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SeeNaked 09-02-2010 09:46 PM

Twin Slaves (Will have incest...)
Hey there, I’ve been reading some stories on here, and I thought that I would add my own. So here is the first part of mine… if there is enough like, I’ll write more. :P

Twin Slaves: Chapter 1

Timothy and Tina Colburn were normal kids, or maybe, normal twins would be more like it, but then again, maybe not. They were twins, both 16, both with brown hair and brown eyes. They both liked most of the same things, they had their birthday parties on the same day. They had the same friends, but they were eachother’s best friend. They told eachother just about everything. They shared a room, and had since they were old enough to get out of their crib. Oh, and they almost never fought or argued.

Although, being near identical twins, they did have their differences in appearance. The most noticable, of course, being that Tim was a guy, and Tina was a girl… Tim was 5’11” tall, three inches taller than Tina. His shoulders were wider also, his muscles had grown tremendously over the past year or two, after having spent the last two summers at their Grandparents farm, helping their grandfather. Tina on the other hand, had stayed a bit smaller, topping her growth at 5’8”. Her breasts had grown to be B cup, and her curves had developed nicely. Most of the time, she stayed around the house, helping her mum, or visited some close friends. She had attracted plenty of attention at school, but was never very outgoing or ‘boysy’ as Tim called it. She liked boys, but didn’t go out of her way to get close to them. Plus, Tim helped keep the bullies and jerks away.

One more comment about them… Although they lived together and were with eachother nearly constantly… they didn’t push anything sexual. They never even thought about the other that way. And while they were very close… it wasn’t as if they showed themselves to eachother. In fact, they hadn’t seen eachother naked since they were somewhere around 8 or 9.

They had just begun a new year of school, going into the tenth grade. Their old school had been falling apart, and in need of so many repairs that the city had built a new one, and this was the first year that they would be in the new building.

School had begun three weeks ago, and was going as usual for the twins: Get up early, grab lunches, jump on the bus and go to school. Classes before lunch, classes after lunch, Home…

The only difference that either of them noticed, or even really payed any attention to at all was that a new family had moved in across the street from them, and had a boy that was in senior high. But he kept to himself and neither of them had much to do with him aside from a “Hi” now and again.


It was just after lunch on Monday, and both of the twins had different classes for the next period, so Tim waved as he left the lunch room with some of his friends. Tina waved back at him, finished her lunch, and headed out of the room, chatting with a girl from her class.

Tina headed straight for her locker, humming a song, she needed some books for next period, and when she got to it, she unlocked it and popped the door open. It took her only a few moments to collect the book and notebooks she needed, and she was about to close the door again when she noticed an envelope stuck through the door of her locker. With a glance around to see if anyway was looking, she took it, “hmm… I wonder what this is…”

The envelope was plain on the backside, and she flipped it over. Across the front was written, “Open when you get home…. Show me to no one” Confused, she flipped the envelope over a few times, and then, with a shrug, put it back in the locker, with her bag. Wondering what was in the envelope, she headed to next class.


After his last class for the day, Tim headed to the shower and locker room to change his clothes for his sports practice. The room was crowded with guys changing or already changed and heading outside. Tim opened his locker and took out his uniform, then jogged into the changing room.

He stripped down quickly, his naked form revealing itself in the mirror on the wall. He slipped his shirt on and went to put his pants on when he noticed a piece of paper stuck to the inside of them with a pin. He shook his head Just another prank

On the piece of paper was a few words, “Expect a text on your phone when you get home…read it and do as it says”

Tim was confused, but he still figured it was some dumb prank that the guys were playing… he crumpled the paper up and stuffed it in his Jeans pocket, then left to practice.


After Tim’s practice and Tina was finished with her last class, they met in front of the school, as they always did, and got on the bus for the ride home. “I got an A on the quiz from last Friday” Tina said, “I was one of only three…”

Tim high fived her, “great, but you always do well in school… I got some sort of dumb prank played on me today…”

She chuckled and looked at him, “What kind of prank?”

He laughed too, “Someone put a piece of paper in my pants for practice, said I would get a text when I got home… totally weird”

Tina nodded, and then remembered that she had the letter from her locker in her book bag. Both of them had received something… she opened her mouth to tell Tim about it, but decided not to, like the envelope said. Probably a dumb prank, like Tim’s.

Sweet270 09-02-2010 10:26 PM

Alright alright interesting, lets hear some more! :)

truth 09-03-2010 07:02 AM

i see where this is going and keep it up good writing

Komodo Jones 09-03-2010 01:29 PM

OK from what I've read I'm sad to say several mechanical errors. Even though I just mainly sped through it I didn't notice any spelling errors. However, despite that you have gramattical errors, it's not so bad that it takes away from the story as it's still very easy to read. Just maybe spell check it and look for gramattical errors mainly in the quotes, including commas and punctuation where they need to be.
As for content, very good. You are beginning with a good pace. You are taking the time to introduce us to the characters both physically and personality wise. You're not rushing into sexual matters right off the bat, like some of the stories on this site. So just keep going at the rate you're going and you should be fine.
Look forward to see where this thing ends up.

SeeNaked 09-03-2010 04:23 PM

Thank you for the constructive criticism Komodo... I'll try to do better with my next part, which should be up tonight.

truth 09-03-2010 04:26 PM


Originally Posted by SeeNaked (Post 326126)
Thank you for the constructive criticism Komodo... I'll try to do better with my next part, which should be up tonight.

helz ya since i read the first part ive been checking every few hours

SeeNaked 09-03-2010 04:40 PM

nice to hear you are looking forward to it... i'm working on it now

Kisune Karnon 09-03-2010 04:43 PM

I think this will become an interesting story. Please continue.

trust-no-1 09-03-2010 05:09 PM

I really like this story, Please continue

curious-young-girl 09-03-2010 09:08 PM

awe, SN is all grown up writing and such =P, but really tis good =)

SeeNaked 09-04-2010 08:55 PM

Chapter 2
Alright folkes... here is chapter two:

Chapter 2

It was about 15 minutes later that the bus pulled up at the corner of their street. Tina got off first, and waited for Tim to talk to the driver for a moment. Once he got off, they walked home together.

As soon as they were in the house, Tim’s phone beeped with a text message. He rolled his eyes and laughed, “And there it is, I’ll get it in a minute. I have to get a drink.” he dropped his bag on the floor at the base of their stairs leading to the second floor.

Tina nodded and headed up the steps, down the hall to their bedroom. The house was quiet, since her Mother was out shopping (as she always was on Monday) and their father was at work. She pushed the bedroom door open and tossed her bag on her bed, then walked over to the window and looked out. Their neighbor was mowing his back grass across the fence from their yard.

Her mind turned to the mysterious envelope in her bag, and she crossed back over to the bed, unzipped the pocket and pulled it out. She read the front again, and then, taking a deep breath, she ran her finger under the flap and flipped it open. She pulled out a folded piece of paper and read:


Things are going to change for you right now. Don’t expect your life to continue on the same way for quite a while.

I have come into the possession of some pictures of your brother that would be… let’s say… very embarrassing. If you don’t follow my commands to the letter, it may end up very bad for him and for your family… his picture may end up in the possession of the entire school, your father’s employer, and other such places… if you don’t want that to happen, follow these instructions:

1. You will wear a pink pair of panties (that I know you own) tomorrow.
2. You will write a response to this note, with your acceptance
3. You will take off the panties at school tomorrow, put the note inside, and put them in locker 126, which will be unlocked for 10 minutes after lunch.

I hope you are sensible and don’t try to tell anyone about this…

Your New… Master…”

Tina gasped as she read the note, and it fell from her hands, fluttering to the floor. “Oh my gosh!”


Tim left Tina at the bottom of the stairs and headed to the kitchen. He walked in, picked up a glass from the clean dishes on the countertop, and went over to the refridgerator. He grabbed their jug of 2% milk, poured it into his glass and put it back in.

He yawned as he sat at their kitchen table and flipped open his phone, “Let’s see what jerk has sent me a message.” He said to himself.

He thumbed into his recent messages, and found the latest one he had received. He didn’t recognize the name, which was abreviated GoyN, or the number. He opened the message and read:


Greetings… be prepared for your life to change dramatacally. From now on, you will be following commands that I will give you. I have pictures of your sister in very compromising positions and I will send them if you don’t do as I say…

Tomorrow, you will acquire a pair of your sister’s panties from her drawer and jack off in them. Then you will leave them at school, in the girls bathroom, right after lunch. I’ll get them. If I do not find them there, the pictures will quickly be circulating around the school.

Your new master…”

“Damn” Tim said, it was all he could think to say, but his mind whirled with a hundred questions. Where had this person gotten the pictures he spoke of? How did he know their names? Why them?

Tim got up quickly, snapping the phone closed with anger, and muttering to himself. He didn’t know what to do, if what the person said was true, he could ruin Tina’s reputation, not to mention the family’s. He felt disgust rising in his throat as he thought of what the person wanted him to do to keep the pictures secret.

He didn’t even have proof that the person had pictures, but how could he take the risk? He couldn’t, and he knew it. So, screwing himself up for what he would have to do, he went back and picked up his bag. There was no way he would tell Tina about this.


Tina snatched the note from the floor and read it over again, then clutched it hard in her hands and sunk to the bed. How could she follow the person’s instructions… what did he mean ‘master’? She hoped that this would be the only thing she would have to do, but what if it wasn’t!?

If the person wanted a pair of her panties now, what would they want from her later? She had never done anything sexually before, although she knew basically about it. She was horrified about having to follow the instructions, but she couldn’t let her brother get hurt by not listening, or having her family relationship damaged. She would have to do it.

She layed back on the bed, stuffed the note in her pillowcase, and tried to control her breathing and go about a normal day.

Minutes later, Tim climbed the stairs to their room, and dropped his bookbag on the floor. He plopped down on the bed, and sighed, “Well… what do you want to do? We could watch a movie…”

She shrugged, “I guess… I want to write a letter…”

He nodded, “Well… I’ll… play some games or something.” And he sat down on the floor, flipping on their TV and his game system.

She swallowed, got off the bed, taking a glance at Tim, unsuspecting what she was going to do for him. She sat at the desk and began writing out the letter to both the mysterious person, and to her best friend.

truth 09-04-2010 10:55 PM

not bad very intelligent

Kisune Karnon 09-05-2010 01:47 AM

Not too bad. I feel as if more could be done. Still interested.

SeeNaked 09-05-2010 11:50 AM

I'll take suggestions if anyone has any :D

truth 09-05-2010 01:48 PM

so far its not feeling like the twins are real people make them more connectible with us

Kisune Karnon 09-05-2010 05:38 PM

Your actually doing fine. However the only reason why I commented like I did was because, yes you gave out what the notes were, but now what? A little bit more coninuation before a break would have been good. The suggestion I guess I'm making is, watch the length and where you break your chapters out.

Sweet270 09-05-2010 10:28 PM

Looking forward for more. Its looking good.

SeeNaked 09-05-2010 11:16 PM

Ah, thank you very much for the tip KisuneSoldier. I understand what you are saying, and i'll try to watch that next time. After I posted i felt like i should have added more, but i didn't have the time to Edit it...

Thanks again :D

rahamn 09-05-2010 11:35 PM

no offense but if you don't have the time to edit don't post it. You want you readers drawn in and you want them yearning for the next post. I guess im agreeing with Kisunesoldier in a way but not in a way too ... i would have broken before you did not try to make it longer ... it would have been a cliff hanger something to make them want to come back to see what was on the note or on the cell phone for that matter ... just take your time and write how you want but if your gonna break it up into chunks do so with the intent of leaving that last little bit unknown.

LovelyLiz 09-06-2010 11:06 AM

Really good continue! this story is getting on the right track

spazpat 09-07-2010 07:08 AM

this is a great story, really developing into something good

DaringChicka 09-07-2010 02:47 PM

GOOD!!!! post more!

firenight 09-08-2010 11:56 AM

please go on want to here more

truth 09-14-2010 12:30 AM

more more more more more

insane44 10-02-2010 11:13 AM

Amazing can't wait for another chapter

ursoweird123 10-02-2010 09:44 PM

Please continue. It's a great story!

undertaker 10-07-2010 10:57 AM

Guess this story is discontinued

ursoweird123 10-07-2010 07:25 PM

My guess. That's quite sad. This was a great story and definitely had a lot going for it. Oh well. I won't be mad if you continue by the way XD!

SeeNaked 10-07-2010 08:06 PM

Your wrong!!

This isn't discontinued! I've just had so much going on, I havn't had a chance to finish the next section... don't worry! it's coming!

truth 10-08-2010 06:32 AM


Originally Posted by SeeNaked (Post 338388)
Your wrong!!

This isn't discontinued! I've just had so much going on, I havn't had a chance to finish the next section... don't worry! it's coming!

YAY ive been checking like every day

ursoweird123 10-08-2010 07:51 PM


Originally Posted by SeeNaked (Post 338388)
Your wrong!!

This isn't discontinued! I've just had so much going on, I havn't had a chance to finish the next section... don't worry! it's coming!

YES!!!!! I'm so glad I was wrong!

undertaker 10-14-2010 08:09 PM

oh nice cant wait

Stormwalker22 10-15-2010 01:18 AM

Please! continue it soon please!

the doc 10-16-2010 09:51 AM

i love this story

SeeNaked 11-01-2010 08:51 AM

Ok guys!

I know it was a horribly long wait, and I'm so sorry... i've been working on a bunch of other stories with a co-author, and havn't had time... plus i felt that Some of my writing wasn't the best...

anyway, here is the next section, a bit shorter than the first two... i broke what was the 3rd chapter into a bunch of smaller chunks.

Chapter 3

The next morning Tim awoke an hour earlier than he usually did. He yawned and rolled over onto his stomach, but couldn’t get comfortable. His cock was hard from a dream he had been having, and he grunted, and sat up.

He quietly rolled his legs out of the bed, feeling the sheets stick to him and he realized that he must have been sweating during the night. He stretched, yawned again, and then turned to go to the bathroom when his eyes caught his phone sitting on his night stand. Inside, his heart sank, and He groaned, remembering what he was going to have to do this morning.

His stomach was in a knot as he slid out of bed, and walked over to Tina’s dresser. It had six drawers, he pulled open the drawer on the top row that held her underclothing. He scanned through her pairs of panties, looking at them with a mix of feelings… both disgust and arousal. Here he was, looking through his sister’s panties, and his cock was getting a bit hard. But at the same time, he didn’t want to be, he shouldn’t be doing this. He was disgusted.

Finally, he just grabbed a pair, his hand seeking out the only set of pink ones that there was in the drawer. He liked pink on girls, so his natural instinct was to go for them. He quietly closed the drawer and snuck out of the bedroom to the bathroom across the hall. Once inside, he relieved himself and sat on the toilet, pants around his ankles, panties in hand.

“I can’t believe this” he muttered to himself, and then closed his eyes and began to stroke himself. He tried to focus his thoughts on anything other than the panties in his hand, but it was hard, and he finally thought of a girl from school. As he thought of her, his cock popped up to it’s full form, a modest 8 inches long and two and a half wide. He grunted as he thought of the girl with no panties, and then of her sucking him.

Suddenly he felt his orgasm burst, and the warm flow of semen over his hand and onto the crotch of the panties which he held up to it. The material caught all of his spunk, and he wiped his dick with them. Feeling a bit drained and tired, he sighed, looking at the splotches on her panties. He quickly rolled them up and then opened the bathroom door. He heard his mother downstairs making breakfast and he walked across the hall, into his bedroom, and stuffed the panties in his bookbag before laying back down and staring at the ceiling.

He drifted back to sleep, trying to figure out how the hell anyone could have gotten pictures of Tina, what the pictures were of, and if this was the only thing he would have to do….

firenight 11-01-2010 08:54 AM

go on please do let it die

SeeNaked 11-01-2010 09:08 AM

Chapter 4
Tina rolled over in bed and sat up, rubbing her eyes as her hair fell behind herself into a mess. She ran her fingers through it and stood up, glancing back over at her brother, who was sleeping on top of his covers. She chuckled and shook her head.

With another yawn, she walked over to her dresser and looked in the mirror, groaning at how her brown hair was so messed up. She picked up her brush and slid it through her hair. She carefully tamed the wild locks, and as she was almost finished, she looked in the mirror and saw the piece of paper coming out from under her pillow.

She gasped, and put a hand to her mouth… she had almost forgotten that… Groaning she rushed over and took it, then back to her desk and picked up the letter to the person that she had written yesterday. She sighed and tried to calm her shaking hands as she opened her panty drawer and looked for her single pair of pink panties… they weren’t there…

Her hand flew to her mouth, “Oh gosh no!” She began to throw the panties out of the drawer in a frenzy, “Where are they!? They were here last night!!!” The entire drawer was almost empty and she could see they weren’t in there. With a final gasp she sunk to the floor, tears in her eyes.

“What shall I do?” she whispered, “I can’t go to school without them… I’ll have to wear another pair…. But…oh what will he do?” she thought out loud. She looked over at Tim, sleeping, but getting restless from the noise she had made. She couldn’t let him see her like this, with her panties all over the floor. What would he think? What would he ask? She couldn’t tell him anything. Quickly, she got up, gathering the pieces of clothing and tossing them back inside. As the last piece fell in, she grabbed a light blue pair and hoped he would not be angry.

Sitting down at her desk, she quickly added a PS to the letter, saying she couldn’t find her pink panties and had worn another color instead. Hoping that would suffice, she put the letter into her bookbag and got out her school clothes.

She stripped out of her shorts, baring her legs and thighs up to her panties, looking at Tim to make sure he remained asleep. Her panties followed her shorts to the floor, and the blue pair was quickly pulled up in their place.

Just as she finished dressing, their mother called up the steps, “Breakfast Kids! Get Down here or you’ll be late for school!”

Tim rolled over yawning and stretching, rubbing the sleep from his eyes, “Gee… breakfast already?”

He jumped out of bed, telling her to get lost so he could change. She picked up her bag, left the room without saying anything, and headed downstairs. He shrugged, quickly stripped down and changed into his school clothes, then picked up his own bag, thinking of the panties in it.

With a sigh he left the room also, and followed his sister downstairs. Their mother had bought doughnuts the day before, and so they ate a quick breakfast of doughnuts, milk and orange Juice, before the bus arrived.

firenight 11-01-2010 09:16 AM

go on hope to see more soon

bennyboi2005 11-01-2010 03:55 PM


Originally Posted by firenight (Post 348794)
go on hope to see more soon

more pleasee

Stormwalker22 11-02-2010 04:21 AM

Yes please more I love this story

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