dick onto her breasts and stomach. It seemed to burn, as Erin’s breasts were so chilly from the room, but she could make no motion to wipe it off, as Mark yanked his now-limp penis from her mouth, to be replaced by Chris’s.

“Clean me off again, whore,” and Erin obeyed, tasting Chris’s salty semen as she sucked his cock deep into her throat, just as she had just done for Mark, who was now sitting on the wobbling bed, breathing heavily. “Aw, look at your precious boobs, all drenched in cum like that. They’re beautiful,” he mocked. “And your cute tummy painted white, absolutely gorgeous.”

Jason slowed down his ramming, smacked her ass twice more to Erin’s great displeasure, then planted his large hands firmly on the raw spots where he had slapped her. Suddenly, he plunged his penis in one last time, somehow deeper than ever before, and paused for a moment, shaking. Finally, his cock, like the others’, erupted. Erin yelped in protest, not expecting him to also ejaculate, and struggled to kick Jason away, but Chris held her legs tightly against her ears so that she could do nothing to resist.

Instinct 03-27-2011 05:48 PM

Eep! <3 Still reading, it's amazing! pleaseee keep them coming :)

Silvercola 03-27-2011 08:55 PM

Good story! Keep it Up.

Stormwalker22 03-27-2011 10:07 PM

Amazing i knew she would start to like it and I have a feeling before they let her go she is gonna beg them to fuck her again.

HelloToast 03-28-2011 01:32 AM

I really do loove it =) Great work!

skjelner 03-28-2011 03:30 PM

Chapter Four Part 3
Thanks for all the kind comments. Glad you're enjoying it!


Streams of Jason’s hot semen seared swiftly into Erin’s torn and lightly-bleeding uterus, much more than he had previously unloaded onto her face (which was now starting to congeal, much to her great displeasure), pumping with great velocity through her deepest vaginal canals.

His cock gushed for what felt like more than fifteen seconds, and when he finally pulled out, a bit of his cum trickled out of her flooded cervix; to Erin it felt similar to peeing. Abruptly, she grew infuriated at the beaming man beneath her.

“You FUCKING came in me, you pervert!” she screamed at Jason. “What the FUCK are you thinking; I could get—get fucking PREGNANT!”

“Shut UP!” Mark yelled back, and slapped Erin’s glazed face harder than ever. There was no need to wipe his hand on her breast, as the semen-saliva had now begun to harden on her face, like a sort of translucent, sticky mask. Besides, her chest was already wet with the jizz, as Mark had so gracefully put it, of two men.

Erin didn’t protest again and instead turned her head and massaged with her hand the place where she had been hit, sobbing into the soft down comforter on the bed. She noticed her vagina was throbbing, aching from Jason’s brutality, and wondered how much tearing had occurred down there.

But more terrifying to her was the possibility of getting pregnant, of which she had so audibly informed Jason and his pals. She could also still feel some of Mark’s semen still sliding down her throat and released a hacking cough to try and release it, but it had already slipped too far down to be brought back up.

“I think I might’ve shocked her,” Mark commented slyly, poking fun at her condition.

“Yeah, I hope you’re not tired yet, Erin,” Chris said, “’cause we’re just getting started.”

He jumped off the bed and got to his knees beneath her dripping vagina and began to lap at her cum-flooded cervix, sticking his wet tongue up her bruised uterus and sucking out as much of Jason’s semen as he could.

Erin, too exhausted to move, could feel a good bit of the liquid still deep in her vagina that Chris could never possibly reach, and her hopes of avoiding pregnancy fell even lower than before. She sighed, partly out of frustration and partly from pleasure at the supernal cunnilingus she was receiving (for Chris had now moved to her long untouched clitoris), and began to once again jack off both Jason and Mark, who were already prepared for more.

Chris spread her pussy lips with his fingers, and some more of Jason’s semen leaked out, dripping onto his hairy chest. He took another slurp at Erin’s vagina, then quickly stood up and leaned over her body, which was saturated with cum yet still beautiful. His penis had brushed her glistening pussy as he rose, and Mark put two fingers in her mouth and forced it open.

Chris aligned his mouth over Erin’s, and spit out Jason’s cum slowly, letting it fall in a thick stream between her gaping lips. He then pinched her cute nose and tilted her head backward a bit, until Erin had no choice to eventually swallow it all; otherwise, she wouldn’t be able to breathe.

“A little cum-swapping always does a woman good,” Jason announced, chuckling to himself for the millionth time that night. It seemed to Erin that these men got no greater pleasure than taking advantage of innocent girls, making them do disgusting things. “Now let’s she if she likes getting fucked again.”

Silvercola 03-29-2011 07:58 PM

Very nice chapter. It just keeps geting better. Fan club

skjelner 03-31-2011 05:43 PM

Chapter Four Part 4
Thank you!!


Having been given the word, Chris wasted no time and slammed his cock into Erin’s raw, tender vagina. She shrieked again, but it felt differently from when Jason fucked her, probably because Chris’s dick was hairy. It scratched the walls of her uterus more, but hurt less overall, as it wasn’t nearly as long.

Chris pumped into and out of her rhythmically, a bit slower than Jason had, but with equal passion. It felt good, and Erin bounced up and down on the bed with each fuck and habitually shoved Mark’s and Jason’s dicks into her mouth once more.

They were likely about out of cum by now but didn’t care; they grunted loudly as Erin took both of their scrotums into her mouth at once and sucked, hard. The four sloppy testicles in her mouth tasted decent to her at last, but probably only because she was used to the musty smell and taste by now. She rolled them between her tongue and pulled them with her lips, thoroughly enjoying Chris’s fucking: hair on skin felt good, too, and she wanted to return the feeling to her captors, lust overtaking her, her lascivious body ignoring all the signals of warning her mind sent out.

“Ooohhhhh, Chris,” Erin moaned softly and mindlessly, pausing between scrotum-licks, and he took this as a single to fuck her harder, pounding her with every ounce of force in his waist. He scratched at his victim’s chestnut-coloured thighs with his short fingernails, leaving red trails behind them.

Jason tickled Erin’s feet as they waved in the air, playing with her sparkling blue toenails while she pleasured his mighty penis once again. She fit about two-thirds of it into her mouth, much of it sliding deep into her throat, but did not gag this time, expertly clenching her esophagus muscles around it. Jason’s eyes and mouth bulged open at this stimulation, as Mark moved away from her mouth, instead focusing on her glimmering, flawlessly curved torso. He played his fingers across her stomach, soaking them in cum, but he didn’t care, for Erin bucked and twisted in delight at his gentle touch.

“Sit up, sweetheart,” Chris more asked than ordered, and Erin, releasing Jason’s cock from her mouth with a loud gag, pulled her legs down from beside her head and got off him. Chris laid back-down on the bed, his cock pointing toward at the ceiling, though it bent slightly. Erin swiftly say on top of his crotch, her vulva enveloping his warm shaft, and maneuvered so that her legs were bent, feet resting on his thighs.

Chris began to drill her once more, while Erin grabbed the penises of the two men beside her, pleasuring them, as they, in turn, each took to a jiggling nipple. This became more difficult, however, as Chris sped up, for Erin’s large breasts bounced up and down vigorously with each fuck; Chris was hammering her faster than even Jason had, and her body loved every second of it.

Erin leaned her head back and let out an impassioned guttural moan: she was on fire, and without her brain thinking about it, her vagina lifted off Chris’s raging shaft and shot a thin squirt of juice into the air, before plopping back down onto it.

“Holy shit,” Jason exclaimed, apparently both shocked and impressed, “she’s a squirter! Did you know you could do that, Erin?”

“No,” she gasped, shaking uncontrollable from her sudden orgasm, still high off Chris’s intense pounding.

“Well, hell, this could be very good for us, then.” Erin wasn’t sure what he meant but decided to consider it later, as it was then that Chris removed his bushy penis from her dripping wet, bald pussy. He quickly threw Erin back onto the bed, gripped his shaft tightly, then leaned in and sprayed semen all over and inside the light brown folds of Erin’s labia, rubbing the tip of his member around her quivering clitoris, which was now as hard as her captor’s cock.

Erin gasped at this, but did not protest. For some reason, Chris’s cum was less gluey and sticky than the others’, more like water than anything, and it ran quickly down and around her vagina’s folds in thin streams, some of it reaching her anus, the rest draining off her round buttocks and onto the floor.

“Now that’s a good creampie,” Chris proclaimed, immensely satisfied, “guys, come check it out.”

Instinct 03-31-2011 05:59 PM

:P at least they're all having fun now
veryyveryveryyy good story <3

skjelner 04-01-2011 04:40 PM

Chapter Four Part 5
Jason and Mark got off the bed and stood beside Chris to observe the gaping orifice before them, their cocks dancing sprightly in the air above their stretched sacs like delighted spectators visiting some sort of zoo for female genitalia.

As she lay there with her legs spread wide, Erin felt deeply abashed, for these men had barely seen this part of her head-on until then, and it was now in its worst shape ever: uteral blood was still smeared around her pubic mound; her vagina was loose and drooping, its once tightly-packed, brownish-pink folds now hung out between the halves of her labia a bit; her clitoris was red and swollen; and the whole package had the appearance of a sort of reservoir for semen, as it was filled to the brim with the juice of both Jason and Chris.

Mark gave a low whistle. “Whew, that’s a lot of cum.” Chris slid his hands beneath Erin and lifted her up so that her long, sleek back was perpendicular to the bed; her neck craned painfully to accommodate the position. Her boobs hung upside-down, blocking her view of the ceiling, which her vulva directly faced the ceiling, unobstructed by her legs, which laid to either side. Erin was too exhausted to hold them up and so was not surprised when Chris began furiously lapping at her ravaged vagina, sucking the cum from within and around it. Whenever he had filled a mouthful, he spat it onto the underside of Erin’s breasts, slowly covering them in a glistening layer of effluence.

After he had cleaned her pussy fairly well, Chris moved to her ass, which Erin could feel had already taken in some of his runny semen. He ran his tongue around, getting steadily closer to her anus, which contracted slightly with every lick.

Erin was pretty sure she’d heard Isabel call what Chris was doing “rimming”, and according to her friend it felt very good, though Erin found it more than a little uncomfortable. She had a habit of always keeping her delicates very clean, wiping with water whenever she finished using the bathroom, but she still thought it was weird that Chris would enjoy licking around the place from where she defecated.

All disgust at this act was forgotten, however, when Chris began to flit his tongue into her ass’s hole; it felt different from having her clit sucked, perhaps not as comfortable, but pleasurable in a new way, and, unlike when he tongued her vagina, she didn’t feel like she had to pee. Chris loudly slurped his own semen from her ass crack, causing Erin to whimper.

“Hah, she even loves a good rim job,” noted Mark. He rubbed her clitoris a few times, arousing Erin even more, then got back on the bed, facing away from her. “Let’s see how she likes giving one.”

Mark promptly sat directly on Erin’s semen-masked face, his tight butt pressing against her cheeks. Erin yelled in protest, snapping back to the reality of her rape, and tried to struggle, but Jason held her fast. In her position, there was nothing she could do, and, for fear of being hit again, she reached up to Mark and spread his ass cheeks, struggling to find a pocket of air to breathe.

“Come on slut, that’s step one. Now get your tongue in there!” Mark exclaimed and pressed his anus down onto Erin’s mouth.

His crack didn’t smell as bad as she expected, but once Erin pressed her tongue to it, the taste was enough to make her want to vomit once more. She instinctively repelled away from it.

“What did we tell you about obeying us?” Jason asked. “This is just the start of what we’re supposed to do to you—it’s the easy shit. So if you can’t even do something as simple as lick an asshole, then then we’re gonna have some real problems, okay? I don’t really want to, but I am more than willing to hurt you if I need to.”

Erin had started crying by this point, though none of the men could see her tears, partially because she fully believed Jason’s words, but partially out of confusion. What did he mean when he said “supposed to”? Were her rapists working for or with someone else?

Before she could think further, however, Jason grabbed a brown fistful of her hair and said sternly, “So, if you don’t start licking Mark’s dirty fucking asshole right now, you’re going to be in serious pain for the rest of the night.”

Erin believed him. As Jason released her hair, she begrudgingly but quickly shut her eyes tightly and salivated, inserting her tongue into Mark’s tight anus as best she could, like Chris was still doing to her, and undulated it a bit, trying to stimulate him.

Mark leaned against her, cushioning himself on her springy breasts, and enjoyed the rim job, while Jason dragged his nails across her thighs as he had down before, adding some pleasure to her revolting discomfort.

After a few minutes of licking, Mark’s ass hole began to taste less repulsive, and Erin forced her tongue in deeper, furiously wagging it around inside him, intent on getting this over with as soon as possible. By then, she was used to this balance between gratification and awkward chagrin, and before she knew it, Mark released her face from its tomb of fatty flesh, and Chris ceased his own fierce tonguing, letting Erin’s legs fall back to the bed.

She lay there, utterly defeated, and prayed to no one in particular for the night would be over. Surely it must be getting late, she thought, and even her captors would have to rest sometime. However, despite all her hopes, when she opened her eyes, the three men did not look like they were ready to sleep. Instead, they stood in a line in front of the bed, ogling her greedily and stroking their impossibly hard cocks.

“Have you ever been fucked in the ass before?” Mark asked, his eyes shining as brightly as Erin’s navel ring, though he already knew the answer.

“N-No,” Erin stammered, dumbfounded, as if she had not yet fully understood what he had asked.

“Well, that’s really too bad … ’cause you’re about to be.”

Stormwalker22 04-01-2011 04:48 PM

I cant wait till they all fill her ass with cum an make her hold it in that would be hot

Silvercola 04-02-2011 08:14 PM

Once again good job nice chapter

shark8000 04-03-2011 05:32 PM

Please keep going.I like this story.My friend's name is Erin but she doesn't look like your Erin.She has thick chin length golden blond curls,green eyes and pale creamy skin.BUT I STILL LOOOOVE THIS STORY!!!!!!!!!!![/QUOTE]

skjelner 04-03-2011 06:24 PM

Chapter Five Part 1
Your friend Erin sounds cute. ;) Glad you're enjoying it—don't worry, I've got plenty more coming.


Chapter Five

Erin sat up with a jolt and backed away from the nude and obviously very salacious men as far as she could until her uncovered back pressed against the jagged concrete wall.

“What do you—what do you mean?” she asked, shaking turbulently.

“You heard me. We’re gonna destroy that pretty round ass of yours.”

“And I wanna go first,” Chris stated. Erin took one glance at his hairy, damp penis and tried once more to roll off the bed, shouting nonsense at her captors. Before she could get far, however, Jason bolted toward her and slammed her to the floor, hard. Her knees hit first, and, even though the room was heavily carpeted, she was sure they had bruised badly.

“NO! Get the fuck away from me!!” she screamed as loudly as she could and thrashed about wildly, aiming kicks and punches wherever there was empty space. Jason pressed his naked body against hers, crushing her into the carpet. Erin was used to being hopelessly unable to move by now, yet still resisted with what little strength she had left, utterly drained from the abuse she had experienced over the past few hours. She got the feeling that her assailants had intentionally saved this most harrowing exploitation for the moment when she was most fatigued.

“Aww, don’t worry Erin, there’s one more thing we need to do before violating your tight asshole,” Jason half-whispered in her ear before leaning in to give her a gentle kiss on the cheek. Erin shuddered in revulsion at this, while Jason continued to put pressure on her back.

“Mark, go get it ready,” Jason commanded. From the sides of her vision Erin could see Mark heading toward the as yet untouched chest in the corner adjacent to the bed.

By then, Erin was beginning to have trouble breathing but managed to get a few words out. “Please! I’ve done everything you’ve asked … I let you fuck me … Just don’t do anything else to me!”

“Oh, please,” Jason exclaimed. “You’ve been a fucking bitch the whole time—you didn’t let us do anything. We had to force you, even though we told you to behave. So yes, we’re gonna fuck your ass now and then do whatever the fuck we want with you afterward for however fucking long we want. You need to learn that we’re in charge here, and you’re just a filthy piece of shit that’s going to do whatever we say whether you like it or not. Is that understood?”

He finally rocked off Erin’s back and stood up to let her free. Erin slowly got to her feet, her whole body shaking, as she could feel two pairs of lecherous eyes staring at her naked backside. She didn’t say a word and instead stared down at her bruised, red body and aching knees. In the distance she heard Mark rummaging through the chest, though as her back was turned, she couldn’t see what he was looking for.

Suddenly, Jason reached out, grabbed Erin’s arm, and whipped her around to see that she was crying. He slapped her backhanded across the face, instantly turning it bright red.

“I said, is that understood?! Are you going to fucking behave now?”

Erin rubbed her stinging cheek, scared of the possible consequences for disobeying her captors again. “Y-Yes,” she stammered. “I … I understand.”

“Good, now quit fucking crying. This part’s gonna be fun.”

Jason winked at his shaking victim just as a loud thud resounded from the corner of the room. Mark had removed a relatively large tank of sorts from the chest and placed it on the floor beside it. The tank looked similar to one of the large oxygen or nitrogen tanks Erin had seen in movies before: it had a large blue knob fastened to its top and a long black hose wrapped around its metal casing.

After reaching into the chest again, Mark returned to the group, his shaven penis swinging sprightly above his wrinkled sac. It was slightly softer now from the lack of action, but Erin had a feeling that would change rather soon. At this thought, combined with the sight of Mark’s bare genitalia, she immediately felt like throwing up, though since she hadn’t eaten in several hours, that probably wasn’t going to happen.

When Erin finally tore her eyes away from this disgusting part of her captor’s body, she noticed with a sinking feeling in her stomach that Mark was holding what looked like a small, clear plastic bin or tub of some sort. Resting on top was an odd contraption Erin did not recognize.

Silvercola 04-04-2011 08:32 PM

Can't wait to find out what the contraption is!

skjelner 04-06-2011 04:56 PM

Chapter Five Part 2
“So tell me, Erin, when was the last time you took a shit?” Chris queried as if that were a perfectly normal thing to ask.

Erin was somewhat confused and more than a little shocked at this but figured she had better answer honestly. She sobbed once more, wiped the tears from her eyes, sniffed, then replied, “Um … yesterday, I guess? I think.”

“Yesterday?” Mark seemed incredulous at her response, but It was true. Erin rarely used the bathroom besides just to pee; it had been that way since childhood. She always figured it was because of her very healthy diet, or perhaps a large colon.

“Yes,” she answered shakily, “I-I don’t usually have to go very often. Always been that way.”

“Hmm, alright,” Mark pondered, “This should be interesting then.” He set the devices he was carrying onto the floor at Erin’s feet. She could now see that the plastic bin was more of a squarish bowl, perhaps a foot wide and a foot and a half high. Attached to its top was a lid of sorts which, once she noticed it, immediately clued Erin in to what exactly she was looking at: a portable toilet, with a lid the shape of a normal toilet seat.

Erin began to panic, certainly not wishing to use the bathroom in front of these men, but as soon as she moved, Jason and Chris restrained her.

“What the FUCK?!” Erin screamed as she squirmed in their arms, flailing her legs wildly. “You’re fucking perverts! There’s no way I’m going to take a shit in your homemade—”

Before she could finish, Jason delivered another backhand to Erin’s cheek, this time harder than ever. Her knees buckled, and the two men grabbed her more firmly to keep her standing.

“What did I JUST tell you about obeying us?” Jason spat in her face, twisting her arm until she winced in pain. “I guess you can’t shut up and just fucking do what we tell you, so I’m gonna have to gag you again. Sorry, baby.”

Chris grabbed hold of both Erin’s arms, while Jason quickly walked to his jeans, retrieved the ball gag, then stuffed it in Erin’s mouth, tying it behind her head. When it was firmly in place, Jason leaned in close so that his nose almost touched his silent victim’s.

“So I’m gonna ask you yet again. Are you going to do what we ask?”

Erin sternly nodded her head and produced a muffled sound of agreement. Her entire face hurt from Jason’s sharp knuckles, and the pain was growing more and more searing by the minute. Frankly, she wondered if her jaw might be broken, or if that’s just what being backhanded by a strong man felt like. Either way, she couldn’t bear another similar blow and decided to submit to her captors for the time being. She slackened her body, and Chris let her go.

“Good girl,” Jason said. “Now, I want you to take a look at this.” He picked up the contraption on top of the toilet and held it for Erin to see. “Do you know what this is?”

Erin shook her head silently, though she was beginning to get an idea of what it might be used for. The device consisted of a long plastic tube, about the diameter of a quarter, attached to a large bag made of what looked like rubber. At the connection point was a small metal knob, presumably to control the flow of something through the tube. The other end of the tube was fastened to a small nozzle-like fixture with another small knob attached to it.

Jason smiled devilishly at Erin, who was fidgeting nervously, still reluctant to behave so calmly. “This, my little slut, is an enema kit. It’s gonna clean you out so none of our dicks get dirty when we violate you in a few minutes.” Jason’s smugness made Erin sick. “So I hope you’ll learn to enjoy what it can do, because you’re going to be seeing a lot of it while you’re with us.”

Erin’s eyes grew wide, but she didn’t move, too stunned and afraid to do anything that might upset her captors—particularly Jason.

“Alright, she’s not gonna fight. Hook it up, guys.”

Erin watched as Chris and Mark went to work: Mark headed toward the metal chest and began unwinding the hose from the tank, which Erin now realized most likely contained water—or at least she hoped it did.

Mark tossed the hose to Chris, who had removed the nozzle from the end of the enema tube. He inserted the end of the tank’s hose into the tube, then motioned to Mark, who turned the knob atop the water tank. Water began rushing through the tube, filling the enema bag. When it was bulging with liquid, Chris twisted the knob at its base to keep the water in, then tossed his end of the hose back to Mark. Finally, he reattached the enema nozzle to the tube and turned to face Erin.

“You ready to get fucking cleaned out, sweet cheeks? he said condescendingly, swinging the tube back and forth. Erin shook her head but otherwise didn’t dare move.

“Haha! I’ll take that as a yes.”

Suddenly, Jason shoved Erin down, sending her tumbling to her knees before landing hard on her ass. She writhed in pain for a few moments before Jason and Mark grabbed her legs and dragged her toward the shackles in the middle of the room. The carpet burned against Erin’s bare back, and she tried to stifle her screams, which were audible even through her gag.

the fish 04-06-2011 08:52 PM

good story so far

Stormwalker22 04-07-2011 02:21 AM

Nice twist wasnt expecting that cant wait for the next part.

shark8000 04-08-2011 05:02 PM

Great story dont stop!!

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