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useme871 03-29-2018 08:46 PM

Keeping Track of these insignificant breasts
This is to 'keep track of things'. I have some requests from ma'am and rather than blogging this seems like a better option.
Yes, the breasts are still 'insignificant'.
I am not allowed to use the bathroom until 10pm tonight, Ma'am wants to continue bladder training.
I am to continue pumping on a regular schedule and freeze the excess breast milk as I have been doing. Starting April 1, 2018 ma'am will give new instructions.
I will be seeing ma'am shortly, there have been discussions about my inability to properly swallow and concern about my ass again.

MrCharcol 03-30-2018 11:52 PM

Your breaststroke really are insignificant..32AA when lactating...Ma'am must like your boyish look

useme871 03-31-2018 11:42 PM

My breasts are insignificant, the only purpose is to produce milk. To provide ma'am a means for punishment and satisfaction. Insignificant breasts allow ma'am to inflict pain and punishment along with humiliation. Ma'am does like and appreciate the physical appearance of her property. That is why she keeps such copious measurements and notes. Insignificant breasts do make for difficult needle play at times.

Tomorrow or shortly thereafter ma'am and I will discuss some new expectations and try to plan a meeting/weekend.

I have not gone to the bathroom from 5pm-10pm the last 2 evenings. Then from 10pm-9am as instructed by ma'am. Between the hours of 9am and 5pm I am not on restriction or when I am at work.

I would like to ask ma'am about an anal speculum.

useme871 04-02-2018 12:21 AM

A few things have come to mind to ask ma'am about
1. an anal speculum or anal spreader for her to utilize
2. nipple 'locks', small jewelry that looks or acts like a locking device
3. develop a strict bathroom schedule for when I'm at home
4. would ma'am like me to consume breastmilk on a regular basis and if so how/when etc.

I'm hoping to be able to have a couple phone calls with her this week, but it all depends on both our schedules and timing. We would like to plan a long weekend in April but again,scheduling.

MrCharcol 04-02-2018 02:34 PM

I wish you the best of luck with scheduling a meeting with Ma'am, I think by the amount you are blogging/ posting, you are missing her sadistic hand. I hope Ma'am is into analysis play and maybe she can start to measure the dilation of your anus with the speculum.

And I sm intrigued by the nipple locks would this be like metal shields/ nipple pasties held in place by a piercing?

Mr Charcol

useme871 04-03-2018 12:47 AM

Making progress today
Today was a good day, I was able to speak with ma'am on the phone for quite some time. We discussed the possibility of a long weekend visit and incorporating some new activities. She said she would look into the nipple jewelry that resembles a padlock. As always she is willing to consider anything that adds to anal humiliation. I am to continue pumping my breasts and she will give further instructions on if I am to consume the milk. No formal bathroom schedule was provided yet. I am still on orgasm denial and confirmed that I have not broken that.

I was instructed to contact my ex husband (we separated last year) master871 and have a conversation with him. I am still on decent terms with him and the master/sub situation with him is in a holding pattern. I called master and we are going to meet in a couple days to 'discuss a few very important matters that were brought to his attention'.

I do not have any issues resuming a dom/sub situation with my ex. We are better as friends and as dom/sub than as married partners.

As required: my breasts remain insignificant, their sole purpose is to produce milk. On occasion they are a pathway to punishment. Otherwise they are useless and an embarrassment to all.

I will continue to update as often as possible.

useme871 04-05-2018 03:35 AM

I will be seeing my ex (Master871) this afternoon/evening. He was very brief in details on the phone,simply stating that we had 'issues and things to discuss'. I am very comfortable with him in this capacity. However; I do need to take sometime and think since I am so very frustrated sexually. I am going on 3 months of orgasm denial, 3 months since I saw ma'am, I don't want to jump right back to master and into an unhealthy dynamic but in the same sense I am willing to submit and resume with him. (divorced yes, but still on the same master/sub level- I believe so). Tomorrow should clarify that. Sometimes you can't live with a person but that doesn't change other dynamics.

I always struggled with giving my ass to master. That was difficult for me. The shame and humiliation was overwhelming. I would not give him complete access. He had complete control and access to everything else. I promise to do better this time. I do not struggle with this for ma'am.

As always: my insignificant breasts remain an embarrassment to those who may want to view my body. Useless and flat, uneven.

MrCharcol 04-06-2018 12:28 AM

I hope it all went well with Master871 and the extra psychological level of knowing that Ma'am has arranged this meeting and that you are submitting to her will by being made to submit to Master871.

useme871 04-06-2018 01:49 AM

reacquainting with master
I had the first meeting with master today and it went well from my perspective. We got reacquainted about D/s, some expectations, basic rules, safe word, why this was being done and the collaborative approach between master and ma'am. This is in no way meant to be punitive but rather a method of development and preparation for ma'am and improvement for the sub. Also, a way to reintroduce master back into things overall.

We both realize that we will not be starting where we left off and that building trust is going to take some time. Master knows he will need to be patient yet firm. He feels that since he is not in a dual role (husband and master) that when I put up resistance he will be able to keep going and not feel like he is betraying his 'wife' or inflicting undue pain on his 'wife'. Anal has always been difficult for me and I need a master who can continue when I tense up, when my muscles constrict, someone who can follow through regardless of what my body is doing. As a husband he was unable to do that- as a single master- he should be able to carry that out.

Today we remained at the kitchen table and had a conversation but also circled back to the body. What my body type entails and how that can be used for humiliation, training, and punishment.

I was asked very directly if I had broken the orgasm denial and I said 'no', which was the truth. That area of my body needs to be examined and touched but there are ways to numb to keep any sensation from happening. Ma'am is firm about denial and that must be respected. There is no time frame for release.

I will be meeting with master on saturday, the tentative plan is to began with a full exam, see how that goes and progress from there. Master may focus on the breasts or we may try the ass or ma'am may request something else including punishment.

Of course during the meeting master felt necessary to comment on the size of the breasts, the lack of breast tissue and how insignificant the sub's breasts remain. This alone will make the sub unappealing to many masters and the sub should be very grateful for the training she receives.

I was then given a tour of the 'room'. I was shown the eye-hooks,bolts and tie down locations, how things are set up and explained how things would work. I understood the process- it is very similar to what master coordinated previously. This made it easy to visualize myself in certain positions and receiving master.

Saturday afternoon should be a positive experience. My insignificant breasts will be there, ready for what master and ma'am have decided.

MrCharcol 04-08-2018 03:05 PM

I was wondering how Saturday went, and if you found out if Ma'am had given him any instructions. Fiddle he comment on your insignificant breasts or your body, was he pleased with how you have maintained your body?

Mr Charcol

useme871 04-10-2018 12:59 AM

A short update
I'm still mentally processing all that happened on Saturday but I wanted to get a small post up. I'm not ready to blog yet.

I went to see master in the late morning, that allowed us close to 3 hrs to get reacquainted, have a discussion and some D/s time. We need to rebuild trust, rebuild a D/s relationship, and see what happens. After a short conversation that both of us wanted to continue, the time frame we had, and both agreed to be comfortable moving forward.

I let master undress me and begin examining me. I was trying to turn my entire body over to him but I was tensing up, I could feel my muscles retracting and pulling away from his every touch. He took the usual measurements and was displeased. I was weighed, there could be a variance due to a different scale. Once I laid down the exam continued and more measurements were taken. My breasts are even more insignificant than previous times. The area between my legs was numbed. I am still on orgasm denial but to continue the exam touching must occur. There needs to be no risk of accidental excitement

Master immediately put nipple stretchers on while my area numbed. I was not to touch the nipple clamps under any circumstances. I could feel my nipples being pulled far away from my body. Once I had no feeling in the appropriate area, master began touching, pulling, opening and looking. He then went for my ass which automatically clamped. Since we are beginning again, he worked the muscles, relaxed the area and patiently waited for results. This was a training session.

At the end of the training my nipples were released and master emptied my breasts. He then took me in my ass.

While I was at Masters house I was able to see the hidden eye-hooks he installed, his leg-spreaders, wrist/ankle cuffs, and other new 'toys' he acquired.

My nipples were still extremely sensitive on Sunday, by Monday night they have almost returned to normal. I did enjoy the new nipple stretching, the sensation was both pain and pulling; something new. I'm not sure how I felt about being numbed. I am still patiently waiting for an orgasm. Being weighed is new. My breasts measured slightly smaller. Making them even more insignificant.

I need more time to mentally process the emotions from the session.

MrCharcol 04-11-2018 12:27 AM

Thank you for such an honest update.

You mentioned being numbed, was that just your very insignificant breasts or also your pussy, and how was this done by applying pain until they were numb or using a medical gel?

I also notice you tend to avoid talking about your cunt, by any name only by implication, is this due to embarrassment? You happily talk about your very small tits, but again being a well brought up lady you use Breasts.

There seems to be a repressive side to you, that tries to ignore the fact you are just Ma'am's chattle to be used for her amusement, embrace your inner slut, it is why you are submissive, as you try to rationalise that these things are being done against your will, but deep down inside you know you crave it.

Mr Charcol

Gmc2500ejw 04-11-2018 08:11 AM

I would like to see these so called insugnifigant breasts as well as the rest of you. Expose yourself to us. Lets see what little milk you can make

useme871 04-22-2018 12:57 AM

I did see master this weekend, I may post an update. I was not able to see him last weekend as I was sick. Tonight I am sore and raw as can be expected. What i can share is we are making progress and I expect in another week or 2 for things to be a full D/s mode again.

Orgasm denial has not been lifted.

My breasts are insignificant and are a disappointment. I should be embarrassed.

useme871 06-09-2018 10:46 PM

My breasts remain insignificant and disappointing. I have not been released from orgasm denial. "life" in general has gotten in the way for both master and myself the past couple months. We both are hoping for some time tomorrow to reconnect and return to D/s. I am going on 5 months with out an orgasm, some days are frustrating, other days I don't even think about it. The goal should remain the same: to offer my ass to master with out hesitation and allow (master) full access to body.

useme871 06-16-2018 04:24 PM

Today (6/16/18) begins a new adventure- I am plugged. This is a huge step, not only allowing Master access to my ass but then closing off my ass on a semi-permanent basis. Quite honestly I was expecting more pain and sensation- starting with a small plug for now. Master ordered 2 complete sets, both with small/medium/large; one being regular and one being 'heavy' weighted. I am going to let this small regular plug stay and see what happens. I do have permission to remove if I become uncomfortable.

For those who may wonder- the 'heavy' set is blue at the bottom, the regular set is light green, orange and light blue based on size.

useme871 07-21-2018 11:45 PM

The ass plugging is going very VERY well. I have been plugged basically every night for five weeks and almost continually from Saturday afternoon until Monday morning. I am allowed a short break in the evening/morning. The distraction of the plug, the internal sensations, the obvious stretching that is taking place; all are intense and pleasurable.

Now if I could focus on my nipples.

jacknickson 07-21-2018 11:58 PM

I have a dice dare for you, since you're already plugged, definitely put the nip clamps on, during the dare

You will need a vibrator, and a timer, and a hairbrush, and a plug or something you can use to plug

Roll 3 dice
Dice 1 - how high to set the vibrator (1-2 = low, 3-4 = medium, 5-6 = high)

Dice 2 - how long you have to keep the vibrator on your special area (take the number you got x5 so if you rolled 4 that's 20 minutes)

Dice 3 - how many times to use the hairbrush to swat the bottom, (1-2 = 10, 3-4 = 20, 5-6 = 30)

plug your bottom before you begin, if you cannot make it through your time without coming, you have to leave the vibrator on your special area till the time runs out, and do 20 swats to your bottom and try again until you complete it.

Good luck and please give a detailed report here!

MrCharcol 07-29-2018 03:58 PM

Very impressive, is your Master going to increase the time length or size of plug? And have you heard from Ma'am recently?

useme871 08-01-2018 12:13 AM

I remain plugged here through the summer and without orgasm. Tonight is a bit different, I will be skipping my 10pm bathroom time and going straight through until the morning. The pressure on my bladder is starting and I have 5-6 hours left.
My time with master is limited so self control is important. I crave the physical demands of master and the evaluations of his eyes and hands.
I am anxiously waiting for a larger plug. The plug is a distraction and the sensations are intense at times. Allowing myself to focus on the plug and the feel the muscle memory taking place is quite an experience.
My breasts are quite insignificant.

useme871 02-16-2019 11:40 PM

My breasts are insignificant. I ended my lactating journey in late 2018. I have disappointing nipples and useless breasts. Its important that I acknowledge how insignificant my breasts are now. Having my chest measured and monitored continually reinforces this fact.

I took a break from being plugged. I had some medical issues towards the end of the year (2018) which lead to the end of lactating. I am slowly regaining a routine and picking up the rules.

One rule I held on to was the bathroom restrictions, along with being naked as much as possible. I felt it very important to keep one part of the routine if I could and my ability to go longer and longer between bathroom privileges continues to improve.

My ass has been plugged all the way to the largest weighted plug but for now I am wearing the medium weighted plug. I am currently not allowed to orgasm or self pleasure.

useme871 02-18-2019 02:44 AM

I am waiting to hear back on what punishment vs discipline will be and when those will be happening.
Master is unhappy with my uncontrolled body reactions. Flinching, pulling away, muscles tightening up, sounds escaping my throat- those are not what master wants. Master demands complete obedience and stillness. My body belongs to Master and is for Master to use. It is disrespectful to have uncontrolled reactions. Master realizes for now this type of behavior needs more training and discipline and does not fall under the guise of 'punishment' but I was told if it continues and corrections are not made then punishment will be discussed.

I do have punishments waiting on other infractions. Master is proud that I am upfront and honest about mistakes and rule breaking but no matter the reason he must enforce the rules and policies we agreed upon. Some examples of things I have done wrong or rules I have broken are: not adhering to the bathroom schedule, not being plugged as agreed upon, not presenting myself to Master (sitting incorrectly), lying, not following a direct order.

My breasts are insignificant and master finds them disappointing and is not pleased. It is important for Master to express his displeasure and for me to acknowledge the useless of my breasts. *this refers to the breast, not the nipple

useme871 02-19-2019 12:58 AM

While my breasts remain insignificant the focus is on my ass. Master is requiring full compliance with access to my ass. Any resistance will result in immediate punishment. My complete body is for Master to use and that includes my ass. As part of this Master wants to begin to monitor the size of my ass and track anal training. By using an anal speculum the diameter and circumference can be found. This process feels very invasive but I must learn that Master has my complete body for use. Just as knowing breast size is important, knowing orifice size is also important.
I was able to provide my ass to master this evening for plug insertion as required.

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